Among Us (BaekChenLay)

One Plus One Equals Three: The BaekChenLay Chronicles

pairing: BaekChenLay
length: 4853 words
A/N: This is based off of Among Us, which is a multiplayer social deduction game that recently blew up and I highly recommend you all check out if you don't know anything about it. I've been obsessed with this game for the past month, and all of my free time is spent watching streams and highlight videos on Youtube. Just to note, if you do play the game, these are not "big brain" strats! They're relatively simple since a big part of the game is the unpredictability of each player's movements, choices, and lies. And I'm definitely not "big brain" enough to create extremely complex plays without it feeling forced. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
Part Two: Among Us Mods
Part Three: Among Us - Town of Us


“Hey guys,” Yixing greeted when he joined the voice channel on the Discord server that he and his friends used to communicate while gaming with each other. “Is everyone here yet?”

“Yeah, we were just waiting for you, slowpoke,” Baekhyun teased.

“Sorry, I had to finish up some work earlier. But I’m here now!” the Chinese male said brightly.

“Who wants to host the game and create the lobby?” Chanyeol asked.

“I’ll do it,” Yixing offered as he opened up the game, clicked Online, and then clicked Host Game. “We’re playing on the Skeld map, right?” he asked as he changed the option to two Impostors and nine maximum players.

“Yup, we can switch to Polus later tonight,” Minseok said.

Once he pressed Confirm, Yixing’s red character named Potato popped into the spaceship lobby. His avatar wore a red beanie and the winter gear skin. “I’m pasting the room code in the Discord chat right now,” the Chinese male reported as he quickly typed QRFCGR and pressed Enter. “Okay, there it is.”

Within moments, all of his friends entered the lobby as he adjusted the game settings. As a joke, they had all named themselves after breakfast foods.

Baekhyun as Bacon was the black avatar wearing a plunger on its head and a white suit. He was currently running around the lobby room with the blue character who was wearing a banana hat and the mechanic skin, controlled by Jongdae or Bread. Junmyeon, the purple avatar known as Muffin who was wearing a hard hat and the astronaut skin, and Chanyeol, the orange avatar known as Cereal who was wearing a Viking hat and a black suit, were trying to stack on top of each other. Minseok, Kyungsoo, and Sehun’s characters were standing in a line, pretending to ride an escalator caused by the vibrations in the lobby room. At the front of the line was the green character wearing a red-and-blue balloon on its head and the wall guard suit skin, controlled by Minseok or Donut; in the middle was the white character wearing an eyeball lamp on its head and the captain skin, controlled by Kyungsoo or Egg; and at the end of the line was the yellow character wearing the captain hat and the miner gear skin, controlled by Sehun or Cheese. Jongin as Sausage was the brown avatar wearing a caution sign hat and the military skin, and he just stood to the side and watched the chaos that unfolded in the lobby room.

Yixing finished changing the game settings and exited out of the Customization menu. “Is everyone ready?”

“Let’s play!” Jongdae cheered.

“Remember to mute,” Kyungsoo said, causing everyone to turn off their microphones.

With that, Yixing pressed Start and his screen changed. At the top read Crewmate in light blue and right underneath was the phrase, “There are 2 Impostors among us.” The Chinese male let out a small sigh and relaxed in his seat. Being Impostor was always a stressful ordeal and not one he wanted to deal with right at the start.

They all landed in the Cafeteria and Potato made his way to the Reactor room to complete his first short task, which was unlocking the manifolds. He knew it was risky to go off alone, but he figured he would try to finish his tasks as quickly as possible and then camp the cameras at the Security room. Suddenly, the lights went out, so Potato left the Reactor room and began making his way through the dark to the Electrical room. However, as soon as he arrived, red splashed across his screen with an image of the fallen brown character and the words, “Dead body reported,” directly underneath.

Everyone was transported back to the Cafeteria to begin the Emergency Meeting. The Megaphone, indicating who had reported the body, was next to Cheese’s name and icon.

“So, Cereal, wanna explain yourself?” Sehun smugly asked once they un-muted themselves.

“Wait, what happened?” Jongdae interjected before Chanyeol could. “Where’s the body?”

Cheese killed Sausage in front of me and then tried to vent!” Chanyeol cried out.

“How could I self-report if I was trying to vent?” Sehun retorted. “What actually happened is that Cereal killed Sausage in Navigation and I caught him venting away from the scene of the crime.”

“Are you sure it was Cereal?” Baekhyun curiously asked.

“Yeah, I’m like ninety percent sure it was Orange,” Sehun answered. He then paused for a moment before adding, “Although I suppose it could’ve also been Red.”

Yixing immediately bristled at the accusation. “There’s no way it was me! I was doing a task in Reactor and then walked to Electrical when lights were cut.”

“Can anyone confirm that?” Baekhyun asked.

“I can,” Kyungsoo piped up. “Well, I can confirm that he went into Reactor at the beginning, since I went into Security for a bit. But I don’t know if he stayed in Reactor or vented out.”

“I don’t think the vents in Reactor go to Navigation though,” Minseok pointed out. “If Potato was at the left side, I think he’s safe.”

Yixing let out a sigh of relief, now that his name was cleared. “It has to be Cereal then, if Cheese either saw Orange or Red.”

“Why are you guys not considering that Cheese self-reported, because I caught him instead?” Chanyeol argued. “You guys are just piling onto me for no reason!”

“Okay, then where were you, Cereal?” Baekhyun asked.

“I was emptying the chute in O2 and on my way to Storage, I decided to check Navigation and that’s when I saw Cheese murder Sausage with his bare hands,” Chanyeol replied. “I’m voting for him. Screw you guys.”

“Well, I’m voting for Cereal. You guys are making a huge mistake if you vote me out,” Sehun said as he also cast his vote.

“I’m voting for Cereal, because I know I’m innocent,” Yixing said as he clicked on Chanyeol’s character panel.

Cheese’s argument sounded way stronger to me,” Jongdae agreed. “Why would he self-report so early in the game?”

“Because I didn’t, duh,” Sehun answered.

After the voting phase ended, the results were shown. Baekhyun, Junmyeon, and Minseok opted to skip voting. Chanyeol was the only one who voted for Cheese. Meanwhile, Yixing, Jongdae, Kyungsoo, and Sehun voted for Cereal.

“Why did you vote me out, Kyungsoo?” Chanyeol cried as the phrase, “Cereal was ejected,” appeared on screen with the orange avatar floating into space.

“I thought it’d be funny,” Kyungsoo deadpanned before they all muted themselves again.

Relieved to have survived the lynching, especially since he had been put on the chopping block, Potato headed south and then turned left to enter the Electrical room, where his next short task was. After he diverted the power, he walked out of the room and headed right to the Navigation room. There, he accepted the diverted power and the green task bar inched closer to the right. Upon checking his task list, Potato decided to walk up to the Weapons room to clear twenty asteroids.

However, a blue corpse lay on the floor in the middle of the room and Potato hastily clicked the Report button to start the next Emergency Meeting.

“I just walked into Weapons from Navigation and I found Bread’s dead body there,” Yixing said as soon as the meeting started. “I don’t know how long he’s been dead for, so does anyone know who was with him?”

“I was with Egg in Admin,” Baekhyun answered. “He was fixing wires and I was checking the map.”

“Yeah, we were together,” Kyungsoo confirmed. “Did you see any suspicious activity?”

“I think it could’ve been a vent kill,” Baekhyun mused. “So who hasn’t been accounted for?”

“I’m pretty sure I saw Donut with Bread last…” Junmyeon said, although his voice was tinged with doubt. “I walked into Weapons with them and then went to O2, so it’s possible that Donut killed him after I left and vented out.”

“Yeah, I was seeing some weird movement between Weapons and Shields, so that seems pretty likely,” Baekhyun agreed.

“Hold up, it wasn’t me!” Minseok protested. “I was on the left side the entire time after finishing my task at Weapons.”

“Can anyone verify that though?” Sehun pointed out.

There was a short pause and then a deep sigh. “No…” Minseok admitted. “But I swear it wasn’t me! You can follow me around and watch me do tasks next round!”

“I think we should kill someone,” Kyungsoo said. “We’re at six right now and Cheese is still kinda sus from the first round.”

“What the heck, Kyungsoo! You voted off Cereal with me!” Sehun cried out indignantly.

“That still doesn’t clear you,” Kyungsoo smoothly replied. “If it’s not Donut, then we can vote off Cheese right after.”

“Good enough for me!” Baekhyun sang as he cast his vote.

“No, you guys are making a huge mistake!” Minseok wailed.

But it was too late. The green avatar was voted off unanimously and ejected from the spaceship.

When they all reappeared in the Cafeteria, Potato eyed Cheese suspiciously and decided to wait by the Emergency Button. He had been unfairly accused by the yellow character in the first round, so he was currently the most suspicious of him. However, before he could press the Emergency Button, a crisis occurred and Potato quickly made his way to the O2 room to fix the failing oxygen levels. Cheese followed him there and they met up with Egg, who inputted the code.

The crisis was completely solved a second later, so Egg separated from the group while Potato cautiously followed Cheese back to the Weapons Room. When nothing happened to him, Potato began clearing asteroids but still kept a close eye on the yellow character that stood next to him. Just as he cleared his fifteenth asteroid, an image of the fallen purple character and the words, “Dead body reported,” appeared on screen. The Megaphone was next to Egg’s name and icon this time.

“I found Muffin in Admin, next to the pin pad that fixes O2,” Kyungsoo told them. “I’m assuming it happened during the crisis, which clears everyone but Bacon.”

“I bet it was you!” Baekhyun exclaimed. “I fixed O2 and then went to Shields for complete my next task. Muffin was still alive when I left him in Admin.”

“Isn’t it sus that he’s getting so defensive and aggressive all of a sudden when he hasn’t been like that the entire game?” Kyungsoo mildly pointed out.

“Of course I’m going to be aggressive if I’m on the chopping block,” Baekhyun retorted. “We’re going to lose if you vote me off! He’ll just sabotage the reactors and then kill one of you!”

“What do you think, Cheese?” Yixing asked. “Who should we vote for?”

“Considering how quickly the body was reported after Egg left us, I think it’s probably Bacon,” Sehun deduced. “He didn’t have to self-report, especially when neither of us was near Admin at the time.”

“Exactly,” Kyungsoo agreed. “I could’ve waited for my Kill Cooldown and then tried to get another kill before sabotaging the reactors.”

“Yeah, I think it’s Bacon,” Sehun decided before casting his vote.

“I’m voting out Egg! He’s the real Impostor!” Baekhyun cried.

“C’mon, Yixing. Do the right thing,” Kyungsoo implored as they waited for the Chinese male to choose who to vote for.

“Would you lie to me, Baekhyun?” Yixing asked, his cursor hovering over Bacon’s character panel.


“Don’t let him trick you into throwing the game,” Kyungsoo interjected. “Why would I have voted off Cereal and Donut earlier if I were the Impostor?”

“He was messing around!” Baekhyun said in desperation. “You heard what he said after we ejected Chanyeol. He’s playing you guys for fools!”

Upon seeing the timer tick down to zero, Yixing made his choice.

Bacon was ejected,” appeared on screen with the black avatar floating into space.

Seconds later, all of the crewmates were shown with Victory overhead in blue.

“Chanyeol, why did you get caught so early?” Baekhyun squawked as they were transported back to the lobby room.

“I didn’t know Sehun was nearby!” Chanyeol protested.

“Good job, Yixing!” Jongdae cheered. “The ghosts were worried for a moment that you were going to vote for Egg instead.”

“Sehun’s logic made sense, so I had to vote with him and Kyungsoo,” Yixing answered with a grin. “Okay, next game?”

Once everyone confirmed that they were ready, he pressed the Start button. Once again, his screen showed Crewmate in light blue at the top and the phrase, “There are 2 Impostors among us,” right underneath.

Potato headed to the Reactor room again to fulfill two tasks. He finished unlocking the manifolds with ease and then started the reactor. With a deep sigh, Potato mindlessly followed the Simon Says-like pattern. This was one of the most tedious tasks in the game and he willed the blue lights to flash even faster. However, on his final sequence, the screen splashed red and the blue avatar suddenly snapped his neck.

With that, Potato became a ghost and began floating around the Reactor room. He sighed as he watched Bread jump into the top vent and disappear. Deciding that there was nothing else he could do, especially so early in the game, Potato returned to his unfinished task and completed the final pattern. After that, he floated to the Electrical room to calibrate the distributor. While he was there, he saw Bacon and Muffin both doing tasks. When they were all finished, Potato followed the pair back to the Reactor room, curious to see if they’d find his abandoned corpse.

Luckily, they did, just as the lights were sabotaged, and Bacon reported the dead body.

Since he was now dead, Yixing was unable to participate in the Emergency Meeting and he kept himself muted as he listened to the discussion.

Muffin and I found the body in Reactor,” Baekhyun told them. “And we can clear each other, since we’ve literally been together the entire time.”

“Yeah, we’ve had multiple opportunities to kill each other, but we’ve just been doing tasks together,” Junmyeon confirmed.

“How recent do you think the kill is?” Minseok asked.

“Not sure. We didn’t see anyone vent, so it’s possible that it’s been there for a while,” Baekhyun deduced. “Was anyone with Potato at the start of the game?”

Yixing winced as everyone replied, “No.”

“Was anyone on the left side at all?” Junmyeon asked.

“I was clearing asteroids in Weapons,” Jongdae answered. “I’m almost done, so someone can follow me to check.”

Donut and I were both swiping our cards in Admin,” Kyungsoo reported.

“I was with Sausage in O2,” Chanyeol said.

“And I was in Shields,” Sehun finished. “Since most of us were in pairs, it’s possible that the Impostors are traveling together. So remember who’s been grouping up.”

“Why wouldn’t the Impostors try for a double kill though?” Jongin pointed out.

“Maybe the timing was off,” Baekhyun suggested. “Or maybe the Impostors are pairing up with Crewmates to create an alibi.”

“At this point, it could honestly be anyone. Since I don’t think we have enough information, I’m just going to skip,” Chanyeol decided as he cast his vote.

The rest of them voiced their agreement and Yixing sighed when all eight of them were revealed to have skipped the voting phase.

“Sorry, Yixing!” Jongdae said as the screen showed an empty expanse of space. “We’ll avenge you next round!”

The Chinese male scowled at Jongdae’s audacity to pretend that he felt remorseful about the kill.

With that, the game resumed. Potato floated down to the Admin room to swipe his card. It took a few attempts—this was probably his least favorite task of all—before it registered and then he floated through the walls into the O2 room. He hummed to himself as he cleaned the filter and emptied the chute. On his way down to Storage, the chat box at the top of the screen blipped so he clicked on it to check who else was communicating with him from beyond the grave.

Who killed you?

Jongdae did. He got me right at the beginning when I was doing Simon Says.

He got me just now too. I was alone in Med Bay when he vented in, killed me, and then vented out.

Yikes, that’s a pretty good place to kill.

Did anyone actually verify him clearing the asteroids?

Dunno. I’ve been doing my tasks. I’ve only got a few more left and then I’m done. How about you?

I’ve still got a bunch to finish.

Potato was about to float to Navigation to complete two more tasks there when an image of the fallen purple character and the words, “Dead body reported,” appeared on screen. The Megaphone was next to Egg’s name and icon.

“Yikes, I found Muffin’s dead body again,” Kyungsoo said after he un-muted himself.

“Wait, Cheese is dead too,” Jongin noticed. “This was probably a double kill, right?”

“I only saw Purple’s corpse when I clicked the Report button, but the lights were sabotaged, so maybe I missed it,” Kyungsoo said.

Sausage and I were walking around and doing tasks together the entire time,” Chanyeol answered. “I’m pretty sure we’ve cleared each other at this point.”

“Or the two of you could be double-killing,” Minseok pointed out.

“Or you could be one of the Impostors,” Jongin shot back. “Who can verify your innocence?”

“I can,” Jongdae piped up. “We both fixed the reactor meltdown earlier and now we’re in the Cafeteria.”

Bacon, who were you with?” Chanyeol asked.

“I was with Muffin for most of the round and then he left me while I was fueling the engines in Storage,” Baekhyun replied. “So I don’t think this was a double kill. It had to have been recent.”

“I’m still sus of Sausage and Cereal…” Minseok then asked. “Where was the body?”

“I found it in the back of Electrical,” Kyungsoo reported.

“Wait! I saw Egg leave Electrical, walk towards Storage, and then double back to re-enter Electrical!” Baekhyun exclaimed. “He must’ve panicked when he saw me in Storage and went to self-report the body first!”

“I don’t panic,” Kyungsoo scoffed. “I literally just walked into Electrical from Security, since I saw some weird movement—from you, I might add—on the cameras and I wanted to check if a kill had happened there.”

“This is definitely a self-report!” Baekhyun cried. “I haven’t been near Electrical at all this round! And why would I kill Muffin so early in the game when he was my alibi? If I didn’t want to keep him around, I could’ve killed him in Reactor when we found Potato’s body together in the previous round.”

“It does sound like Egg was the only one near the corpse,” Minseok mused.

“Weren’t you on the left as well?” Jongin accused.

“We had to fix the reactor,” Jongdae smoothly pointed out. “We walked up through the Upper Engine and past Med Bay right after. We weren’t near Electrical at all.”

“Guys, we have to vote for someone,” Baekhyun pleaded. “If we don’t, the Crewmates automatically lose since the Impostors will go for a double kill.” He then cast his vote. “I’m telling you, it’s Egg!”

“It’s not me. It’s Bacon,” Kyungsoo calmly stated, also casting his vote.

Bacon sounds a lot more genuine about his accusation, so I guess I’ll vote off Egg too. But we should keep an eye out for Donut!” Jongin added.

“Just for that, I’m voting for you,” Minseok said, annoyance lacing his tone.

After the voting phase ended, the results were shown. Minseok voted for Sausage. Kyungsoo voted for Bacon. Meanwhile, Baekhyun, Jongdae, Chanyeol, and Jongin voted for Egg.

“Have fun losing,” Kyungsoo said as the phrase, “Egg was ejected,” appeared on screen with the white avatar floating into space.

The game resumed and Potato checked his task list to see what was left. All he had left were his remaining two tasks in the Navigation room. He promptly made his way there, and successfully charted the spaceship’s course and stabilized the steering. With his tasks all completed, Potato aimlessly milled around the spaceship and then found Bread walking away from the Electrical room after fixing the lights.

He followed him back into the Navigation room, just in time to see him slice off Bacon’s head and then jump into the top vent. Several seconds later, Cereal and Sausage walked into the room.

An image of the fallen black character and the words, “Dead body reported,” appeared on screen. The Megaphone was next to Cereal’s name and icon this time.

“Oh god, Donut is dead too?” Jongin noted in dismay when the Emergency Meeting started and everyone’s status was shown.

“Well then, say goodbye, Bread,” Chanyeol gleefully said. “Sausage and I have cleared each other so many times in this game. You’re the only one who could’ve killed Donut and Bacon.”

Before Jongdae could make his defense, both Chanyeol and Jongin cast their votes. “I knew I should’ve tried killing one of you earlier,” he muttered as he also voted. The results showed that everyone, including Jongdae, had voted for Bread.

Seconds later, all of the crewmates were shown with Victory overhead in blue.

“Oh my god, Jongdae got away with so many kills,” Sehun complained, finally able to un-mute himself. “It was the most frustrating thing to watch as a ghost.”

“Shut up, Sehun. We managed to win the game anyway,” Jongin shot back.

“Well, I got my revenge on Kyungsoo, so I’m satisfied,” Baekhyun blithely said.

“I hope you die first in the next game,” Kyungsoo tonelessly replied.

“Let’s start,” Yixing said as he pressed the Start button. This time, the top read Impostor in light red and showcased his avatar next to Cheese.

Considering that the Impostors had yet to win a game yet, Potato didn’t have high hopes for winning this one but he kept his cool and watched everyone else gradually disperse from the Cafeteria. On his way to the Weapons room, he met up with Cheese and the two of them walked from the top-right corner of the map into the O2 room. Seeing that no one else was there, they then walked into the Navigation room. Both Muffin and Sausage were there, completing tasks.

Potato stepped up to the steering stabilizer task, next to Muffin, and watched his Kill Cooldown timer gradually tick down to zero. As soon as the Kill button was highlighted, he clicked it and sliced Muffin’s body in half. Cheese simultaneously decapitated Sausage, who was standing right next to them. Both Potato and Cheese jumped into the top vent, and traveled back to the Weapons room. It was still empty, so the two Impostors easily hopped out.

Cheese walked left into the Cafeteria while Potato stayed in the Weapons room, pretending to clear asteroids while he waited out his Kill Cooldown. Once the thirty seconds were up, he decided to sabotage the reactors. Potato crossed the Cafeteria with the alarm blaring in the background until an image of the fallen brown character and the words, “Dead body reported,” appeared on screen. The Megaphone was next to Cereal’s name and icon.

“Uh oh, two kills already,” Minseok noted when the screen showed both Muffin and Sausage grayed out.

“Where was the body?” Baekhyun asked.

“When the reactors went off, I was worried that the Impostors would try to get a kill on the right side, so I walked from Communications to Navigation and found the dead body there,” Chanyeol informed them. “I’m assuming it’s a fresh kill, but it also could be a double kill.”

“Were there two bodies in Navigation or just one?” Yixing asked.

“I was spamming the Report button, so I didn’t actually look to see if there were multiple bodies,” Chanyeol sheepishly admitted.

“Where was everyone?” Kyungsoo asked.

“I fixed wires in Cafeteria and then went to Admin to swipe my card,” Sehun answered. “And I saw Bread in Admin too. When the crisis started, we both left Admin together to go to Reactor.”

“Can confirm,” Jongdae chimed in. “I think Cheese is good. He had plenty of time to kill me, but he didn’t.”

“I think Cheese is clear too,” Yixing agreed, silently thanking Jongdae for vouching for Sehun. “I saw the task bar go up when he fixed wires.”

“Then where were you, Bacon?” Kyungsoo asked.

“I was doing tasks in Electrical like a good crewmate,” Baekhyun stoutly answered.

“And I just walked into Reactor with Egg to fix the crisis,” Minseok supplied. “I don’t think there’s any point in trying to choose someone to vote now, since crewmates will automatically lose next round if we vote on seven.”

“Yeah, we can’t risk them getting a double kill,” Yixing lamented. “Let’s skip vote?”

Everyone agreed and Potato let out a relieved sigh when the screen showed an empty spread of space. He and Cheese went left, making their way into the Med Bay and pretending to watch each other scan as they waited for their Kill Cooldown to disappear. When the time was up, Potato walked out of the room and noticed that the camera in the hallway was flashing red, meaning that someone was watching the ship through the security cameras.

He quickly walked back in to the Med Bay and hopped into the vent. He appeared in the Security room a second later and verified that there was only one person in the room before making his move. Potato quickly jumped out of the vent, ran up to Bread, killed him, and ran back down into the vent.

“That’s what you get for killing me first, Jongdae,” Yixing said smugly as he traveled between the Med Bay, the Security room, and the Electrical room for a few seconds before landing back in the empty Med Bay.

Cheese was gone by this point, so Potato casually walked out of the room and was about to cross the Cafeteria when an image of the fallen blue character and the words, “Dead body reported,” appeared on screen. The Megaphone was next to Bacon’s name and icon.

“I leave Bread alone for one second and then find him dead,” Baekhyun said in exasperation. “Okay, who killed him while I was doing my task in Reactor?”

“I can hard-clear Cheese,” Yixing stated. “We watched each other do the scan in Med Bay.”

“Yeah, Potato is a crewmate for sure,” Sehun glibly agreed.

“That leaves Donut then, since Cereal and I were together the entire time in Admin,” Kyungsoo deduced. “We had plenty of time to kill each other, but we didn’t.”

“What?! No! That’s impossible!” Minseok cried. “I was doing tasks in Electrical!”

“Can anyone confirm that?” Baekhyun pressed.

There was a short pause before Minseok reluctantly answered, “No…I was by myself.”

“We have to vote someone off this round,” Chanyeol reminded them. “I say we vote off Donut, since we don’t have any other leads.”

“No! You’re making a mistake!” Minseok cried as everyone else began casting their votes. “If you vote me out, the Impostors will win! It must be Bacon!”

“Okay, now I’m pretty sure it’s you, Donut,” Baekhyun retorted. “Why would I self-report the body when no one else was there? I could’ve sabotaged O2 and no one would’ve found him in Security. And I could’ve tried to score another kill.”

As Minseok spluttered incomprehensibly, the voting phase ended and the results were shown. Minseok was the only one who voted for Bacon. Meanwhile, Yixing, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, and Sehun voted for Donut.

Once he was muted again, Yixing burst out laughing. He couldn’t believe how easily he had gotten away with that kill. Now, all he needed was one last kill and the Impostors would win.

The moment he was able to, Potato sabotaged the lights. Due to his Impostor vision, he could still see who was around him. As he walked through the Storage room on his way to the Electrical room, Bacon walked within range. Potato stuck close to him, eagerly watching his Kill Cooldown tick to zero.

And once the Kill button was highlighted, Potato snapped Bacon’s neck for the win.

“That’s what you get for lying to my face in the first game we played, Baekhyun!” Yixing crowed as the screen changed to show the Impostors with Victory overhead in blue.

“Bro, that was so clean!” Sehun whooped.

“You guys killed me for no reason!” Minseok shrieked at the other crewmates. “You deserved to lose!”

“You were being super sus, okay?” Baekhyun retorted. “Why didn’t you defend yourself more?!”

“How could I when all of you were pairing up?!” Minseok shot back. “You guys should’ve known that the Impostors were vouching for each other, since we hadn’t ejected anyone after Jongin’s body was found!”

“Anyway, shall we switch maps?” Junmyeon quickly suggested before the argument could escalate any further.

“Sure, I’ll create a new room,” Yixing said, still feeling euphoric from his win.

The night was off to a great start.


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[1+1=3] THANK YOU to the person who advertised this collection!! <3 It came as a complete surprise and I'm so grateful that someone cared enough to promote this, so THANK YOU and I hope everyone enjoys the random scenarios that pop into my head, hehe ^^


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Chapter 170: 🩵🩵
Chapter 169: 😭🩵
Chapter 171: Happy Birthday Baekhyunnie 🩵🎂
Chapter 161: One Wednesday night soon I'm going to go get McDonald's and play Genshin. Even though my HuTao is mad weak 🥲
Chapter 160: A late but Blessed Belated Baek Day. 🩵
Chapter 158: Happy 11th EXOversary!
Chapter 155: 🥰🥰
ReadRealize #8
Chapter 154: Hope that we get to see ot9 soon.
Chapter 148: Baekhyun doing shots with Yixing, Baekxing just living the moment, regrets be damned ❤
ReadRealize #10
Chapter 151: Happy birthdae!