Interesting Day

Lunar Academy ☾ Tennis Team - Discontinued

"It's got to be the boyfriend," Kangdae argued, sitting lazily on the couch of the Student Lounge. It was a large but comfortable room, filled with entertainment and a small but busy Student Store, packed with students and even some teachers milling about.

"It is not," a tall male wearing the high school uniform retorted childishly. He sat next to the lounging college male comfortably, signaling their close relationship. "It has to be the pedo-teacher. I mean her pregnancy came out positive and he doesn't have an alibi."

"You're both wrong," another male, also in college but much shorter, denied, sitting on the other side of Kangdae. "I say it's the stepdad. Mean-"

"-green, fighting machine," the taller male cut in jokingly. 

"Sungjae!" the college male called with playful indignation. 

"Woo-hyung!" Sungjae threw back teasingly. Kangdae laughed at their childish squabble as the door swung open.

"Anyone seen Jongkyu?" Kris asked, walking in as calm as ever.

"Not here. Check by his room," Kangdae suggested, ignoring the fight building up on either side of him. "Why? What's up?"

"His sister walked into the locker room again," Kris stated, as though it happened often...which it did. 

"Ah," Kangdae nodded in understanding before the program finished. He turned to his friends with a sly smirk, ignoring Kris's existence. "Pay up losers! It was the boyfriend!"

The two groaned in unison as Kris left the Student Lounge with a roll of his eyes.


"I hate 'chu," Kyungmin groaned, lying on the cement of the tennis courts. 

"You jerk," another male threw back, lying down beside him. His hair was cut into a mushroom shape, a light brown that stuck to his forehead, matted with forehead and tall with long, lean limbs. 

"Kyungmin. Sehun," their coach's voice called in warning. 

"We're moving Jin-hyung," Sehun yelled back, getting up on his elbows. He turned to look at Kyungmin.

"That's the last time I agree to do that with you," he announced, getting up and lending Kyungmin a hand.

"That's what you said last time too," Kyungmin teased, patting Sehun on one shoulder before stretching upwards and running towards where their coach was calling them.

"Hey you jerk! Don't leave me behind!" Sehun shouted after him, giving chase.


"Youngjae," the teacher called, waving the male over. Youngjae looked over obediently, his eyes snapping up to meet the teacher's as he walked over.

"Yes sir?" Youngjae answered, a slight slur from another language obvious in his voice.

"Are you adjusting well?" the teacher questioned, pulling off his glasses and setting them down on the table in front of him.

"I'm fine sir," Youngjae stated quickly, already guessing the turn of the conversation at the gleam in his teacher's eye. He was not shy, but teachers apparently couldn't tell anti-social from it. He liked being by himself. It was less of a worry and much less drama/stress.

The teacher eyed Youngjae for a bit longer.

"If you say so," he muttered reluctantly before raising his voice so Youngjae could hear more clearly. "By the way, the Tennis Team was called to the court early today so get going."

"Yes sir," Youngjae agreed, grabbing his bag and packing, eager to leave the class. He threw another glance around his classroom before leaving. He didn't need to care about stupid plebians.


He smirked.

His best prank ever. 

He could taste the incoming detentions, but it would be well-worth it if Jung-Hyung would finally react with anger. He loved watching people's angry faces; it was like seeing a side of them that most didn't see. He also, of course, enjoyed the challenge and he loved when things went according to plan.

The sound of the door opening caught his attention as he shot up with a camera, the flash on as he took a picture of-

He paused, the picture lighting up the screen of the digital camera once before returning back to camera mode.

"You're not Jung-Hyung," Jongdae stated obviously, pouting.

"Obviously not," Jaehyun agreed, blinking slowly. "This was for him I assume?"

"Yeah," Jongdae confirmed, snapping out of his stupor. "Sorry. I was sure he'd be coming through here to get those papers he said he needed."

Jongdae moved closer, helping Jaehyun out of the elaborate trap he had created to keep the captured one in place.

"I came through to 'get those papers,' " Jaehyun informed, making a face of disgust at the odd mixture staining his clothes and sticking to his skin. "What is this?"

"My own creation," Jongdae declared with pride before giving a sheepish smile. "Let's just say you'd rather not know what's in it. I'll deliver the papers to Jung-Hyung. You should get washed up."

"I figured," Jaehyun stated dryly, picking up the pile while trying to keep it clean. He passed it onto Jongdae quickly. "He's on the Courts right now."

Jongdae looked over the papers to make sure it was clean - which it was - before opening the door for Jaehyun with another apology and watching Jaehyun walk silently towards the dorms, taking a less populated road. Jongdae watched until he could hardly see the dark hair of the male. Then, he turned around and headed to the tennis courts, praying Jung-Hyung didn't catch wind of the prank.

He wanted to reuse it if he could.


He blinked once. Twice.

"Umm...I thought we were playing doubles...What's this rope for?" Jihoon asked nervously, pointing at the rope tied securely around his waist, a long coil resting against the ground before sloping upward, wrapping around another male's waist.

"Jihoon," Jinjung-Sunbae called lightly, gesturing to the other male. "This is Chanyeol. You'll be doubles partners for this round."

Jihoon glanced at the male - tall, lanky with wide eyes and a Cheshire-cat-grin. Catching his gaze, the boy - Chanyeol - his hand towards him.

"I'm Chanyeol," the male introduced as if Jinjung-Sunbae hadn't introduced him already. "Park Chanyeol."

"So I heard," Jihoon muttered dryly. "I'm Jihoon, Lee Jihoon."

"To the net," Jinjung ordered the two pairs. The four males crowded the net, the other pair tied up as Chanyeol and Jihoon were.

"Let's have a good game," Kyungmin urged, the shortest of the four males. He beamed brightly while his partner gave a nervous grin despite his fierce eyes. The two pairs did a quick racquet spin to decide the serve - to Jihoon and Chanyeol - before splitting, Jihoon and Chanyeol discussing quickly who should began where. Reluctantly, Jihoon started at the net while Chanyeol readied the serve. 

Jihoon readied himself, his gaze wandering to the male in front of him - one of the transfers like himself. What was his name again? Tow?

"Best of one set match," Jinjung-Sunbae's voice broke in. "Jihoon and Chanyeol vs. Kyungmin and Zitao-"

Oh that's right. It was Tao...or Zitao or whatever.

"-Jihoon and Chanyeol to serve."

The whistle blew and Jihoon glanced back, spotting Chanyeol bounce the ball a few times against the ground, and then turned his attention back to his opponent. He heard the sure sound of ball-meeting-racquet before moving to the left, keeping half an eye on the ball and the other half on his opponents. He spotted an opening, only praying that the Chanyeol-guy knew the basics of doubles, and moved for it, surprised to find the rope still slack and Chanyeol moving at the same time as he was - a double approach. 


Kyungmin had returned the ball, but the two had prepared just in time - too late for Kyungmin to change course and yet early enough to not miss the ball - and matching eyes with Chanyeol, Jihoon hit a move he had done many times before just as Chanyeol swung his racquet out of the way.

"You didn't know that volley before," Kyungmin commented, looking upset but genuinely glad at the same time as Jinjung-Sunbae called out the points.

"15-Love," came the score. 

"We weren't partnered up often," Jihoon reminded lightly.

"That's true," Kyungmin admitted with a light laugh.


"Jihoon and Chanyeol, 3-2," Jinjung announced, marking things down on his clipboard as he watched the game. It was going as he had expected. Although both Chanyeol and Jihoon were tall, fast serve-and-volley players, they complimented each other well. Especially with the doubles experience they both had, they moved in synch perfectly. Zitao and Kyungmin, as he also predicted, needed more work but definitely showed some potential as both were well-rounded, but slightly better in opposite aspects - a definite plus that would benefit the team if they practiced enough.

"Jung-Hyung," a familiar voice muttered, breaking his thoughts.

"Jongdae," he greeted lightly, glancing down from the referee's chair. He jumped down, landing lithely in front of the male. "Is there anything you need?"

A stack of papers were into his hands.

"These are from Jaehyun," Jongdae admitted. Immediately, Jinjung felt something was wrong.

"Jongdae," he called warningly. "What happened?"

"Oh well, you see..." Jongdae trailed off, sheepishly smiling.

"Jongdae," Jinjung firmly stated. 

"It wasn't on purpose and nothing bad happened. He just slipped and fell in some mud so I told him to go get cleaned up," Jongdae excused quickly, putting his hands up as if in defense. For a moment, Jinjung almost believed him, but a smudge of something on the paper, no bigger than his thumb around halfway down on the left, caught his attention. Slowly, he brushed his thumb over the spot - still wet, thick, and an odd color, unnatural. 

"Then Jongdae, what is this?" Jinjung questioned as he held up his thumb, a silent rage palpable in his voice. Jongdae paled, his smile faltering.

"That? That's-"

"Jongdae don't lie to me," Jinjung warned. "I'll ask you once more. What happened to Jaehyun?"

"It..." Jongdae mumbled, avoiding Jinjung's strict gaze.

"It...It...Itwasanaccident!" Jongdae squeaked before running off.

"10 laps!" Jinjung called after him, the corner of his lips turning downward. He would have to visit Jaehyun later to make sure nothing had gone too terribly wrong.

"Is something the matter? What'd the troll do this time?" another familiar voice questioned, a strong hand lightly grasping his shoulder.

"We'll see later," Jinjung answered the male shortly. "Watch over the rest of the game for me Yifan. I need to go check something."


Authors Notes

Second chapter now up. Yay! Sorry. Slow to update, but hopefully Jongdae's little prank was entertaining.

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morninginmarch #1
Hey, this is formerly ShawolCassieElf, just informing you that I have had a username change :)
Chapter 9: Junhi still..*sighs* speechless. And what trouble will Jaehyun get into now Jongdae is involved? And why is Minseok even spying on Kangdae? o-o
Chapter 9: Kangdae and his boyfriends and girlfriends, Jongkyu with his odd sister Junhi, Jongdae and his unknown intentions, and that's life;;
Chapter 9: Oh, other than that... You don't like me? </3
Chapter 9: NOOOOOO HOW DARE YOU MENTION AP HOMEWORK!?!?!?!? </3 ruined my day </3
Chapter 8: I think Jongdae's prank was clever LOL Though it wasn't very clever on how he got caught;;
Chapter 8: Aw poor Jaehyun LOLL but Jihoon and Chanyeol seem to be doing good together ;o
Chapter 8: Good job Jongdae. You managed to cover Jaehyun in a mysterious goop, AND get in trouble with Jinjung. >.>
Chapter 7: I'm sorry i havent commented nor read it. >.<
i've been busy. will read later!
Chapter 8: <3<3<3<3<3