Chapter 7

Love and Other Foreign Words

Jinki possesses an unique caramel like tone. His voice was very light and clean and considerably wide range. Playing piano on the stage with him was a great honor to Taemin. Jinki performed Rainy Blue perfectly.


The whole venue was filled with applauses and cheers and screams. Taemin got up from his piano and joined Jinki to bow to the audiences.


Minho came to Taemin’s waiting room after the performance, congratulated him with the soft proud big eyes and a warm hug. They then watched the concert until the end.


The concert was successful. Jinki was a national treasure. There was a lot of complimets for Taemin too, but Taemin told the media that he was just a successful Jinki’s fanboy.


Not long after the concert, Taemin made his official debut. The album was surprisingly doing really well in Korea and international chart. Taemin was touched when a lot of fans came to watch his performance, considering he was a new artist. He thanked his fans before and after performing.


“But I’m very curious about your occupation. Don’t you go to school? What about work? Did you take bus to come here? What time was it?”


The studio was filled with laughter. Taemin was cute. He made everyone surprised when the cuteness suddenly disppeared when he was on stage. His stage presence was really something else. Not only fans, many idols also came out of their waiting room to watch Taemin. 


Taemin received many congratulatory messages including from Minho and Kai. Both of his frends were busy with their schedules.


Taemin arrived home after a tiring day. Only after a few minutes lazying around on his sofa, he had to go to the door when the bell ding.


Turned out it was a delivery ahjussi with 100 buckets of roses. The sender was no other than Minho. Taemin called Minho right away.


“If you don’t come right now and clean this mess, I swear to God I will never see you again.” Taemin threatened Minho.


It was almost 11pm when Minho finally came. He was greeted by annoyed Taemin with glasses. Water still dripping from his long wet hair.


“Clean all of this!” 

“Why? Isn’t it romantic?”

“It’s not. I’m allergic.”

“I didn’t know. Sorry.”


Minho started to clean and Taemin his TV with snacks in his hand. Taemin typed his name and watched his performance from today. Minho was still cleaning, well, it was quite messy. 


Minho watched the TV silently. “Woah you are the best, Taeminah. Such a pro. You look like someone with years of experiences.”


“Because I do have experiences, hyung. Just not on TV.”

“I’m so proud of you.” Minho packed the flowers in to a big plastic bag. “I love the smokey make up by the way. It suits you.”


Minho threw away all the flowers. He was quite exhausted, especially because he had a long day working too.


“Here hyung.” Taemin gave Minho a bottle of soda. 


Minho sat on the sofa. Finally he had time to look closely at the whole place. Taemin’s apartment was spacious. He wouldn’t need any light during the day because of large glass windows. The place has a great view and castle like luxury.


Minho’s eyes back to Taemin. “This place is amazing, Tae.”

“Really? It’s a gift. From my parents obviously.” Taemin scrunched his nose in the cutest way possible. He didn’t seem to do it on purpose.


When Taemin yawned, suddenly Minho realized that he was sitting there in Taemin’s house, Taemin beside him, looking totally sleepy, tired, hungry, cute and innocent.


“Are you sleepy?” Minho asked.

“Yes, but I’m hungry. I’m just gonna wait for my food delivery and eat my meat and go to bed after that.” He yawned again. “I ordered enough for the two of us.”


A young man delivered Taemin’s order. The man was shy when Taemin thanked him. He mumbled a ‘i’m a fan’ quitely. And Taemin thanked him again.


Minho watched from his seat. “You gained so many fans in such a short times.”

“I guess it’s because of you and Kai.”


Taemin was in a very hungry state. He finished eating real quick. He was full and now he felt sleepy. He layed down on the sofa, closing his eyes. His hands rubbing his tummy. His crown touched Minho’s thigh slightly. Would be nice if he used Minho’s thigh as a pillow, Minho thought.


Minho only chuckled.


“Tiring day?” MInho asked. Taemin answered with a simple ‘hmm’.

“But it’s fun.” He continued.


“So many fans came for me. It’s a new feeling…having many people supporting me like this.” Minho didn’t respond. “I think I can do this for a long time.” Still no response. “Hyung? Are you listening?” 


Taemin opened his eyes, only to find Minho’s face inches away above his, startled him.


“Gosh. Hyung. I almost got a heart attack.” Minho ignored his protest.

“So you have mole on your nose and probably somewhere else. You have beautiful long eye lashes, looking very soft when you close your eyes.”




“You sometimes scrunch your nose. You have many plain oversize t shirts. You have poor eye sight, you wear glasses often, especially when you read.” Minho took off Taemin’s glasses, put it on the table. Taemin blinked a few times, confused.


“What are you talking about?”

“You eat meat for life. You love sweets. You have most kissable lips in the whole industry.” 


Minho chuckled again. Eyes fixed on Taemin’s lips. Taemin asked a ‘what are you doing?’ with eyes wide open, when Minho’s face getting closer and closer. Minho was hesitate for a second, but kissed Taemin anyway.


The kiss was warm and soft. Taemin’s lips was just like how Minho imagined. It tasted a little sweet like soda.


Their position was awkward. Minho pulled back and sat straight. Taemin also got up, turned to Minho. 


Minho was surprised when Taemin suddenly put his hand on Minho’s chest.


“Your heart is beating so fast, hyung.” His eyes widened. “But mine too.” Taemin then put Minho’s hand on his chest. “See?”


“Is this because I haven’t kissed for a long time?” Taemin still feeling his own heartbeat. Minhlo laughed hard.


“That’s cute.”

Minho reached Taemin’s waist with both hands, pulling the younger to his laps. “Maybe you like me too?” 


Minho then kissed Taemin deeply. Hands caressing the long hair. He nibble Taemin’s lower lips just slightly. Minho's other hand still on Taemin's waist, sometimes to his back. 


The kiss was long. They didn’t know whose air they were breathing. 


Taemin pushed Minho a little, because he needed air.

“That was such a long kiss. I almost fainted.” Taemin’s cheek flused, mouth opened slightly, he was out of breath.


Minho laughed again. He combed Taemin’s messy hair. “Date me, Tae.”

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Oh my goodness. Just reread the story and gosh……typos everywhere. 😅
Not gonna defend myself.
But again, thanks for reading.


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Chapter 9: This story is just so warm and sweet!
I love how you wrote Taemin's character. And I love Minho's character progression as well from a player to a patient considerate romantic lover :)
Please write more 2min :)
961 streak #2
Chapter 9: Well, Minho's persistence and good intention won Taemin's heart and trust.
Thank you so much for sharing.
961 streak #3
Chapter 1: Minho is so annoying! But quite resourceful.
I don't think this is the way Taemin's heart. k
Beau1996 1372 streak #4
Chapter 9: I think the ending made sense with their characters - thanks for finishing the story author-nim ✌️
Beau1996 1372 streak #5
Chapter 8: Loved this chapter - Minho being so demonstrative and wanting to spend any minute he can with Taemin!!
Beau1996 1372 streak #6
Chapter 7: yes Yes YESSSSS!!!
Shinee2020 #7
Chapter 7: So cute! Hope Tae said yes. ;)
Beau1996 1372 streak #8
Chapter 5: Trying to move - will Minho make his move??
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 5: Craving the company of Taeminnie? Of course you would :P
Shinee2020 #10
Chapter 4: This is great, no the story isn't too long! And even though there is a lot of competition for Taemin's attention, the fact that Minho is respecting Taemin and not trying to only get into his pants and actually showing care and getting to know Taemin more is working in his favor. He had known him before Taemin was popular and he hasn't been having scandal or sleeping around like he used to, so that is the right way to get to Taemin. But poor Minho... Everybody wants a part of Taemin and there is not much he can do about it. Hopefully Taemin can get him out of his misery and tell him something to show he care too.