Chapter 26

Bus Crush

'Yah! I thought we agreed on watching quietly? How was that being quiet?'


Taeyeon gave Hyoyeon a punch on the shoulder as they made their way to the bus stop.


'Aye. You should be thanking me instead.'


Hyoyeon replied. The pair continued to banter playfully until Taeyeon noticed that Yuri has been quiet.


'Hey, what's up with you?'


Taeyeon turned around and asked.


'Huh? Nothing's wrong. Anyway, I've got to go. I'll see you guys around?' 


Yuri looked up from her phone and boarded the bus.


'Something's strange.'


Taeyeon muttered.


'Ditto. Do you have any plans for now?'


Hyoyeon asked the shorter girl


'Not that I know off. Tiffany hasn't replied my text about having dinner.'


'How about we do a bit of stalking?'


Hyoyeon suggested.


'Sounds like a good plan. Yuri?'


Hyoyeon and Taeyeon looked at each other with a grin. They managed to grab a cab and told the driver to follow the bus that Yuri boarded. It wasn't until the bus arrived at a mall that they say Yuri alight.


'Isn't this place out of the way for her?' 


Hyoyeon asked Taeyeon who was paying the cab fair.


'Who do you think it is?'


Hyoyeon asked as they followed Yuri from a distance. As soon as they saw Yuri settling at a cafe inside the mall, the pair decided to watch from the level above just to get a better view of whoever it is that Yuri was meeting.


'I don't know but I have a feeling that it is .........'


Taeyeon was about to finish her sentence when Hyoyeon finished it for her.


'Woah....Isn't that Jessica?'


Hyoyeon pointed out to a girl that was walking towards the cafe. They stood there watching as Jessica took the empty seat in front of Yuri. Even strangers would know that there was definitely something going on between the two girls. Their focus on Yuri and Jessica was interrupted when Taeyeon felt someone tapping her back.


'T...Tiffany? Y..Yoona?'


Taeyeon stuttered, slightly taken aback to see her girlfriend.


'Sorry I didn't reply your message, we were kinda......'




Taeyeon finished Tiffany's sentence before the four girls started laughing.


'Since we're all here, shall we all have lunch together?'


Taeyeon suggested.


'Sorry, can't do. Nicole's picking me up. Last minute packing.'


'I can't do lunch either. I have to head down to get books for the semester. I won't have time to collect the books since my flight home is the day before our orientation.'


Hyoyeon and Yoona apologized. 


'Guess it's just you and me then? What do you feel like having?'


Tiffany shrugged her shoulders and walked away confusing Taeyeon. She looked at Yoona and Hyoyeon in confusion as the other two signalled for her to go after Tiffany.


'Did I do something wrong?'


Taeyeon asked as soon as she caught up with Tiffany outside the mall.


'Nah. It's just, let's have lunch somewhere else? I don't want to bump into Yuri or Jessica midway though we did follow them. I mean, I'm a little upset that Jess didn't tell me about Yuri but then again, what if there's nothing to tell? I guess she'll tell me when she's ready right? Maybe she's sorting out her feelings or maybe because she's dating my girlfriend's best friend.'


Taeyeon took note of how Tiffany's mood seemed to have been affected by the new discovery. She took Tiffany by the hand and hailed a cab. 


'W...Where are we going?'


Tiffany asked the older girl. She heard Taeyeon giving the cab driver directions but she had no clue on where they were heading.


'I want to bring you somewhere but I need to get some stuff first. Do you mind if we drop by my place for a bit?'


Taeyeon told Tiffany. It didn't take them long until the cab came to a full stop. Taeyeon paid for the fare and lead the way out.


'Come on in. There's no one home.'


Taeyeon gestured to Tiffany who was hesitating to enter the gates. Taeyeon walked over and intertwined their hands as they walked into the house. The pair left after a few minutes with a picnic basket and a change of clothes. Taeyeon had passed Tiffany her own clothes for the younger girl to wear. Tiffany was about to walk out of the gates when she realized that Taeyeon was walking in another direction


'I thought we're going out?'


Tiffany asked, confused about why Taeyeon wasn't following her.


'Not that way, come on. I already asked my dad for permission. Not that I need to, but just giving him a heads up.'


Taeyeon called out to Tiffany. They walked to another side of the house where Taeyeon took out a remote. It was then that Tiffany realized that they were actually walking to their mode of transport for the day. 


'T..This is yours? Are you sure it's safe for me to be a passenger when you're driving?'


Tiffany raised her eyebrows. She had no idea that Taeyeon has a driving license or even a car.


'I don't really like driving's an exception.'


Taeyeon answered. She opened the car door for Tiffany before getting in the car herself. Taeyeon took a deep breath before starting the car engine. 


'It's been a long time hasn't it?' 


Taeyeon muttered as she placed the car in gear. Soon enough, the pair were cruising down the highway. Tiffany sang along to the songs that was being played over the radio while Taeyeon was trying her best to focus on her driving. 


'Are we there yet? Are we there yet?'


Tiffany asked as soon as the song died down.


'10 more minutes. It's just down the corner.'


Taeyeon reached out for Tiffany's hand and held it in hers. Tiffany smiled, feeling a lot better than before as she leaned against Taeyeon's shoulder. She found herself lost in her thoughts until she heard Taeyeon's voice.


'We're here.' 


Taeyeon told Tiffany and gestured for the girl to exit the car. Tiffany got out of the car and looked around. It was a new environment for her. One that overlooked the Han River and most of Seoul. In her head, she was trying to picture how beautiful it would look when it gets dark and the city lights would illuminate the surroundings.


'It's nicer when it gets dark. The sunset's really nice too. Come, I know a spot where we can have the best view.'


Tiffany heard Taeyeon's voice. She turned around to see the girl holding on to a folded picnic mat as well as a picnic basket. Taeyeon had prepared a few sandwiches for them while Tiffany changed out of her uniform. The older girl also packed a few cans of drinks in the basket along with a couple of snacks for them to eat and enjoy. Tiffany followed as Taeyeon lead the way to a shady spot. She helped the girl with the picnic mat and sat next to her once everything was laid out. 


'It's beautiful.'


Tiffany voiced out as she looked at the scenery. 


'It is isn't it? It's my favourite place. I don't think anyone else comes here. So you better keep this a secret!'


Taeyeon told the girl as she laid on her back.


'This secret is safe with me. How did you find out about this place?'


'My mum used to bring me here but only in the afternoons. I don't usually come up here during the afternoons. Mostly at night.'




'Uhhuh. Well, I usually just ride my bicycle up here. There's a shortcut to get here but it's not accessible by cars. I get a good workout while I'm at it too.'


'Oh. You don't come up here with your mum anymore?'


Tiffany asked after noticing the past tense. 


'My mum passed away a few years ago. Car accident.'


Taeyeon answered with her eyes closed.


'Oh. Sorry.'


Tiffany apologized, unsure if she crossed the line just by asking the question about Taeyeon's mother. She had a feeling that this could also be why Taeyeon was pretty tensed up for the first few minutes when she was driving. Tiffany didn't say another word. Instead, she laid down next to Taeyeon and snuggled against the girl. They stayed in silence. Not the awkward kind but the kind of silence that was reassuring. Taeyeon opened her eyes before leaning in and kissing Tiffany on the forehead. The pair stayed that way for a few hours, forgetting about their snacks and drinks. They enjoyed each other's company that afternoon before it was time to pack up and leave. Taeyeon and Tiffany watched the sunset and saw how the city started to slowly but surely lighting up. Taeyeon drove the younger girl home. She opened the car door for Tiffany. Tiffany gave Taeyeon a hug followed by a peck on the cheek surprising the girl since they were right in front of Tiffany's gate. 




Tiffany turned to the direction of the voice.







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CrissYoung #1
Chapter 33: I got confused I thought Tiffany's group is just a year lower than Taeyeon's group?? Then why are they seniors already while Tiffany's are freshmen??

I hope you'll still update this though..
Chapter 33: I just discovered this and I find it really interesting. I hope you can still continue this story ^^ it will be such a shame to leave an awesome story unfinish hehe
maemae08 #3
Chapter 33: Yeah focus more on Taeny. Sometimes I have to skip some sceen or chapter only to read Taeny's moment :)
taeny2403 #4
Chapter 33: Can u focus on taeny author?? Thanks
blueeey #5
Chapter 33: I'm confused. When did YulSic become official? Lol and what happened to that gift Taeyeon wanted to give Tiffany?
TheSecret_Han #6
Chapter 33: When did Yulsic become official?
1131 streak #7
Chapter 33: Uh oh Yul better go and calm your ice princess now
I mean chap 30*
Chapter 33: Huh? Chap 31 is not continuing chap 29?? When Yulsic become official??????
TheSecret_Han #10
Chapter 33: I love your story very much. And you're not dragging it too long. Even if you did I would still read it. After 31 chapters it still isn't boring. So please update soon author-ssi!