Dealing with Fangirls and Birthday Party

First Impression


The next day Tory walked into SME and the woman at the front desk looked up shocked. It was only 5AM and Tory did not look like she had the day before. Tory was in sweats and a ball cap. This made her look like younger and also like a hip hop male dancer. “Morning.” Tory grumbled and the woman at the desk bowed at her. “Is the guys practice studio free?” The woman nodded again. “Thanks.” Tory said and went into the elevator and went into EXO’s practice room. It was still cool but Tory could work with that. As she was stretching out when Gurpreet grumbled as she came into the room. “Morning sleepy head.” Tory said and the younger shook her head.

“Why did you have to wake me up as well?” Gurpreet said as she yawned.

“Because you are the lead backup dancer that’s why.” Tory said and Gurpreet sighed.

“Alright then be prepared for 2 hours of intense training.” The younger said and Tory nodded. Gurpreet then put on EXO’s music and started to teach Tory all the choreography.


At 8AM the guys walked into the practice room to find Tory, Gurpreet and Manpreet all sitting at the side table all going over the groups schedule. The woman at the front desk came into the room with coffee that Manpreet had asked her to get. When she saw Tory she had to do a double take. The young woman did not look like she had earlier. Tory was now in skinny jeans, black silk tank top with a white sweater hung off one shoulder and her long hair was let down.

“Morning Noona’s.” SeHun, Kai and Tao all chimed and the three women looked at them.

“Morning.” The three said and the guys looked around to see that food was set up for them.

“Noona I thought that we couldn’t eat in here?” SeHun said coming over to Manpreet.

“Well since Tory is your manager for the week I’ll let it slide.” Preet said and Tory shook her head.

“SeHun did you forget what day it is?” Tory asked and the younger thought for a minute then gasped. “Yeah.” SeHun blushed and then gave her a quick hug. “Now go and eat.”

“Thank you Noona.” He said then rushed to the food.

“Who could forget their own birthday?” Tory said and the two with she smiled.

“With all the trouble he has been getting into with the managers I guess he didn’t think anyone would do anything for him.” Preet said and the girls had to smile at the guys poking fun at SeHun for forgetting his own birthday. Just as the guys were finishing eating Tory was paged to the front desk. When she came back in some of the guards were also with her. They all had carts full of gifts for SeHun. The guards gave their regards to SeHun then left the room.

“Wow so many gifts.” SeHun said and the guys all patted his head.

“From your fans, sunbae’s and this cart is from your hyung's.” Tory said placing the cart she pushed in front of him. The younger could only look at his hyung's.

“Did you think we would have forgotten your birthday Hunnie.” LuHan said giving the younger a hug.

“It’s kind of hard when you keep pestering us about it Hannie.” XiuMin said and then looked at Tory. “By the way is there going to be a fan party for his birthday?”

“Not this time. You all have a photo shoot and practice today. But I did get reservations for you all at Minimani Myeongdong. And you guys get to go to Myeongdong to shop.” She said and all the guys looked at her as if she was out of her mind. “The codies will not be around except for Manpreet and myself. Gurpreet will also be there with us. So we won’t be babying any of you while were are there. SooMan thinks that you guys will be celebrating at my place but I can’t have my dongsaeng know I work with you.” She said and Manpreet got up.

“Alright then. Lets get all of you ready for the photo shoot. The sooner you’re all done the more time you will have at Myeongdong.” Preet said and the guys all rushed off.


After the photo shoot Tory was waiting for the group outside by 2 vans. Preet came up to her and she handed one set of keys to her. “How did you get both vans here?”

“Yo.” Gurpreet said opening one of the doors. “Are the guys ready?”

“Yup.” Manpreet said and the guys came out of the studio in comfortable clothes. “You know the old man is going to find out about this within hours of us getting there. The fans are going to take pictures of the guys.”

“They can take pictures all they want. The guys need to have free time on their birthdays.” Tory said and then sighed at how excited all the guys were. “But I know by the end of they day I’m going to regret this. I’ve got a bunch of children with me today.” She said and Preet patted her back.

“You’ll be fine. The guys won’t be too much trouble.” She said and they all went into the vans.

“Hey noona, how did you know that SeHun would want to go to Myeongdong for his birthday?” Tao asked sitting behind Tory who was driving.

“It’s simple Tao. Where would all kids want to go for their birthday?”

“Lotte World.” Chen said and she nodded.

“And SeHun may give off a mature look to himself but being in this industry since he was 12 he didn’t get to be a child.” She said and LuHan had to lift a brow at her.

“How did you know that SeHun had been trying to get into the industry since he was 12?” XiuMin said.

“I had a lot of reading to do last night.” She said and then her phone rang. “Can someone get my phone out of my bag.” She said and Kris opened her bag. He fished out the phone and looked at the screen.

“It shows a picture of 2 boys fighting.”

“Place it on speaker phone.” She said and he did as told. “B what’s wrong?” She said.

“Ate, Ate Elsa is sick.” A young boy said and Tory sighed. “Mama said to call you. Ate Ula is also sick.”

“Alright B. Don’t worry about it. I’ll be sending the pharmacy the money. Just wait an hour before going there okay.”

“Thanks Ate. Miss you. Bye.” The boy then hung up. Tory then started mumbling in Tagalog which surprised the guys. They just let her be for the rest of the drive. Once the van was parked Tory took her phone from Kris. She fiddled with it for a few seconds then sighed. She then made a call. She spoke in Tagalog again then hung up.

“Didn’t the old man say that she spoke English, Korean, and Chinese.” ChanYeol said and the others nodded.

“I also speak Tagalog.” Tory said and then Preet came up to them. “Alright then we’ll all meet up at Minimani Myeongdong at 6pm for the reservations.” She said and then Gurpreet and Manpreet held out their hands. The guys sighed but took out their wallets. They handed the two their credit cards only leaving one debit card and one credit card with each of them. “This is for your own good. We aren’t going to be around you guys all day. So just watch what you spend.” She said and the sisters put the cards into their purses. “Have fun.” She then went to a coffee shop with the sisters. The guys could only stare. They didn’t really think the three would let them do what they wanted.


“So what happened? You look so drained. Did the boys cause you trouble?” Preet asked.

“No my brother called. My younger sisters are all sick. So I needed to send money to the pharmacy at the hospital.” Tory said and looked at the menu.

“Being the Unni is hard work isn’t it.” Manpreet said and Gurpreet rolled her eyes.

“It’s okay. Anyway the two of you can go around as well. I don’t expect you to keep me company.” She said and Manpreet nodded to Gurpreet and the younger rushed off.

“Alright now its just the two of us. Spill. You don’t call Gurpreet out in the early morning unless something is on your mind.” Preet said and Tory sighed.

“You know me too well.” Tory said and smiled at her friend.


“I’m screwed royally.” Tory said as she closed her eyes and leaned back on the sofa she was at.

“Why do you say that? It’s not like you weren’t supposed to take the guys out. Being their manager you make the choice when they get to have fun. And god knows that the male managers don’t really do that often.” Preet said and their drinks arrived. Within minutes Tory’s iPad started beeping at her. She opened her eyes and looked at it. She scrolled over the contents.

“And its started.” She said as Manpreet's iPad started to beep as well. Images of the boys were popping up like wildfire. “Well it looks like we won’t be able to stay away from the guys for too long. As for why you asked. Preet what was the reason I couldn’t concentrate at home in Canada?” She asked and Preet smiled.

“You and Jo had the same problem. Boys. But yours was...LuHan.” Preet then screeched, “Oh my god I totally forgot that you were obsessed with the group. Holy I can’t believe SooMan hired you knowing that you’re a fan.”

“I may be a fan but after Jo left things had to change. So yeah. But since I arrived I can’t help but want to just look at him. He’s right here an arms reach away from me. If SooMan finds out how I feel I won’t be able to stay with the group. And you know that. It’s written in our contracts. Even yours. But since you were a huge fan of BigBang you don’t have that much of a problem.” She said and Preet looked away from her to hide a blush. “Preet?”

“Okay so a certain unicorn may have slipped in somewhere.” Preet said and Tory tried not to laugh.

“Oh this is priceless. And Gurpreet... had been dating JongIn before. I know that the two still go out. But JongIn had to publicly say he was single.” Tory said seeing pictures of JongIn and Gurpreet arguing over some clothes in a shop. “I wonder if I should tell Jo about my job. She would be able to get close to JongDae if she wanted. She doesn’t work for the company as it is.”

“So Jo likes the Troll.” Tory nodded, “And tomorrow we know that Tama is going to want to go the SME main building to see if she can see the guys.” Tory nodded again. “Why are you friends with all of us again?”

“Because we all loved the group?” Tory said smiling and got up. Preet did as well.

“That’s right. Kpop friends to the end.” Preet said and then the two walked out of the shop with their coffee. The two then made their way to the Face Shop. Many fans were there trying to see some of the guys. The fans were all outside the shop plastered to the windows. Tory just shook her head as she and Preet went inside. SeHun smiled when he saw Preet.

"Noona." SeHun said and rushed over to the two friends.

"Yes Hunnie?" Preet said as Tory looked at the products.

"JongDae hyung messaged me asking what a girl would want as a gift from here." The youngest in the shop said.

"We'll it all depends on the girl Hunnie." Preet said. "Just look at Unni there. She doesn't like the flowery scented face products. Plus her skin in very sensitive just like Hannie's."

"It's Noona's dongsaeng." SeHun said and Tory sighed going over the more expensive face products. She pulled something off the shelf and handed it to SeHun. "Wa that's the stuff that Kris hyung and Tao hyung uses." He said and Tory nodded. Tory then went back to looking around. Unbeknown to her LuHan was watching her from the corner of his eyes while Lay was talking with him.

"Tory come over here." Preet said and the elder came up to her. "What do you think about this one. It's not too strong and it looks similar to the product that we get SeHun. Tory looked at the ingredients and sighed.

"I can't use that." She said and Preet sighed. "Just look for what the guys need at their dorm. I'm okay." She said and picked something off the shelf. She then went over to another section and pulled three more items. Once she was done she went to the till. As she was getting her card out LuHan stepped in and placed his items on the counter as well.

"I'll be paying for all of this." He said placing his things with hers. The woman working the counter nodded and took  LuHan's credit card. Tory looked at him as if he was crazy. "Noona it's a treat okay." He said and then was handed the bag with their face items. Tory sighed and then ruffled his hair. Lay had to hide a laugh at the shocked look on LuHan's face. No one ever did that to him except XiuMin. Tory then went over to Preet who was smirking.

“Why to knock down his pride Tory.” Preet said as the two of them walked out of the shop. Just as they were walking out one of the fans was about to grab onto Tory but she stopped the girls hand.

“Watch it.” Tory said and then some more fans tried to grab onto her. “Preet get the guys out of here.” She said and Manpreet ran back into the shop. All the fans stopped what they were doing when LuHan came out of the shop looking pissed off.

“Let go of her.” LuHan said looking at Tory who had three girls on her back one girl trying to strangle her but she was sitting on the girl. “Tory let go of her.” He said and she let go of the girl. “Girls please take her hands off of our staff.” He said and the girls looked shocked and let go of Tory. Tory got up and noticed her sweater ripped so she took it off. She also noticed that her hair felt different.

“Tory your hair.” Manpreet seeing a good amount of hair on the ground. Tory sighed and looked at the hair.

“Seriously. How desperate are all of you? Would you think about who could possibly be working for the group? They have new staff with them daily. You are all lucky that I didn’t actually want to hurt any of you.” She said and then SeHun handed her a jacket that he had gotten earlier.

“Noona put this on.” SeHun said and Lay took his hat off and handed it to her.

“Noona put your hair up. We’ll get you to a salon to get your hair cut properly. As our manager you shouldn’t be seen like that.” He said and she nodded put hair up under the cap.

“Just look at your face.” LuHan said and touched her lip that had a cut on it. “Girls delete all the pictures you have of our manager.” He said and the girls looked shocked at him.

“But Oppa...”

“Just do it. If you want pictures of us that’s fine but keep our manager and codies out of the shots.” He said and looked at the girls waiting. They all sighed and started deleting pictures. He took his phone out and dialed a number. “MinSeuk-ge where are you?” He asked, “Do you have the lip patches on you? Alright I’ll call JoonMyun.” He said and hung up. “Myun.” he said while he watched the girls. “Yeah we’re still at the Face Shop could you come here. Thanks.” he said and hung up. Within five minutes JoonMyun and WuFan arrived with the rest of the group.

“What in the world happened?” WuFan said lifting Tory’s face. “Victory how in the world did you get a cut on your lip? And why are you wearing SeHun’s jacket and YiXing’s hat?” He said in English.

Thank your fans. LuHan paid for my face products. I don’t really know why but he did. Then when I stepped out of the shop some of the fans attacked me. I’m not one to fight back but defend myself. As you can see none of the girls are hurt. Only me. Now would you let go of my face before they decide that now I’m trying to take you away.” Tory said in English and he let go of her face. SuHo then took her face in his hand and placed a lip wound patch on her cut.

“Tory maybe you should change.” Gurpreet said holding up a bag. She handed it to the older girl and Tory looked inside it.

“I think you’re right.” Tory said and then left the group. The group then meet her at the front of Lotte World. Manpreet sighed and glared at Gurpreet.

“Why did you have to go and give her those clothes. You know that she now looks like a guy. It took me so long to get her to dress like a girl when we were back in Canada.” Tory was wearing sweatpants with high tops and a large t-shirt. Her hair was also cut short.  “Her dad is going to have a fit when he sees her hair.”

“Oh come on Unni. This is more Tory than what she had on earlier.” Gurpreet said and Tory smiled at the two sisters.

“So much more comfortable.” She said and handed the jacket back to SeHun and the hat back to Lay. She took out her phone from her pocket and smiled. “Alright. Now that I won’t get attacked lets continue the day.” She said and urged the guys to the gates.

By the time SeHun was fully satisfied with his time at Lotte World, Tory was tired and could only mumble about how much energy at 19 year old had. She was seated on a bench with her feet up. She had all the guys things around her. Manpreet had just come back from getting the elder a drink. “Tory you know that even though you are the eldest here you actually look the youngest because of how you are dressed.”

“It can’t be helped. If I stayed dressed like earlier I would just be getting into fights with the fans that are watching the guys.” She said pointing to some girls taking pictures of the guys on the ride. Once the guys finished with the last ride they came back to her. Gurpreet was super happy since she was also able to have fun for once. As the group was walking past some of the games Tory stopped at one to look at the stuffed bear in a tiger outfit. She shook her head then continued walking. The group stopped at the bathrooms before they headed out of the park. LuHan excused himself while the others went to the bathroom.


When the group was headed to the restaurant Tory’s phone rang again. “Yes Jo?” She said since it was the youngers picture that showed. “Don’t worry about it. Go and finish your project. I’m currently at work so don’t wait up if you get back before I do.” She said and then hung up. All of the sudden a stuffed toy was placed in front of her. Her eyes widened when she noticed it was the toy she had been looking at. She looked at who was holding it and blinked.

“Next time say something if you want something okay.” LuHan said as she took it into her hands. She smiled as she hugged it. All the guys were dumbfounded since she now looked like a kid.

“LuHan....” Preet said tugging him back as Tory kept walking with a huge smile on her face.

“Yes Noona?”

“What are you trying to do?”

“Nothing...” He said and she eyed him.

“Boys.” Preet said and then Tory turned to look at her.

“Come on you guys hurry up.” Tory said as she rushed off ahead of all of them. Gurpreet looked at her sister questioningly.

Once at the restaurant Tory sat with SeHun chatting since many of the fans had given him gifts when they saw him. “Noona look at this one.” he said showing her a necklace.

“Preet look at this.” She said holding up a necklace to the other woman.

“Nice I can work that into his next performance outfit.” Preet said.

“Noona look I got a bear as well. Our toys can be siblings.” He said since the difference between the bears were that his was an orange tiger while hers was white. “They can be the HanHun siblings. Since hyung is the Appa to yours.” SeHun said and Tory sighed as she tilted her head at him.

“Whatever you want Hunnie.” Tory said and then Gurpreet noticed something at the side of the room.

“Hey you guys there's a Karaoke machine.” Gurpreet said with a smirk on her face. Tory sighed and Preet smiled.

“Who has the camcorder?” ChanYeol piped up.

“I do.” SuHo said and the guys did rock paper scissors. “Alright LuHan you get to record and choose who goes first.”

“I’ll record but lets have SeHun choose.” The second eldest said.

“Well since hyung is recording why not Troll Hyung sing first.” SeHun said.

“Hey that’s not nice SeHun.” Chen said and the group laughed. The guys teased each other and had fun as one by one SeHun picked on his hyung's.

“Who next SeHun?” LuHan said after he sang.

“Now about Noona.” SeHun said holding the microphone out to Tory. Tory looked at Preet and Gurpreet who only smirked.

“You both you know.” She said and SeHun placed the microphone into her hands. The others in the shop were having fun listening to the group as well.

“What song?” SeHun said and then looked at Kris. “Hyung you choose?” He said and Kris typed in a number. “Hyung I’ve never heard that one before.” All the guys looked questioningly at the Kris while that the two sisters smiled.

“Can she do it?”Kris asked the two

“Oh don’t worry” The sisters said and the music started. Tory sighed since she had been drinking. When the song started and her voice came out everyone went quiet since she wasn’t looking at the screen but had her eyes closed. The actual music video for Dark Side by Kelly Clarkson played while the words lit up. She hit each high note with expert precision, Once she finished everyone clapped.

“Noona that was great.” SeHun said as she handed him the microphone.

“Thanks SeHun but please refrain from having me sing. I’m a manager for a reason.” She said and SeHun smirked at her, “Hunnie what are you thinking?” She said and he typed in a song. The music started for ‘Angel’ and he handed her the microphone again. “SeHun.” She said but started singing again. But this time she sang it in Korean, Chinese and English.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about.” Kris said, “We should have done a version like that.” Tory sat back down and took another shot of soju. “Tory could you set it up for us to make a cover like that?” He said and she nodded. “Also you should sing a song with LuHan Hyung and KyungSoo.” he said while the sisters searched for songs.

“No more you guys. I haven’t sung in so long and you are making me stress my voice.”

“But noona...” The guys whined.

“Maybe next time.” She said then the owner came over to them with a list. She looked at it and pointed to herself and the man nodded. “Seriously. You all have EXO here and you want me to sing.” She said and the people in the room nodded.

As they continued the party the three girls also continues to drink. The guys were surprised at how much the three were drinking. Kris and SuHo had made themselves the designated drivers for the remainder of the night. As Tory performed more songs the other two girls got bolder and also picked up microphones as well. The girls sang and danced around with the guys.

“So?” Preet whispered to Tory who was finally able to sit down.

“So what?” Tory said as she watched LuHan and SeHun playing around with ChanYeol and BaekHyun.

“I haven’t seen you this relaxed in a long time. How does it feel?”

“Its a change. Even though they are under my responsibility I don’t feel so restricted.” She said and placed her head onto her left hand. “Days like this it reminds me why I actually started to like them as a group.”

“I know what you mean.” Preet said as YiXing, Chen, and XiuMin also joined the four others in messing around with a new song.

“Are you two drunk already?” Gurpreet said but she was the one slurring her words already.

“It’s more like you are Gurpree.” Preet said getting up and went over to her sister who was sitting with JongIn and Tao. The younger smiled and held up a drink to her sister.

“Take the bottle away from her already Preet.” Tory said and then her phone rang. She looked at the number and then sighed. She got up from her seat and walked out of the shop. The guys stopped what they were doing and went over to Preet.

"Something wrong?" SeHun asked worried. Preet looked out at where Tory was now standing talking on the phone.

"By the look on her face it's most likely her family calling again. You guys don't need to worry about it. Have fun." She said and most of the guys nodded and went back to singing. Preet did notice LuHan head out as well. He leaned on the lightpost outside and Tory looked at him while she spoke.

"I'm currently at work ma. Yes this late at night. Ma I already sent the money. Of course I wouldn't have sent it to you. I sent it to the hospital. The kids are already there. So stop calling." She said and then the other line rang. "Ma I have to go. Bye." She said and picked up the next call. "Yes sir we're at Myeongdong. Of course sir. I'll make sure of that. Have a good night." She said then hung up and turned her phone off.

"Everything ok?" He asked and she nodded. "Then lets get back inside." He said and she smiled at him.


A/N: Hope you are liking it so far.


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