Chapter 4

Love and Other Foreign Words

Minho couldn’t forget what Kai said when Taemin was in the toilet, 


“Maybe other people only see him as a manager Taemin, but for me he is a personal comforter. Im dead serious, Minho. You know how hard and tiring this job is, whenever I see him, all those difficulties just like woooosh…disappeared. Im just glad I have him by my side.”


Jealousy hit Minho hard. He shouldn’t be that furious, but his heart was just out of control. 


It was already 11 the next morning. Minho smiled to see his wallpaper. He definitely did put Taemin’s photo as a wallpaper. He must be already too deep in this .


Then he saw 8 missed calls from his manager. 


“What is it?” Minho called manager hyung.

“I sent you a link. Dont tell me you are still playing with that Jeju boy!”


Minho clicked the link and there was an article about Minho, Kai, and Taemin having dinner together. It was written that artists from rival companies could be friends too. Many commented about both artists friendship, but most comments were about Taemin’s unreal visual. Minho coudn’t agree more. The paparazzi even took Taemin’s picture beautifully. 


Minho was glad, at least it was not a scandal. But what now? He didn’t see this coming.


Minho received another chat from his manager that Kai’s side already agreed to play along, pretending like they were bestfriends through manager Taemin. They even prepared a collaboration which Minho dislike. However the thought about him could see Taemin ofter through work made him change his mind. 


“Let’s do it.” Minho said.


After attended a charity event, Minho went to the company to meet Kai and his gorgeous manager. They were scheduled to talk about their collaboration which should be released around the end of this month. 


Outside the transparent meeting room Jinki was standing and watching whatever happen in the room.  He approached Minho when Minho arrived a little late.


“Minho yah. That friend of yours is too cute. Is he single?” Jinki whispered.

“Of course Kai is single.”

“No, not Kai. I mean his manager.”

“You must be crazy hyung. He might look pretty but he is a guy, you know.”

“I am fully aware of that, Minho yah. I dont mind to date a guy if he is THAT pretty. So is he single?”

Minho nodded and Jinki shouted a little “yes” with a happy face. This hyung didn’t realize how uncomfortable Minho was.


Minho entered the meeting room. Taemin was on work mode, meaning he smiled all the times and just being the best manager ever. 


They were offered a dance aong obviously. The three so called best lfriends didn’t forget to put a show in front of everyone present.


“I’m very happy to be given this opportunity. Cant wait to be on the stage with Kai.” Minho said with slight smirk on the tip of his lips.


“We’ll get going for now then.” Taemin got up from his seat. Minho’s hands were spreading for a hug. However Kai quickly hugged him instead of Taemin.


“Thanks for today, hyung.” Kai almost laughing when he saw Minho’s annoyed face.


For the sake of the show Taemin shook Minho’s hands and gave him a few pats on his shoulder. “Please excuse us.”


“Let’s go together.” Minho walked side by side with Taemin. And in the other side there was Kai on guard. Taemin let out a deep sigh. ‘This is not happening.’ He muttered to himself.


In front of the building they heard screams from the fans. Some of them was Minho,s fans, some was Kai’s fans. And some even sreamed Taemin’s name, meaning he has fans too now. Taemin smiled to the girls.


Kai and Taemin waited a few minutes until their car parked right in front of them. One girl asked Taemin, “Taeminah did you eat?”

“Of course I already did. Meat and apple.” He flashed another smile which could make one blind. The fans screamed again.


Kai and Minho amazed to see this scene, mouth wide opened. Seems like Taemin was as popular as them now.


Minho waved his hand to Taemin, but Kai too waved back to him just to annoy him. It was inded annoying how Kai get to be together with Taemin almost all the times. 




The preparation was quite fast. They launched their collaboration single only in 2 weeks. The producer even asked Taemin to be in the mv. He said Taemin looked better that most of girl group members, so they didn’t need to cast anyone else. Minho and Kai couldn’t agree more.


“Woaaaah never in my career as a make up artist have I found someone like you.” She said to Taemin, still applying eye shadow.

“What do you mean?” Minho suddenly appeared from somewhere. He just changed into his costume for the mv.

“I mean Taemin seems to make any color combination work. I think he has this neutral charms that don’t fall under just one gender.” She continued to compliment Taemin.

“You should become a cosmetic model, manager nim.” Now Kai too appeared suddenly.


Both Minho and Kai watched silently when she applied lip tint on Taemin. That lips somehow looked delicious.


“Why are you so pretty Taeminah? Did you eat flowers?” Minho made the staffs laugh when he didnt mean to. 


The stylist then joined the conversation with white sports crop top in his hands. “The pd wants you to wear this for the mv.” She said. 

“Is that crop top?” Taemin had to ask.

“It is.” She answered.


Minho and Kai very much against the idea. It wouldn’t be good for their hearts.


“I dont think I can wear that. Because I dont want to show my tattoo here, on my waist.” Taemin said a suit would fit him better.


Meanwhile Minho and Kai having nose bleed because of their wild imagination.



The song was doing good on the chart. Minho and Kai won 3 trophies in music shows. For the final day of promotion the fans asked Taemin to do encore with Minho and Kai.


Taemin even made a headline with his flawless dancing skills to the song. They said the 3 bestfriends dancing skills were just equally good. 


The article also mentioned when Minho gave Taemin a mic, Taemin sang well too. 


At that time Minho had to admit Taemin’s voice sounded better that his own.


“I didn’t know you could dance like that.” Minho was still in awe.

“Just because the dance was not too hard.” Taemin said humbly.


The three of them often having dinner together . Now they just like real friends. Only tonight Kai was late, might not having time to join them. His parents visited him for the first time this year, so he tried to be a good son. Of course he warned Minho not to do anything funny to Taemin.


Taemin was busy reading with that glasses again. Some girls recognized him.


“What are you reading Taeminah?” For some reasons the fans just called him by his name as if they were babying him.

“This is a novel called Shine.”

The fans then let him read and tried not to bother him.


Minho has so muc snacks in his hands. He put a big plastic bag in front of Taemin.  Taemin looked up to him and smiled so brightly. He liked the attitude.


Taemin closed his book and opened the can soda Minho brought. 


“This reminds me of our first date in Jeju.” Minho laughed, eyes fixed on Taemin.

“That was not a date.” Taemin corrected him.

“Well it was a date, at least for me.” 


Together with Taemin made Minho nervous as hell. The feeling didn’t just disappear. It got stronger everyday. 


“Are you nervous?” Taemin asked, munching his snacks.

“Is it obvious?”


Taemin laughed. Taemin became more friendly to Minho. He was so used to have both Kai and Minho with him now. Minho too was getting more and more comfortable around Taemin. Minho didn’t want to get into his pants anymore. He wanted something more serious. But for now he was fine with how the things now.


That night Taemin complained how the PD forced Taemin to perform with Minho and Kai in Paris next week. 


“It’s only for the intro, you know. It’s just a child play for you.” Minho drank all his soda.

“But I’m not an idol. I’m just a manager, remember?” 

“I heard my company offered you a 5 years contract as an idol?”

“Yes they did which I rejected, because I don’t know if that job is a good fit for me.”

“I honestly think you were born to be an artist Taeminah. I mean you play piano, sing well, dance exceptionally well, and…” Their eyes met for the first time. Minho’s breath hitched, “you are beautiful.” He failed to look away.

For a split second Minho’s body just leaned closer to Taemin without he realized.

“Really?” Taemin looked away when he saw what was coming.

“Owh sorry. I must be crazy.” Minho pulled back, slapping his own burning face. Taemin laughing beside him.

“I guess it’s time to go home.”


Minho walked Taemin to his apartment because he wanted to spend some more alone times with the younger.


“Want to come in?” Taemin offered.

“I want to. But it will do no good for both of us.”

Taemin laughed again, while Minho scratched his nape.

“Good night then.”


There was many senior artist performed after Kai, Minho, and Taemin. But the cheers and screams for them were the loudest. THey were like the main event during Music Bank in Paris. Taemin too showed the best performance with his piano. After that he gained more fans even among idols.


There were idols coming to their waiting room to take picture with Taemin. Taemin was being nice and never said no to them. He was very popular already.


After the last stage, all artists performed one last song together. Jinki approached Taemin who was with his two bodyguards. Minho was in alert when he tried to squeeze himself between Minho and Taemin.


Taemin already smiling when Jinki stood beside him.

“I’m a fan, Taemin-ssi. I was surprised of how talented you are.” Jinki whispered.


“No Jinki-ssi. Please don’t say that. I’m your big fan. I attended your concert twice. I wish I could sing like you. You have a really charming voice.”


Neither Minho ir Kai ever heard Taemin fanboying over them. It made them somehow jealous a little.


“Really? Thank you. I’m preparing a mini concert right now. It would be really great if you maybe could play a piano on the stage with me.”

Taemin’s eyes widened, showing how happy he was.


“I would like to. But i don’t even know if I’m qualified for that.”

“Don’t worry. There is no one better than you. I will talk to your agency.” Jinki was just as happy.


MInho was tense. Did he just meet another rival? Oh he sure did.




During the afterparty Jinki really just sticked around Taemin. Kai didn’t really like what he saw, so he decided to blend and dancing with others. Taemin told him not to drink too much alcohol, because the last time Kai did, he ended up spending the night with Krystal and led to break up with Taemin.


Minho was more worried about Jinki. The conversation between Jinki and Taemin was pretty normal. Jinki gave Taemin his latest album. He also talked about his upcoming concert. Taemin was just excited.


Taemin excused himself to answer his phone. He has been receiving so many calls. There was more than one agency contacting him and offered him to debut under their agency. 


“Hyung what are you doing?” Minho asked Jinki.


“You want Taemin to perform in your concert?”

“Of course. He is a great pianist, Minho yah. And seriously he looks much better up close. What do I do? I think I’m in love.”


Minho hated what he heard. He was busy with his restless heart when Taemin came back.


“Guys I think I have to go back to the hotel. It’s too loud here.” 

“I will go with you.” Jinki said.

“It’s ok. I have a driver. And I will send him here again to pick up Kai.”

“I will go with you then. We stay at the same hotel anyway.” Minho should do that much.

“You sure?”




During the ride Minho wanted to talk about a lot of things. Especially about how amazing Taemin’s performance was. But Taemin looked really tired. He closed his eyes as soon as he entered the car. He leaned uncomfortably with red cheeks, probably from the alcohol.


“Are you ok?”



Minho had to help Taemin went to his hotel room, because he stumbled a few times. His forehead was burning. He needed some rest. 


He was worried to leave Taemin in his room alone, so he took Taemin to his own room. Taemin didn’t seem to realize where he was.


“Thanks, Minho. You should rest too.” Taemin mumbled. 

Minho was worried. 


Minho covered Taemin’s body with a blanket. He was super tired too but he thought Taemin would feel uncomfortable with his make up on. So he wiped Taemin’s make up with a micellar cleansing water. Then he used warm water after that.


Minho slept on a sofa, being very careful not to disturb the younger. 


It was 5 in the morning when Taemin woke up and found Minho in the same room as his. Taemin’s head felt better now.


“Minho? Minho?” Taemin called Minho from his bed. Minho woke up immediately and checked on Taemin, in case he needed something.

“What’s wrong?”

“Why are tou still here?” Taemin was confused.

“Oh well because this is my room. And you were burning a few hours ago. Are you feeling better?” Minho put his hand on Taemin’s forehead.

“Yeah. Still sleepy though.”

“Ok. Sleep more, Taeminah.”


Minho was about to go back to the sofa when he felt a hand tugged on his wrist.


“Come here. There’s enough space.” Taemin shifted and made a room for Minho. Minho was thinking for a second. “It’s ok, Minho. Come on. You need a proper rest too.”


Laying down on the bed, he didn’t have time to do more thinking. His body felt stiff and tired. He needed a comfortable sleep indeed. Having Tarmin by his side was a bonus.


“Let’s sleep, Minho.”

Minho hummed.



Author’s note:

Ok guys, i dont know anymore. What the hell is happening? I mean it’s 4 chapters already? Is this too long? I still dont see the end of this story. 

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Oh my goodness. Just reread the story and gosh……typos everywhere. 😅
Not gonna defend myself.
But again, thanks for reading.


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Chapter 9: This story is just so warm and sweet!
I love how you wrote Taemin's character. And I love Minho's character progression as well from a player to a patient considerate romantic lover :)
Please write more 2min :)
970 streak #2
Chapter 9: Well, Minho's persistence and good intention won Taemin's heart and trust.
Thank you so much for sharing.
970 streak #3
Chapter 1: Minho is so annoying! But quite resourceful.
I don't think this is the way Taemin's heart. k
Beau1996 1380 streak #4
Chapter 9: I think the ending made sense with their characters - thanks for finishing the story author-nim ✌️
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 8: Loved this chapter - Minho being so demonstrative and wanting to spend any minute he can with Taemin!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #6
Chapter 7: yes Yes YESSSSS!!!
Shinee2020 #7
Chapter 7: So cute! Hope Tae said yes. ;)
Beau1996 1380 streak #8
Chapter 5: Trying to move - will Minho make his move??
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 5: Craving the company of Taeminnie? Of course you would :P
Shinee2020 #10
Chapter 4: This is great, no the story isn't too long! And even though there is a lot of competition for Taemin's attention, the fact that Minho is respecting Taemin and not trying to only get into his pants and actually showing care and getting to know Taemin more is working in his favor. He had known him before Taemin was popular and he hasn't been having scandal or sleeping around like he used to, so that is the right way to get to Taemin. But poor Minho... Everybody wants a part of Taemin and there is not much he can do about it. Hopefully Taemin can get him out of his misery and tell him something to show he care too.