Act II: Baekhyun? No, It's Stephen!

What The? [H]

The cold looking boy grumbled at his seat. He was radiating a cold dark aura around him, making his classmates stared at him in worry. Joseph Lee aka Jessica Jung aka our resident ice princess turned prince was uncomfortable and angry.

Jessica thought her day couldn't have been worse; in the same class as Taeyeon. She knew Tiffany adored Taeyeon but Jessica was not. Not after what happened with her Seobaby. She prayed, she really prayed, to not to sit with that... midget. But God be praised, Jessica sat with Taeyeon. Jessica agreed they were similar in a way, but at least she knew violence isn’t always the answer to everything so trivial. Hyoyeon got sick was no one fault, especially Seohyun.

So even though they were only deskmates starting from today, Joseph Lee and Kim Taeyeon became nemesis in instant. The first day Jessica became Joseph Lee at school was interesting, suffice to say. Taeyeon only introduced herself briefly and cracked an awkward smile to her, and unlike her friends Jessica immediately remarked crudely regarding her “very unprofessional” introduction. Taeyeon blew up spectacularly. Ever since then they didn’t bother to be polite around each other or acted friendly whenever there’s a teacher around. The first two teacher were confused, but unable to do anything about it. The third period teacher didn't even care the slightest, mainly because he got Jessica to read the English book just because she slept. 

“Mr Lee,” Ms Jung aka Krystal, who recognized her sister on his male form immediately on the fourth period, quickly noticed the heavy atmosphere centralized around the new deskmates. “May I ask something?”

“Yes ma’am.” Jessica scowled. She didn't like how mighty looking Krystal with her teacher aura. 

“Something going on with Miss Kim?” Ms Jung fixed her gaze to Taeyeon, who stiffened immediately. Taeyeon only grumbled under her breath, but Ms Jung patiently waited for her to speak. To which she did.

“He-He mocked me!” Taeyeon whined childishly.

Jessica immediately snarled at her. “I just stated a fact! You’re a midget and that’s a fact too hands down.” Half of the class murmured a silent agreement, much to Taeyeon’s disappointment.

“Is this a I am feeling?!” A random girl sitting on the very back hissed loudly.

“NO!” The two hissed, glaring fiercely at the random girl on the very back. Half of the class chuckled in amusement by the interaction, but the chuckle soon died down when Jessica sent every chuckling student a sharp cold glare. If looks could kill…

“Alright class,” Ms Jung coughed, effectively cancelling the petrifying effect Jessica gave off. “Mr Lee I would appreciate it if you will tone down your teasing-“

The older Jung stared incredulously at her. “I’m mocking,” She said with her lips pulled into a smug smirk.

“-mocking. Whatever,” Ms Jung rolled her eyes and sent a small glare to a smug Jessica. It didn’t affect her the slightest. That smug bastard. “But please do not disrupt the whole class, understand?”

Jessica opened to say something, but after seeing her sister’s intense glare at her (to which she was immune to), Jessica hastily closed it again. Instead of answering back, Jessica had the decency to lower her gaze and grumbled her reply. Beside her, Taeyeon gave off a victorious smirk. Jessica felt a sudden strength to wring her neck all of the sudden.

“And wipe out that smirk, Miss Kim. If you are not such a childish teenage girl then you find Mr Lee’s teasing-“

“Mocking.” Jessica corrected once again, sending her sister a Cheshire grin.

Again, Ms Jung rolled her eyes. “-mocking to be an annoying wind breeze,” Jessica feigned a hurt, but Ms Jung ignored her, “which you could ignore. Or, should ignore.”

“Hey!” Jessica objected. “My voice is lovely!” Many of the girls (except Taeyeon, naturally) agreed to this. Indeed, Joseph’s voice was smooth and charming. Not quite deep like Stephen’s, but it was definitely swooning.

But still, Ms Jung disagreed. “You talk like a shrieking dolphin, Mr Lee.”

Sunny was unlike most of her friends. Most time of lunch break she spent on playing games on her class, and it won’t change just because she changed into a man temporarily. Cafeteria was always a boring place for her, the food was plain and it was too crowded for her liking. Sometimes outlandish incident would happen, but Sunny always preferred to stay out of this.

But this time was different.

Two handsome boys barged into her classroom, and judging by the looks of their badges it was clear that they were her underclassmen. “Soon-chun hyung!” The one with large, kind eyes called out. At first Sunny was clueless, but then she realized it was Seohyun.

“Something happened?” Sunny leaped out from her seat immediately, disappointing her newfound friends whom were circling on her seat, all playing multiplayer game with her. Sunny apologized to her friends and ran out to the two boys outside.

“What’s with the panic?” Sunny cluelessly asked the thwo. The other boy, Nicole, shook her head. The two had the similar panicked look. “Something happened and it’s concerning Tif- I mean Stephen hyung,” Nicole said urgently. “We must go to the cafeteria, now!”

And so the three immediately ran to their destination. And walked in fast pace whenever they encountered any teacher. Detention means they couldn't go to cafeteria faster.

By the time they arrived, it was more crowded than usual. Students were watching something, they sure of it. By the looks of it, they were circling something. Or someone.

“Excuse me! Excuse me!” Seohyun did a good job at parting the crowd, thanks to her height. Nicole and Sunny followed close behind her, both were wondering what had exactly happened. Or happening.

“I’m not!” A familiar voice shouted, clearly in confusion. The three recognized it as Tiffany’s, or rather Stephen’s voice. Seohyun hastened her pace on parting the tight crowd, but it was endless. It seemed the whole students of this school were watching.

“I saw you!” A hysterical voice rang out. It was full of sadness and desperation, Sunny couldn’t help but to feel pity. “I saw you were buried ten feet under!” Whoa, Sunny was immediately confused. Tiffany? Dead? 

Though the three couldn’t see Tiffany yet, they could tell she was sighing heavily. And pissed. “I am not dead!” Tiffany replied in exasperation. “Sorry, but I clearly don’t know who you are!”

Finally, after a long fight, the three arrived to the centre of the problem.

Just as they thought, it was Tiffany. She was heavily debating with a girl, to which Seohyun immediately recognize her as her assailant. She kind of deserved it, but the older girl was a tad too extreme on punishing her. They found Jessica beside Tiffany, stood unmoving and looked confused.

Sunny noticed how Taeyeon’s knuckles were white. As if she wanted refrained herself to hit Tiffany. She knew from her friends Taeyeon changed after an incident a few months agp, and unfortunately didn’t change for good.  Sunny placed her hand to Taeyeon’s in order to calm her down. It usually worked, but Sunny couldn’t say the same for Taeyeon.

“Hey hey let’s-“ But her words were cut off when Taeyeon retaliated and spun around, slapping her hard until she was staggered to the crowds.

“Get away from me!” Taeyeon screamed as she slapped her. Taeyeon’s eyes were teary, her face was red from anger. Sunny placed her palm to her cheek which was slapped by her. It was the first time she was slapped unpleasantly by someone, and it made her a bit dumbfounded.

“Hyung you’re bleeding!” Nicole said in panic. Nicole frantically pulled a napkin and shoved it to Sunny’s lips, where a cut could be found and bleeding. Sunny hissed at the stinging pain, but grateful anyway for Nicole’s concern. Nicole stared at Taeyeon in disbelief and resentment. She had hurt two of her unnies, and she was certain the two incidents were caused by some misunderstanding. Taeyeon certainly was no fool, but Nicole thought she was too reckless on jumping to conclusion. 

“Apologize, noona.” Nicole coldly demanded. Her voice was full of anger, to which it caused Jessica to frown. Never had she seen Nicole so furious.

Taeyeon didn’t even look guilty at her doing, and was about to deliver another slap to this rude boy. Her nostrils were flaring in anger, and for her it was their fault on interrupting her in such inappropriate time. But it angered Tiffany greatly. “Stop this nonsense, Taetae!” Tiffany snapped, holding Taeyeon’s hand when it was brought up again. Taeyeon snapped her eyes to Tiffany’s, glaring. Tiffany merely returned the glare, she didn’t even care she blew her own cover. If anything, Taeyeon had developed some conditioning towards the nickname.

Jessica’s eyes widen in shock. Tiffany had unconsciously blew up her own cover. She knew Tiffany called Taeyeon as Taetae at school, and surely any friends of hers should knew. Jessica glanced around in worry, and most of the students shared the confused look. The nickname, they knew it was exclusive for Tiffany to Taeyeon. Why would a transfer student call Taeyeon that?

Fortunately Taeyeon took no notice of the slip. She was too angry, too saddened, too confused. This boy, who had a firm steel grip on her arm, by insane coincidence was awfully similar to Baekhyun. The only thing which was different was his eyes; whereas Baekhyun’s eyes were full of radiating warmth, this boy’s eyes were cold as ice. But for some reason Taeyeon could find hints of concern hiding in the mask of coldness.

“Apologize to my friend,” Tiffany said through gritted teeth. Her voice was calm, but Jessica knew it was a calm anger she was showing. Hopefully Taeyeon was no fool and apologized. Should she refused, though Tiffany still wouldn’t done anything bad to Taeyeon, Jessica and Seohyun would be sufficient to hold her back. Seohyun knew how bad an angry man could be, though Tiffany was no man or boy, she was inside the body of a boy and automatically had male hormones.

Still seeping with anger, Taeyeon tried to remove her arm with a yank. Tiffany refused, and her grip tightened. It tightened to the point Taeyeon felt a slight pain. She took a deep breath and stared Sunny straight on the eyes. Sunny was taken aback, but she stared back at Taeyeon’s eyes curiously.

“I’m sorry.” Taeyeon was slightly surprised for her words, it was slightly harsher than she originally intended. It was surprising how Taeyeon’s words rang through the crowded cafeteria. They didn’t know cafeteria could be this silent. The crowd of student didn’t move, seemingly shocked to hear it came from Taeyeon’s lips.

Tiffany herself was shocked, her grip slowly weakened. Taeyeon took notice of this and yanked her arm out from Tiffany’s weak grip, and stormed out from the place. And just like that, the crowd dissipated.

A dumbfounded Sunny stared at Tiffany, her hand was still holding napkin Nicole gave to her. 

"What was that all about?"

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Kkomofam #1
Chapter 14: Gosh this story were hillarious af
1132 streak #2
Chapter 14: Damn I totally forget this hehehe but glad you comeback authourssi
Chapter 12: Seguire esperando mas yulsic
Chapter 11: Ahhhh cant wait for next chapter
Its freaking awesome. Update please author-nim
Chapter 11: Kwon Yuri is cute. *_*
More Yulsic please.
vhelzzz #6
Chapter 11: yeah yul are u really a girl?
Mishiki_Yuuki18 #7
Chapter 11: Oh and good luck author! Hope u pass :)
Mishiki_Yuuki18 #8