Chapter 10

Bus Crush

Taeyeon was having so much fun that it wasn’t until Sunny glared at her that she stopped. She had lost count of how many times Sungmin had fallen off the platform without even getting a chance to counter attack. 


‘We’re not done yet!’


Sungmin shouted as he took off his safety helmet and came charging at Taeyeon. Taeyeon dodged in time to watch Sungmin trip over his own feet. Laughter erupted everywhere as Taeyeon offered her hand to the boy.


‘I don’t need your help.’


Sungmin sneered.


‘Remember our agreement. Stay the hell away from Sunny unless you want to be humiliated like this again.’


Taeyeon pulled back her hand as Sungmin stood up on his own. She knew that Sunny was going to nag at her for humiliating Sungmin like that. Maybe she should have faked a few falls just to let him win a point or two. Taeyeon exited the arena from the other side, across from where her friends were waiting for her.




Taeyeon saw a pink handkerchief being offered to her. She looked up and was surprised at the girl standing in front of her.


‘Y….What are you doing here?’


‘I’m here with my friends. Taeyeon, right?’


Taeyeon nodded in respond.


‘I didn’t see you on the bus yesterday. Thought I might bump into here. This is for you.’


The girl handed over a pink envelope. Taeyeon took the envelope and while doing so, their hands brushed against each other briefly


‘Eh hem’


The pair were interrupted by someone.


‘Oh. This is Jessica. My school mate.’


The girl introduced her friend


‘Hi, Jessica. It’s nice to meet you.’


Taeyeon smiled.


‘Tiff, is this the girl you’ve been talking about? Your bus cr…..?...OUCH!’


Taeyeon watched as the girl nudged her friend




Taeyeon raised her eyebrows.


‘She doesn’t even know your name?’


Jessica muttered, earning another nudge from the girl


‘I’m Tiffany. Tiffany Hwang.’


‘Ahhhh. That explains the T.H’


Taeyeon smiled.




Taeyeon could recognize that voice anywhere. It was Sunny.


‘Aish. Sorry guys. Got to go’




Taeyeon clenched her jaw as she turned around. She smiled awkwardly and rubbed the back of her neck with one hand.


‘S…Sunny ah, I was just teaching him a lesson. I….Please don’t be angry at me! Please Please Please.’


Taeyeon pleaded while pulling Sunny’s sleeves.


‘You’re embarrassing me’


Sunny frowned.



‘OH! TIFF! JESS! You guys know Taeyeon?’


Yoona who was at the back of the group greeted the three girls.


‘Taeyeon. That pink envelope. Isn’t that from your bus cr……..’


Taeyeon covered Hyoyeon’s mouth before she could say anything. She glared at Sunny and Yuri as if telling them not to say a word.


‘Yoongie. Guess what, Tiff and Taeyeon already know each other. Small world right? Taeyeon happens to be……URGH! You need to stop hitting me!’


Jessica glared at her best friend but Tiffany’s glare was a lot more intense which was quite a rare sight for Jessica. The girl knew about Taeyeon. Tiffany has been talking about the girl since forever. In fact, Jessica was the one who pushed Tiffany to make the first move by writing a thank you note.




They heard the announcement.


‘Come on, Yul. We need to get changed. See you guys at the stadium after the race?’


Hyoyeon told the rest.


Everyone else made their way to the stadium while Hyoyeon and Yuri got changed to their sports attire.


Taecyeon and Yoona went to sit with Taecyeon’s friends leaving Jessica and Tiffany on their own. Sunny had asked the two girls to sit with them. Hyomin sat next to Sunny while Taeyeon sat in between Sunny and Tiffany.


Since they were waiting for the event to start, Taeyeon was feeling a little thirsty. She stood up and asked Sunny and Hyomin if they wanted anything to drink.


‘I’m going to get a drink. Do you guys want anything?’


Taeyeon asked.


‘Sure. Can you get coke for me and ……ice tea for Hyomin?’


Taeyeon nodded before she turned to Tiffany and Jessica.


‘E..Erm…..D..Do you guys want anything to drink?’


She asked them nervously. Tiffany looked at Jessica who was smiling. Tiffany knew that Jessica was planning something.


‘Oh. Sure. Can I get a bottle of mineral water? Tiff, why don’t you help her? I’m sure she would need help to carry the drinks back.’


Jessica nudged her best friend.


‘I…It’s okay. I can manage.’


Taeyeon voiced out.


‘I…I’ll go with you.’


Tiffany stood up after much pushing from her best friend. As soon as the pair left, Sunny turned to face Jessica.


‘You’re Jessica right? Can I ask you something?’




‘Is it just me or do they look like a cute couple?’


Sunny pointed to the two girls that just left.


‘Not just you. Tiffany couldn’t stop talking about her the entire week. Well, it’s been a few months actually. It’s not one sided on her part right? I mean….I’m her best friend and if your friend doesn’t feel the same way….It might be best to break it to her at the earlier stage.’


‘Actually…..It’s the same for Taeyeon. What do you say about giving those two a push? I don’t think I can stand a few more months of Taeyeon staring and doing nothing.’


‘I’m with you on that one. What do you have in mind?’


‘Well….Why don’t you come and sit closer to me. We can let others take their seats.’


‘I like the way you think.’


‘Well, I like the way you think too.’


Sunny and Jessica seemed to have bonded over their attempt to help Taeyeon and Tiffany. Taeyeon and Tiffany arrived in time to see the heats starting. As the stadium was full, they had to climb down the small hill by the side to get to the bottom of the stadium steps. They looked to where they were sitting originally only to find their seats being taken. Tiffany saw Jessica looking at them before looking away. She made a mental note to take her revenge once the event was done.


‘I see them. Avoid eye contact.’


Jessica muttered to Sunny. Sunny nodded in response as they stared in the opposite direction.


‘Looks like we have to find another place to sit. Ah…Seems like it’s full.’


Taeyeon looked around for an empty spot but there was none.


‘Oh. I know. Let’s go to the 3rd floor of the Arts building. We still see the race from there.’


Taeyeon suggested. She offered her hand as they had to climb back up the small hill. The pair walked towards the arts building together, not realizing that they were still holding hands.




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CrissYoung #1
Chapter 33: I got confused I thought Tiffany's group is just a year lower than Taeyeon's group?? Then why are they seniors already while Tiffany's are freshmen??

I hope you'll still update this though..
Chapter 33: I just discovered this and I find it really interesting. I hope you can still continue this story ^^ it will be such a shame to leave an awesome story unfinish hehe
maemae08 #3
Chapter 33: Yeah focus more on Taeny. Sometimes I have to skip some sceen or chapter only to read Taeny's moment :)
taeny2403 #4
Chapter 33: Can u focus on taeny author?? Thanks
blueeey #5
Chapter 33: I'm confused. When did YulSic become official? Lol and what happened to that gift Taeyeon wanted to give Tiffany?
TheSecret_Han #6
Chapter 33: When did Yulsic become official?
1131 streak #7
Chapter 33: Uh oh Yul better go and calm your ice princess now
I mean chap 30*
Chapter 33: Huh? Chap 31 is not continuing chap 29?? When Yulsic become official??????
TheSecret_Han #10
Chapter 33: I love your story very much. And you're not dragging it too long. Even if you did I would still read it. After 31 chapters it still isn't boring. So please update soon author-ssi!