What Do I Do?

Secretly Living With You


I shook my head. What was I thinking? I think maybe all of the stress at the museum is getting to me. I got up and headed towards the kitchen, but not before giving my cat a good look.

Wait a second. My cat? When did he become my cat?

I fist bumped myself a few times, using my head of course, while muttering profanities. I’ve only been with this cat for one night and I already I’m thinking of him as mine. This is way too weird.

I sighed and walked back to the couch. Crouching in front of Bacon, I finally gave him a good look.

His coat was sleek and the fur was soft, with some rough spots of course, but that’s to be expected. His beautiful eyes gazed into mine with a sense of forlorn, and I felt sorry for this poor cat. I wondered if his owner was looking for him right now.

Picking him up, I decided a walk was at hand. Now do people walk cats like they walk dogs? Or do cats just, well, go off on their own?

Now that I think about it, I’ve never had a pet nor bothered to go get one. My mother had always been allergic to fur, so for her sake, we never got pets. But since I live alone now, why didn’t I get one sooner? It would definitely have helped in this awkward situation.

Awkwardly, I put Bacon back down on the ground and crouched back to his level.

“Okay Bacon, we’re going to go for a walk. Now I don’t know what cats do when humans go for walks, so don’t mind me and just do whatever. Okay?”

What was I doing? I was talking to a cat! Ah well, it’s not like things could get any weirder.

But hey, I seem to have a tendency to jinx myself.

As I was standing back up, Bacon answered my rhetorical question by nodding his fluffy little head.

Well that was weird.

I decided it would do me no good to worry too much, so I just opened the door and had him follow me out.



When we reached the nearby park, I looked around for Bacon before I sat down on the nearest park bench. Tapping the space beside me, I indicated for him to sit next to me.

“What’s wrong? Aren’t you tired?”

He his head at me and leaps to my side. I unconsciously started his soft fur while I stared into space.

Was there a reason as to why the cat chose me? Was there a reason why he acts so… human?

All of a sudden, a shadow loomed over me. I looked up to see a charming young boy smiling down at me. With clean swept hair that stuck to his forehead due to sweat, small but adorable eyes that crinkled when he grinned, and a happy aura that radiated off of him, he almost looked like one of those kpop idols.

“Hey, sorry to intrude, but could I sit next to you? I’m so out of breath and there are no other park benches nearby.”

Speechless, I just nodded at him.

“Hi, I’m No Minwoo. What’s your name?”

“Kaili. Kaili Wang.”

“Oh, are you Chinese?”

Well this is awkward. Why did I say my last name? Why? I didn’t really like people knowing I’m Chinese, but there was nothing I could do about it.

“Um, yes.”

“That’s pretty cool! You’re Korean is really good. I never would’ve been able to tell! Oh hey, that’s a pretty cute cat. What’s his name?”

I had totally forgotten about Bacon beside me.

“Oh, his name’s Bacon.”

“Bacon? That’s pretty funny. Hey there Bacon!”

I looked to my side to see his reaction, and what I saw surprised me a little bit.

The normally cheerful little kitty was hissing profusely at the happy boy next to me.

“Bacon? What’re you doing?”

He looked back at me before glaring at Minwoo. I was a bit confused but I decided to let it go.

I talked to Minwoo for a while before I realized what time it was.

“CRAP. I NEED TO GET TO THE MUSEUM SOON. I NEED TO TAKE CARE OF SOME FILES. It was nice meeting you Minwoo! See you around I guess!”

“Oh okay. See you around!”

I picked up Bacon and ran back to my house. I quickly tore through my closet looking for my business clothes before I started taking off my top. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Bacon still hasn’t left my room.

I think I have a erted cat. How uncomfortable.

Letting go of my shirt I quickly ushered him out of the room.

“Bacon… I think you should stay out of my room while I change… While I’m gone, can you try to stay in the house? I’d like to see you when I get back. I might not be home until 7 though, so that gives you quite a few hours alone. See you later!”

I quickly stepped into my heels before I locked the door behind me. I stayed outside the door for a bit, wondering if this was a bad idea. I shook that thought from my head. He’ll be okay. I hope.

With that, I left the building, not knowing that something miraculous would happen when I came back.


Sorry about the short update guys! And I'm so sorry for not uploading in forever! I hope this is okay, but I have no distinct plot formed in my head so it's mostly just rambling for now. The next chappie will be longer, I promise!

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Chapter 7: This was cute!
Chapter 6: CUTE CHAPTER!!!!!!
If I will be Kaili, I don't know how to react if I will find my adopted cat knew how to write and discovering that he's one of the popular boy group. I might faint.
PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE SOON! :D I'm loving your story!! ><
biseuteuh #5
love it :)
update soon!!
Wahhhh, the forwards sounds interesting. And your writing is good as well. Beautiful poster too, hwaiting ! :) ~