Act I: So, It Worked?

What The? [H]

Tiffany POV

I blinked my eyes a few times. I feel... awful. I couldn't feel anything beside pain in my stomach and head. I couldn't imagine if Seohyun wasn't kind and didn't give us that morphine like pill. Not that it worked 100%. Ugh, my head was spinning and i wanted to vomit. Just why the hell I volunteered myself? Ah riiight, it's pink! Sometimes I hate myself for obsessing over pink. But I simply loved it. I stretched my arms and looked down.






I looked below me.




I diverted my eyes away, trying to focus on anything else but below. Ewewewewewewewewew!!!

I touched my hair. Still beautiful and soft as always but since when it became shorter? I mean, a lot shorter. My chest also... changed. Sniff, so long beautiful s T.T

I looked to my left, and i saw two boys still sleeping soundly. On my left was Sunny, then Jessica and Nicole? Urg, I almost can't recognized them. I can say that on my left was Sunny because her sleeping habit is uh... scary. For pink sake she i mean he? Ah mind blown! Anyway, the sound she always makes while she was sleeping is very very scary. Is she The Grudge mom's ghost or something?

I tried to stand, but I gave up immediately because of my wobbly legs. Not just that, this headache is killing me. Aigoo, but right now...

I'm considered . Stupidly, I just realized it now. Yeah, stupid.

How dare you Seo Joohyun!



No one POV

Seohyun laughed outside her room. She took off Tiffany's clothes before the change occurred. A small revenge because she ate her keroro candies. I mean, it was from Yoong, for ME! She thought. To be honest, she actually got some trouble on doing that to her unnie. NOT because her body but the older girl moved too damn much. Ok that was a lie, Seohyun did check her out. Just a little. Yeah... a little bit.

"SEO JOOHYUN!" Seohyun laughed harder after hearing a loud thud and the shriek of Tiffany. Maybe she bumped into her invisible desk for maybe the 37th time this year. And yes, one and only Seo Joohyun did the math. Now she knew what Jessica felt while she was teasing the eye smiling girl.

Teasing her unnie is fun.

Especially Tiffany.

One by one the girls or boys wake up. Sunny was the second after Tiffany. Sunny clutched her head while shutting her eyes tightly. The headache was nearly unbearable. She started to curse at the mess she got in. She reminded herself to kill Tiffany. Or stuff some fish heads on her pillow.

"Hellooo~" An unfamiliar husky voice startled her. She looked up and saw a handsome boy her age with charming eyesmile staring at her. "Who are you?" The short girl gasped. Her voice changed! Was this for real? Sunny pointed at the boy in disbelief.

"Hwang Miyoung?" The boy, which was Tiffany rolled his/her eyes and nodded, "Yes, do I look handsome Soonkyu?" mocked Tiffany that already found her clothes. She knew that Sunny disliked called like that. Tiffany laughed as Sunny threw Seohyun's Keroro plushie to Tiffany but missed by an inch. Lucky that Seohyun was outside. Otherwise Sunny would be a dead meat forgetting the fluffy thing she threw was Seohyun's favorite Keroro plushie.

"Come on!" Tiffany grabbed the still confused danshin to the door.

"Ouch!" Sunny and Tiffany rolled on the floor, groaning in pain.

They hit the invisible table again.

"Seo Joohyun!" Screamed Sunny angrily but Tiffany quickly shut her up. There is an Ice Princess remember? The Sleeping Beauty? She stared at Sunny dangerously, but Sunny didn't seem to understand.

"Do you want to die Lee Soonkyu!" Hissed Tiffany as she pointed to Jessica who was still sleeping peacefully with her cousin. Sunny's eyes widened in horror then stood up immediately. Carefully, they went back to their place.

They sat at the edge of the bed in silence. Too scared to move, and too scared to make any sounds.

"I really want to see myself," Sunny whined while playing with her large blue jacket sleeves. Tiffany nodded, but no way she's going to bump into invisible things again. She bumped her knees for more than five times today (three when she was looking for her clothes) Seriously? She really is a crazy scientist. Maybe if Tiffany silently wondered if Seohyun has invented a invisible underwear.

That would be awesome.

Perhaps she should ask Seohyun to make some.

Taeng's birthday is near, anyway.

"There's a mirror!" Seohyun shouted from outside, as if hearing Sunny's whispers. The two 'boys' hissed, then bit their lips as Jessica groaned on her sleep. Then they heard a maniacal laugh from outside. “Near my wardrobe!” She shouted again and they hissed again. Sunny scanned the quite large room. Aha! There it is~

She carefully took her step, not wanting to bump to Seohyun's invisible things. She gasped after seeing her reflection. She was taller! Or maybe, he was taller.

"Damn I look hot and tall!" She shed a tear. At least she was taller than her girl self. Somehow she was glad that her male form wasn't not that short. That touched her heart. "I'm not Ms. Shorty anymoooreee~!" She squealed happily and jumped like a bunny. Tiffany chuckled and looked at her reflection. Her eyesmile was still there and in fact, making her male form even more handsome.

"Aish shut up will you!" Sunny stopped her jumping and Tiffany stopped chuckling. That dolphin scream is very familiar in their ears, though an octave lower. Then the temperature dropped.

Ice Princess had awaken from her slumber, prepare to feel the taste of hell.

Oh the irony.


"Unnie..." Nicole couldn't help but to feel uncomfortable. Hello? Her unnies except Seohyun are now boys! Handsome boys if she may add. She bit her lip as Sunny and Tiffany looked at her with pleading eyes. I'm your unnie so help me! Bingo Nicole, you know them well.

Jessica saw the fidgeting Nicole. It was understandable that Nicole wanted to save her two friends but it was their fault to wake Jessica. No one ever live after they disturbed Jessica's sleep. If they survived, then they would be traumatized. The four never disturbed Jessica while she was sleeping, and as Sunny said, “Only idiots and someone who have a great courage that dared to disturb her sleep.”

How dare they disturbed my beauty sleep!

"Nicky, don't you dare," Jessica warned the younger girl(or boy?) in English. Nicole gulped. She knew better than to face HellSica.

The older Jung was totally mad.

Jessica smiled sweetly to the 'boys'. "Now," Jessica's now deep voice sent shivers down their spine. But female Sica was ten times scarier than this version. "L-Look Jessi, we-we are just e-excited to have a good body," Tiffany reasoned as she showed her drool-worthy abs. Sunny nodded, "Yeah and I'm taller~" she added. Jessica glared at the two innocent soul that prayed hard on their mind.


Jessica POV

Grrr... This Hwang really get into my nerves lately. First she placed a cucumber on top of my stomach this morning, then she dragged us into this mess aka Seohyun experiment and now she dared to disturb my sleep?!

Don't you know how scary I am, Hwang Miyoung?

"L-Look Jessi, we-we are just e-excited to have a good body," She said as she lifted her jacket. That was hot but that's not a good reason bro. "Yeah and I'm taller~" Did she really need to do that? She looked gross doing aegyo in that body. I glared at them and they looked stiff as wood. Haha, this is what you get for messing with me!

I was about to say something when the door opened. Seohyun stood there, staring blankly at us before her calm expression turned into mischievous one. "Go get your sneakers, lets go shopping," Me and Tiffany squealed happily while Nicole asking about food and Sunny for games. Seohyun rolled her eyes, "Yes yes, but firstly we need to shop for boy clothes that fit you and your style." We nodded in agreement after elbowing Nicole that whined about food.

Well, if I wanted to shop for girls clothes i could say that it's for Seohyun.

Haha Jessica Jung you're a genius.

And by the way,

(glanced to mirror) I'm hotter than them.


The girls(or boys? I'm confused0_0) agreed on Seohyun suggestion. Maybe it was the first time Seohyun asked them to go shopping with her. Not that she didn't have any money though. Her family gave her some money, but that was just for her basic need. But then again, her expensive science projects? Let's just say that the experiments didn't go to waste and Jessica was such an angel.

I forgot,” Nicole groaned, slapping her forehead in utter disappointment, after checking the fridge. Her habit before going outside. “No food.” A look of terror spread. Seohyun quickly took off her lab coat and grab her jacket.

I'll go! We'll go after I come home!” She said, realizing that it was Friday, time for groceries shopping. But when she was about to grab her motorcycle (yes, she was an intellectual badass, not nerd) key, Tiffany swatted her hand away.

Tiffany had realized her tricks.

We should go shopping groceries on the way back,” Tiffany suggested with an evil smile. They all quickly agreed, though Seohyun was slightly not. She couldn't buy more goguma...

Damn that wretched creature known as Tiffany.

What should we do first?” Seohyun asked after reminding Nicole to buckle her seat belt. Jessica just shrugged, “I think lunch. It's 1 PM.” All of them immediately agreed.

Tiffany pouted,“Aww, at least let's stop at a sport store first!!” The non-shopaholics groaned and cursed Nicole. Nicole cursed at herself. It was her fault for giving a picture of an Adidas shoes a bit of awhile ago.

Sunny POV

I frowned when Seohyun said that she will take us to a mall, even if that was a good suggestion. I mean, I could go to game shop after shopping for clothes and you know what's better? Seohyun will pay for us. Thanks to Nicole. I laughed when Nicole said that she doesn't have any money right now because yesterday she and her shikshin friend ate korean beef that cost a lot. Eating Korean beef was like the Jung's ritual, really. Filthy rich. And who was that shikshin? What's her name? Sooyun? Seoyon? Sooyeon? Nah that's Jessica. Sooyoung? Ah right Sooyoung. That lovable pig.


As soon as we arrived, Jessica and Tiffany dragged us to a nearby store. Hey, I thought all of us agreed on having lunch first?

Well, suit yourself;IT'S A CHANGE OF PLAN!” God, can I kick her right now? Her loud voice attracting people... and I think I heard Tiffany mumbling 'Adidas'. Maybe she daydreamed about that classic Adidas?

I was right.

She was mumbling about that shoe. It looked cool, and I just figured that Tiffany did know that it was a perfect one for her. For her male body, I mean. But wait, why should we shop for this..?

Yah, Seohyun-ah,” she glanced to me, slightly glaring. Oh, I disturbed her concentration on choosing shoes. “What?” she replied, almost growling. Damn gurl. “Why do we have to shop for... this?” I asked, pointing at myself. Seohyun gave me a 'duh' expression while saying, “Because if anything goes wrong, I won't lend In Guk oppa's clothes.”

I stood there, frozen while looking at her. Did she has to take it to the extreme?! I still love my original body T_T

Yes. Even it was short. Yes.

"Doesn't matter my dear lovely cousin!" I heard Jessica said loudly, to Nicole. Of course, who else is her cousin? I nudged Seohyun who seemed disappointed after looking at the price tag. She looked at me, annoyed, then explained the current situation: Nicole asked Jessica to pay for a hoodie. I squinted my eyes to see the item Nicole was holding. It was a grey hoodie with a huge NIKE printed on its front. It was for WOMAN. And she was pleading. Wow, Nicole actually plead to Jessica? I'm impressed. Let's see how Jessica react...

"But pay me back thrice." The smile on her face disappeared and turned into a glare by the end of her sentence. Wow, stingy stingy Jessica. Nicole laughed nervously before shaking her head.

"I think I'll have Seohyun unnie to pay for me," Nicole managed to squeak. Well I guess she was not an Ice Princess for nothing. Or Ice Prince? Bah.

Nicole handed the hoodie to Seohyun. She was ready to launch her infamous aegyeo. “Seo—“ Seohyun stared at Nicole, coldly. It seemed that she had seen the price tag. “Nicholas Jung, as I said earlier. NO SHOPPING FOR YOUR GF!” Since when did Nicole transformed into Nicholas? Oh right, we were boys.

Nicole pouted, then placed the hoodie back to its place. One of the SPG approached her, with heavy tint pink on her cheeks. “S-sorry sir to not to say this earlier, but the hoodie is in discount...” And she wasn't lying, a big 50% OFF was there, in a big bold letters.


Then suddenly a hand grabbed the hoodie. It was Seohyun's.

I take it.” She said, eyes sparkling.

Shouts of protest came from Nicole. She asked if they had another one, but they shook their heads. “I am terribly sorry sir,” she said, looking down. “That was the last one.”

And I could swore that Nicole wont talk to Seohyun ever again.

Thanks, Hyunnie!”

I take that back. Seohyun bought her Nike Shox Walk. Yes for her self.

In the end I couldn't buy anything since Seohyun got broke.

Tch, I was planning to buy the new GTA!

I remembered you will buy me some games?” I glared at Seohyun accusingly. She shrugged and grinned at me. “I couldn't let Nicole get mad at me.”

And I thought you were being nice.”

are. Your accusing is grammatically incorrect. I am being nice. Kay, let's go to the store you love.”

I couldn't help but to growl. But hey,

she was being nice. So I dragged her to a game store.



Okay. That's it for today~!

Please don't be mad at me for this horrible chapter;-;

My boy friends are such a... a bunch of adorable but crazy ungrateful bastards. 

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Writing is hard for me now... U_U


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Kkomofam #1
Chapter 14: Gosh this story were hillarious af
1132 streak #2
Chapter 14: Damn I totally forget this hehehe but glad you comeback authourssi
Chapter 12: Seguire esperando mas yulsic
Chapter 11: Ahhhh cant wait for next chapter
Its freaking awesome. Update please author-nim
Chapter 11: Kwon Yuri is cute. *_*
More Yulsic please.
vhelzzz #6
Chapter 11: yeah yul are u really a girl?
Mishiki_Yuuki18 #7
Chapter 11: Oh and good luck author! Hope u pass :)
Mishiki_Yuuki18 #8