New Friend?

Secretly Living With You


The next morning, I awoke to a small weight on my forehead. Groggily, I opened my eyes and screamed.

Two HUGE feline eyes were staring down at me. At my sudden scream, the creature jumped off my forehead and landed on the floor, its tail high up in the air and ears flattened.

It obviously thought I was going to attack it, which I wasn’t going to do even though it got cat hair all over my bed.

Putting a hand to cover my mouth as I yawned, I sleepily wondered how the cat even got into my apartment.

Suddenly, all of last night’s events came rushing back to the front of brain.

The shipping.

Walking home.

The shadow.

The strange, human-like eyes.

Glancing back at the cat, I noticed that it really did have strange, human-like eyes. I also realized that I had named the cat after a sack of cat food.

Smacking myself in the forehead, I slowly got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. Glancing at my disgusting bed head and the bags under my eyes, I decided it was time to take a shower. Slowly taking off my Chococat tank top, I felt a pair of eyes staring at me. I looked to my left and low and behold, little Bacon was sitting at the door staring at me innocently. What bothered me the most was that Bacon was a male and that there was something that resembled a blush on his little face.

Embarrassed by the whole situation, I quickly shooed him away and locked the door.

How awkward.



After finishing my shower, I walked into the living room wearing nothing but a sports bra and sweat pants with a towel draped around my shoulders.

Bacon was sitting on the counter and this time, he looked away.

Oh nowyou have the decency to look away.

I walked over to the stove and turned it on. Turning towards the fridge, I wondered how long Bacon was awake for.

Shaking that thought away, I reached in and pulled out some eggs and my carton of milk. Taking out a bowl from the cabinet, I set it in front of Bacon and poured out some milk. I watched him lap the milk and thought back to the day before.

Groaning in frustration, I pulled at my hair. Work was just getting to be way too stressful, but I couldn’t just ditch!

I walked back over to the stove and cracked open the eggs. When they were done, I grabbed a spatula and tried to get them off of the pan. Unfortunately for me, I accidentally touched the inside of the pan and burned my finger.

Hissing in pain, I walked over to the sink. I ran it under cold water and just stared at the ceiling. “Since when did I become this clumsy…?”

Unbeknownst to me, Bacon jumped onto the counter by the sink and just stared as I turned off the faucet and walked over to the freezer for some ice. Before I could open the door, I felt a tug at my pant leg. I looked down and saw Bacon. Crouching down, I lifted my hand to his fur.

And something unexpected happened.

Bacon took my hand (my burned one, mind you) with both of his paws and looked at my burned finger. I felt a little bit awkward staring at my cat that was so absorbed in observing my burned fingertip.

I was about to pull away when I felt a funny sensation on my fingertip.

Bacon was my finger!

I smiled at looked at the cat. This was probably the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen in my life. It also shocked me that Bacon was so open to me. I had seen stray cats before and they were all very violent.

Bacon stopped my finger and looked up at me.

I thought it was a bit strange that this cat seemed to possess such human qualities. I have had boyfriends before, and when I cut myself or whatever, they’d always kiss it while asking if my oo was okay.

Curiously, I stared down at my cat.

“Just what are you?” I murmured.



After sharing an intimate moment with my newly acquainted cat, I realized that my eggs were still on the stove and about to set the entire house on fire.

Before I could let that happen, I quickly stood up and went to finish my business with them.

Bacon just stared as I walked back before he too, quickly padded over to where I was standing.

Jumping up onto the counter next to me, he eyed the sizzling yellow-turning-brown eggs.

“You want some? I’m not sure if you’re allowed to have any. I’m sure you can deal with some more BACON flavored cat food.”

I almost thought I saw him wince and I immediately felt bad. Putting the spatula down, I scratched him behind the ears and walked over to my laptop.

“Can cats eat eggs…” I muttered as I typed it into the search bar.

Apparently so.

I grinned and walked back over to him and lifted his paw.

“Well Bacon, it looks like you’re in luck.”

I sifted through my ridiculously messy cabinet and found a small bowl. Cutting off a  small piece of egg, I placed it in the bowl. Bacon sniffed it, it, and ate it. He then looked up at me as saying it wasn’t enough.

Holding back a laugh, I quickly cut up some more pieces and placed it in the bowl. I carried it back to my couch and set it down next to me.

Turning on the TV, I found myself watching an episode of Strong Heart. The new rookie group, EXO-K was guest-starring. As always, the Teukigayo segment always made me laugh.

Eventually they were going back to the Strong Heart stories. One of the members, Chanyeol I think, had written I’m Sad on his message board. Curious, I turned up volume.

“You guys know that EXO-K is a six member group, right?”

I nodded my head.

“But no one has questioned us as to why there’s only five of us here today.”

“You’re right, Chanyeol-sshi!” The hilarious pudgy MC shouted back. I found that he actually shouts a lot.

“Well, the truth is, our member, Byun Baekhyun, has gone missing.”

I gasped. An idol? Missing? Has this ever happened before?

“Baekhyun and I are roommates. One night after all of our schedules ended, Baekhyun went out and said he was going to the nearby convenience store to grab some herbal drinks. Not sure why he would go out late at night, but I let him. But anyways, after he left, I fell right asleep. When I woke up the next morning, he wasn’t in his bed. I was worried so I called him, but he wouldn’t pick up his phone.”

This was starting to freak me out a bit. A kidnapper kidnapping full grown men? And idols at that!

“I’m sorry Chanyeol-sshi. If he were watching right now, what would you say to him?”

I was shocked at the MC for saying that. SOMEONE WAS JUST KIDNAPPED FOR GOODNESS SAKE!

Being the good guest he is, Chanyeol looked straight at the camera.

“Baekhyun-ah, please come back! All of us are really worried! And I miss my Bacon.”

Suddenly, I heard a little sound at my side.

It was Bacon, but I was really bothered by something else. The little noise he made…

It sounded like a cry.

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Chapter 7: This was cute!
Chapter 6: CUTE CHAPTER!!!!!!
If I will be Kaili, I don't know how to react if I will find my adopted cat knew how to write and discovering that he's one of the popular boy group. I might faint.
PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE SOON! :D I'm loving your story!! ><
biseuteuh #5
love it :)
update soon!!
Wahhhh, the forwards sounds interesting. And your writing is good as well. Beautiful poster too, hwaiting ! :) ~