Chapter 2

Love and Other Foreign Words

Minho had a lot of dates already, no reason to be nervous. He was scolded by his manager for this. But he was already too deep in this and didn’t want to stop just yet.


Arrived at Key’s restaurant, Minho was welcomed by the owner himself. 

“What would you like, Minho ssi?” Key’s outfit screamed ‘fashionista’ loud. He indeed dressed well.

“I’m still waiting for my date, so I’ll only have sparkling water for now.”

Key laughed a little, “is your date someone I know?”

Minho nodded with a smirk on his face.

“Very well then.”


Knowing Taemin’s love for books, Minho prepared a gift for him. He wrapped this book he received from his fan called Love and Other Foreign Words. His fans wouldn’t be happy to know this.


Minho was impatient. He checked his watch from time to time. 1 hour no sign of Taemin. 2 hours, Minho finished his lunch already, Taemin was still not there.


“Let me try to call him.” Key offered. “He is not usually like this.”


Minho couldn’t hide disappointment from his face. After a few minute Key came to him with a worried face.


“Taemin is in the hospital.” 


Minho got up from his seat right away, paid his bill and left with his car to the hospital’s address.


Minho was worried sick. He disn’t know the details, but he prayed hard for Taemin, even though he was not religious at all. 


Arrived at the hospital, he was about to ask Taemin’s room, when he spotted the long haired guy sipping a cup of coffee in front of vending machine.


Minho reflexively hugged the shocked Taemin.


“What happened Taeminah?”

Minho let go of him after a whole minute hugging.

“My father passed out suddenly.“


The nurse came and told Taemin that Mr. Lee already gained conciousness. Minho followed Taemin to Mr. Lee’s room. 

With a weak voice Mr. Lee said he was already feeling better. He needed some sleep.


“You are here, Minho.”  Minho noticed how red Mrs. Lee’s eyes from crying.

“I didn’t bring anything, I am really sorry.” 

“It’s ok, Minho. Thank you so much for coming.”


Taemin peeled an apple for his father. But Mr Lee told him to leave.

“I’m fine, son. You can go and make up to Minho.“ Mr. Lee told Taemin.


“Doctor said I can go home in 2 hours. So you don’t have to worry, Taeminah.”


Minho promised to take Taemin home and visit his parents again tonight.


“Are you hungry?” Minho asked after they both got in the car.

“Very hungry.” Taemin answered with multipple nodds.  Minho laughed from the cuteness.


Taemin’s stomach couldn’t wait any longer, so Minho bought him cup ramyeon and kimbab from convenient store. Taemin also grabbed some snacks, juice, and ice cream.


“If we go to the beach now, we can see sunsets together.”

Taemin suggested, making Minho smiling from ear to ear.


Taemin ate his vanilla ice cream first. He even offered Minho some. Minho was not into sweets, but he couldn’t say no to be fed by Taemin. For some reason he could feel how closer they became.


Taemin continued to eat ramyeon in seconds. He must be very hungry after skipping lunch. But Minho thougt, ice cream and ramyeon such a weird combination.


“Oh we are here, Minho.”

Minho liked the way Taemin pronounce his name.


Just like tourist, they sat on the rocks and started to eat kimbab. Taemin enjoyed his food so much. He kept humming cutely.


“I like your berret.” Minho has been starring because Taemin with hair down and a black berret looked too good. Not to mention his black shirt with 2 buttons open, just enough for Minho to peek at the collarbone.


“Key hyung gave this to me about last week. Today is my first time wearing it.” Minho didn’t even listen to him. Taemin let out a sigh. He was aware that Minho was observing him. 

“You should stop, Minho. Really. I’m trying to act nice to you because you too are kind to me and my parents. But you know, you are really annoying right now.”


“Sorry Taeminah. You are just really attractive. I guess that’s just how much I’m attracted to you.”

“I see you fall for me already.” Taemin still munching his food, his face expressionless.


Minho laughed then, “I didn’t expect anything in Jeju to be honest, but now I’m glad I came here.” He smiled.


Sunsets in Jeju sure felt different to Minho. Or perhaps it looked warmer than usual just because of someone beside him.


Even Taemin said he would never get tired to see sunsets in this island. 


Taemin finished all his snacks, but he still wanted barbeque for dinner. Again he made Minho amazed.


“So where did you learn to play piano?” 

“School, of course. “

“Cool. How about singing?”

“I sing sometimes, like when Key hyung ask me to.”

“Are you good?”

“Good enough to perform in a school musical.” He bragged.


Minho thought, if Taemin was an idol, he definitely would be successful.


The conversation between them just flowing like they knew each other for a long time. They didn’t seem awkward around each other.


“Thanks for today, Minho.” They were already outside the restaurant.

“If you really want to thank me, what about a kiss?”


Minho was ready to hear a rejection. However when Taemin suddenly pecked his cheek, Minho felt his ears boiling. He was too happy.


Taemin always acted hard to get with Minho. But in fact you could say, that was just how he flirted (unintentionally) with almost everyone. 


Both of them walked to the parking space, when two girls whispering to each other loudly while staring at Minho with disguist.


“Isn’t that Choi Minho? Did that girl just kiss him? So shameless.” The girls even took Minho and Taemin’s picture together.


Both Minho and Taemin could hear that. Taemin just did a very unexpected action. He snatched the girl’s phone and deleted the photo right away.


“Yes, I just freaking kissed your idol. I know you are jealous but Im not a girl by the way. I’m a boy.”


Taemin then left them, very shocked. Minho giggling amused.


“Goodness Taeminah. You have no idea how y you are right now. Can I kiss you?”

“Drive!” Taemin scolded sternly.




Author's note: now im really worried about this. Idk how to end the story 😭😭

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Oh my goodness. Just reread the story and gosh……typos everywhere. 😅
Not gonna defend myself.
But again, thanks for reading.


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Chapter 9: This story is just so warm and sweet!
I love how you wrote Taemin's character. And I love Minho's character progression as well from a player to a patient considerate romantic lover :)
Please write more 2min :)
970 streak #2
Chapter 9: Well, Minho's persistence and good intention won Taemin's heart and trust.
Thank you so much for sharing.
970 streak #3
Chapter 1: Minho is so annoying! But quite resourceful.
I don't think this is the way Taemin's heart. k
Beau1996 1381 streak #4
Chapter 9: I think the ending made sense with their characters - thanks for finishing the story author-nim ✌️
Beau1996 1381 streak #5
Chapter 8: Loved this chapter - Minho being so demonstrative and wanting to spend any minute he can with Taemin!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #6
Chapter 7: yes Yes YESSSSS!!!
Shinee2020 #7
Chapter 7: So cute! Hope Tae said yes. ;)
Beau1996 1381 streak #8
Chapter 5: Trying to move - will Minho make his move??
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 5: Craving the company of Taeminnie? Of course you would :P
Shinee2020 #10
Chapter 4: This is great, no the story isn't too long! And even though there is a lot of competition for Taemin's attention, the fact that Minho is respecting Taemin and not trying to only get into his pants and actually showing care and getting to know Taemin more is working in his favor. He had known him before Taemin was popular and he hasn't been having scandal or sleeping around like he used to, so that is the right way to get to Taemin. But poor Minho... Everybody wants a part of Taemin and there is not much he can do about it. Hopefully Taemin can get him out of his misery and tell him something to show he care too.