Chapter 18

Bus Crush

Tiffany was almost dying of boredom as she waited in her father's office while he attended a meeting. Mr Hwang has been trying his best to get Tiffany to be more interested in the family business but he knew that her interest was somewhere else. The girl has always been more inclined towards arts and designing. Since she's the youngest, Mr Hwang has always favored the girl and allowed her to pursue what she wanted. Today was an exception since one of his close business partners insisted that they should have lunch together. Mr Hwang knew that Tiffany would have rejected the idea of 'matchmaking' almost immediately which was why he only told her that she was following him to work that day. He made a mental note to buy her something pink on the way home just so the girl wouldn't give him the cold shoulder for the rest of the weekend.


'Princess, my meeting's being extended. My friend's son would be taking you out for lunch. Please be nice.' 


Tiffany read the message she just received. She was about to continue texting the angry Jessica when she heard a knock on the door.


'Hi. Mr Hwang told me to take you out for lunch. I hope you don't mind.' 


Tiffany sat up and adjusted her dress. She turned her chair around and saw a smartly dressed boy standing by the door. 


'I'm Nichkhun Horvejkul. It's Nickhun for short. You must be Tiffany?' 


He smiled at her. 


Tiffany nodded and smiled. She would be lying if her heart didn't skip a beat. He was a good looking chap but Tiffany knew that her heart was already set on someone else.


'So, shall we go for lunch then?'


Tiffany snapped out of her thoughts and saw that he was already holding the door open for her. She followed him to the front of the office building where a car was already waiting for them.


'There's a restaurant nearby that I've always wanted to try. I hope you don't mind.'


Tiffany could only nod as she entered the car.


'You don't talk much, do you?'


She heard him say


'Huh? I do. I just don't know what to say.'


'Well, just be comfortable. Be yourself.'




Tiffany responded. They continued talking and soon, Tiffany found herself getting more comfortable. Nickhun held the doors open for her when they arrived at the restaurant. He even pulled the chair out for her and helped her with the orders. 


'Do you want to share?'




'Desserts. Do you want to share?'


Tiffany was feeling rather full, so she agreed. They were sharing their desserts when she felt Nickhun coming closer to her. She couldn't even react when she felt his thumb on the side of her lips.


'You've got some cream there.' 


Nickhun told her. Their faces just inches away from each other. Tiffany jerked backwards. She was uncomfortable with his boldness and the sudden contact. 


'Sorry, my phone was vibrating.'


Tiffany came up with an excuse as she grabbed a napkin to wipe before taking her phone out. It was just her luck as there was indeed a message that came in.


'Guess what? I'm at the amusement park with Sunny and Sooyoung when I saw this. Totally reminds me of you.'


Tiffany clicked on the picture attached and smiled widely when she saw the unicorn plush toy from 'Despicable Me' on the screen


'That's a nice smile. Message from your boyfriend?'


Tiffany looked up to see Nickhun straightening his shirt.


'Huh? Just a friend.'


'Oh. Must be some friend to make you smile like that'


Nickhun commented. Tiffany wasn't sure if there was sarcasm in his words but she definitely didn't like the tone in his voice. 


'I should get you back to the office. Wouldn't want Mr Hwang to get worried.'


Tiffany watched as Nickhun asked for the bill and settled it. His behavior now was the complete opposite of a few hours ago. He walked ahead of Tiffany and didn't even bother to wait for the girl or open the doors for her. Tiffany didn't mind of course. The girl was too busy replying Taeyeon to be affected by his behavior. She continued texting Taeyeon throughout the ride back to the office and bid him a polite goodbye before heading up to her father's office. She knew more than anyone else that Nickhun's behavior was just a front and she was glad that Taeyeon's unexpected text message showed his true colors and intentions.


'YAH! Aren't you going to take the rides with me?' 

Sunny shouted at Taeyeon who was glued to her phone

'You know I don't like taking rides. Besides, there's three of us. So someone has to sit alone. Why don't you just go ahead with Sooyoung.'

Taeyeon replied without even looking up

'Aish. Stop coming up with excuses if you just want to text your GIRLFRIEND'

Taeyeon waved Sunny away as she walked into one of the novelty stores.


Sooyoung asked Sunny as the two of them walked towards one of the queues to a ride

'Well, not really her girlfriend. Just this girl that she has a crush on. So how long are you staying here for? Are you having fun?'

'I'm not too sure. Maybe for a few more days. I'm actually going to your school on Monday with my dad to talk about my transfer.'

'Oh. You're going to attend our school?'

'I would love to. I meet all the requirements but it's just a matter of getting accepted or not. Since the application period is over, my dad's coming down to ask if I can just get transferred in instead.' 

'I'm sure you'd get in. The dean's pretty cool.'

'I hope so. Anyway, are you feeling better? The reason why we're here is to take your mind off things right? I hope it's working.'

'Oh. Yeah. Kinda.'

'Do you want to talk about it? I mean, I know it might feel strange but maybe I could give you a different perspective. You know….one that's not biased.'

Sunny contemplated for a bit before slowly telling Sooyoung about everything. There was just something about this new friend that made her comfortable enough to share. By the time she finished her summary of what happened between her and Hyomin, even details that she never shared with anyone else, there were still a lot of people in front of them.

'Well……did you hear her out? I mean you left right after she said that it was just a bet right? Maybe you should her out? Give her a chance to explain herself. Sometimes, we do things that we regret. I'm not trying to side her or anything but she did look very upset when she was waiting outside for you. Just a question, do you still like her?'

'I don't know. I just feel like everything was just a lie. All the things she said to me, her actions. It's as if everything was just a hoax.' 

'Well, feelings can be quite complicated. I'm sure you know that pretty well. Just give her another chance. Give yourself another chance. If she really just played you out then give me a call. I'll take the next flight to Seoul and teach her a lesson. And I'll pay for the admission ticket back to this amusement park plus tell you that you deserve someone better'


Sunny smiled at the taller girl. They were called to take their seats and spent the next few hours having the time of their lives as they rode as many rides as they could, screaming their hearts out and just forget about their worries.

Taeyeon on the other hand was sitting alone at one of the benches, texting Tiffany and smiling to herself. She took snapshots of different plush toys and even a selfie of herself enjoying cotton candy. 

'Stop rubbing it in. It's not fair that you're having so much fun while I'm stuck at the office.'

Taeyeon smiled when she pressed on the selfie that Tiffany took. The girl was pouting while showing an angry fist at the girl.

'I thought you had lunch? Lunch didn't go that well?'

'I doubt he'd be asking me out again. He was a complete gentleman, opening doors for me and even wiped cream off my lips! Until I saw your text and he commented. He asked if it was from my boyfriend. He became totally changed after that. Heh.'

'He did what? Wiped cream off your lips? Isn't this the first time you met each other? And sorry that I caused you a potential boyfriend. Which text was it?'

'I know right. I was totally taken aback when he touched my lips. And you shouldn't apologize. I should be thanking you instead. At least I saw his true colors. Oh, it was the text with the unicorn plush. IT'S SO FLUFFY!!!'

'Hahaha. Do you like the plushie?'

'I love it. It's so adorable!'

'Oh. Sooyoung and Sunny are done now. Are you still up for ice cream tomorrow?'

'Yes please. Same place?'

'Yup. See you at noon?'

'Sure! See you tomorrow.'

Taeyeon placed her phone back into her pocket as she walked towards Sooyoung and Sunny.

'Looks like the two of you had fun!'

'Yeah. I'm famished. Do we have to join them for dinner? I could tell that my dad that we're skipping. Sunny told me about a restaurant that serves really nice pasta and risotto'

'Are you talking about Yul's?'

Sunny nodded.

'I'm sure my dad won't mind. I'll give him a call and can we stop by the novelty shop on our way out? I need to get something.'

The three walked towards the car where the driver was waiting. Sunny and Sooyoung were laughing and giggling at Taeyeon. They had been making fun of the girl ever since she walked out of the store with the unicorn plush toy.

'I really should take a picture just for memories.'

Sunny laughed as the picture she snapped. 

'So you're giving it to her tomorrow?'

Sooyoung asked


'And you're planning to ask her about officially dating each other?'

Taeyeon nodded shyly.

'Aigooooo. You're definitely growing up.'

Sunny best friend. 

'I'm just worried if she rejects the idea of dating.'

'I'm sure she won't. Don't worry about it.'

Sunny pats Taeyeon's back as the three of them sat in the car. 

'This is nice' 

Sooyoung thought to herself. She was glad that she could click with Sunny and Taeyeon. Glad that if did get accepted to their school, she knew that she wouldn't be lonely anymore.

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CrissYoung #1
Chapter 33: I got confused I thought Tiffany's group is just a year lower than Taeyeon's group?? Then why are they seniors already while Tiffany's are freshmen??

I hope you'll still update this though..
Chapter 33: I just discovered this and I find it really interesting. I hope you can still continue this story ^^ it will be such a shame to leave an awesome story unfinish hehe
maemae08 #3
Chapter 33: Yeah focus more on Taeny. Sometimes I have to skip some sceen or chapter only to read Taeny's moment :)
taeny2403 #4
Chapter 33: Can u focus on taeny author?? Thanks
blueeey #5
Chapter 33: I'm confused. When did YulSic become official? Lol and what happened to that gift Taeyeon wanted to give Tiffany?
TheSecret_Han #6
Chapter 33: When did Yulsic become official?
1131 streak #7
Chapter 33: Uh oh Yul better go and calm your ice princess now
I mean chap 30*
Chapter 33: Huh? Chap 31 is not continuing chap 29?? When Yulsic become official??????
TheSecret_Han #10
Chapter 33: I love your story very much. And you're not dragging it too long. Even if you did I would still read it. After 31 chapters it still isn't boring. So please update soon author-ssi!