Teaser 03

Lunar Academy ☾ Tennis Team - Discontinued

"Is this everyone?" Jinjung questioned dubiously, looking over the room's occupants. The office-like room was filled with bookshelves lining the walls, desks against the open windows, and a small but nice coffee table and some couches in the center. Off in the corner was a growing plant, a sapling that had grown small leaves against newly developed branches, and beside Jinjung on his right, near the doorway where he stood, there were two other males.

"Yifan?" Jinjung called for a reply, hearing none.


"Ow! Not cool!" Kris complained, slapping the third male over the head. While Kris towered over them easily, the third male was the shortest, under 170 cm, and he smiled brightly and mischievously at Kris's reaction. On the couches of the room, 6 males sat, some obviously more comfortable than others, but all still rather full of anxiety and nervousness.

"Your fault for not answering," the male retorted, sticking out his tongue childishly. Kris opened his mouth.

"Who's missing?" Jinjung broke in, giving the duo a warning glance. Kris looked around the room, counting.

"A person," Kris answered shortly.


"! Don't do that Kyungmin!" Kris cursed, aiming to slap him again but missing.

"Yifan," Jinjung called in warning, throwing both of them a knowing look. Don't curse. And answer me seriously.

"Yes Umma," Kris teased lightly, looking over the room. "But shouldn't you know who's missing without me?"

"Check," Jinjung ordered succinctly. Kris sighed but did so, looking over the students again.

"Ah! Tao's gone," Kris realized, snapping his fingers.

"Tao," Kyungmin repeated, letting the name roll of his tongue. "Well, where could he be?"


The door slammed open, smacking straight into his face and breaking whatever thought process he had.

"Sorry I'm late!" a male's voice apologized obliviously as Kyungmin fell to the ground, clutching his nose and wincing. "I got lost!"

"Huang Zitao," Jinjung confirmed, running an eye over the male. He was only a bit shorter than Kris and his school uniform was ed slightly while a leaf was caught in his hair. What really caught the room's occupants' attentions was his surprisingly fierce looks, with bags under his eyes as if he hadn't slept in a while.

"That's me," the intruder answered, smiling lightly while rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "The school is so large and I thought I'd explore a bit since I arrived early, but I got lost instead."

He finally noticed Kyungmin on the floor, eyes widening.

"Oh I'm so sorry," he apologized, offering the male a hand. Kyungmin raised an eyebrow, slightly miffed, but took the offer anyways, letting the tall student help him up.

"Well Zitao, Kyungmin, quickly get acquainted," Jinjung warned swiftly. "He'll practice doubles with you tomorrow."

"You found a new partner for me already?" Kyungmin shouted, wide-eyed. "My previous partner-"

"Just graduated," Jinjung completed dryly. He glanced at Kyungmin's shocked expression. "It's just a try."

Kyungmin frowned for a moment; he wanted his partner back, but his smile soon returned.

"Alright," Kyungmin agreed. He trusted Jinjung-Sunbae and besides, it was just a try anyway. 

"Well, now that that's over, let's begin explaining the school system for you transfers," Kris broke in, putting his arm around Tao familiarly. "Take a seat guys. This is going to take a long time. Trust me."


"And that just about covers it. Any questions?" Jinjung questioned, looking around the room. Although the males had long since lost interest and had barely listened - teenage attention spans, what can you do? - they stayed silent and waited to be dismissed after the long two hours of lecture. 

"Then that'll be all," Jinjung dismissed, tossing something at a chubby-faced male on the couch. He fumbled with it before looking at it.

"A key?" he asked, surprised. 

"That's your room key Kim Minseok," Jinjung specified, giving a half-smile. "Yifan, be a dear and show him the way. Room 1264. You both speak Mandarin so no worries."

The language change at the end surprised Minseok, but he gave little indication but the nod of his head as he followed Kris obediently out the door.

"Thank you," Minseok stated quickly before shutting the door behind him.

Jinjung looked at his clipboard again, flipping through the thick packet of papers.

"LeNoir Youngjae?" Jinjung called, looking up. A blonde male, slightly over 180 cm, snapped to attention.

"Yes?" he answered, a slight accent recognizable in his voice. Jinjung lightly tossed him a key as well. "Room 1296. Kyungmin give him a hand?"

"Alright," Kyungmin agreed reluctantly, yawning as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He respected Jinjung-Sunbae and all, but man, those lectures  a**. "This way...uh...Youngjae was it?" 

Youngjae nodded, eyeing the shorter with an unreadable stare.

"English Kyungmin," Jinjung notified the duo before they left. He turned back to his thick packet.

"And Huang Zitao, you'll be in Room 1494," Jinjung stated, holding out the room key. "Your guide is a male by the name of Park Kangdae. He grew up in Qingdao so he can help you in whichever language you're comfortable with. Unfortunately, he's not here-"


"Sorry I'm late! I was...uh...held up," the male offered in apology reluctantly, giving a good-natured grin. He walked over in large steps before kissing Jinjung on the side of his head and swiping the key from his hands. "So where's my charge?"

Jinjung sighed, kicking the back of the student's knee and roughly stomping his foot on the male's chest as he crumbled in a swift movement.

"Kangdae, that greeting is not at all appropriate to any gender nor age nor relation," Jinjung stated with a warning, his foot lightly putting pressure on Kangdae's chest threateningly.

"My bad," Kangdae wheezed, somehow able to keep a smile on his face. Jinjung looked up at Tao, startling him for a moment.

"Feel free to knock him down if need be; forget the age difference," Jinjung encouraged, letting Kangdae get up. Tao eyed the President. There was something...fluid...something odd about that...but Tao let the action go, shocked as Kangdae brushed himself off and hugged Jinjung with a complaint.

"You don't love me," Kangdae cried, the tall male completely hiding the shorter one in his grasp. He cursed suddenly and let go, jumping up and down as he held onto his injured foot. 

"Kangdae," Jinjung called in warning. Kangdae froze, slowly turning around and reading the look on the President's face. Quit playing around.

"Yessir!" Kangdae squeaked before half-dragging a shocked-Tao out the door. Ignoring the shocked looks, Jinjung continued.

"Choi Jaehyun, Room 1052," Jinjung stated, holding out another key. "Your guide is-"


"Kim Jongdae at your service!" a handsome male introduced, strolling in leisurely.

"This student," Jinjung introduced, rolling his eyes. "Jongdae, how often have I warned you not to stroll into the office like that?"

"Quite often?" Jongdae joked, smiling mischievously. 

"And that is why you'll be fulfilling 2 hours of detention this weekend," Jinjung added, glancing up at the male. 

"What?" Jongdae half-shouted, surprised. "But...I have to show my kid around this week!"

"Your 'kid' can live without you for 2 hours and I'm more than willing to lend him a hand during that time," Jinjung countered, flashing a quick glare at the exuberant male. "Now hurry along."

Jongdae pouted, but obediently helped Jaehyun out, remembering to swipe the room key before. 

"Lee Jihoon, Room 1354," Jinjung ordered, tossing another male, black-haired and oddly-but-well-dressed, another key. "Your guide - Byun Baekhyun - is, unfortunately, serving remedial classes at the moment so I must request you stay back a moment longer and I apologize sincerely for the late delivery of your uniform."

Jinjung glanced at the last male, the towering male who had fainted back on the tennis courts.

"And Ahn Daniel, Room 1332," Jinjung finished off, looking at the remaining two in the room. His gaze lingered on Daniel for a moment longer. "Sadly, your guide has...encountered a rough period and therefore, I'll be filling in for him." 

There was a pause of silence.

"Let's get going," Jinjung encouraged, ushering them out the door and ignoring the mixed reactions of the two.

The door shut behind them and the room was silent.


Authors Notes

Well, these are all the characters. I'll be hiding several pages later on, but otherwise the format will remain the same. Any new readers who would like a role in the story, feel free to comment/PM (not wall post) me for the application and other information. Since this was just an introduction, I ask you bear with my drab writing style and hopefully, it'll become more interesting later on. Congrats to the chosen 6 and I hope you stay faithful.

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morninginmarch #1
Hey, this is formerly ShawolCassieElf, just informing you that I have had a username change :)
Chapter 9: Junhi still..*sighs* speechless. And what trouble will Jaehyun get into now Jongdae is involved? And why is Minseok even spying on Kangdae? o-o
Chapter 9: Kangdae and his boyfriends and girlfriends, Jongkyu with his odd sister Junhi, Jongdae and his unknown intentions, and that's life;;
Chapter 9: Oh, other than that... You don't like me? </3
Chapter 9: NOOOOOO HOW DARE YOU MENTION AP HOMEWORK!?!?!?!? </3 ruined my day </3
Chapter 8: I think Jongdae's prank was clever LOL Though it wasn't very clever on how he got caught;;
Chapter 8: Aw poor Jaehyun LOLL but Jihoon and Chanyeol seem to be doing good together ;o
Chapter 8: Good job Jongdae. You managed to cover Jaehyun in a mysterious goop, AND get in trouble with Jinjung. >.>
Chapter 7: I'm sorry i havent commented nor read it. >.<
i've been busy. will read later!
Chapter 8: <3<3<3<3<3