Challenge Accepted (BaekChen)

One Plus One Equals Three: The BaekChenLay Chronicles

pairing: BaekChen
length: 1550 words
A/N: Written at the request of ShaMusume! Hope you like it!
Part One: Five-Star Date
Part Two: Date Two for Two
Part Four: The Other Side

“Ugh, my cousin is the worst.” Minseok laid his head down on top of his arms as he groaned audibly.

“Your cousin?”

“Mhm,” came Minseok’s muffled reply.

“Tell me about it.”

Minseok obliged and raised his head, explaining, “I’ve been trying to set him up on blind dates, but he keeps refusing to go to them. He’s stood up three of my friends already. I keep having to make excuses for why he doesn’t show up and it’s absolutely infuriating.”

“I see.”

“I’m just trying to help him since he’s been single for so long, but it’s like he’s trying to avoid dating like it’s the plague.” Minseok groaned again as he buried his head in his arms once more.

“Are you still setting him up on more blind dates?”

Minseok lifted his head again and shook it, his soft brown locks flopping over his forehead. “Nah. It’s more trouble than it’s worth to continue badgering him when it’s clear he isn’t interested in dating anymore.”

“Shall we make a bet?”

“A bet?” Minseok looked at Baekhyun quizzically.

The younger male sent his friend a toothy grin as he clarified, “About your cousin.”

“What are we betting on?”

Baekhyun leaned back in his seat as he answered with a smug smile, “If I can get your cousin to agree to go on a second date with me.”

Minseok let out a sharp, high-pitched laugh as he doubled over in his seat at Baekhyun’s proposal. “Y-you’re not serious, are you?” the older male spluttered out in between laughs. When Baekhyun didn’t answer, Minseok gasped out in disbelief, “Oh my god, you are. Dude, Baek, you’re crazy.”

“How so?”

“Haven’t you been listening to my complaints at all these past few minutes? My cousin refuses to meet any of the men I try setting him up with.”

“Well then, we shall have to change that,” Baekhyun answered simply with a self-assured smile on his serene face.


“Yes, we. You are going to help me accomplish this supposedly impossible task,” Baekhyun declared as he playfully cuffed Minseok across the top of the older male’s head.

“You’re crazy,” Minseok repeated incredulously as he rubbed his now sore head.

Baekhyun just smiled. Winning was in his blood. He had never lost at anything for as long as he could remember. And he was never one to back down from such a blatant challenge as the one Minseok’s cousin was providing him.


Baekhyun sat in his car, watching a young man wearing a suit fidget uncomfortably in his seat. He had been observing the man for almost fifteen minutes, having strategically parked his car by a large window that gave him the perfect view into the restaurant. The classy male was quite surprised that Minseok’s cousin had actually shown up for the blind date. So Baekhyun waited patiently, making sure that it wasn’t just a coincidence and that Kim Jongdae was actually sitting there to meet him, not anyone else.

It was quite funny to see Kim Jongdae’s frustration level rise with every passing minute. Even though Baekhyun knew tardiness wouldn’t help his chances with scoring a second date, he was confident enough in himself that he knew he could still entice Minseok’s cousin with his charms. Baekhyun didn’t like to think of himself as a playboy; he just happened to have a very long history of short-lived relationships throughout his life. He knew what his strengths were and what was attractive to others. So he was going to play to those strengths for tonight’s gamble.


This was almost too easy.

Baekhyun saw the immediate change in Kim Jongdae’s expression once he entered the restaurant and walked over to the table. It was quite satisfying to see the younger man’s mouth slightly drop open with just one glance at Baekhyun’s perfect face. With that response, the posh male knew that this first date was going to go just swimmingly.

He made sure to position his face at just the right angle, showcasing his sharp jaw line and straight nose. He carefully modulated his voice so that he spoke in thick, rich tones that sent shivers down Kim Jongdae’s spine. And he made certain to always keep his dark brown, twinkling eyes locked on the younger male’s.

It was like child’s play. This was probably the easiest catch Baekhyun had obtained in all of his years of dating. He supposed it helped that he had a foreign aura surrounding him, having spent many years in the arts capital of the world. These local Korean men fell so easily for his charms. It was amusing, to say the least.

And since Kim Jongdae was clearly someone who lacked the touch of another, having been single for five years, Baekhyun knew that he needn’t try as much as he usually did. The inexperienced ones, while not posing as much of a challenge, were still just as fun as the ones who enjoyed playing chase.

Sadly, Baekhyun knew he couldn’t claim this success as completely his. If Minseok hadn’t managed to convince Jongdae to even come in the first place, Baekhyun wouldn’t have been able to make his moves. The sophisticated male wondered whyJongdae had finally agreed to come to this blind date, since Minseok had emphasized how adamant his cousin was against dating. But he just internally shrugged, attributing it to the unbelievable luck that usually graced his prosperous life.

Even if he knew this would just end up being another ephemeral fling to add onto his list, Baekhyun still thoroughly enjoyed conversing with Kim Jongdae. The younger male was quite intelligent and Baekhyun hadn’t been with very many men who were as clever as he was. So, despite the several white lies he told and the effort he made into showcasing an overblown version of himself in the beginning, Baekhyun was able to relax as the night went on and unconsciously let his guard lower while they went through several miscellaneous topics. The elegant male didn’t realize it, but the orthodontist was able to catch several glimpses of the real Byun Baekhyun as they talked throughout the night.

Baekhyun would be lying if he said such discussion wasn’t pleasant to engage in. Kim Jongdae certainly knew how to keep a conversation flowing. The words he spoke were interesting and carried depth, quite a contrast from the usual banal drivel he was accustomed to hearing during dates. So Baekhyun had to give props to the younger man for standing out in more ways than one.

Kim Jongdae was quite the appealing catch, if Baekhyun did say so himself.


Baekhyun knew he had clinched the second date once Jongdae offered to pay for dinner. No one would be selfless enough to pay for such an exquisite, expensive dinner if they weren’t interested in pursuing anything further. And with the knowledge that the orthodontist was usually wholly focused on himself, Baekhyun was sure that Kim Jongdae had been successfully caught in his web.

While they were in the parking lot, the orthodontist had even vocalized that he was open to perhaps meeting up with Baekhyun in the future. So the older male knew that he had a very high chance of successfully completing this self-imposed challenge. Although, when had there been any doubt that he was going to be anything but victorious once Kim Jongdae had showed up in the first place? The older male just needed to give it one more push and the follow-up date would be completely secured.

So Baekhyun made his final move, silently thanking Jongdae for sending him the perfect opportunity when the younger male asked, “Um, are you waiting for anything?”

“Not really.” Having seen the orthodontist’s gaze steadily trained on him, Baekhyun made sure to redirect Jongdae’s eyes to the older male’s lips by giving them a subtle yet thorough with his pink tongue.

And that slight action brought forth the exact reaction he was trying to incite.

Jongdae launched forward to press his lips against Baekhyun’s in a fiery kiss, having briefly lost his self-control after being tempted by the tantalizing gentleman in front of him. Baekhyun was quite surprised by how well the orthodontist kissed. For someone who supposedly hadn’t engaged in any intimate behavior with anyone for the last five years, Kim Jongdae was quite the master at kissing. And Baekhyun knew what comprised of an extraordinary kiss, having locked lips with numerous men over the years.

Once the kiss ended, Baekhyun was almost sad that he had to separate his mouth from Jongdae’s delectable lips. Who needed air anyway? He hadn’t experienced such an amazing kiss in a while. The older male glanced at the orthodontist, who had a glazed look on his face after their lips parted. “Cute.” Smiling in amusement, Baekhyun swooped to place a light kiss on Jongdae’s thin cheek before saying, “Call me when you would like to meet again.” And he sent the younger male a flirtatious wink to seal the deal before entering his car and driving off.


"Are you free for dinner next week?"

Baekhyun grinned to himself as he listened to the slightly nervous, melodious voice of Kim Jongdae on the phone. "Yes, of course. I would love to have dinner with you again."



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[1+1=3] THANK YOU to the person who advertised this collection!! <3 It came as a complete surprise and I'm so grateful that someone cared enough to promote this, so THANK YOU and I hope everyone enjoys the random scenarios that pop into my head, hehe ^^


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Chapter 170: 🩵🩵
Chapter 169: 😭🩵
Chapter 171: Happy Birthday Baekhyunnie 🩵🎂
Chapter 161: One Wednesday night soon I'm going to go get McDonald's and play Genshin. Even though my HuTao is mad weak 🥲
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Chapter 154: Hope that we get to see ot9 soon.
Chapter 148: Baekhyun doing shots with Yixing, Baekxing just living the moment, regrets be damned ❤
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