
Secretly Living With You

Part of me wanted to think that someone was just playing a cruel prank on me. How could a cat write?

The other part of me told me to go meet this person that was impersonating my cat. Glancing at my clock, I realized it was almost 8:30.

Before I knew it, I was stripping down on my way to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Sure, this could be a prank, but only one other person knows of Bacon and Minwoo doesn’t look like he’d do such a thing. And besides, I’d like to look decent if I’m going to be meeting someone. I had after all run through a park in the early hours of the morning and hadn’t taken a shower since that adventure.

I sent Minwoo another text.

Me: Minwoo-ah, something came up, so I’ll look for Bacon later, okay?

Minwoo: That’s fine! I’ll keep looking and I’ll text you if I find anything.

Smiling, I placed my phone on the sink counter before stepping into the shower.

By the time I finished, it was already nine. I still had a few hours before I had to go meet the stranger.

I made myself some eggs and bacon for breakfast, reminiscing the first time I had breakfast with Bacon.

I finished eating by ten, and after washing the dishes, only ten minutes had passed. Impatient or time to move faster, I grabbed my laptop to watch part of a drama I had recently started watching. The main character found out that the body she was inhabiting was actually the body of her long lost sister.


After finishing up the episode, and shedding a few tears, it was past eleven. Putting on my bright red pants and beige colored blouse, I dabbed a little bit of makeup on before making my way out the door.

I couldn’t contain my curiosity. Who was the mysterious person pretending to be my cat?


I made it to the location with ten minutes to spare. It turned out to be a café in the middle of what seemed like nowhere. When I walked in, I was starting to worry that maybe it was a kidnapper that wanted to see how stupid I could be.

I gave a shaky smile to the barista and asked for a grande chai tea before seating myself near the window.

The view was beautiful, with the green trees swaying in the wind and the sun shining down at an angle where every thing seemed alight.

I was so lost in thought that I jumped at the sound of the bell tinkling, indicating that someone else had entered the café.

A man had entered the store with a cap pulled low and a pair of dark sunglasses that successfully covered his eyes. He wore clothes that I assumed celebrities would wear if they were trying to hide from paparazzi or something. But I just shook my head and tried to shake that thought away.

Warily, I watched as the mysterious man walked up to the barista.

“One grande chai tea, please.”

I was shocked at first before I realized that it was a common drink. Just because he ordered the same drink doesn’t mean anything.

I took another sip before looking out the window again. That is, before I heard the chair in front of me being slid out.

Mr. Mystery Man had taken a seat in front of me and seemed to be looking straight into my soul. It was probably the sunglasses.

“Um, excuse me, but, who are you?” I asked as I tried to assess the features that I could see. He looked a little bit familiar, but I couldn’t place where I’d seen him before. He had a long face and seemed to have a well-defined jawline. The hair that I could see seemed well tended to, confirming my suspicion that his looks are important to him. But what caught my attention was his red hair. Who in the world has red hair?

Thinking back, I know I had seen someone with red hair before, but I just couldn’t place him. I happened to glance at the TV positioned in one of the corners and that’s when it hit me.

Byun Baekhyun. The kpop idol. He has red hair. I glanced from the TV back to the stranger seated before me, back to the TV, back to the stranger.

Then he laughed.

His laugh was beautiful, like a million bells combined. I felt happy just listening to it that a small smile started to form on my own mouth.

“I see you know who I am now.” He took off his cap and sunglasses and set them on the table.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. I pinched my cheeks trying to see if it was a dream or not.

He laughed again, “It’s not a dream!”

“But why? How? What?”

Baekhyun’s face got more serious as he looked down at his drink.

“I don’t know if you’ll believe me, because this story doesn’t really make sense. My company told me not to tell anyone about this, but since I lived with you, I feel like you have a right to know.”

“Wait a minute. You lived with me? I think I would know if I had a celebrity in my apartment.”

“I know you work at a museum and you always have stress because you feel that you’re responsible for everything, but you get rid of your stress by going on runs and watching TV whenever you can. I know that you always keep your coffee black in the morning so as to wake up. I know that you didn’t know if cats could eat eggs so you had to look it up online before feeding me any. By the way, the eggs were great. But a bit more salt would make it even better.”

I stared at him with my mouth open wide while he just grinned that blinding grin of his.

“So… you saw… this?”

I gestured to my own body with an appalled expression. It’s not like I’m not fit, but it’s also not like I’m that comfortable with people seeing my body.

Baekhyun blushed and I giggled at the adorable sight before me.

“No! I-I-I saw your stomach! That’s it!”

I mock glared at him before smiling and drinking some more of my tea.

“But I’m still confused. How did you become a cat?”

Baekhyun sighed before taking a sip of his own tea.

“This is the weird part. Promise not to laugh or call me crazy? Because this really doesn’t seem logical.”

“I promise.”

“Okay. So. Before I met you, I was an idol singer. I was arrogant, I was full of myself, and I just didn’t appreciate all that I had. One night after a program, I wanted to get some fresh air so I told the rest of my members that I was going to the convenience store for some drinks. When I got there, there was this creepy old lady managing the counter. I nodded to her before I went to the back to get something to drink. When I came back to the counter, she had pulled something out and had placed it on top. It looked like a bottle of juice. She told me that it was on sale and that I was so handsome, she would give it to me for half off.”

I gave him a look.

“She really said I was handsome! So anyway, I bought it and decided to take a sip there in the store. The second it went down my throat, I felt dizzy and fainted. When I woke up, I was a cat. Yes, I know. That doesn’t seem believable. So I jumped onto the counter and hissed at the old lady. She told me that I took everything for granted and that I needed to find something that I’d protect if it was mine.”

I watched as he took a deep breath before continuing on. His eyes would sometimes glance up at me before looking back down at his cup.

“And that’s when I met you.”

I was taken aback. Me?

He laughed again seeing the expression on my face.

“Yes, you. When you took me into your apartment that night, my original plan was to get out as soon as possible. The next morning, I was waiting on your bed, hoping you’d let me out. But then you started feeding me, taking care of me, and I felt that I had to do something. The old lady had said that I’d only be able to be human for an hour a day so I utilized that hour to make you a well-deserved dinner.”

I was touched, remembering that I hadn’t had dinner that night and how I had left Bacon all alone in my apartment.

“I’m sorry I left like that, but I needed to get back to my company.”

“But how could you go back like a cat?”

“I had found something I wanted to protect. Something I wanted to love. I wanted to stay with you, but I had to let everyone know that I was safe. And then I wanted to let them know about you.”

He looked at me with such sincere eyes I wanted to cry.

“So please, will you go out with me? Even just one date would suffice. I want to be with you as a human instead of as a cat, with you always taking care of me. Let me be the one to take care of you. I feel that we were meant to meet, that it’s fate. Call me crazy, but I do believe it.

If you don’t want to be with me after the date, I will let you go. But you helped me out of that curse, so I don’t think I could.

So… Will you go on a date with me?”

Wanting to , I looked out the window again.

“I don’t know, I think this is a pretty boring date.”

A grin formed on my face.

“But I think I’d like a redo.”

Baekhyun looked at me with hopeful eyes. I looked at him before laughing and pinching his cheek.

“I’d love to.”

So this is the end of this fic! This is the first full-length fic I've ever written so please leave me comments! Thank you all that subscribed and waited so faithfully for this! Love you!

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Chapter 7: This was cute!
Chapter 6: CUTE CHAPTER!!!!!!
If I will be Kaili, I don't know how to react if I will find my adopted cat knew how to write and discovering that he's one of the popular boy group. I might faint.
PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE SOON! :D I'm loving your story!! ><
biseuteuh #5
love it :)
update soon!!
Wahhhh, the forwards sounds interesting. And your writing is good as well. Beautiful poster too, hwaiting ! :) ~