Rather Be (BaekChen)

One Plus One Equals Three: The BaekChenLay Chronicles

pairing: BaekChen
length: 3581 words

The train had been running off-schedule all day, causing Chen to reach the park about half an hour later than he usually did on Saturday. He was already frazzled from having to deal with helping his roommate, Tao, look for his misplaced passport and quickly shuttle him to the airport so that he wouldn’t miss his morning flight to Kyoto. And there had been a million errands to run after dropping off Tao at the airport, which hadn’t alleviated Chen’s rising stress levels whatsoever.

But now that he was finally at the park, he could feel himself slowly begin to relax as he deeply inhaled the fresh, crisp air through his nostrils. The soft, melodic twittering of the tiny birds that glided above him helped ease Chen into a more peaceful state of mind and there was a cheerful bounce to his step as he walked along the familiar dirt paths. The farther into the park he walked, the more people he passed, which caused him to smile in anticipation.

Chen soon reached the center of the park, which was filled with dozens of people, and he was about to make a beeline for the giant cherry tree in the middle when he noticed that there was a crowd gathered around the area. He hadn’t set up to perform yet, but there was clearly an audience already present without him. Taking off his black bowler hat, Chen slowly walked towards the crowd to see what the commotion was about.

Within seconds, the beautiful, clear sound of a violin being played drifted into his ears. He recognized the song to be Spring from Antonio Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. A relatively simple song, arguably the easiest of the four movements, but it sounded so hauntingly beautiful right now. The depth of emotion that was being conveyed made Chen completely forget about his hectic morning. While there was still a touch of light-heartedness to the song, there was also something deeper about the performance that made him feel as if he were wading endlessly through deep water.

His small stature made it easy for Chen to weave his way through the jam-packed crowd and he finally found himself at the front of the mass of people. Standing in front of the cherry tree was a thin man who was playing a pure white violin. The man had pitch-black hair with side-swept bangs, and was wearing a black suit vest over a white button-up shirt and a pair of black slacks. A light gray newsboy cap sat atop his head and a pair of sleek black leather dress shoes was on his feet.

His slender fingers flew over the neck of the violin and vibrated with such intensity that it looked like they were in perpetual motion. The man’s eyes were closed as he swayed to the music; he seemed to be alone in his own world, unaware of the dozens of strangers staring in amazement at him. Chen felt like he was intruding on a very private performance, but he couldn’t tear his gaze away from the striking violinist. The small cherry blossom buds on the tips of the tree branches added accents of pastel pink and green to the beautiful scene.

What a stunning picture.

When the song finally came to an end, the audience roared with applause and the man finally opened his eyes, slightly startled to see so many people surrounding him. He sent them all a small smile and bowed politely to everyone who came forward to drop money into his open violin case. Chen wasn’t even angry that this man had “stolen” his viewers, because that performance had been worth more than its weight in gold.

Although the audience clamored for an encore performance, the man slightly shook his head and bowed once more before crouching down to place his violin back in its case. So the crowd gradually dispersed until it was only Chen and the violinist.

“That was a great performance.”

The man slightly jumped as he turned and looked up at Chen, who was grinning brightly. With a nervous expression, he nodded and turned back to his violin case.

“I’ve never seen you around before. I usually perform here on Saturday afternoons, but it looks like you beat me to it today.”

But there was no response from the man, who was carefully placing his bow in the upper section of the violin case.

“Um, am I bothering you? If I am, then I can totally leave.”

The man clicked the rectangular violin case shut and balanced it against the brick wall that surrounded the cherry tree. He then took out a large sketchbook from the top compartment of the case that Chen had initially thought was a book of sheet music. After grabbing a pen from his vest pocket, the man flipped the sketchbook open and quickly scribbled something onto a new page before turning it towards Chen.

You’re not bothering me.

“Oh, okay.” Chen was taken aback by the response method. “I’m, uh, glad to hear that.”

The man wrote something else right underneath and showed it to Chen with his right eyebrow raised.

But you didn’t hear that.

“Yeah, I guess I didn’t,” Chen agreed slowly, unsure of why the man would make that clarification.

Of course you didn’t. I didn’t say anything for you to hear.

Chen didn’t know how to respond. He was too baffled by how strange and straightforward this man actually was.

I can’t talk. I’m mute, the man wrote after seeing how Chen had ironically been rendered speechless.


Well, it looks like I’m not worthy enough to hold a conversation with anymore.

A wry smile appeared on the man’s face after he showed the latest message to Chen. He then tucked the sketchbook under his left arm and reached out with his right arm to pick up his violin case.

But before he could walk away, Chen snapped himself out of his temporary stupor and exclaimed, “Wait! That’s not it!”

The man raised his eyebrow again as he looked at Chen. His strong gaze seemed to say, Then what?

“I don’t mean to be rude. I’ve just never met a mute person before, so I’m not sure what to say,” Chen explained hastily.

Well, whatever you say will be much more interesting than what comes out of my mouth, so I wouldn’t worry too much if I were you.

“Yeah…” Chen laughed nervously, once again at a loss on how to respond to this man’s dry humor.

Sorry. I couldn’t resist. I don’t get to joke around like this with people very often.

A kind smile now adorned the man’s face and he gestured to the brick wall. Chen took that as a sign to sit down and duly followed the violinist’s instruction.

You said that you perform here too?

Chen nodded, his chest slightly puffed up with pride. “I’m a vocalist. I’ve been performing here every Saturday afternoon for the past three years. I enjoy busking for fun and it’s also an easy way for me to make some extra money when I don’t get booked for enough official gigs.”

Sorry for encroaching on your territory. I just moved to the city and I thought I’d practice here for the afternoon. I wasn’t expecting such a big crowd to gather around, to be honest.

“Nah, don’t apologize. I don’t own this place,” Chen replied, gesturing to the cherry tree behind them. “Anyone is free to busk here whenever they’d like to. I guess I’m just so used to coming to this specific spot at this specific time that I was surprised to see another person perform here instead.” Realizing that he had been referring to the violinist as “the man” in his head the entire time, Chen asked him for his name.

I’m Byun Baekhyun. Who are you?

“I’m Chen.”

That doesn’t sound Korean. Are you a foreigner?

Chen laughed as he shook his head and clarified, “My real name is Kim Jongdae. Chen is my stage name and what most people know me by. I think only my friends from high school know me as Jongdae. I honestly haven’t used that name in so long.”

Very interesting. There was a slight pause before Baekhyun added with a wide smile, My impression of you is improving greatly as our conversation continues.

“That’s good to hear,” the vocalist answered bashfully while scratching the back of his neck. “I was worried for a bit that you hated me or something.”

Don’t worry. I hold no such sentiments towards you. So why did you approach me? Do you hit on every stranger you meet?

“No, of course not!”

Baekhyun noiselessly laughed when a bright red blush spread across Chen’s high cheekbones.

I kid. But seriously, to what do I owe the honor of your presence, my good sir?

The blush didn’t disappear, but the vocalist managed to keep his composure for the most part as he answered while twiddling his thumbs on his lap, “I guess I was just intrigued and wanted to get to know you, since I was so entranced by your performance.” It had been a spur-of-the-moment decision, which he didn’t regret at all. Baekhyun’s smile was just as beautiful as his violin playing. “You’re the best violinist I’ve ever listened to.”

Thank you. I would say the same to you, except I can’t talk and I don’t think you know how to play the violin. Do you?

Chen shook his head. “I know how to play the piano, since it’s nice to have an instrument accompany me when I sing sometimes. My roommate also tried to teach me how to play the guitar, but I’m pretty rubbish at it.”

Not everyone can tame the stringed beasts. It’s a talent that only a few are gifted with.

“Such as yourself?” Chen teased, becoming accustomed to the violinist’s humor now that it was less sarcastic and more playful.

Baekhyun grinned, seeing how the vocalist was much more at ease with him now. It was nice being able to comfortably converse with someone like this. He couldn’t remember the last time someone had treated him so normally.

The two continued to banter with each other and Chen discovered a lot about Baekhyun. How he had begun learning the violin from the tender age of four. How he had been praised as a musical genius and had been invited to various competitions throughout elementary school. How he had been in a near-fatal car crash on his way to a national strings competition when he was just ten years old. How he had suffered brain trauma in Broca’s area, which completely changed his life by depriving him of the ability to speak. How he had grown up dealing with his new disability by painstakingly perfecting his violin-playing skills until the instrument had become an extension of himself.

It’s the only way for me to communicate now. Luckily, music is a universal language and I’m very grateful to be able to speak with my violin.

Even though the violinist was trying to convey a cheerful tone in his writing, Chen could see the sadness swirling in Baekhyun’s dark brown eyes. The vocalist couldn’t imagine the psychological trauma that came with such a tragic loss, especially since his voice was epitome of his life. Without a voice, Chen was essentially nothing.

It’s not the worst thing that could’ve happened to me, Baekhyun wrote to reassure his new friend. At least I’m still able to play the violin. If my arms had been paralyzed instead, I would have nothing. While I wish I still had my voice, I’d take this outcome over the possible loss of my arms any day. Now enough about me. How is it being a professional vocalist?

So Chen joyfully regaled Baekhyun with tale after tale of his journey towards becoming an acclaimed singer. How he had auditioned for dozens of entertainment labels and was accepted by a fair number of them. How he had finally chosen to sign with a small company that allowed him the freedom to choose which gigs he wanted, as long as he fulfilled a certain quota each month.

Wait, I thought one of the reasons you started busking was to make extra money? It sounds like you can pick up a few more gigs that you’re offered instead of having to busk.

“That’s true, but I don’t like every job that I’m offered,” Chen explained. “Singing in nightclubs gets boring very quickly if you’re doing it multiple times a week. I’d rather spend my time doing something more worthwhile, like auditioning for musicals or performing on music shows. So sometimes, I have to take smaller gigs that don’t pay as well if I want to fulfill my monthly quota. Not that I mind. Someone has to take the small jobs and they’re sometimes more interesting than what I’m usually offered.”

Ah, I see. Do continue.

They talked and talked for ages. It wasn’t until the sun began to set that the violinist motioned for Chen to pause in his anecdote about performing in a musical last spring.

It’s getting late. I should get home before it gets dark. Nighttime isn’t as kind to the mute as it is to the blind.

“Do you want me to walk you home?” Chen offered.

I could make a biting remark about how I’m mute, not immobile, but I appreciate the offer so I won’t.

The vocalist laughed as he asked, “So is that a yes or a no?”

Yes, I would very much appreciate your company to my humble home.

Baekhyun stood up and picked up his violin case with his left hand before holding out his right arm for Chen to take. The vocalist smiled joyfully as he hooked his arm around the other male’s arm. They walked in comfortable silence out of the park and to Baekhyun’s apartment, which was about fifteen minutes away.

When they arrived at the violinist’s front door, Baekhyun was about to enter his residence when Chen stopped him by suddenly placing a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, I was wondering if you’d like to busk with me next Saturday. That is, if you’re not busy,” he added shyly. He was rewarded with an eager nod from the violinist, who then gestured to the inside of his home. “Oh, are you sure it’s okay?”

Baekhyun looked at him in exasperation, as if to say, Why else would I offer, doofus?

Once they were inside and sitting in the violinist’s living room, Baekhyun pulled out his sketchbook again and began writing down his next thought.

So what should we perform? I’ve never played with another person before.

That was a good question. Chen honestly hadn’t had a plan when he had proposed the idea, but he seemed to be making a substantial number of decisions on the fly today. “Do you play any other genres aside from classical?”

Not really. I’ve never had to, but I’m open to trying something new. Might as well go all the way, right?

“There’s actually a very popular song that would work well as a violin and vocal duet. I’ve wanted to perform it for a while now, but I haven’t had the chance to yet.” Chen pulled up the song on his phone and played it for Baekhyun, who listened attentively.

Once the song concluded, he wrote, You can speak English too?

“I took English classes starting from middle school and I studied abroad in the United States for two years. I’m not amazing, but decent enough to comfortably sing in the language.”

I am thoroughly impressed, although I’m generally impressed by anyone who can speak more than I can.

Chen shook his head in mock exasperation at Baekhyun’s sarcastic humor.

Seriously, though. It’s very cool that you can speak and sing in English. The song is really catchy too. I like it a lot.

“So you’d be down to play this with me next weekend?” the vocalist asked excitedly, his eyes shining with hope.

Why not? It’ll be good for me to add some pop music to my repertoire. I can’t always be playing music written by ancient old men. But I’ll never turn down a chance to play something from Beethoven. He’s my spirit animal.

Chen burst out laughing before finally pulling himself together and searching for the sheet music so that Baekhyun could practice the song.

They practiced for about an hour, during which the vocalist learned the extent of Baekhyun’s musical genius. He was able to sight-read the piece almost perfectly, barring one or two mistakes as he familiarized himself with the rhythm. By the fifth play-through, the same depth that Chen had felt in Baekhyun’s performance at the park had returned to augment this song as well. It was incredible how the violinist was able to immerse himself completely in the music, regardless of the genre.

It only got better when they practiced together. Baekhyun had stared wide-eyed at the vocalist upon hearing Chen sing for the first time.

Wow. You’re amazing.

He didn’t admit it out loud, but hearing that simple yet sincere compliment made Chen feel as if he were soaring through the sky. Baekhyun’s words meant more to him than any other praise he had ever received throughout his career.

Although he didn’t want to, Chen eventually had to force himself off of the living room couch. It was already evening and he was a long way from home. The train also didn’t run as often at night, so if he wanted to return home at a relatively normal hour, he had to leave now. Baekhyun kindly escorted him to the front door and sent him off on his next journey.

“So next Saturday at two o’clock?” Chen called over his shoulder.

Baekhyun nodded, waving to the vocalist as he walked away to catch the next train home.


Chen dashed off of the train, running as if his life depended on it.

Once again, Tao was the cause of unnecessary stress that marred what should be an otherwise wonderful day. His roommate had returned from his trip to Kyoto, but it seemed like he had neglected to bring back his common sense with him as well. Thanks to Tao, there was now a broken front window with orange paint splashed all over the floor. He had brilliantly decided that it was a good idea to demonstrate how to fire one of the Japanese anti-crime paintballs that he had bought and had chosen their front window as his target.

So Chen had been forced to call a handyman on short notice, since he couldn’t leave his house exposed with a missing front window. Once he had ensured that the handyman knew what he was doing, with Tao “supervising” him, the vocalist had bolted out of the house to race against time. He didn’t want Baekhyun to wait by himself at the cherry tree and think he had gotten stood up, especially when the collaboration had been Chen’s idea in the first place.

When he finally arrived, ten minutes past two, he sputtered out an apology in between ragged breaths. “Roommate…paintball…handyman…repair…window…”

Whoa, slow down. You’re making just about as much sense as a mute person trying to speak.

Once Chen was finally able to compose himself, he turned to the violinist, who was watching him in amusement, and said, “Okay, I’m fine now. Sorry. Are you ready?”

I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. We’ve only practiced this once together, so how badly can it go?

“You’re ever the optimist, Baekhyun,” the vocalist commented with a chuckle.

One of us has to keep us grounded and it doesn’t seem like it can be you, seeing as how you practically flew into the park earlier.

With that, Baekhyun shut his sketchbook and tucked it in the top pocket of his violin case before taking out his precious white instrument. After swiping his bow through the rosin several times, he held up the violin and securely clamped it between his chin and his left shoulder. He nodded to Chen before gliding his bow across the A string for the first beautiful, clear note of many.

As Chen began to sing, the combination of his melodious voice with Baekhyun’s harmonious violin playing brought passerby towards them like buzzing bees to sweet honey. But he didn’t notice their growing audience at all. The entire time, the vocalist kept his gaze trained on Baekhyun, who was moving his body along with the upbeat music as he played his heart out.

Emotions poured out of them as they performed together. Chen belted out the notes as he began dancing along with Baekhyun, eyes sparkling and smiles beaming. He had never had so much fun while busking before. The audience was merrily feeling the music flow through their bodies as well, causing the duo to unconsciously amp up their performance even more.

This was the purest form of music. This unadulterated joy of two people giving their all as they performed together was the embodiment of what music should be.

The newly bloomed cherry blossoms also drifted down around them, some falling on top of an unsuspecting Baekhyun who was playing with his eyes closed again.

It was truly a beautiful moment.

Chen had never felt so happy in his life before.

♪ When I am with you, there’s no place I’d rather be ♪


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[1+1=3] THANK YOU to the person who advertised this collection!! <3 It came as a complete surprise and I'm so grateful that someone cared enough to promote this, so THANK YOU and I hope everyone enjoys the random scenarios that pop into my head, hehe ^^


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Chapter 170: 🩵🩵
Chapter 169: 😭🩵
Chapter 171: Happy Birthday Baekhyunnie 🩵🎂
Chapter 161: One Wednesday night soon I'm going to go get McDonald's and play Genshin. Even though my HuTao is mad weak 🥲
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Chapter 154: Hope that we get to see ot9 soon.
Chapter 148: Baekhyun doing shots with Yixing, Baekxing just living the moment, regrets be damned ❤
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Chapter 151: Happy birthdae!