Chapter 12

Bus Crush

Hey guys! Thanks for all the subscriptions, comments and upvotes. I really appreciate it. Feel free to let me know how you think about the story through comments or you can just PM me if you're too shy. And also thanks to those who have been PM-ing me, you guys really make my day (would totally feel like a loner w/o you guys). 


Hope you've enjoyed the story so far and......this chapter's kinda long, so....brace yourself? :D







Sunny waited by the side as Hyomin purchased the movie tickets. She has been debating with herself if she should tell the girl how she feels. After finally coming to terms that she is indeed falling for a girl, the last thing she wanted was to be turned down and losing Hyomin as a friend.


‘Hey, you okay?’


Sunny heard someone asking her. She looked up to see Hyomin smiling at her.


‘Just thinking. Did you get the tickets?’


‘Uhhuh. Seems like it’s not too crowded today. Do you want to get anything? A drink? Popcorn? Nachos?’


Hyomin asked her


‘Popcorn and coke is fine. I’m paying this time.’


Sunny smiled as they walked to the concession stand together.


‘Salted or sweet?’


‘You pick’


‘Can I get a medium sized popcorn? Mixed, please’


Sunny ordered


‘What about your drink?’


‘Coke is fine.’


‘Can I get two regular coke as well. Thank you.’


Sunny continued her order. She was about to pay when Hyomin handed the cashier the money first. Hyomin noticed Sunny’s frown and laughed.


‘You can pay for it next time.’


Hyomin told the girl.


‘Fine. You better let me pay for it the next time round or you can forget about going out with me again’


Sunny gave a little pout. Hyomin smiled as she helped Sunny carry the popcorn and a drink. Before she had her hands full, she passed the movie tickets to Sunny since the shorter girl was the only one between the two of them that has a free hand.


They went into the movie theater and found their seats easily. Fortunately for the pair, there was no one sitting next to them. Hyomin placed the popcorn in the middle so that it was easier for them to share. Since they were sharing, there were a lot of times when their hands would brush against each other as they happened to reach for the popcorn at the same time.


Halfway through the movie, Hyomin noticed Sunny fidgeting. She noticed that the girl kept rubbing her hands together.


‘Are you cold?’


Hyomin asked Sunny.


‘Just a little bit’


Sunny confessed. She had left her jacket at home and she was definitely not expecting the air conditioning to be that cold.


‘Here. You can have mine.’


Hyomin took off her cardigan and passed it to Sunny.


‘It’s okay. You’re going to be cold too.’


‘Actually, I’m feeling kinda warm. I insist.’


Hyomin lied. She was already feeling chilly when she took off the cardigan but she didn’t want Sunny to freeze to death. She didn’t mind suffering just a bit for Sunny. Afterall, Hyomin has had a crush on Sunny even when the girl was still attached to Sungmin. She just watched the girl from a distance. It was only after Hyoyeon introduced them to each other than she realized that she has definitely fallen for the cheerful girl. She would always look forward to performances as she knew that Sunny would be in the audience. It was one of the reasons why she would always work hard to get chosen for such showcases.


‘Are you still cold?’


Hyomin asked the girl after a few minutes.


‘It’s slightly better. Are you sure you’re not cold?’


‘Actually, I’m starting to feel a bit chilly but….I know what might help’


Hyomin told the girl. She didn’t know what got over her but she decided to scoot nearer to Sunny. Hyomin took a deep breath and placed her arm over Sunny’s shoulder. She only breathed out when she felt Sunny responding by leaning against her. Hyomin could only smile. She barely focused on the movie, soaking in new warmth that Sunny is providing her.


Taeyeon and Tiffany on the other hand, did little talking on the bus ride to have their ice cream. They were both busy texting Yuri and Jessica, cursing and vowing to take revenge for their current situation. It wasn’t until Taeyeon noticed that it was going to be their stop soon that they talked.


‘We’re alighting at the next stop.’


Taeyeon told the girl as she placed her phone in the back pocket of her jeans.


‘Oh. Okay.’


Tiffany replied as she stopped texting and placed her phone in her bag.


They walked side by side with Tiffany matching Taeyeon’s pace. Taeyeon opened the door for Tiffany and even pulled the chair out for her to sit.


‘They’re famous for their waffles. Their mars bars and salted caramel ice cream is nice as well. Sunny likes their strawberry cheesecake ice cream. Erm… you want to take a look and try a few flavors?’


Taeyeon asked Tiffany.


‘It’s alright. I trust your taste in ice cream. You can pick and we’ll share?’


Tiffany suggested. Taeyeon smiled and stood up to go to the counter. She made her order and came back a few minutes later with a place of waffle and two scoops of ice cream.


‘I wasn’t sure what you like so I just ordered the two I told you about.’


Tiffany smiled as she took the fork and knife as well as napkins that Taeyeon passed to her.


The pair ate their desserts while getting to know each other even more.


‘So you’re from GG High School? Why haven’t I seen you taking the bus before? Doesn’t the bus that we take in the morning go to GG High School directly?’


Tiffany asked. She was curious because she has been taking the same bus for almost 3 years and it wasn’t until early this year that she spotted Taeyeon taking the same bus as her.


‘O…Oh. About that. My dad used to send me to school every morning.’


‘Ah. Then what made you switch to taking a bus? And…..doesn’t SM College start an hour later than most schools? Wouldn’t you be extra early if you’re taking the bus that we usually take?’


Tiffany asked again. This time Taeyeon hesitated. What could she possibly answer? The fact that she’s taking the bus at that hour just so that she could bump into Tiffany?


‘A….It’s just…….I just don’t want to be late I guess.’


Taeyeon mentally cursed after giving such a lame excuse.


‘Ah, I see. Does that mean we won’t be bus buddies once I start school in SM College?’


Taeyeon heard the girl asking her. Again, she was taken aback.


‘I’m just kidding. I could just wake up as usual and meet you on the bus as usual.’


Tiffany grinned.


‘The waffle is going to get soggy.’


Taeyeon pointed to the plate and smiled at the girl.


‘Do you know I was a bit hesitant about passing you the note? You weren’t exactly smiling when we were on the bus. You should try smiling more. It suits you better.’


Tiffany told Taeyeon as she cut herself a piece of the waffle.


‘…A….Wouldn’t it look weird if I smiled all the time?’


‘It was weirder that you didn’t’


Tiffany chuckled remembering Taeyeon’s grumpy looking face.


‘That’s what Sunny said too.’


Taeyeon mumbled.




Tiffany asked after hearing something from Taeyeon


‘Oh. It’s nothing. Should we head home now?’


Taeyeon asked as they were finishing the waffle and ice cream. The pair walked out of the ice cream store together. Tiffany walked towards the bus stop but stopped walking when she realized that Taeyeon wasn’t following her.


‘Let’s take a cab shall we? I’ll drop you off first.’


Taeyeon offered. Tiffany nodded and walked towards the girl who was already queuing at the taxi stand.


It turns out, Tiffany actually stays a few bus stops away from Taeyeon. Taeyeon opened the cab door for Tiffany, allowing the younger girl to enter the cab first. Inside, the pair continued talking, by now, they were getting more comfortable with each other. The cab dropped them off right outside of Tiffany’s home.


‘This is me then.’


Tiffany said as they both stood outside of her gate.


‘You should go in. Don’t want you to catch a cold now, do we?’


‘How are you getting home?’


Tiffany asked. It was quite a bit of distance to the main road.


‘I could just walk. I love taking long walks. Clears my head a little’


‘Alright then….Erm….Taeyeon….’


Tiffany hesitated for a bit




‘D..Do you mind giving me your number? You know…just so that I know you got home safe.’


Tiffany asked shyly.




Taeyeon tried her best to resist from breaking into a happy dance. She gave Tiffany her number and the girl gave her a missed call in return.


‘Got it.’


Taeyeon smiled as she saved the number in her phone.


‘I should get going now. See you on Monday?’


Taeyeon told the girl.


‘Sure. See you on Monday. Thanks for today, Taeyeon.’


‘It was my pleasure. Hurry in.’


Taeyeon gestured. As soon as Tiffany was out of sight, Taeyeon broke into a happy dance. This was by far, the highlight of her week.


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CrissYoung #1
Chapter 33: I got confused I thought Tiffany's group is just a year lower than Taeyeon's group?? Then why are they seniors already while Tiffany's are freshmen??

I hope you'll still update this though..
Chapter 33: I just discovered this and I find it really interesting. I hope you can still continue this story ^^ it will be such a shame to leave an awesome story unfinish hehe
maemae08 #3
Chapter 33: Yeah focus more on Taeny. Sometimes I have to skip some sceen or chapter only to read Taeny's moment :)
taeny2403 #4
Chapter 33: Can u focus on taeny author?? Thanks
blueeey #5
Chapter 33: I'm confused. When did YulSic become official? Lol and what happened to that gift Taeyeon wanted to give Tiffany?
TheSecret_Han #6
Chapter 33: When did Yulsic become official?
1120 streak #7
Chapter 33: Uh oh Yul better go and calm your ice princess now
I mean chap 30*
Chapter 33: Huh? Chap 31 is not continuing chap 29?? When Yulsic become official??????
TheSecret_Han #10
Chapter 33: I love your story very much. And you're not dragging it too long. Even if you did I would still read it. After 31 chapters it still isn't boring. So please update soon author-ssi!