Unni / Noona

First Impression


When Tory got home Jo was sitting on the floor in the living room. “Jo, I told you to say put.” She said as she rushed to her sisters side.

“I had to do something. I was getting bored. And when I was moving from the bedroom to here I tripped and fell.” She said and then pointed to her laptop which was now laying at the other side of the room with a shattered screen.

“Worry about your laptop later. You need to get your ankle fixed.” Tory said lifting the younger up.

“I’m really sorry Unni.”

“It’s fine.” Tory said and left the apartment.



About 2 hours later Tory and Jo were seated in a coffee shop. “This is going to make going to school and work hard.” Jo said as she looked down at the cast on her foot.

“You’re just lucky that Appa isn’t here. He would make you go back home.” Tory said as she was working on her laptop. “But as of tonight I want you to move your things into my place. There is a lot of room.”

“I noticed.” Jo said and Tory looked up at her. “There are nine rooms in that house Unni. Are you expecting company?”

“Actually I am. Tama should be arriving in 2 days. Then with Preet and Gurp around...”

“Unni you think of others too much. How much is that place costing you?”

“Don’t worry about it.” Tory said taking a sip of her coffee.


“But Unni.”

“Jo, the place belonged to my umma before she moved to Canada. She didn’t sell it plus it belonged to her parents before they passed away. She didn’t want to sell it so when she died it became mine.” She said and Jo looked sorry at her. “Aish don’t look at me like that. You know that my Umma lived a great life.” She said and Jo nodded.

“But still that place is so huge. Does Appa even know about it? I mean the house in Canada is only 1/4 that size.”

“He does. I told him I could sell it but he told me not to since it’s Umma’s. Plus he said that I needed a large place to move to.” All of the sudden the entire coffee shop went quiet. The two turned to the doors and Jo gasped.

“Unni... Its Oppa. What am I going to do just look at me.” Jo said pointing to her foot.

“I don’t see why you’re even worried. It was their fans fault anyway.” She said and then one of the managers came up to them.

“Excuse me girls, do you mind if we use this space. It’s just the two of you anyway.” He said and Tory looked up at him then back down to her sisters foot.

“You can use the space but we’re not moving. If you can’t see my sister needs the space because of her injury.” Tory said looking right into his eyes. The manager grumbled and then went back to the other manager.

“What an ungrateful and rude girl?” some teens nearby said. "Doesn't she know who that guy was? She must be wanting a death wish."

“Unni, we can go over to the bar its fine.” Jo said trying to get up but fell back down into her seat since she had lost her balance.

“Please don’t move because of us.” LuHan said coming their way with JongDae. “There is enough room for all of us.” he said as the others came their way.

“I wasn’t going to move anyway. Jo sit back down properly.” Tory said and and then heard a sniffle.

“But Unni...” Tory looked at her and then shot up from her seat. She went to her sisters side and helped her sit properly.

“That's why I didn’t want you to move. Here take your medication for the pain.” She said and placed the meds in her sisters hand. Jo nodded and downed two tablets. Chen’s eyes went as wide as D.O.’s when he saw the cast on Jo’s foot.

“Hyung...” Chen said tugging on LuHan’s arm.

“I know JongDae.” LuHan said and then some of the others happily came their way and sat down. LuHan and Chen made sure that the girls had enough room. Jo kept quiet while Tory kept working on her laptop.

“Jo, I have some people going over to your place to pack. Can you call your grandmother to advise her they are their for your things.” Tory said and the younger took out her phone and did as told. Tory then took out her phone and made a call. “Gurpreet I know that you are still at work but I’m sending you an address. You can move your things in tomorrow. Yeah its better then all of us living in separate apartments.” She said and then hung up. Tory then turned to the guys and saw Gurpreet seated behind Lay while she had her coffee. Tory got up and went over to her. Tory sat down across from her causing Lay to look up at them.

“How is Jo’s foot?” Manpreet said placing her coffee cup down.

“Fractured in 5 places. They have her on T3’s for the pain. But she refuses to stay at home.” Preet smiled. “Anyway I just called Gurp. I have her the address to my new place. Feel free to also move your things in. I have more than enough room. Plus you don’t have to pay for rent just help with the utilities.” Preet nodded and then got up. Tory did as well and they went back over to Jo.

“Jo baby just look at you.” Preet said and gave the girl a quick hug.

“Preet Unni. What are you doing here?” Jo said.

“I work with these guys.” Preet said indicating the guys behind her.

“Wa... Unni why didn’t you tell me that’s why you were always busy when I kept calling you.”

“I told you I was working didn’t I.” Preet said and then fixed LuHan’s collar. “Anyway it looks like we’ll be living together starting tomorrow. So now you can see me and Gurpreet daily.”

“But if you work for EXO don’t you travel with them as well.”

“Yes I do but I can easily have one of the other girls take over.” She said and nudged Chen since he was staring at the younger girl.

“Then tomorrow we can celebrate Unni getting a job. Although she won’t tell me what it is.” Jo said and Preet looked at Tory. “Unni could you hand me my crutches.” She said and Tory reached to her left and picked up the crutches. “I’ll be right back.” She said as Tory helped her up. Once a good distance Preet looked back at the other girl.

“Why didn’t you tell Jo you’re the groups new manager?” Preet said while half the guys nodded since they had been listening in to the girls conversation.

“Preet she’s still in university. I don’t want her to focus on the group. You’ve seen how things were like back in Canada. That is why she was sent back here.” Tory said and then closed her laptop. “Anyway what’s the schedule like for tomorrow?”

“The guys have a photo shoot and then practice for most of the day.” Preet said and Tory nodded. “Did you want the usual set up?” Preet asked and Tory smiled at her. “Alright I’ll have all the information sent to the house. Do you have an office set up for the two of us?”

“Of course. And here is the key.” Tory said placing a key onto the table. “And I’ll text you the code for the front gate and also the main entrance.” She said then leaned back, “Also I’m going to need Gurpreet to pick up Tama from the airport in two days. Her flight arrives at 10AM.” Manpreet nodded.

“That will be fine the guys don’t have practice till 11AM.”  Tory then went quiet since Jo was coming back.

“Unni I’m ready to go.” Jo said and Tory nodded and got up. “I’ll see you tomorrow Manpreet Unni.” Jo said and then looked at the guys who were smiling at her. She bowed the best she could with crutches.  Tory then came up to her and lead her out of the coffee shop.

“That girl needs to relax.” ChanYeol said and Manpreet gave a faint smile.

“She’s been like that even when we were still in school. And can you believe those two only have 2 years of age difference between them.”

“Really?” Chen said and Preet already knew he wanted to know how old the younger was.

“Jo’s 23.”

“WHAT!” All the guys said since she older than all of them.

“Then she’s older than me by 3 years.” LuHan whispered to himself thinking of the older sister.




A/N: Okay so just a bit more information about Jo and Tory as well as how indifferent Tory can be to others. 

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