Act I: Between Rational and Reality

What The? [H]

Lunch on Sunday was horrible.

That was from Sunny’s perspective, the only normal ‘unnie’ in the group. She glanced to her pink lover friend, who was staring into spaces, with a carefree grin on her face, and her arms circling along Jessica’s arm. Her eyes moved to Seohyun, who still had that big bruise, and she looked depressed. Sunny wasn’t sure if Krystal noticed that (why yes Krystal joined them), but Soehyun consistently sending her evil stares with every bite she took on her delicious salad. Jessica did the same, though it was directed to Seohyun rather than Krystal, but a little bit obvious than Seohyun. Perhaps Seohyun was too distracted to care.

Nicole stayed neutral, that wasn’t a surprise. She calmly sipped her calming hot chocolate, completely oblivious (or a deliberate ignoring, Sunny wasn’t sure) of the heated tension between Jessica-Seohyun-Krystal. Sunny thought Nicole hardly takes any sides. Like she said few weeks ago; “Whether I take Hyun’s side or yours, I surely got screw up either way.”

“Bastard,” She heard Jessica muttered under her breath. She glanced worriedly to Seohyun, who seemed ignorant. But then her eyes widened. Seohyun’s ears twitched. Twitched. Her eyes were too. They twitched.

Sunny swallowed a sudden lump on . To this point it must be considered as gulping.

God ing damn it.

Sunny contemplating whether she should go to toilet and never come back or not. She will definitely face them later on, and no doubt they would pressure her with absurd question. But she is Sunny, the smartypants after Seohyun, people!

“Gentlewomen,” She began. It effectively made them all look at her in instant. Or glare. Sunny hoped it wasn’t. Sunny glanced to Jessica. “…And gentleman,” came few snickers from Seohyun’s side. “I believe we should go home right away. Seohyun, I believe you gave Jessica a pill called ‘Go Nuts’?”

It was a rhetorical question. Seohyun needn’t to answer that. But the answered anyway, just because Krystal was glaring daggers at her. It wasn’t comfortable. “Yeah,” Seohyun said while scooting further from Nicole, who also scooted away from Krystal. Nicole had enough of Krystal’s murdering aura.

“What’s Go Nuts?” Tiffany asked suspiciously. Was Jessica supposed to go nuts as the pill’s name said? No. Not gonna happen. At least not until they reached home. Having a Crazy!Sica wasn't on her list. Nope. Not now, not ever. Not even on afterlife, heaven, or hell. Nope. Just nope.

“Nothing suspicious,” Seohyun waved her hand dismissively. “Only to er, reinforce her immune system. Nuts are rich of Vitamin E, you know? They’re powerful antioxidant that helps body to fight of infection.” Seohyun explained casually, not noticing the horror of the word ‘infection’ to Nicole. She, Hyoyeon, and Yoona were the ones who always be Seohyun’s Guinea pigs, after all. It was as if a… an eternal bond.

She ought to tell Hyoyeon and Yoona after this.

“So your… whatever potion you were making is equal to a foreign object to our body? And cause harm?” Krystal’s voice gradually increased an octave as she asked the question, eyeing Seohyun with eyes filled with killing intention. Nicole scooted a bit further, bumping to Seohyun who strangely looked calm. “Why do you look like that?” She hissed to Seohyun.

She was about to face the Angel of Death and she still had that confident smirk plastered on her lips? Nicole sure envied Seohyun’s courage.

“Nope,” She said, playing with her spaghetti. “Harmful isn’t the right word. Infections could be described in many ways, you know.” She glanced to Jessica before looking at Krystal with an unreadable expression. “I just received the blood analyzation on 4 AM, and I could conclude that your sister’s immunity to my… concoction is the worse…”

“That’s because she always escaped your madness, Seo,” Tiffany said quickly. “You should be proud of it Jess.” She said with a grin to Jessica, who scowled in reply. “If I know this would happen I wouldn’t escaped that time,” she said full of regret.

“Tsk tsk,” Jessica narrowed her eyes to Seohyun, who looked at her with what to seem… pity. Why’d you give me that look?! Jessica screamed on her mind. “Shame you always escaped my potions, Unnie,” Seohyun shook her head, “If you hadn’t, this wouldn’t happen. But thanks to my genius brain I’ve already gotten myself the cure.”

“You have?” Sunny squeaked, obviously sceptical.

“Yea?” Seohyun raised an eyebrow. “I mean, I’m a genius, why would I not?”

“Because you’re not right in the head?” Tiffany flinched at the glare. “It’s a true you know!” Nicole suddenly said, making Seohyun also glared at her. Tiffany gave Nicole a grateful look, while the younger only shook her hand dismissively. “Only because it’s true.” Tiffany beamed a smile at her.

“Back to your… cure,” Krystal straightened her posture. “Mind to explain? I must remind you that I’m a chemistry teacher.” She said smugly.

“Oh that would challenge me!” Seohyun replied passionately. “You see ssangnim. You see, I mainly use materials that obviously have violent reaction to body,” they all gulped, “but using my own measurement and few theories from here and there, I managed to remove the ‘violent’ reaction and changed into ‘interesting’ reaction.”

“Continue.” Krystal demanded, now fully interested. The four only looked at her in disbelief. Right, they forget Krystal was also a chemical maniac, but less insane. Freak.

“Well you see,” Seohyun leaned to the table more, fully abandoning her spaghetti by this point, and Nicole sneakily took it. “For example is Radium. I made a de-aging concoction from that, after removing the harmful radioactive and obtained an interesting trait. Sadly, it didn’t end well as my Tuppca—my lab mouse, gift from Yongwa oppa—de-aged back to a foetus, then to . In less than 10 minute.”

“You kidding,” Sunny frowned.

“I’m not,” Seohyun said in agitation. “It’s just you who can’t understand science! I’ve got Tuppca’s er, self on my small fridge, you know!”

“Seohyun dear, there is something called method of rationality, and de-aging back into…um… is not rational at all!” Sunny added again, feeling ridiculous having such argument with Seohyun. Sunny had always been proud of her rational mind and straight As on Biology, and having this kind of conversation was surely... humiliated her. Jessica, Tiffany, and Nicole all reinforced her with a sharp nods, having rational mind unlike Seohyun who only read science fiction and Harmful Objects and How to Remove its Trait by Theodore Maxima, a mad scientist from Ireland.

"But I did it to Tuppca!" She exclaimed angrily. To see Seohyun glaring at her wasn’t surprising, but to see Krystal passionately defending Seohyun by asking question about Aluminium was downright shocking. Jessica could feel she got heart attack any moment now.

“Move on—What about Aluminium? It’s quite harmful to human body when consumed, have you tested on it?” Seohyun’s head dropped as Krystal gave her a dejected look when she said she hadn’t try it. “Aluminium isn’t as interesting as nitroglycerine!” she said after that, and surprisingly Krystal’s face lit up.

“You removed that dangerous thing’s explosiveness?!”

“Only if I mix it with other material other than diatom earth to make a dynamite,” Seohyun said modestly. “I have to find a body-friendly material, and it’s downright hard. I spend six weeks looking for suitable material.”

“How long did you ‘tame’ that?” The chemistry teacher inquired curiously. Yeah, no doubt she was too interested about chemical reaction and explosive materials to care about the dumbstruck face of Jessica, Nicole, Tiffany and Sunny.


“Oh about two or three weeks longer than the others.” She answered thoughtfully.

“How long?”

Seohyun began to murmur something, possibly counting average weeks she spent (“…Hydrogen 3 weeks… Magnesium 5 weeks…”) then add the said two-three weeks. After a while she raised her head back and stared at Krystal with beaming expression—obviously proud. “Four months!”

“Extraordinary!” The four literally wanted to flip the table, hearing Krystal’s impressed exclamation, if only the table wasn’t screwed onto the floor.  

“Gentlewoman,” Sunny cut off again, letting her bits of sanity to speak. “And gentleman,” she added hastily, noting the glare she received from Jessica was worth it. “I believe we have strayed too far from our topic. Now, what does your cure… do?”

“Like I said, the root of her problem was immunity,” Seohyun said seriously. “I just realized that your body do build immunity to my potions, though not exactly fully, and you always knew Nicole always be my…er, willing victim while Jessica unnie is the exact opposite.” They all nodded slowly at Seohyun’s rhetorical explanation, though Nicole a bit disturbed to be described as ‘willing victim’. “That’s why Nicole de-transformed back way earlier, and then Jessica unnie more later than you all.” She added calmly.

“So your Go Nuts pill do what?”

“Because my concoction is new to her body, her body may interpret is as ‘foreign object’ and ‘may cause infection’. The information I gathered was fully from your blood, unnie.” Now she was smirking triumphantly to Sunny, who underestimated her method. Her arm ached somehow.

“So…?” Tiffany shot a bewildered look to Seohyun, who apparently didn’t realize Tiffany often got D than B in chemistry and biology.

“Like I said before, the antioxidant fight off infection, and in this case, is my concoction’s residue. The residues are interpreted as infection, and infection shall be defeated by the antioxidant I ” She explained calmly, but Nicole swore the corner of Seohyun’s eyes twitched. Seohyun’s patience was running thin. Fast.

“Well well!” Nicole attempted to divert her attention. How? Go home, of course. “Shall we pay and go?” Though a bit reluctant, Seohyun and Krystal nodded and finished their already cold spaghetti (leftover from Nicole!) and salad.


Poor cows, camels, and goats.

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Writing is hard for me now... U_U


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Kkomofam #1
Chapter 14: Gosh this story were hillarious af
1120 streak #2
Chapter 14: Damn I totally forget this hehehe but glad you comeback authourssi
Chapter 12: Seguire esperando mas yulsic
Chapter 11: Ahhhh cant wait for next chapter
Its freaking awesome. Update please author-nim
Chapter 11: Kwon Yuri is cute. *_*
More Yulsic please.
vhelzzz #6
Chapter 11: yeah yul are u really a girl?
Mishiki_Yuuki18 #7
Chapter 11: Oh and good luck author! Hope u pass :)
Mishiki_Yuuki18 #8