Boyfriend Tag (BaekChen)

One Plus One Equals Three: The BaekChenLay Chronicles

pairing: BaekChen
length: 1775 words

“Hi guys! Back for some more Bacon Bits?” The smiley Korean boy held up a peace sign to the lens of the camera set up on a tripod in the middle of his spacious bedroom. “First off, I just want to say THANK YOU for helping me reach one million subscribers! I can’t believe that so many of you enjoy watching me talk about life through my weekly vlogs!” Baekhyun faked smooching the camera lens while pretending to hug his imaginary viewers. “Now, as I promised for reaching this milestone, I am going to finally introduce you guys to someone you all have caught hints of in my vlogs.” He turned his head and looked off into the distance, out of the scope of the camera’s view. “Get in here!”

“Baek, this is stupid.”

“Shush. You promised already.” Baekhyun stood up and walked over to the side of the room, grabbing onto a thin arm and tugging it towards his bed that was centered against the wall facing the camera. A small, skinny male with an angled face, sharp features, and bow-shaped lips reluctantly came into view as he was pulled by the energetic vlogger onto the bed. “Everyone, this is my boyfriend, Kim Jongdae. But I call him Chen, because that sounds cuter than Jongdae does.” Baekhyun nudged the other male to face the camera and hissed, “Introduce yourself.”

“But you already introduced me!” Chen protested, warily side-eyeing the camera, its red light blinking every few seconds to signal that it was recording.

“Just do it!”

Chen grumbled as he turned towards the camera lens and spoke in a deadpan voice, “Hi. I’m Chen and—”


God, he regretted ever agreeing to this silly request. With the ends of his mouth just barely turned up, Chen continued, “And I’m the boyfriend of this idiot who runs the Bacon Bits channel.”

Baekhyun threw his head back and cackled loudly. “Isn’t he so funny, guys?” The older male leaned forward to pinch his boyfriend’s cheeks, saying in a high-pitched, baby-like tone, “You’re so adorable, Chen.” Once he let go of his boyfriend, who rubbed his poor abused cheeks, Baekhyun turned back to the camera and exclaimed, “And we’re here to do the Boyfriend Tag! Ready, Chen?”

“I mean, I guess.”

Baekhyun twisted his body to reach for his laptop, which was sitting on the end of his bed where his pillow was, and grabbed it. Setting it in front of the two, the vlogger pulled up a list of questions and zoomed in to enlarge the text on the screen for easy reading. “Okay. First question. How long have we been together?”

“Five years,” Chen answered promptly. “I’ve been stuck with this dork for five long years.”

“You mean, you’ve been happily together with the most amazing man on Earth,” Baekhyun corrected with a pout. The younger male only responded by flicking his boyfriend’s forehead, causing the vlogger to yelp from the resulting sting. “Next, what were our first impressions of each other?”

“You were so loud and obnoxious in class,” Chen recalled, snickering as memories of their high school days flashed by. “And you were the biggest troublemaker on campus.”

Baekhyun immediately began waving his hands, as if to slap away the younger male’s accusations. “I was a good kid! Guys, don’t listen to him! I swear I was a model student!”

“Whatever you say, buddy.”

“Well, you were boring and nerdy,” Baekhyun shot back, not wanting to give in on camera. “You barely talked to anyone. How else was I supposed to get your attention if I wasn’t ‘loud and obnoxious’?” he pointed out, holding up air quotes as he repeated the last three words.

“Aw, that’s sweet,” Chen cooed with a triumphant grin. “You guys heard him. He liked me first.”

Baekhyun’s ears instantly turned red as he turned back to focus on the laptop screen. “Describe each other in three words.”

“Easy.” Chen held up three fingers and tapped each one with his other hand as he listed off the traits. “Whiny, outgoing, and cute.”

“And you’re stubborn, hardworking, and cute as well.” Baekhyun beamed as Chen scooted closer to lean his head against the older male's shoulder. “What’s the sweetest thing we’ve done for each other?” Baekhyun read, lacing their fingers together as their hands rested on the younger male’s knee.

“Whenever you make breakfast in bed for me,” Chen answered, the ends of his eyes crinkling up as he smiled. “Baek hates cooking, but on the rare occasion that he does, he’ll get up early to make breakfast for me if I have an important meeting that day,” he explained to the camera, now feeling more at ease with being recorded.

“And I really appreciate that one time during freshman year of college when I forgot my lab notebook. You ran across the entire campus to get it to me right as lab started, so I didn’t lose ten percent of my grade that day,” the vlogger said fondly, lightly poking Chen’s cheek. “What’s an animal the other person resembles?” This time, Baekhyun answered first, shouting, “Dinosaur!” before Chen could even react.

“Wow, I was going to say you look like a puppy since I’m a nice boyfriend, unlike you.”

“Dinosaurs can be cute,” Baekhyun replied, throwing his arms around the disgruntled younger male and hugging him tightly in an attempt to comfort his shattered self-image. “And you’re the most adorable dinosaur that has ever existed.”

A light pink tinge graced the younger male’s cheeks as Chen looked at the screen and read off the next question instead, since Baekhyun was too busy clinging onto him. “Ooh, I like this one,” he stated with a smirk. “What pisses off the other person?”

“Oh, Chen HATES it when someone talks down to him and mentions how short he is,” Baekhyun giggled, trying to escape the deadly glares that his boyfriend was sending his way.

“And Baek hates it when someone tickles him,” Chen declared as he began his revenge attack, running his fingers all over the vlogger’s slender body, causing Baekhyun to squeal as he squirmed on the bed and rumpled the previously neatly made blankets underneath him.

“S-stop,” the older male gasped out once the intensity level of the tickles became too much for him to handle. Chen obliged while smugly smiling as he watched Baekhyun’s chest move up and down, the older male trying to catching his breath. Once his heart rate had decreased and normalized, the vlogger scrolled down to the next question. “What are three things we’re good at and three things we’re bad at?”

“You’re absolute rubbish at being on time,” Chen immediately said, snorting as he thought of all of the times he had been forced to hurry the vlogger out of the house so that they wouldn’t miss a flight or an appointment. “You get lost easily and you’re pretty forgetful.”

Baekhyun frowned when only negative words came out of the younger male’s mouth. “What about the things I’m good at?! You should’ve started with those first!” he whined while lightly hitting Chen’s thighs.

“Okay, fine.” The younger male sighed at his boyfriend’s childishness. “You’re very attentive when it comes to your personal projects, like the Bacon Bits channel, and you’re really good at cinematography in general. And you’ve got a great sense of style. I don’t know anyone who dresses as well as you do.”

The vlogger grinned, basking in the compliments that his boyfriend was showering him with. “I’m going to start off with the stuff you’re bad at first since that’s what you did to me.”

“It was part of the question!”

“No excuses. Anyway,” Baekhyun started, holding up a fist so he could unfurl his fingers as he began his list, “Chen is super lazy when it comes to physical activity, he can’t kill bugs because he’s deathly afraid of them, and he’s probably the worst person to ask for anything tech-related.”

“Gee, thanks.”

Baekhyun held up a finger to Chen’s lips, stopping him from speaking any further. “But you are really good at puzzles, your handwriting is really pretty, and you make the best cupcakes anyone will ever have the pleasure of eating.”

Chen sent his boyfriend a lopsided smile and laughed as he said, “Glad to know I’m not completely incompetent.”

“Of course you aren’t,” the vlogger stated with a wide smile as he continued scrolling through the list of questions. “What’s our favorite feature of each other?” Baekhyun feasted his eyes on his boyfriend before starting, “Honestly, there are too many parts to you that I love. I can’t choose just one.”

“Oh really?” Chen raised an eyebrow at the statement as if daring the older male to back up his words.

Baekhyun nodded. “Like your silky hair.” He lightly kissed the top of Chen’s head. 

“Your cute, round ears.” Baekhyun kissed the top ridge of both ears. 

“Your dazzling, beautiful eyes and long eyelashes.” Baekhyun’s lips barely brushed over both eyelids.

“Your straight, button nose.” Baekhyun pecked the tip of Chen’s nose.

“Your prominent cheekbones.” Baekhyun placed a chaste kiss on each cheek.

“Your defined jaw line.” Baekyhun’s lips skimmed along the side of Chen’s face, sending a tickling sensation throughout the younger male’s body.

“And your utterly gorgeous lips that curve up perfectly at the ends,” Baekhyun whispered before latching onto that last feature, devouring what was rightfully his.


“Are you still going to put this up?” Chen asked, sitting up straight while sliding a finger across his moist lips.

Baekhyun was laying on his back, sprawled on the messy bed covers. “Of course. Can’t disappoint my viewers.”

“I would rather not have a video of us making out on the Internet for a million people to see.”

“Then I guess we’ll just have to record the video again, won’t we?” Baekhyun winked at his boyfriend, smiling wickedly.

Chen groaned, slumping forward onto the bed and into Baekhyun’s open arms. They shifted their bodies so that they were laying on their sides, facing each other. As the older male affectionately nibbled on his ear, Chen gave his boyfriend a look and said, “I better be compensated for this. My time is very valuable, you know.”

“How about some more kisses? I have to give back the ten I stole, don’t I?”

Chen decided that form of payment was good enough for now. After all, he wasn’t one to pass up free kisses. Especially if they were from the love of his life. “I accept your offer, Mr. Byun,” he answered with a grin before swooping in for the first of many heartfelt kisses.


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[1+1=3] THANK YOU to the person who advertised this collection!! <3 It came as a complete surprise and I'm so grateful that someone cared enough to promote this, so THANK YOU and I hope everyone enjoys the random scenarios that pop into my head, hehe ^^


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Chapter 170: 🩵🩵
Chapter 169: 😭🩵
Chapter 171: Happy Birthday Baekhyunnie 🩵🎂
Chapter 161: One Wednesday night soon I'm going to go get McDonald's and play Genshin. Even though my HuTao is mad weak 🥲
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Chapter 154: Hope that we get to see ot9 soon.
Chapter 148: Baekhyun doing shots with Yixing, Baekxing just living the moment, regrets be damned ❤
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