Act I: Volunteer Unit

What The? [H]

Seohyun smiled. I'm genius. “Oh I am!” She squealed. Perhaps she could win the Nobel? Whatever it is, she was utterly satisfied by the pink liquid inside the bottle. “Pukka a changed to Pukki! Aaah this actually works!” She squealed again, eyes sparkling as she eyed a certain now girl hamster, Pukki. Yes, she probably deserved Nobel.

She began to fantasize about her housemates being boys. It made her excited. Few months ago she tested it herself and it was hilarious. Maybe I could trick them? Hehehe...” But then again, all of them had already 'volunteered' before thanks to her tricks. They won't fall for the same trick over and over. She had turned her classmate or coughgirlfriendcough, Yoona to a cool pink(?) wolf and had to hold Tiffany (Tiffany : It is PINK! It is MINE!) from running to Yoona. Hyoyeon was too, her victim. Her first victim, in fact. But she was a good friend of her and always volunteered, even though Seohyun once turned her to a fly. She nearly got smacked by Sunny. But then again, she was a good friend of her. Too good.

And of course, all of it were because of her maknae power. Her unnies wont stand a chance against her maknae charisma. Even Nicole, her unnie's cousin.

Seohyun-ah! Help me out!” Tiffany screamed from the outside. Seohyun huffed and gave a negative reply to her housemate. Seohyun heard a stream of curses about 'ungrateful brat' which maybe referred for her. 'Note to self : Prank Tiffany unnie soon.'

To save some money Jessica, Tiffany, and Sunny lived together on Jessica's house. The house was Jessica's own property, given by her parents. Though the Jung was a filthy rich, she was very stingy. She wasn't willing to pay the rent. So, rather than staying in a dorm and have to pay the landlord every month, she decided to use the house she owns on Seoul. The place was at a secluded place, and it was quite difficult to go there. But Soshi High was very near, so there was no problem.

At first.

And at their second year, they invited Seohyun (the daughter of their mother's friend) to stay with them, since she was originally far from Seoul. At first she was reluctant, but then Sunny offered some set of chemistry tools.

And then the trouble began.

She pondered for a few minutes, thinking about how to trick them. Then the minutes turned into hours and it soon approached dusk and then the moon rose. At first she didn't realize it was already dinner time, but when Tiffany called her for dinner, she immediately snapped out from her thoughts.

Okay!” She replied, checking on her hamster again. Seohyun gasped as she saw the familiar male part. “The effect wore off?!” She checked her watch. She gave the potion to Pukka on three, so..

Seven o'clock, She cursed. “Just four hours? That is sad,” she muttered with a frown. “Maybe I should put more citric acid? No... the taste will be much more horrible, right Pukka?” Maybe she was being delusional, as for a second she saw Pukka nodded his head slightly. Then again, she was being delusional. Maybe she inhaled too many hallucinogenic gas.

Dangerous, really.

But Seohyun loved her job.

Maybe I should put this more,” she whispered to none. She poured a bit of a green liquid to the pink one, the changer potion. “And this,” she poured a bit of an unknown substance, and citric acid. Some little explosion occurred when she was mixing the potion with some other subjects, but nothing of it was serious.

Banzai!” She laughed when Pukka changed to Pukki for the second time. Unlike the first one though, the second one took an effect rather later (not in instant but in a few seconds) and then the subject will faint. “Hormone change maybe is a big burden to one's body... and brain,” she concluded, noting the development.

"Seobaby! Dinner is ready!" Tiffany's loud voice echoed from outside for the second time. “Hurry up or I will do a thing to your chemical stuff!” Seohyun pouted but hurried nonetheless to dining room. A thing for Tiffany meant one thing : Apocalypse. Once her room got blown up because Tiffany slightly touched a bottle contained a clear water. Slightly was based on Tiffany's perspective, slammed it down was more based on fact. Lucky Seohyun (being a genius little...maknae) had already reduced the explosive power to the minimum, by a countless experiments.

Give this girl a Nobel, really. Alfred Nobel couldn't even tame nitroglycerine without mixing it with diatom earth, creating a dynamite.

She locked her room and ran over when Tiffany called her for the third time. "You look awful Seohyun-ah," Commented Sunny as she handed a pair of chopsticks. Seohyun only shrugged. Yes, her beautiful face is slightly covered with grey color. Blame the explosion before. Slightly irritated, Jessica told Seohyun to wash her face first. "Well, you can't blame me for inventing a changer drug." She replied honestly. Jessica started to smirk, but stopped immediately by the other Jung.

"Stop being a byun, unnie!" Scolded Nicole, her cousin.

"I'm just smirking!"

"THAT is a erted smirk."

"How the hell did you know I'm thinking about erted thought?"

"That.. SO YOU DID?!”

I did! Uh... what?”

Tiffany laughed at them before sitting down with the others. "That is interesting,” she said with her beautiful smile, “but are you sure that will work? I mean, for human? You've tested it on countless animals, right?" Tiffany shivered at her own words. Poor, poor animals. Maybe she was exaggerating things.

I only tested it on Pukka,” Seohyun replied casually, as if it wasn't a big deal. All of them stared at her in disbelief. God knows how many times that poor hamster has to die only to be revived again by Seohyun. “Then is it safe for humans? I'd like to see one changes.”

Seohyun nodded in determination at Jessica's question. "I haven't test it myself. The new one, I mean,” She shrugged. “But I'm sure it's safe~" She handed a small box of pink pills out of nowhere. “You can try one~” She smirked evilly.

Sunny and Jessica facepalmed. This girl surely know how to attract the second oldest of their group. "Pink~" Tiffany mumbled before declaring, "Alright! We will test this pill, Seohyunnie!"

The other girls yelled in anger, "You do it yourself!"

Tiffany shrugged, taking the pill with her chopsticks and gulp it down. Soon after, she fainted. Jessica was ready to ask, but Seohyun casually shrugged her shoulder, stood up, then dragged the pink lover to the couch.

Glucose pill. With cane sugar. Maybe I put too much sugar,” Seohyun deadpanned. “I'm not ready to give it to humans yet. At least not today nor this week.”

All of them sighed in relief, knowing Seohyun wont endanger their lives anytime soon. Surely they would live longer.

And maybe Seohyun would forget everything in a week...


A week later, they were totally wrong. Tiffany volunteered again. She even dragged the other three with her, saying that they were also willing participants. They wanted to shout a 'HELL NO' but when they saw Seohyun's eyes sparkling in excitement and said the drug was already have been perfected since two days ago, they surrendered. Even Nicole who was actually younger than Seohyun admitted her defeat.

Jessica POV

That stupid Hwang! How dare she use us all! I swear if you're not my bestie I'll strangle you until you turned pink. Just like your favorite color, hah!

By the way, why did she agree to help? Why did she agree on volunteering? Oh right, pink. But then again, Seohyun once turned Tiffany to a gigantic bird and nearly got shot by some hunters... a cockroach only to be home run-ed by Ailee, a fly and nearly dead like Hyoyeon, etc etc and etc. Crazy. This girl is absolutely crazy.

We sat on Seohyun's bed while she was looking for her brother's clothes. I was still staring at the pill, unsure what to do because it seemed dangerous. I sent an eye contact to Sunny, saying, “Let's get the hell out of here!” She nodded in return and with me and Nicole we quickly scrambled to the door.


"Jessica Jung unnie if you refused to drink this pill I'll make cucumber dishes for a month! I. AM. NOT. LYING." DAMN YOU SEOHYUN! And stupid invincible desk! Sigh, this girl is really.. ugh frustrating and scary. But at the same time, very cute and innocent. Scratch that, I admit that I have contaminated her mind with American Pie with Soojung. Soojung, unnie is sorry.

UNNIE!” Nicole whispered harshly to my ears, as if demanding me to went back. Pft, none can do! But because it was Nicole... sigh, I rolled my eyes then nodded slowly before we went back to Seohyun's bed. I gulped when Seohyun poked her head out of her own storeroom. Almost in instant her scary face turned into an angelic-full-of-innocence one when she saw us sitting here. Is she bipolar or something?

I glanced at the pink lover beside me. What the? Why does she looked very excited? She was bouncing on Seohyun's keroro bed, for God sake! "Tiff, you know that drinking this pill makes us a man for a period of time right?" I cautiously asked her. She only stared at me blankly then slapped her forehead. "I forgot!" She exclaimed then stood up, shocking Seohyun. The rest of us laughed in triumph, but that didn't last for too long. Tiffany grinned and then said, "But because its pink it'll be okay!" then she went back to sit beside me. Seohyun grinned at that, then tossed her brother's clothes to us. “Wear that, quickly.” We went to our room to change and quickly went back. Not that we were excited for a bit, minus Tiffany, but it was because the doors (that lead to freedom) were locked by Seohyun and the keys were inside her underwear. What-the-, really.

I'm ready!” Tiffany declared. The black hoodie was too big for her. The pants too. Seohyun glanced at us, and we quickly nodded our head. Sunny even forced herself to smile widely. Seohyun smiled at us, then gave us each two pills. Two pink pills. One was a shade darker than the other.

Hyun-ah, did you do this on purpose?” Sunny asked, still suspicious of it. Well I am too, how am I supposed to know that this wasn't an ecstasy? Lord, please help me if it was. Seohyun nodded in utter determination before saying, “What? The pink color?” we nodded. She shrugged her shoulders. “Made naturally. And no, not drug like heroin or or ecstasy.” We sighed in relief. Wait, why did we? “And if you are wondering about why I gave you two instead of one; one of them is to reduce the pain—which will occurs once you are completely in male form. Neverthless, you have to drink it now.”

Can we crush the pill?” Sunny asked again. I forgot that she couldn't swallow a pill that big. “Sure,” Seohyun replied, “But I have to warn you though—It is very bitter.” Sunny only shrugged. She crushed it and drank it with water Seohyun served for us. Sunny made a face when drinking it. Maybe it was very bitter.

I glanced to my cousin, Nicole, and she also got that uneasy frown. A second after Sunny swallowed all of the pills, she fainted. We panicked but Seohyun still stands there, staring blankly at us. The hell? You wanted to kill us that badly? "I need to tell you that the transformation is very hideous to watch so you better eat it now." What? You kidding, maknae?

But... she said it was very hideous...

Argh! Fine!

I quickly swallowed the lighter colored pill after it entered my mouth. Yuck. Even though I didn't crush it, it still tasted bitter! I made a face and plopped the other one to my mouth, swallowing it. Seohyun offered water, but I don't need water to swallow any pills, though.

Water is for , not Jessica Jung.

The last thing i saw was Tiffany and Nicole doing the same as Seohyun grinned like a mad woman before i lost my consciousness.


I hope you like this version._.

In the first one Seohyun was a ert, correct? Now she's just a weirdo._____. 

A cute weird Seobaby <3



Math and English were difficult. They were hellish. I swear to God.

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Writing is hard for me now... U_U


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Kkomofam #1
Chapter 14: Gosh this story were hillarious af
1131 streak #2
Chapter 14: Damn I totally forget this hehehe but glad you comeback authourssi
Chapter 12: Seguire esperando mas yulsic
Chapter 11: Ahhhh cant wait for next chapter
Its freaking awesome. Update please author-nim
Chapter 11: Kwon Yuri is cute. *_*
More Yulsic please.
vhelzzz #6
Chapter 11: yeah yul are u really a girl?
Mishiki_Yuuki18 #7
Chapter 11: Oh and good luck author! Hope u pass :)
Mishiki_Yuuki18 #8