Chapter 8

Bus Crush



‘Things just got interesting. Hahaha!’


Her friends reacted when she told them about the letter she wrote.




What happened the other day wasn’t a big deal, so no worries! I didn’t take the bus yesterday because I woke up late. My day turned out great thanks to your letter. I hope this would help make your day too. Hope to see you on the bus soon.


P.s  Could you leave your name the next time round? If there is a reply that is.


Till next time,

Kim Taeyeon.



‘That was definitely more subtle than what I imagined.’


Hyoyeon ruffled the girl’s hair.


‘Is this your definition of subtle flirting?’


Yuri teased.


‘…Where’s Sunny?’


Taeyeon asked noticing that the shorter girl was missing.




She frowned after not getting a reply from either one of them


‘What’s going on?’


Taeyeon asked them again


‘We’re not too sure ourselves. There was a commotion during one of her breaks. Sungmin lost it. She was at the benches near the Science block and he just started going on about how she cheated on him with that girl…..the dance girl that she’s been hanging out with a lot lately.’




Hyoyeon added the name to Yuri’s explanation


‘WHAT?! Where is she now?’


Taeyeon immediately took out her phone to dial Sunny’s number


‘It’s no use. We’ve tried calling but she switched her phone off.’


Taeyeon realized that too after getting a dead tone.


‘Where is that Lee Sungmin. How could he humiliate her like that?! She didn’t even confront him after finding out that he has been two-timing her. That…..Where is he?!’


Taeyeon stood up clenching her fist. She was furious.


‘…P..please don’t….’


The three of them turned their heads towards the voice




Taeyeon muttered after seeing the puffy-eyed girl.


‘J…Just let it go….Let’s not make t..things worst.’


Taeyeon’s eyes went to the girl that was standing next to Sunny. The girl bowed her head a little to greet the three of them.


‘Everything’s going to be fine.’


Taeyeon stood up and hugged the girl. Sunny returned the hug, crying silently and wetting Taeyeon’s uniform in return.


‘Hello, dad? Can you pick me up from school now?’


‘I have a busy meeting in a bit. Is it very important. Are you okay?’


‘I’m fine. It’s kind of an emergency though. I’ll explain to you when I get home.’


‘Okay. I’ll send Secretary Yoon to pick you up. He’ll be there in 15 minutes.’


‘Thanks dad.’


Taeyeon made the phone call while she rubs Sunny’s back trying to calm the girl down.


‘Do you want to stayover tonight?’


Taeyeon asked her. Sunny responded by nodding her head. Taeyeon went ahead to make another phone call informing Sunny’s parents that the girl will be sleeping over that night.


Sunny finally pulled away from Taeyeon and looked at Hyomin.


‘I…I’m so sorry that…y…you got pulled into this.’


Sunny apologized in between her sobs.


‘Hey, it’s okay.’


Hyomin replied as she gently squeezed the girl’s hand.


By the time their ride arrived, Sunny had stopped crying though it was still obvious since her eyes were puffy and she was still sniffling. Taeyeon helped the girl with her bag as they entered the car. That night, they spent quite a long time talking about things.


Just as they were about to fall asleep, Sunny muttered something that Taeyeon didn’t see coming.


‘Taeyeon…..I think I love her.’


Taeyeon just smiled before telling the girl to go to sleep.


‘Wake up, Soonkyu. Are you feeling better?’


Taeyeon asked as she nudged the sleeping girl


‘Hmmm…..What time is it?’


Sunny asked as she opened just one eye


‘We have about an hour or so before school starts.’




Sunny jerked from the bed.


‘You’re going to miss your bus! What about the girl?’


Sunny looked at Taeyeon who was already dressed in her uniform


‘I guess I’ll have to wait till Monday then.’


Taeyeon gave Sunny a smile as she waved the spare toothbrush.


‘Come on, get up and get dressed. Dad made us breakfast.’


Sunny couldn’t help but feel bad that Taeyeon had missed the bus just because of her. She knew Taeyeon missed the bus because she didn’t want to wake Sunny up early just to catch it. Taeyeon has always been like that. Putting others before herself. This is why Sunny hoped that whoever it is that had caught Taeyeon’s eye, would treat the girl the way she deserves to be treated. The last thing she wants is for Taeyeon to meet someone who would take advantage of her.

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CrissYoung #1
Chapter 33: I got confused I thought Tiffany's group is just a year lower than Taeyeon's group?? Then why are they seniors already while Tiffany's are freshmen??

I hope you'll still update this though..
Chapter 33: I just discovered this and I find it really interesting. I hope you can still continue this story ^^ it will be such a shame to leave an awesome story unfinish hehe
maemae08 #3
Chapter 33: Yeah focus more on Taeny. Sometimes I have to skip some sceen or chapter only to read Taeny's moment :)
taeny2403 #4
Chapter 33: Can u focus on taeny author?? Thanks
blueeey #5
Chapter 33: I'm confused. When did YulSic become official? Lol and what happened to that gift Taeyeon wanted to give Tiffany?
TheSecret_Han #6
Chapter 33: When did Yulsic become official?
1120 streak #7
Chapter 33: Uh oh Yul better go and calm your ice princess now
I mean chap 30*
Chapter 33: Huh? Chap 31 is not continuing chap 29?? When Yulsic become official??????
TheSecret_Han #10
Chapter 33: I love your story very much. And you're not dragging it too long. Even if you did I would still read it. After 31 chapters it still isn't boring. So please update soon author-ssi!