First Encounter

First Impression


Victory was at the airport on her own and had her phone out. “This was one of the stupidest things I have ever thought of doing.” She said and then was hugged from behind. She turned to see her younger sister. “What took you so long, I’ve been here since midnight. Its 10 am.” Tory said and her sister sighed. 

“Sorry Unni, I couldn’t leave your house while the movers were still there. I know that your electronics are very expensive. I had to make sure that everything was set up properly and that everything had arrived. One of the guys moving your things almost dropped your 52” TV.” She said out of breath. “Also you said your flight would be here at 8 am what happened?”

“I had been called about an interview that I would need to attend at noon, that’s why. I thought I could get some rest first.” Tory said and then many girls came running into the airports arrival area. “I take it there is also something you wanted to see as well.” Tory said and JoEun blushed. “Fine go on.” She said and the younger went to the arrival area where the girls were.

“Hey Tory.” A young woman said rushing passed the girls.

“Yo Manpreet.”

“I hope you weren’t waiting long.” Preet said and Tory noticed the cart with a lot of luggage on it.

“Did you just come back?” Tory said and Preet nodded as Gurpreet came their way.

“Preet the guys are just about to come out. Oh hey Tory. You’re finally here.” Gurpreet said and then the girls by the gate exit screamed. Tory then noticed her sister being pushed a lot. So when some of the security team tried to get the girls to move back JoEun was also forced back and tripped. As Jo was reaching up to get up Tory rushed to her side as a man was about to hit Jo for grabbing onto a guy who was walking by.

“Get your hands off of him.” The man said and was about to hit Jo but Tory grabbed onto his hand instead.

“Don’t you dare lay a hand on her.” She said and took her sisters hand off of the guy she had grabbed onto.  “Girls moved back now and watch the people around you. Guards also watch what you do.” She said and helped her sister up. The girls and guards could see blood on the youngers knees.

“Is she okay.” five guys asked.

“I’m...” Jo said then winced at the pain in her ankle.

“Alright onto my back.” Tory said and Jo did as told. She then turned to the guys who asked if Jo was alright. “Thank you for your concern. She’ll be fine once I treat her wounds.” She then looked at the man who would have hit Jo “As for you. Calm down. It’s the only way to keep all these girls in line.” She said and then left, she went up to Manpreet and Gurpreet.


“I’ll call you guys later.” She said and picked up her bags and left the airport.

“Unni...I’m sorry for the trouble.” Jo said and Tory gave a light chuckle.

“Jo you aren’t trouble at all.” Tory said and then someone came running after them.

“Excuse me.” the two guys said and Tory turned. Jo gasped at who the guys were.

“Can I help you?” Tory said.

“Unni put me down please.” Jo said and Tory slowly placed her to the ground.


“You dropped this.” One of the guys said and held out a phone. One the screen was a picture of the 2 sisters.

“Thank you JongDae Oppa.” Jo said and bowed the best she could.

“Also for your troubles please feel free to contact our company. Our leader has already advised them on what happened. Also please feel free to also give me a call if you want.” The other male said handing the cards to Tory. Jo could only gape.

“Thank you...”

“Thank you LuHan Oppa.” Jo said and Tory looked at her younger sister.

“We’ll see you.” The two guys said as they ran off.

“Unni you better keep that number.” Jo said and Tory rolled her eyes.

“Why, do you like him?” Tory said and Jo rolled her eyes but blushed. “Yeah, Jo you do don’t you.”

“No Unni its JongDae Oppa. Not LuHan Oppa.” Jo said as Tory placed her into the passenger seat of the car.

“At least you got to see him Jo.” Tory said and then closed the door then went to the drivers side. She got in and started the car. She turned the gps on and started driving.



A/N: Okay so this is a short chapter and there will be many more this short or even shorter. Please bare with me. I'm working on all the fics. They are typed up and will be updated soon.

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