Wake Up (BaekLay)

One Plus One Equals Three: The BaekChenLay Chronicles

pairing: BaekLay
length: 883 words

“Wake up.”

The body nestled in the pile of blankets didn’t move an inch.

“Wake up.”

It still didn’t register the insistent voice that was escalating in volume.

“Wake up.”

Not even the painful poking and prodding elicited a response from the sleeping boy.

“Wake up.”

Pulling away the thick covers brought about an involuntary shiver from the sudden disappearance of the warmth that had cocooned his body earlier, but he continued sleeping.

“Wake up.”

Wind blew at his neck and the tips of his ears, but it might as well have been still air passing over him.

“Wake up.”

The bed shifted under the sudden weight of a second body that began jumping up and down, making the mattress flop about within the sturdy bed frame. But the boy slept on.

“Wake up.”

The jumping ceased and was soon replaced with loud air horn noises being played from a phone. When nothing happened after that, the phone was soon plugged into a speaker system, causing the air horn noises to pulse through the room. But even those couldn’t wake the slumbering boy.

“Wake up.”

The curtains were tossed to the side, allowing the bright sunlight to filter through the glass-paneled windows into the bedroom. The sleeping boy merely rolled onto his side, keeping his back to the light so that his face was shaded.

“Wake up.”

Dozens of stuffed animals bounced off of the unmoving body as they were pelted at high speeds onto the bed.

“Wake up.”

The cymbals that were lying the corner of the room, dusty from disuse for several years, were put to work for the first time in ages as they crashed together multiple times, ringing loud and clear. But it was to no avail.

Baekhyun, aggravated that his best friend wouldn’t wake up, recklessly dropped the instrument on the floor where it clattered noisily as the metal made contact with wood. It was almost noon. If they wanted to make it to the venue before the lines became atrociously long, they needed to leave now. If, God forbid, Baekhyun should end up waiting beneath the hot sun in this scorching heat for several hours instead of waltzing in first to get the front-row seats he had dreamed of because this sleeping lump refused to get up, he might just accidentally push his best friend down a staircase one unsuspecting day.

Okay, he wouldn’t do that. He wasn’t that mean. But Baekhyun was getting more antsy by the second, having almost exhausted every means to rouse the snoozing boy. Why did his best friend have to be such a deep sleeper? Why couldn’t he be like any other normal person and wake up at once when someone commanded him to? Why was he basically a lifeless log whenever he slept?

“Yixing, I swear to God, if you don’t wake up right now, I am going to throw you at the wall even if I’m too weak to pick you up and I’ll probably just end up getting squashed to the ground.”

There was still no response.

With an angry grunt, Baekhyun grabbed sections of the bed sheets in his fists and tugged them upwards, causing the sleeping boy to tumble painfully onto the hard floor.

“Oi, what was that for?” Yixing was finally awake, tenderly rubbing his head as he lay in a heap on the floor. He shot Baekhyun a glare, which was promptly ignored by the younger male.

“I’ve been trying to get your lazy off of this bed for ages now,” Baekhyun snapped as he dusted his hands.

“You could’ve just shaken me until I woke up,” Yixing said as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. “You know that’s the fastest way to get me awake.”

“And risk getting punched in the face again? No thanks. It took forever for that black eye you gave me to heal.” Baekhyun grimaced as he remembered the last time he had tried waking up his best friend. From then on, he knew to never physically mess with a sleeping Yixing, lest he wanted his beautiful face to suffer another wound.

“Oh yeah. Oops. Sorry about that.”

Baekhyun quickly pulled the half-asleep boy from the floor and shoved him towards the walk-in closet connected to the bedroom. “If you’re not out in five minutes, I’m calling Lu Han and taking him to see the game instead.”

Yixing immediately tripped over his feet when he realized why his best friend was so frantic. God, he hated being a deep sleeper sometimes. If he and Baekhyun missed this, Yixing knew his best friend was going to kill him in his sleep one unsuspecting night. And he wouldn’t even fault him for it, because if he were in Baekhyun’s position right now, he’d probably do the same to himself.

“Just give me one more moment!” Yixing jumped out of his closet, still tugging on a light blue shirt with his jeans messily buckled around his waist.

Baekhyun snorted in laughter at how ridiculous his best friend looked right now as Yixing ran into the bathroom to quickly brush his teeth and wash his face. He supposed that as long as they weren’t late, he could forgive Yixing this one time for being a heavy sleeper.

Just this once.


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[1+1=3] THANK YOU to the person who advertised this collection!! <3 It came as a complete surprise and I'm so grateful that someone cared enough to promote this, so THANK YOU and I hope everyone enjoys the random scenarios that pop into my head, hehe ^^


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