Teaser 01

Lunar Academy ☾ Tennis Team - Discontinued

"So the girl was talking to her friends and I could hear her from across the street. She was loud! But d*** she was hot. So I did what any sane male would."

His tale was interrupted by his friends' jeers. 

"No way!" one chortled, snickering. The three loitered on the steps of the large Academy, no one else in sight.

"You dirty dog," the other teased, punching him in the shoulder. The male laughed.

"Of course I did! But she got away, that b-"

"Don't loiter in front of Solar Academy gates if you all aren't students," a calm, but firm voice interrupted, causing the three to look towards the source with disdain.

The male was around average height and didn't look all that tough. He wasn't scrawny, but he wasn't worth a double look at. He was wearing black pants with a white collared shirt, the first button left undone. His hair had bangs that almost covered his eyes, but he was clearly handsome and stood up straight, calm and confident even against the three tough delinquents hanging about Solar Academy's steps. 

"Oh? What's pretty boy want with us?" the storyteller mocked, standing up to his full past-180 cm height.

"Judging from your story, you must be the ert that appeared yesterday," the male concluded, shifting his weight to one foot.

"And if we are?" the first friend jeered, circling the male. "Pretty good-looking for a guy. How about we leave the school alone if you come with us?"

"He that good-looking?" the other questioned, circling the other way. "I'd say he's worth leaving the school alone for a week at most."

"You three must be new in town," the boy judged, hearing the thick accent and eyeing their clothes - outfits he knew weren't sold in the area. "From the bad side of Jeollado I'm guessing."

"Heh. Not bad. Since this is Solar Academy, who do you have your eyes on? Must be looking to protect some princess," the main male guessed, shoving his hands in his pockets. "How about we help her fall for you and you leave us alone, eh?"

"Not tempted," the intruder stated simply, crossing his arms, clearly unimpressed.

"Come on," the friends urged, taunting as one put his hand on the male's back, letting it lower.

"If your hand goes any lower, I won't hold back," the boy warned without any panic, eyeing the three. The three delinquents snickered and regardless of the warning, the friend's hand did.

"You have a nice as-"

The friend didn't finish his sentence before he suddenly saw the sky spread over his view, that large expanse of blue, and pain exploded in his back as he met the ground, flipped over the male's shoulder. He groaned and the other two charged, cursing the intruder.

The male caught the first punch, ducking under the second and twisting the arm around the attacker, sending a line of loud curses streaming from his throat. The intruder neatly kicked the back of the male's knee, making him crumble, before spinning around, the other leg flying out and knocking into the jaw of the third delinquent. 

The first delinquent had stood by then and as the male quickly righted on his feet, he dodged the incoming lunge with a simple side step. A growl tore from the delinquent's throat, cracking and silencing as the male threw his fist out, neatly catching the delinquent in the jaw and knocking him out solidly.

The male cast a quick eye over the three. He redid the top button of his shirt while walking towards the front gates of the walled school and turned to the left. In both directions, a large number of girls of various ages lingered, having been wary and worried about the three delinquents. He walked up to the nearest few, probably no more than 15 years old and gently took the glasses, coat, tie, and bag in their arms.

"Thank you," he thanked, giving them a small business smile as he pushed the glasses onto his nose.

"No problem at all," the girls squealed, blushing as they looked elsewhere. The other girls began to crowd around, shouting, while a few slipped into the school.

"That was amazing."

"Of course! Do you know who that was?"

"Thank you so much!"

"Who doesn't know about him? He's perfect!"

"Right? It's such a shame he's gay of all things."

He paid their comments little mind.

"The police should be on their way. Get to class. It's almost time for the late bell," he warned just as a familiar bell went off. Several of the girls cursed under their breaths, but as if one body, they rushed inside the large school building, He stepped out of the way, walking on the road along the sidewalk as the girls rushed in.

Calmly, he tied his tie around his neck, making sure it was tucked neatly under the collar before pulling on his jacket, his bag still in hand. From up ahead, he spotted a familiar tall male running towards him. They slowed as the two neared each other.

"Yifan," he greeted the tall male, moving past him. The tall male stepped in front of him, stopping the shorter in his tracks with his height.

"Are you okay?" Yifan questioned him, eyes scanning the male for injuries. Yifan's brows were scrunched up with worry and the male only smiled.

"I'm fine Yifan," he insisted gently. He reached up, poking the area between Yifan's brows. "We should worry more about being late."

"I already excused our tardiness Mr. President," Yifan teased, rolling his eyes though anyone could see the obvious relief in his expression. "And for the last time, I'm asking you to call me Kris."

"Then let's get going Mr. Vice President," the male joked back. "We wouldn't want to be late for orientation."

"Moon Jinjung," Yifan called with warning as Jinjung walked past him. 

"Would you prefer Jiaheng?" Jinjung questioned, turning back with an eyebrow raised.

"Yifan it is," the tall male grudgingly conceded, quickly catching up to Jinjung as the two walked quickly towards their own school - Lunar Academy.


"...and next up is the Student Body President Moon Jinjung," the male at the podium announced, taking a seat by the other important authorities.

He looked at the pamphlet and matched the faces to names, reading them to himself, curious.

Principal Choi Dongwook.

Dean Jung Jihoon.

He looked around discreetly, apprehensive. He knew that the kids here had probably heard all of these speeches multiple times, listened to them every year and already grown tired of them, but why did not none of them look as antsy as he felt right now? - Even the youngest ones in elementary school! He squirmed lightly, nervous, bored, and quite obviously intimidated.

His grades hadn't been that good, so why had he - out of thousands of others - had he been chosen?

All he had done was answer the questions honestly. It'd do him no good to get in and then drop out from stress, and yet, here he was. D***. This . He had only applied for his parents too. 

He felt a hand at his knee and looked over, spotting an intimidating male who sported a gentle smile. Tentatively, he flashed a matching smile back. He looked back up at the stage, only slightly eased by the mysterious male, only to find an empty stage. The principal stood back up, rolling his eyes at the dean before walking up to the podium once again.

"Unfortunately, our Student Body President will be...delayed by some business and therefo-"

The door swung open and though there was nothing eye-catching about the movement, nothing that should have drawn attention, he and the other students turned their heads in unison - and his breath caught.

The male was average height with bangs that fell over his eyes. His uniform was neat and he had glasses perched upon his nose. He was good-looking, no need to deny, and he was calm, careful. Behind him was another male, but he barely registered the tall, also good-looking giant as the first gave a soft smile.

"Welcome to Lunar Academy," he welcomed, his voice calming and though not loud, able to be heard. "Dismissed."

The final word echoed, lingering on the walls and playing lightly against the stage.

There was only silence.

There was an audible sigh into the microphone and everyone turned their attention back to the still-standing principal.

"Well?" the principal began. "You heard the man."

And so, everyone, including he, was dismissed.


Authors Notes

Not my best work, but just to introduce my character and his love interest, even building a bit on his good friend (a.k.a Kris) and the mysterious rival but anyways, please get the applications in. I want to read all the wonderful applications and get ideas about the team soon (assuming I get enough applications in the first place). The teasers will simply build on Lunar Academy and my character...mostly because there are no other characters as of yet. 10 days left. Please apply and enjoy. 

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morninginmarch #1
Hey, this is formerly ShawolCassieElf, just informing you that I have had a username change :)
Chapter 9: Junhi still..*sighs* speechless. And what trouble will Jaehyun get into now Jongdae is involved? And why is Minseok even spying on Kangdae? o-o
Chapter 9: Kangdae and his boyfriends and girlfriends, Jongkyu with his odd sister Junhi, Jongdae and his unknown intentions, and that's life;;
Chapter 9: Oh, other than that... You don't like me? </3
Chapter 9: NOOOOOO HOW DARE YOU MENTION AP HOMEWORK!?!?!?!? </3 ruined my day </3
Chapter 8: I think Jongdae's prank was clever LOL Though it wasn't very clever on how he got caught;;
Chapter 8: Aw poor Jaehyun LOLL but Jihoon and Chanyeol seem to be doing good together ;o
Chapter 8: Good job Jongdae. You managed to cover Jaehyun in a mysterious goop, AND get in trouble with Jinjung. >.>
Chapter 7: I'm sorry i havent commented nor read it. >.<
i've been busy. will read later!
Chapter 8: <3<3<3<3<3