The Unfinished Chapter

Lunar Academy ☾ Tennis Team - Discontinued

"We're not bad for a newly put-together pair," Chanyeol happily complimented.

"I guess," Jihoon replied shortly. 

"You're one of the transfers, right? Who's your guide?" Chanyeol asked as the two changed.

"I haven't met him yet. We're meeting up after tennis practice apparently," Jihoon answered.

"Wouldn't it be funny if it was someone I knew," Chanyeol commented off-handedly.

"Maybe," Jihoon stated concisely, shutting his locker and walking off. Chanyeol glanced at his own state of half-dress, Jihoon's retreating figure, and back.

"Oh hey! Wait up a minute!" he shouted, changing quickly and giving chase.

"You're slow," Jihoon complained.

"You should still wait for me," Chanyeol scolded. "We're doubles partners now after al-"

"Ji!~hoo!~n!~" a male voice called loudly, extending the letters out.

"Over here," Jihoon stated in monotone, raising one hand. A short male, only a few centimeteres shorter than Jihoon himself, jogged up, beaming brightly. He stuck out one hand.

"I'm Byun Baekhyun, your guide. Sorry about not being able to meet you before, I was stuck at re-"

"-Baek!" Chanyeol eagerly greeted, hugging the shorter male.

"Ack! Yeol! Will you-"

"Nice to meet you," Jihoon cut in calmly, raising an eyebrow.

They apparently already knew each other.

Chanyeol pulled away from the male with a bright smile.

"This is Byun Baekhyun," he introduced again. "And besides your guide, he's also my-" His grin grew. "-boyfriend."

"Congrats...?" Jihoon stated hesitantly.

"Right? I'm lucky he said yes at all," Chanyeol squealed. Jihoon rolled his eyes before taking Baekhyun's hand in his own.

"I'm Lee Jihoon, your charge. This giant is my doubles partner. Nice to meet you," Jihoon greeted, shaking Baekhyun's hand. Baekhyun looked at their entwined hands for a moment before looking into his eyes and smiling.

"Nice to meet you," Baekhyun agreed, Chanyeol's arm still around his shoulders.


"Congrats for getting into the first string Youngjae," someone congratulated brightly. He didn't answer, staying silent as he changed.

"Youngjae?" the male called again, raising an eyebrow. He pulled on his shirt, pretending he couldn't hear. 

"Give it up," another joked. "We're going to be late." 

He heard their footsteps walk away and heaved a light sigh.

"Nice job," a familiar voice congratulated. "First string I see."

"You'd get that far if you tried too Myungsoo," Youngjae threw back lightly as the two began walking out of the locker room. Myungsoo laughed.

"Maybe. But you're talented too," Myungsoo complimented.

"Practice makes perfect," Youngjae advised shortly. "Besides, you keep on holding back. What gives?" 

"I like my free time, thank-you-very-much," Myungsoo teased, nodding his head in greeting toward a friend in passing. "Besides, I prefer spending more time working on my photographs for Art Club." 

"I think you should stop focusing on the scenery and look at the moving picture," Youngjae scoffed, referring to Myungsoo's obsession with photographs more than actual living things.

"The scenery is prettier," Myungsoo stated shortly. "Anyways, come on. I'm tired. Let's get some food. You can treat."

"Sure," Youngjae agreed, pausing for a moment. "Hey wait!"

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morninginmarch #1
Hey, this is formerly ShawolCassieElf, just informing you that I have had a username change :)
Chapter 9: Junhi still..*sighs* speechless. And what trouble will Jaehyun get into now Jongdae is involved? And why is Minseok even spying on Kangdae? o-o
Chapter 9: Kangdae and his boyfriends and girlfriends, Jongkyu with his odd sister Junhi, Jongdae and his unknown intentions, and that's life;;
Chapter 9: Oh, other than that... You don't like me? </3
Chapter 9: NOOOOOO HOW DARE YOU MENTION AP HOMEWORK!?!?!?!? </3 ruined my day </3
Chapter 8: I think Jongdae's prank was clever LOL Though it wasn't very clever on how he got caught;;
Chapter 8: Aw poor Jaehyun LOLL but Jihoon and Chanyeol seem to be doing good together ;o
Chapter 8: Good job Jongdae. You managed to cover Jaehyun in a mysterious goop, AND get in trouble with Jinjung. >.>
Chapter 7: I'm sorry i havent commented nor read it. >.<
i've been busy. will read later!
Chapter 8: <3<3<3<3<3