Lights Out (BaekChen)

One Plus One Equals Three: The BaekChenLay Chronicles

pairing: BaekChen
length: 913 words

The lights were dim in his room as Chen sat at his desk, staring at a blank sheet of paper. For some reason, he was unable to transcribe the turbulent thoughts that swirled in his head onto the white page. The melody was there, but the words refused to materialize in a coherent manner.

Even though he knew that it was probably better for him to step away from the task in order to allow himself to refuel and recharge, Chen had no intention of letting this spark of inspiration fall into the void. The notes danced around in a loop when he hummed, his vocal cords vibrating with ease. But when he opened his mouth and tried to speak the words in existence, they seemed to die in his throat.

Try as he might to coax them out, the page remained blank and the words remained unsaid.

But if he didn’t try now, the spark would snuff itself out, leaving only pitch-black darkness in its place.

Although he had turned down the lights earlier, trying to lessen the distractions around him, Chen wondered if that had been a mistake. Perhaps the spark had dwindled alongside the room lights, fading like the light of fireflies when dawn arrived. Perhaps the darkness had swallowed it whole, trapping in its cavernous maw from where there was no escape.

Like a broken record, the same piano chords played in his mind. But the tune was just an empty accompaniment without any lyrics to complement.

“You still up?”

Chen jolted in his seat at the sudden question before turning around to see his unexpected visitor.

It was Baekhyun. The older male had quietly cracked open the door, unbeknownst to Chen who had been deep in thought, and his head poked through the doorway. Baekhyun’s warm brown eyes were wide as they stared at Chen. “It’s already past midnight,” the older male quietly added as he stepped in and shut the door behind him.

“Is it?”

Baekhyun nodded. He then crossed the room and stood behind Chen, curiously looking over the younger male’s shoulder. “What’re you doing?”

“Just trying to write another song,” Chen answered. “The company is collecting submissions for our next album and I really want to contribute in any way I can, but maybe I should just leave it to the professionals,” he continued with a defeated sigh, gesturing to the barren page.

“You are a professional,” Baekhyun pointed out, lightly tapping the tip of Chen’s nose with his right pointer finger. “You’ve written so many amazing songs with Lay already and they’ve become fan favorites.”

“That’s because he’s a musical genius,” the younger male said with a fond smile. “I, on the other hand… I’m far from one.”

“Oh my god, that might be the most absurd statement I’ve ever heard in my life.” Baekhyun grabbed Chen’s hands and hauled him up from the chair, leading him to the younger male’s bed. “You probably have the most musical talent out of all of us,” Baekhyun said with a snort as he pulled Chen down onto the soft mattress. “Who else finished a recording session in just one take?”

“That only happened once,” the younger male protested, lightly shoving Baekhyun to the side. “I still need a lot of coaching most of the time. And writing lyrics takes way more effort than singing does.”

“Do you know how many people would kill to have a voice like yours? Myself included?” the older male retorted, propping himself back up with his elbows.

Chen clucked his tongue. “Please, you’ve got a golden voice of your own. Don’t act like you’re not the main vocalist with me.”

“Well, this isn’t about me. This is about you needing a break and actually getting one,” Baekhyun declared as he began fluffing the pillows. “There’s still time before the company starts reviewing songs. You can pick up your pencil tomorrow after you’ve gotten some rest.”

“Are you sleeping here tonight?” Chen asked, raising an eyebrow in amusement while he watched Baekhyun arrange the puffy pillows.

“If I leave now, you’re just gonna stay up all night at your desk and we can’t have that happening,” the older male answered simply.

Knowing that Baekhyun wouldn’t budge, Chen let out a low chuckle and said, “Alright, alright, I get it. Let me turn off the lights first.”

Once the room was plunged into the darkness and the younger male had crawled back into bed, Baekhyun leaned his back against the headboard and guided Chen’s head to his lap. “Things will be better in the morning,” he murmured, his thin fingers through the younger male’s soft black locks. “Your head might be in a fog now, but it’ll clear soon.”

Baekhyun continued whispering, his warm voice covering Chen like a blanket, and the younger male allowed his eyes to close as he listened.

Soon, Baekhyun’s words took on a lyrical quality as they floated through his mind. Just like a lullaby.

When Chen woke up the next morning, Baekhyun’s arms were wrapped tightly around him and the older male’s lips were just centimeters away from his right cheek. Baekhyun’s breathing was even and soft, his chest rising and falling in a steady tempo.

Chen tenderly gazed down at him for several minutes before closing his eyes and throwing the duvet over their heads so that they were completely cocooned in warmth.

Although the lights were still out, the emptiness was no longer there.


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[1+1=3] THANK YOU to the person who advertised this collection!! <3 It came as a complete surprise and I'm so grateful that someone cared enough to promote this, so THANK YOU and I hope everyone enjoys the random scenarios that pop into my head, hehe ^^


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