Chapter 8

Love and Other Foreign Words

“That was such a long kiss. I almost fainted.” Taemin’s cheek flused, mouth opened slightly, he was out of breath.


Minho laughed again. He combed Taemin’s messy hair. “Date me, Taeminah.”


“Your fans will kill me, hyung.” Taemin escaped from Minho’s laps.

“I will never let that happen.”

“Still no.”

“Why? You like me too.” Minho playing with Taemin’s hair.

“How do you know?” Taemin gulped his remaining soda, feeling thirsty after the kiss.


“You kissed me back.” Stupid grins on Minho’s face.

“Well, I do like you, a lot. But dating you is too risky.” Taemin laid down again.

“I can wait.” Sincerity in Monho’s voice.

“Just go home now, hyung. It’s late.” 

“Fine.” Minho bent down to peck Taemin on the lips. “I will never forget this.” Another peck.


Minho left with a mixed feeling. And Taemin ended up staring to the city lights outside the windows. He was sleepy but for some reason find it hard to fall asleep. 




Minho started his career as a member of boyband called SHINee. Only when all other members went to serve in military, Minho got a chance to debut as a solo singer. But having a perfect visual like that, Minho has been active as an actor too. People recognized him as one of the best idol-actor in the industry. He stared in dramas and movies and from those projects he received multiple awards for his acting.


Only a few months ago he accepted offer to star in new rom-com movie. Today was his first day of shooting.


He felt like texting Taemin, that’s why he did so. 

“Taemin-ah it’s the first day of shooting. Can we talk later tonight?”

“I can’t hyung. I’m on my way to the airport. Photoshoot in Bali. Sorry.”


Every week Minho texted Taemin.

“Where are you, Tae? It’s my day off. Want to have meat for dinner?”

“I’m in Seoul, hyung. But I don’t have time for dinner. I will be very busy today too.”


That was like the eight time Taemin rejected Minho’s offer to meet. Minho let out a loud sigh. He was very busy himself. He didn’t have enough sleep. But he would rather sacrifice his sleeping time in exchange for seeing Taemin. 


It was the last week of shooting. Minho was totally grumpy over such small unimportant things. The worst part when he made a comment that made his co-star uncomfortable.

“Sorry but why do you keep laughing?” Minho gave a dark glare. “Can we please get this done quickly? It’s late and everyone is tired already.” He said, making the poor girl almost cry. 


Minho’s manager then apologizing to the artist after that. The manager scolded Minho for his action.


The morning after Minho was doing make up in his waiting room, still very cranky. He gasped when he saw Taemin’s name on the screen. He answered the call right away.


“Hyung, did you have breakfast?”

“Where are you?”

“Do you want coffee?”


“What about sandwich?”

“Tae, what are you talking about all of sudden?”

“I’ll come to your shooting site before attending a meeting in 2 hours. So, what do you want?”


Taemin arrived with a long coat, still looking gorgeous with his half bun hairstyle. He bowed and introduced himself to everyone. Some knew him, and some didn’t. He followed his manager to Minho’s waiting room.


“Taeminaaaah.” Minho hugged the younger tightly, shocking his manager who was the only one in the room. Minho buried his nose in Taemin’s neck almost too deeply. Taemin smelled really nice that morning.


“Hyung?” Taemin tried to push him.

“I missed you.” Minho whined, only tightened his embrace. Minho then pulled away to see Tarmin’s face. “You look beautiful today too.” Minho thumbed Taemin’s cheek, ruffled his hair, tucked a strand of hair behind his ear.


The manager choked on his coffee, watching Minho’s unstoppable affection. Taemin’s manager didn’t react, as he only saw two best friends being very friendly with each other. 


“Come here.” Minho guided Taemin to sit. Both managers left the room after Minho told them to wait outside. Minho sat next to Taemin.


“Here your coffee and sandwich.” Taemin slurped his own coffee. Minho watched with warm eyes.


“Thanks, but can I kiss you?”

Taemin sighed when Minho already leaned in to him, crashing their lips in a sweet yet desparate kiss. Taemin almost drop his cup, Minho’s hand reached his cup and put it on the table. Lips never left Taemin’s. Minho laced their hands, the other hand hold Taemin’s nape to deepen the kiss. 


Minho proved Taemin how much he missed the other boy. Their first kiss was months ago, which Minho couldn’t get it out of his head. He had anticipated this.


Minho pulled away finally, both breathless. “It taste good, the coffee.” Minho said.


Taemin noticed the black bag under Minho’s eyes. Make up couldn’t make those disappear. Minho told him not to worry, because the filming would end soon.


Minho also told Taemin about him got angry to his co star. Taemin’s eyes widened.

“Let’s go to her now.” Taemin forced Minho to meet the poor girl.

“What for?”



Sejeong was a pretty and kind girl. She was a rookie but very talented in acting. 

“Sejeong ah I apologize for what I did. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Minho bowed to his junior.


Sejeong was surprised and didn’t know what to do. So she bowed to Minho too, saying that it was totally fine.


Sejeong then asked if the guy standing behind Minho was Taemin. Minho said yes. 


“Hello, Sejeong ssi. I’m Lee Taemin, a friend of Minho hyung. You look much prettier in person.” Taemin made Sejeong blush.


“Thank you. You look very handsome too.”


Taemin didn’t have any album with him, so he promised Sejeong to send it to her and another one for her staff, who was always watching Taemin once a day.


Taemin left for a meeting. Sejeong and other crews could sense the difference in Minho’s mood after Taemin’s visit. Minho looked bright and happy and agreed to do everything he was told to without complain.


In two days Minho finished filming. All casts and crews were having dinner in their last day of shooting. Sejeong pleaded Minho to invite Taemin, using Taemin’s album that Taemin promised himself as an excuse.


“I don’t think he has time to come Sejeongah.”

Minho kept telling Sejeong that it might be impossible for Taemin to come. In fact Minho didn’t want Taemin and Sejeong getting close.


“Why don’t you call him first?” Sejeong gave Minho her lost puppy eyes, “now, in front of me.”


Sejeong and her staff insisted to put the call on loudspeaker.

“Yes hyung?” Minho saw the staff clutched both her hands on the chest, listening carefully as if she was doing an important language listening test.

“Taeminah, Sejeong and her staff is here. Do you think you can come for dinner with all crew tonight? You promised to give Sejeong your album, remember?” 

“If I’m not mistaken I will be free tonight hyung. I’d love to. But I’ll just ask the manager and call you later, ok?”

“All right, Tae. Call me.”

“I will, hyung. Say hi to everyone for me.”


Sejeong staff did a little jump and bowed to Minho after, saying thank you multiple times.


Taemin came a bit late. He let his manager to go home first. Taemin gave Sejeong and her staff the promised album.


The dinner went well with people telling each other how grateful they were being part of the movie. Minho also wished this movie a big success.


Sejeong telling how she started to like Taemin too because of her staff. She was very happy that Taemin really came to this dinner. 


Minho who was sitting next to Taemin sometimes held Taemin’s hand under the table like a protective boyfriend. Taemin shot him with his eyes, a bit annoyed.


Minho then insisted that he must take Taemin home early, since tomorrow Taemin would be very busy. He was lying obviously.


“What do you want, Minho?”

Minho laughed, still playing with Taemin’s hand.

“I’m your hyung. Remember?”

“I don’t care. You are being too touchy, it’s weird.” 


Minho’ manager kept glancing at the two so called best friends from his driver seat. The manager didn’t know what to do with this in love Minho. That was new. 


Minho never really showed this much affection to his previous girlfriend, especially in front of other people. But right now in front of his manager, Minho openly held Taemin’s hand and kissed it sometimes.


The manager gave Minho the last warning for him not to do something stupid that might ruin his career, before Minho followed Taemin to enter the building.


“I really like your home, Tae.” Minho was amazed by the view once again.


“Yeah. Can I move and live with you?” Taemin thought it was just a joke, but Minho meant every word he said.


Taemin took a shower and came out with a pajama. Minho was watching TV in the living room. 


“Go home, hyung. You need sleep.” A book in Taemin’s hand.

“I will sleep here. Let me stay the night. I can sleep on the sofa.”

Taemin let out a sigh. “At least go take a shower first. I will lend you  my oversized t shirt.”

“OK.” Minho responded happily.


Minho admitted how refreshed he felt after a shower. He loved to have Taemin’s shampoo in his own hair. 


“Tae? Tae?”

Minho looked around, no answer. He found Taemin in the same sofa, lying flat with one hand still holding book on his chest.

“Seriously?”  Minho smiled, taking the book and put it on the table. Taemin mist be so tired.


Minho took a blanket from the bedroom. He laid himself side by side with Taemin and used the blanket to cover their body. There was not much space, it was cramped actually. But Minho loved the closeness and the warm they shared together. 


Minho used one hand as a pillow and other hand to caress Taemin’s hair. He watched the younger silently until he fell asleep.




Minho woke up, feeling a pair of eyes on his face. 


“Looking at you this close makes me realize how handsome you are, hyung.” Minho chuckled in responses.


“Good morning.” Opening his eyes, Minho immediately loving what he saw. Taemin was laying on his stomach, both hands holding his face which was slightly hovering Minho. They were still under the same blanket. 


“Did you sleep well?” Taemin asked.

“The best since months.” Minho combed Taemin’s hair.


“Hmm.” Minho wraped his hand around Taemin’s back. 


“Anyway Tae, I can’t believe I have you right here, sleeping with you all night, without touching or kissing or making love to you.” 

“I knew you wouldn’t do anything without my permission.” Taemin smiled. “Maybe because you love me?” Taemin ran his fingers on Minho’s hair, massaging his scalps.

“It’s not love. It’s more.” Minho admitted. Taemin paused.

“What is something more than love?”

“I don’t know. But it exists.” Both Minho and Taemin laughed.

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Oh my goodness. Just reread the story and gosh……typos everywhere. 😅
Not gonna defend myself.
But again, thanks for reading.


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Chapter 9: This story is just so warm and sweet!
I love how you wrote Taemin's character. And I love Minho's character progression as well from a player to a patient considerate romantic lover :)
Please write more 2min :)
970 streak #2
Chapter 9: Well, Minho's persistence and good intention won Taemin's heart and trust.
Thank you so much for sharing.
970 streak #3
Chapter 1: Minho is so annoying! But quite resourceful.
I don't think this is the way Taemin's heart. k
Beau1996 1380 streak #4
Chapter 9: I think the ending made sense with their characters - thanks for finishing the story author-nim ✌️
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 8: Loved this chapter - Minho being so demonstrative and wanting to spend any minute he can with Taemin!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #6
Chapter 7: yes Yes YESSSSS!!!
Shinee2020 #7
Chapter 7: So cute! Hope Tae said yes. ;)
Beau1996 1380 streak #8
Chapter 5: Trying to move - will Minho make his move??
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 5: Craving the company of Taeminnie? Of course you would :P
Shinee2020 #10
Chapter 4: This is great, no the story isn't too long! And even though there is a lot of competition for Taemin's attention, the fact that Minho is respecting Taemin and not trying to only get into his pants and actually showing care and getting to know Taemin more is working in his favor. He had known him before Taemin was popular and he hasn't been having scandal or sleeping around like he used to, so that is the right way to get to Taemin. But poor Minho... Everybody wants a part of Taemin and there is not much he can do about it. Hopefully Taemin can get him out of his misery and tell him something to show he care too.