Three is Never a Crowd (BaekChenLay)

One Plus One Equals Three: The BaekChenLay Chronicles

pairing: BaekChenLay
length: 2452 words
A/N: This is my first attempt at writing polyamory, so apologies in advance if it isn't great. There's also a short scene that's all about League of Legends, so feel free to skip that if you're not interested or you're too confused by the game-specific jargon.


“I’m home!”

“I’m in here!”

Yixing uses his nose to follow the delicious aroma of food to the kitchen where Baekhyun is making dinner. The younger male is wearing a blue-and-white checkered apron over his black T-shirt and faded blue jeans, and his pretty hands are currently adding salt to three slabs of fresh steak. A bubbling pot of potato leek soup is on the stove and Yixing deeply inhales the wonderful scent, sighing in satisfaction afterwards.

“Where’s Jongdae?” he asks before walking over to Baekhyun and planting a sweet kiss on the younger male’s thin lips.

Baekhyun smiles into the kiss before pulling away and answering, “Not home yet.” He wipes the salt from his hands with a paper towel as he continues, “He messaged the group chat earlier, saying he had to work overtime to finish up his project. Didn’t you read our texts?”

“Not yet.” Yixing pulls out his cell phone and taps on the messages icon, only to be greeted with a flood of unread texts from the two younger males. “Oh god, do I really want to read all of this?”

“Of course! Besides, we weren’t even talking that long.” Baekhyun then shoos the other male out of the kitchen as he says, “Anyway, I have to cook right now, so stop distracting me and go change into something more comfortable.”

“You don’t like seeing me in my suit?” Yixing grins as he brazenly gestures to his crisp black suit and bright red tie. “I thought you said I look hot whenever I wear this.”

“Shut up.” But a half-smile graces Baekhyun’s face as he tries not to ogle the attractive older man. “I’ll burn your steak if you keep teasing me.”

With a laugh, Yixing steps over to give Baekhyun another kiss and to squeeze his cheek. “I can’t help it. You’re just too adorable.”

The younger male lets out a displeased whine, and pulls Yixing by the collar to kiss him once more before letting him go and pushing him out of the kitchen. A low chuckle escapes Yixing’s lips as he lets Baekhyun propel him towards the winding marble staircase leading up to the master bedroom.


After changing out of his suit into a gray polo shirt and loose soccer pants, Yixing lays down on the couch in the living room with his cell phone in hand. He scrolls all the way to the top of the mass of unread text messages, wondering what the two younger males could have spent a good fifteen minutes talking about when they should have been working.

Kim Jongdae
Just a heads-up, but I’m coming home late today.

Byun Baekhyun
But today is steak night! We’ve been planning this for ages!

Kim Jongdae
I know, but my boss is insisting that our team has to turn in our project proposal by tomorrow afternoon. We already planned to go to the movies tomorrow, so I’d rather finish this tonight instead of rushing it tomorrow morning when I could be sleeping in.

Byun Baekhyun
Can’t you get someone else to cover your part for you? Steak night is important.

Kim Jongdae
So is my job, dummy. I can’t just dump my work on someone else’s shoulders. That’s rude and unprofessional. Not everyone else can work on their own terms like you do.

Byun Baekhyun
What the heck. You always make me do your laundry for you, hypocrite.

Kim Jongdae
That’s because you fold clothing the best out of the three of us. And you have so much more free time than Yixing and I do. It’s not fair.

Byun Baekhyun
That doesn’t mean you can treat me like your slave. Jerk. You’re doing your own laundry from now on.

Kim Jongdae
But Baek, you love me! And I don’t treat you like my slave!

Byun Baekhyun
No, don’t play that card. Yixing is the only one I love now.

Kim Jongdae
Baek! You can’t just dump me like that!

Byun Baekhyun
Yeah, you’re right. I’ll dump you with your dirty laundry, because I’m not doing it for you this week.

Kim Jongdae
Byun Baekhyun! Why you gotta do this to me?!

Byun Baekhyun
Don’t worry, Dae. I’m kidding, haha. Take as long as you need to. Yixing usually comes home later anyway, so I’ll just suffer at home all alone and cook steaks that I’ll eat by myself.

Kim Jongdae
Aw, I’ll work as fast as I can, okay? I miss you a lot.

Byun Baekhyun
I know. I miss you too.

Kim Jongdae
Yixing, if you’re reading this (and not responding, which you need to stop doing, because this is a GROUP chat), I just want to say that I miss you a lot too.

Byun Baekhyun
I miss you more, Yixing. Please don’t let me eat the steaks by myself.

Kim Jongdae
Oh my god, Baek, you’re purposely trying to make me feel guilty so that I come home earlier, aren’t you?

Byun Baekhyun
I will neither confirm nor deny that statement.

Kim Jongdae
Sigh, you’re lucky that I love you.

Byun Baekhyun
Love you too, Dae!

By the time he reaches the end of the conversation, Yixing’s cheeks are sore from smiling so much. Soft giggles escape his mouth whenever the two younger males flirt with each other over text and he shakes his head good-naturedly at their antics. “Is this why you started dinner so late?” he calls to the kitchen where Baekhyun is still cooking. “Hoping that Jongdae will still make it in time for steak night?”

“He loves meat too much to miss it, even if he has to finish his work first,” Baekhyun answers back confidently. “He’s never missed steak night yet and knowing him, he’ll be working three times as fast as he usually does to make it back home in time.”

Yixing hums in agreement as he lifts his right leg up, resting his ankle on his raised left knee. His left hand is under his back of his head and he places his cell phone face down on his stomach. “You sure you don’t need any help, Baek?”

“Actually, there is something you can do. We’re out of ice cream, so can you stop by the convenience store to buy some?”

“Will do!” Yixing swings off of the couch and grabs his keys from the coffee table, tucking them into his pants pocket. “Don’t miss me too much!”

“You know that’s impossible.”

A wide, dimpled smile appears on Yixing’s face as he passes through the front door and locks it behind him.


As soon as Yixing steps through the door with a bagged tub of chocolate chip ice cream in hand, he’s abruptly greeted by someone launching his small body onto the eldest male. “Hey Jongdae,” Yixing affectionately greets as he plants a kiss on the youngest male’s upturned mouth. “Finished your project?”

Jongdae hums in affirmation as he clings onto Yixing and nuzzles the eldest male’s neck. “I didn’t want to skip having dinner with you guys and I missed you a lot too.” He then lifts his head up and shoots an accusing look at Yixing. “You took way too long to buy ice cream! The second I came home, I had to listen to Baekhyun complain about how lonely he was.”

“Liar. You two were probably making out when you got back.” Yixing grins when he sees Jongdae begin to blush. “I knew it.”

“We only made out for a few minutes before Baekhyun shoved me away and said I wasn’t allowed any more kisses for the night,” Jongdae clarifies, his tone high-pitched and whiny. He then blinks up at Yixing, his lower lip jutting out in a slight pout. “But you’ll still give me kisses, right?”

Yixing just laughs and obliges, lightly pecking the youngest male on the lips once more before heading to the kitchen with the ice cream. “I’m back! Is dinner ready?”

“Yeah, I just need to set the table,” Baekhyun says as he finishes plating the slabs of sizzling hot meat.

“It smells delicious,” the eldest male comments as he deeply inhales the wonderful aroma of just-cooked steak. He lightly presses his lips against Baekhyun’s smooth cheek before turning around to place the tub of ice cream in the freezer.

“Of course it does!” Baekhyun beams with pride and picks up two plates. “We’ll have ice cream afterwards while we play League.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“Jongdae!” Baekhyun then hollers. “Help me set the table!”



“No, Chanyeol, save your ult! Don’t use it yet!” Baekhyun screeches into the headset.

“Jongdae, I need back-up!” Yixing yells as he clicks furiously, trying to fend the other team’s Shyvana who has paused in jungling to fire at Caitlyn, who Yixing is playing as ADC.

“I’m too far and I can’t waste my Teleport skill now! Wasn’t Junmyeon in the bot lane with you?”

“He got ambushed by Jinx and Zyra earlier, so he just respawned!” Yixing then curses as Shyvana transforms into a dragon, causing Caitlyn to fly as her health bar lowers.

“Push mid!” Baekhyun shouts, the sound of mouse-clicking suddenly increasing as he directs Ahri to destroy the last remaining turret that lies outside the red team’s base. “Junmyeon, teleport to me and help me kill Annie! She’s by herself right now, so it’s the perfect time to strike!”

Jongdae uses Nidalee to slay Baron Nashor moments after, which causes their team to cheer gleefully now that their stats have been buffed significantly by the monster's defeat. “Forward!” the youngest male roars as Nidalee stops jungling to support Caitlyn, who is shooting Shyvana as quickly as she can.

Within minutes, Chanyeol has managed to score a double kill, defeating both Zyra and Irelia which leaves the top lane clear, while Baekhyun and Junmyeon start hacking at the turrets at the outer edges of the red team’s base. Yixing and Jongdae, who have finally killed Shyvana, direct their characters to reclaim the bottom lane, coming face-to-face with Jinx who is trying to fell one of the blue team’s turrets with the red minions. But she has no chance against Yixing and Jongdae’s teamwork, and quickly dies after failing to escape from their concentrated attacks.

It isn’t long before the pair is able to join the other three at the red team’s base. The inhibitors have been destroyed, so super minions are spawning as a fast rate, and Baekhyun is obliterating the turrets surrounding the red nexus while Junmyeon and Chanyeol fend off the opposing side’s champions who have respawned.

“Baek, look out!” Yixing warns as Shyvana attempts to use her ult again.

Luckily, Baekhyun is a second faster and destroys the nexus just before the attack connects with his character. “We did it!” he shrieks as the Success banner pops up on his computer screen.

The three males jump up from their seats and throw their arms around each other, dancing and shouting with joy for their victory.

“We’re number one!” Jongdae shouts, pumping a fist in the air, and the other two males echo his words just as loudly.


“What time are we planning to wake up tomorrow?” Jongdae asks as he pulls off his dark gray T-shirt and slips into a white tank top.

“Whenever,” Baekhyun carelessly answers as he lies in bed, scrolling through Instagram. “If we accidentally miss the morning showings, we can watch the movie in the afternoon.” He then shoots up from the king-sized bed and says, excitement twinkling in his bright eyes, “Let’s get American-style brunch tomorrow!”

The eldest male nods, since his mouth is full of toothpaste, but remembers that Baekhyun can’t see him while he’s in the bathroom. “I’m down,” Yixing manages to say after spitting and rinsing his mouth with water. “We haven’t had that in a while.”

Baekhyun claps happily and begins searching for places they can eat at tomorrow. Jongdae has finished changing in the meantime and jumps onto the bed, latching onto Baekhyun’s arm and laying his head on the older male’s chest. “Which sounds better: pancakes or waffles?” But before the youngest male can answer, Baekhyun immediately says, “Pancakes, duh. No contest.”

“What the heck!”

Baekhyun arches an eyebrow at Jongdae, who is pouting again and about to whine. “What?”

Without warning, Jongdae quickly moves his face up to peck the older male’s lips and grins cheekily before answering, “I’m going to steal kisses from you if you’re going to pretend I don’t exist.”

Baekhyun’s reply is to grab his pillow and begin whacking the youngest male with it. Yixing is busy washing his face and doesn’t realize what kind of pandemonium is ensuing in the bedroom until Jongdae rushes in and tries to use the eldest male as a human shield.

“I surrender! I surrender!” the youngest male shrieks while Baekhyun laughs evilly and advances menacingly with the pillow in hand.

“You’re not escaping from me tonight, Dae.” Another cackle escapes from Baekhyun’s mouth as he chases Jongdae out of the bathroom.

Yixing pats his face dry and leaves the bathroom as well to see the two younger males now tickling each other on the bed, shrill laughs and squeaks coming from both of them. They’re too preoccupied with each other to notice the eldest male creeping up on them and when he pounces, the laughs and screams drastically increase in volume as the three of them become a tangled mess of limbs.


After kissing each other good night, Yixing reaches over Baekhyun’s head to turn off the lamp before slipping his arms back underneath the blankets and holding the two younger males’ hands.

He wonders how he was lucky enough to meet and fall in love with two beautiful human beings who love him just as much. Curled up in between them, their hearts all beating at the same constant rhythm, Yixing lightly squeezes their clasped hands underneath the blankets. There is no reaction from either Baekhyun or Jongdae, the two of them already fast asleep after expending so much energy during their earlier tickle fight.

Knowing that he should be sleeping as well, Yixing closes his eyes and relaxes his mind, emptying it of thoughts.

Seconds later, just as he’s about to drift off, he feels the two smaller bodies press up even closer against his. Baekhyun burrows his face in the crevice between Yixing’s right arm and the side of his body, centimeters below the oldest male’s armpit, while Jongdae lazily drapes his left arm across Yixing’s broad chest, his fingertips just barely brushing against the edge of Baekhyun’s chin.

Yixing can’t help but smile at how the two younger males instinctively seek for each other, even in their dreams.


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[1+1=3] THANK YOU to the person who advertised this collection!! <3 It came as a complete surprise and I'm so grateful that someone cared enough to promote this, so THANK YOU and I hope everyone enjoys the random scenarios that pop into my head, hehe ^^


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Chapter 170: 🩵🩵
Chapter 169: 😭🩵
Chapter 171: Happy Birthday Baekhyunnie 🩵🎂
Chapter 161: One Wednesday night soon I'm going to go get McDonald's and play Genshin. Even though my HuTao is mad weak 🥲
Chapter 160: A late but Blessed Belated Baek Day. 🩵
Chapter 158: Happy 11th EXOversary!
Chapter 155: 🥰🥰
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Chapter 154: Hope that we get to see ot9 soon.
Chapter 148: Baekhyun doing shots with Yixing, Baekxing just living the moment, regrets be damned ❤
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Chapter 151: Happy birthdae!