Act II: Cute Sunbaenim

What The? [H]

A whole week had passed since the cafeteria incident, and it seemed that the whole school forgot about it.

A very fortunate thing for Tiffany, who was afraid her slip would become the talk of the town. It was a good thing they were quick to forget little details.

Jessica had to admit she was having quite a rough time with Taeyeon as her deskmate. The petite girl couldn’t shake off the feeling that Taeyeon was observing her closely, even when Jessica was napping she could still feel Taeyeon’s gaze on her. Strange how their relationship started off being uneasy acquaintances to nemesis to frenemies then back to uneasy acquaintances again.

Times like this Jessica really missed her former deskmate.

Speaking of Yuri…


Why on Earth this girl was here with them?!

“Guys I would like to introduce you Kwon Yuri, my new best-friend.” Tiffany introduced her current deskmate proudly, while the tanned girl greeted them happily.

“Yo, Sean here.” Sunny smiled briefly before focusing on her mobile-games. Nicole and Seohyun greeted her a bit warmly and actually engaged Yuri to a semi-serious talk about something she couldn’t comprehend. Jessica wasn’t slow, she only function well on certain frequency.

“I didn’t catch his name,” Yuri turned to her, and Jessica raised an eyebrow. “What’s your name?”

Jessica smiled greasily at her. “Oh, you can always call me ‘baby’.”

The guys gagged, but something very bizarre happened.

“Oh my God,” Tiffany gasped in English. “You’re blushing! You’re like, really really red!”

“You don’t have to point out the obvious,” Jessica replied with a grin, happy that Yuri was affected with her greasy charm. His greasy charm.

With that reminder, Jessica’s grin dropped.

So that confirms it, Yuri was a straight girl

Tiffany was proud.

Very proud.

Isn’t it great if Yuri fell in love with both Jessica and Joseph?

“True love,” She dabbed her fingers over her slightly wet eyes, “true love does exist.”

All of the table’s occupant were looking at her as if she’d lost it.

“That’s it, he’s gone mental.” Sunny groaned faintly.

Sooyoung was hungry as hell.

No, she was starving to death.

“Need… more… food…”

The rest of her classmates looked at her in pity, but none of them were kind enough to lend her some money.

Sooyoung was having a crisis. Because of her flopping grades (since she prioritized eating), her mother took her money privilege away and gave her a packed lunch… which wasn’t enough for the Shikshin at all.

So Sooyoung dragged her lanky long limbs to the garden, hoping to distract herself from stealing others’ food. The school garden was her least favorite place since it was full of her most despised color, but today she decided that the thought was unnecessary. Armed with a thick book of biology, Sooyoung marched toward an empty bench. Sooyoung wasn't fond of biology,the terminologies were boring and hard to remember, but about the rumours about the biology teacher, Mr. Yoo, giving surprise test this week scared her.

Another red mark and she was going to starve for real this time.

So she had to study.

The tall girl sat on a bench, biology book (how boring – biology) on her lap, opened but she hadn’t found the strength to read something about animals, especially fishes.

She suddenly craved for some fish burger.

“Are you even reading?”

Sooyoung jumped, startled as a foreign masculine voice suddenly entered her right ears. Her thick biology brook flew to the air as well, but whoever it was had good reflexes and able to catch it with just a hand.

“Sunbaenim!” Oh, Sooyoung didn’t knew him, but judging from his uniform he was a year above her. “You scared me!” She complained, but that was before she had a good look on the stranger.

He had an average height for a guy, maybe only taller than her by two or three cm. His carelessly styled two-blocks haircut perfected his cute yet sharp handsome face. He was also carelessly dressed; his tie was loose around his collar and he didn’t bother to button his shirt correctly.

The senior raised an eyebrow, seemingly realized that Sooyoung was staring at him. “Do I know you? Or do you know me?”

The girl shrugged, not really answering the question.

But then she realized the absence of her biology book. Her eyes widened as she spotted the hated book on his hand. Without any further thinking, Sooyoung snatched the book back. Cheeks reddening, she muttered weakly, “This is mine…”

Interestingly, the senior only smiled in amusement as soon as she made her weak retort. “Funny girl, move your to side. This is my bench.”

How dare he! Sooyoung was there first!

“Excuse me? I was here first! It’s not like you have your name engraved to it!” She argued, but she scooted over, enough for the senior to sit comfortably. He was leant built, he didn't take too much space.

“Whatever you say,” He said and Sooyoung noticed that the boy was holding a lunchbox and his own biology book. The senior opened his lunchbox and oh la la….

The scent of delicious, crispy, and hot fish fillet invaded her nostrils.  

Sooyoung’s mouth watered and her stomach embarrassingly grumbled loudly in response. She flushed in embarrassment and was about to escape the scene, but then she heard an amused laughter from her side and a gentle but firm hold on her hand.

Her cheeks burned again.

“Funny girl,” The boy repeated, still releasing warm laughter from his lips. “Sit, sit. You’re hungry?”

Shamelessly, the junior nodded. “Starving.” She corrected, pouting.

He laughed again, cooing at how cute she was being before his smile widened. “You can eat my lunch, then. I’m not too fond of fishes, I don’t know why our caretaker prepared fish fillet, really.”

“I couldn’t accept that.” She said, for the first time feeling a bit guilty on eating others’ share of food.

He looked thoughtful for a second, and then proceeded to cut the fillet to two. He took a tissue paper attached on his lunch box and wrap it around one of the cut. He gave it to Sooyoung with a grin. “My mom said studying is best done while eating.”

Sooyoung didn’t understand why her cheeks felt warmer than before. Was it because of the cold? Heat? How her fingers brushed with his own? How warm his laughter sounded?

She didn’t know why, but studying biology was never this fun.

The next day, Sooyoung scored the highest on Biology surprise test.

A small intermezzo before happens…

I’m sorry it took so long, had to prepare for univ and damn;-;

About Sunny’s male name, the on the fake documents was Sean Lee. The name Sony, as it had been mentioned before when they discussed their new names, was only a subtitute of their nickname.

Yes, they all have English name but only Seohyun didn't use it.

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Writing is hard for me now... U_U


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Kkomofam #1
Chapter 14: Gosh this story were hillarious af
1131 streak #2
Chapter 14: Damn I totally forget this hehehe but glad you comeback authourssi
Chapter 12: Seguire esperando mas yulsic
Chapter 11: Ahhhh cant wait for next chapter
Its freaking awesome. Update please author-nim
Chapter 11: Kwon Yuri is cute. *_*
More Yulsic please.
vhelzzz #6
Chapter 11: yeah yul are u really a girl?
Mishiki_Yuuki18 #7
Chapter 11: Oh and good luck author! Hope u pass :)
Mishiki_Yuuki18 #8