Chapter 27

Bus Crush

Taeyeon found herself frozen in her spot as the tone that Mr Hwang used to call Tiffany definitely didn't sound like a welcoming one.


'In the house. Now.'


Mr Hwang commanded and walked past the two girls without making any eye contact. Tiffany hesitated, unsure of what was the right thing to do. She was about to say something to Taeyeon when her father's booming voice echoed through the neighbourhood.


'Stephanie Hwang Mi Young! In the house. Now. Don't make me repeat myself, young lady.'


Tiffany looked at Taeyeon apologetically before she hurried into her own house leaving Taeyeon alone outside. Taeyeon blinked a few times before pulling herself together. She went back inside her car, contemplating if she should stay or if she should head home.


Inside the house,  Tiffany saw her father sitting on the couch with a stern look on his face. By now, her mother had appeared from the kitchen as it was a normal routine for Mrs Hwang to make Mr Hwang a cup of tea when he got home from work.


'What's going on?'


Mrs Hwang asked when she noticed the slightly tensed atmosphere. Tiffany hung her head low as she knew that it is never a good sign if her father raised his voice. Throughout her childhood until now, she has never heard him talk to her in such a manner. Tiffany stood near her father, still unwilling to look up as she heard her parents talking in whispers. She couldn't quite catch what their conversation was about but she knew that it was probably about what had happened earlier. It wasn't until she heard her mother laughing and felt her father hugging her that she finally lifted her head.


'I hope she forgives you for that'


Tiffany heard her mother say before the older woman went back into the kitchen to prepare dinner. She looked at her father who was no longer looking stern, instead, he was trying his best not to burst out in laughter. 


'Princess, you should have seen both your faces. Ah, how do you think I did? Did my 'angry parent' act work? Maybe I should consider a career switch. I'm so sorry, darling. It's just that it's the first time I've seen you coming home from a date and I couldn't help it. That was a date right? Who is she? What is her name? How long have you been seeing each other?'


Mr Hwang asked his youngest but received a response that he expected. Tiffany didn't give him a reply. The girl went straight into her room and slammed the door behind her, earning even louder laughs from both her parents.


Taeyeon got home safe and parked her car back in the garage. She gave it one last pat on the headlights before walking back to her house. She remembered clearly the last time she sat in that car, it was just a few days before the accident. Taeyeon's mother would allow her to drive the car as practice but only at the abandoned parking lot that was a few blocks away. The parking lot was now an apartment complex. She also remembered the day she went with her mother to purchase the car. Mrs Kim and Taeyeon spent almost two hours arguing on the colour of the car. Since Mr Kim would always be busy with work, Mrs Kim would often take Taeyeon on long drives to different places. The car held many memories of her mother which was why it barely left the garage since the accident. Mr Kim would still drive it around on weekends and send it for maintenance but he never had the heart to sell it off. He knew how much the car meant to Taeyeon. 


'You're back. Have you had dinner?'


Taeyeon snapped out of her thoughts.


'Oh. Uhhuh. I had dinner.' 


'Everything alright?'


Mr Kim asked the distracted girl. Taeyeon nodded her head and smiled.


'You know you can talk to me about anything right?'


'I know. It's just the usual. You know. I miss her.'


'I miss her too. Shall we have a movie night? I'll make some popcorn, you choose the movie.'


Mr Kim suggested as he got up from his seat. He walked to the kitchen and took out a large bowl as well as the bag of popcorn kernels. He watched as Taeyeon scanned the DVDs for a movie to watch. While waiting for the popcorn, Mr Kim took our a pitcher and prepared iced tea for him and Taeyeon to drink while they watch the movie. Once Taeyeon was done choosing the movie, she walked over to the kitchen to help Mr Kim. The pair walked back to the couch together with the bowl of popcorn and their pitcher of iced tea. They leaned back against the couch, sitting next to each other and Taeyeon reached out for the remote to press the 'play' button. 


'Oh. Great choice.'


Mr Kim said as he wrapped his arm around his daugther.


'It's her favourite' 


Taeyeon muttered as she held on to the bowl of popcorn and placed it in between the two of them. That night, Taeyeon and Mr Kim laughed at all the good memories they shared with Mrs Kim when she was still around. They replayed her favourite scenes from the movie and spent the night talking to each other about everything and anything. The loss of a family member is never easy. There will always be a void in their lives that can never be replaced but they both knew that they can count on each other through the rough times. Mr Kim is thankful that despite their loss, his bond with Taeyeon grew stronger than ever. 


On the other side of town, Yuri and Jessica were just saying their goodbyes. Yuri had insisted on sending the younger girl home but soon realized that Jessica is quite the stubborn type. 


'It's getting late. Let's just get a cab. I can just drop you off then head back to my place.'


'Wouldn't it be easier if we just took separate cabs?'


'It's not much of a difference. Come on, I'll send you back home.'


'You stay on the opposite side. Save your money and time for something else.'


'Urgh. Fine. Bet you wouldn't be this persistent if I was him.'


Yuri muttered the last part.


'What did you say?'


Jessica asked as she didn't catch the last sentence


'Nothing. I'll wait for you to get in the cab then.'


Yuri told her. Jessica frowned as Yuri's weird behaviour. She had noticed that the girl has been acting differently since dinner. The plan was for them to have lunch and catch a movie while killing time before meeting their parents for dinner. As the pair were so engrossed in the movie, they failed to notice the missed calls and text messages. It was only until after the movie when they both checked their phones that they realized that dinner was cancelled as both Mr Kwon and Mr Jung had decided to go on a double date night with their spouses, Mrs and Mrs Jung respectively. Krystal had sent Jessica a message telling the girl that she's spending the rest of the afternoon with Amber and for the older girl to enjoy her date with Yuri. Jessica made a mental note to strangle her younger sister once she got home. Everything was going well until dinner that is.


Yuri and Jessica had walked around the mall looking for a place to have dinner. Most of the places had long queues since it was dinner time. They walked past a relatively new looking restaurant and that was when Yuri suggested that they have their dinner there. 


'Shall we just queue? I'm sure we'll be seated in no time.' 


Yuri asked as they flipped through the menu that was outside of the restaurant. Jessica nodded in agreement since she was in the mood for some Mexican food.


'Jess? Jessica Jung?'


Jessica raised her eyebrows at the guy who just came out of the restaurant.


'It's me. Donghae. Lee Donghae. Do you remember? We went to summer camp together.'




Jessica replied though she wasn't sure that she remember him


'How have you been? It's been years. You're still as pretty as I remembered you to be. How's Tiffany? Have you had dinner? My older brother owns this restaurant. Come on in, we have the VIP tables available.'


Jessica couldn't say no since Donghae was already ushering her in. Jessica grabbed Yuri's hand out of instinct of not wanting to be alone.


'Oh, where are my manners. Hi, I'm Lee Donghae. You are?'


Donghae asked Yuri since he noticed that Jessica had grabbed the girl's hand to follow her into the restaurant.


'Yuri. A friend of Jessica's.' 


Yuri gave a short reply. She wasn't too happy about how Donghae seemed a little bit too excited about meeting Jessica. 


Throughout the entire dinner, Yuri felt almost invincible. Donghae and Jessica were talking continously. She rolled her eyes each time Donghae told a lame joke and laughed along sarcastically when he tells her things about Jessica that she already knew.


'I'm telling you, Jessica was the talk of summer camp. Both her and Tiffany.'


'Oh come on. All the girls were practically gushing over you and Siwon too.'


'Are you one of those girls?' 


Donghae attempted to flirt. Yuri began stabbing at the chicken that was on her plate while counting down to the end of dinner.


'Donghae, I need your help with taking the orders'


Someone called out to the boy. 


'Sorry, got to go. I'll see you soon just in case I don't get to say goodbye. Dinner is on the house! It's nice seeing you again, Jess. And it's nice to meet you, Yuri.'


Donghae bid his goodbye. Yuri forced a smile before continue to stab the poor chicken on her plate. The pair didn't talk much during dinner up until they were outside of the mall, debating about the cab.


Jessica flagged a cab and Yuri opened up the door for her. 


'You know, I never had a crush on him. He's not my type. So you don't have to worry about him or anyone else.'


Jessica told the taller girl before closing the cab door. Yuri stood by the sidewalk and watched the cab pull away until it disappeared into the distance. 


'Was I too obvious? What does she mean by saying that? Aish. I need to work on my poker face.'


Yuri grumbled to herself and flagged the next cab that she sees. Frustrated and annoyed, Yuri barely slept that night.




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CrissYoung #1
Chapter 33: I got confused I thought Tiffany's group is just a year lower than Taeyeon's group?? Then why are they seniors already while Tiffany's are freshmen??

I hope you'll still update this though..
Chapter 33: I just discovered this and I find it really interesting. I hope you can still continue this story ^^ it will be such a shame to leave an awesome story unfinish hehe
maemae08 #3
Chapter 33: Yeah focus more on Taeny. Sometimes I have to skip some sceen or chapter only to read Taeny's moment :)
taeny2403 #4
Chapter 33: Can u focus on taeny author?? Thanks
blueeey #5
Chapter 33: I'm confused. When did YulSic become official? Lol and what happened to that gift Taeyeon wanted to give Tiffany?
TheSecret_Han #6
Chapter 33: When did Yulsic become official?
1131 streak #7
Chapter 33: Uh oh Yul better go and calm your ice princess now
I mean chap 30*
Chapter 33: Huh? Chap 31 is not continuing chap 29?? When Yulsic become official??????
TheSecret_Han #10
Chapter 33: I love your story very much. And you're not dragging it too long. Even if you did I would still read it. After 31 chapters it still isn't boring. So please update soon author-ssi!