Chapter 3

Love and Other Foreign Words

Taemin’s mother welcomed Taemin and Minho. She hugged Minho first and thanking him for taking Taemin home, made Taemin sulk a little.


Taemin’s father was resting. Mrs. Lee forced Minho to stay a night. Taemin was very much against the idea. However Minho already said yes. It would be very rude if he change his mind suddenly, Minho said.


The house showed how stable the life of Lee family. It was not as big as a palace, but big enough compared to most of the house Minho saw in this island.  


Mrs. Lee told Minho, he could sleep in a guest room. Minho picked the bedroom closest to Taemin’s. 


“I have to shower.” Taemin said when his mother left.

“I will come with you.” MInho smiled widely, not really joking.


However when Taemin slammed the door right in Minho’s face, Minho decided to just take a shower too in his room.


Both Minho and Taemin couldn’t help but wondered if they were friends since they kind of got a little closer. Taemin himself admired Minho’s talent. Not to mention how handsome he was. 


Taemin didn’t really respond to Minho’s constant flirting, because he had this not so happy experience in dating an idol. Pretty y girls everywhere. If one said they were attracted to Taemin because of his beauty, he just laughed it off.


Meanwhile Minho was sure he could make Taemin his soon enough. When he looked at himself in the mirror, he confidently praised himself, “so handsome”.


Minho didn’t bring any clothes for him to change, but then he opened the closet, he found a few pair of clothes. He wore a pair.


Minho then saw a beautiful full moon hanging in the sky. He went out of the bedroom to capture it. As an artist, he sometimes say hi to his fans on Bubble with a picture. 


He stopped in front of Taemin’s room, was about to knock, but didn’t do it. Taemin must be tired and went to bed already. 


He walked down the stairs and was a little startled to hear some noises from the kitchen. What was that?


With careful light steps, Minho entered the kitchen. He looked around, no one there. He thought he only imagining things.


Minho was about to open the fridge when he heard footsteps from the living room. He was one a ready to fight mode. The footspes were getting closer. But then there Taemin was, holding a book with both hands.




Taemin walked pass Minho, opening the fridge. 


“Taeminah. Is this house haunted?”

Taemin poured white wine in to his and Minho’s glass.


“I believe so. I hear noises sometimes, like in the middle of the night when every living person is actually sleeping.”

He didn’t ask Minho to come with him, but Minho instinctively followed him to the other room.


“That’s exciting. I always want to be in this kind of situation.” Minho flopped himself on the sofa beside Taemin.

“Good for you.”


Taemin sipped his wine and opened his book. Minho forgot about the ghost story already. He didn’t say anything. He only enjoyed Taemin’s presence.


Minho did observe him a little. Because honestly Taemin looked really cute but hot at the same times. Minho didn’t know a guy could look that good with a glasses and a yellow t shirt. 


Reading his favorite book, Taemin showed his serious expression. 


Was it an hour? They really just stayed like that. Minho secretly took Taemin’s picture as a souvenir.


“Delete it.” Taemin scolded Minho.

“What? No way.”

They ended up arguing over a picture of Taemin. Minho won the fight of course


After three days Minho coupdn’t find Taemin in his cafe. He looked for Taemin everywhere. Taemin just disappeared. Monho visited Taemin’s house and met Mrs. Lee.


“Taemin didn’t tell you? He went back to Seoul last night.”


“To work. He was here only for a short break.”


Minho too, right on that day flew back to Seoul. 




Minho was smart enough for asking Taemin’s number to his mother. As soon as he landed, he sent a chat to Taemin.


13.25: “Where are you, Taeminah? It’s Minho.”


Minho arrived in his apartment, yet he didn’t receive any teply. He fell asleep while waiting for Taemin to reply his message.


17.00: “Home.” That ding sound woke Minho up.

17.01: “Where is that? I’m in Seoul. Let’s meet.”


Inviting Minho to his apartment probably one bad idea. So he agreed to meet Minho tonight at his favorite restaurant near his apartment.


Minho arrived on time. Taemin was doing his favorite activities: eating and reading after. Taemin looked up to see Minho who wore a cap and a mask to disguise himself. But nothing could hide his tall figure. 


Minho just a while ago was mad because Taemin just disappeared without any word. However this Taemin in front of him looked too soft. He lose again. He gave up.


“Are you still hungry?” Taemin ate really well.

“You are not hungry?” 

“Im not here to eat. I want to talk.”



Tarmin was done eating anyway.

“Talk!” Taemin wiped his mouth with a tissue. Minho hated himself for thinking that Taemin looked more delicious than all the menu in that restaurant.


“Why didn’t you tell me you are actually working in Seoul?”

“You never asked.” Taemin answered simply.

“You should have told me when you were about to go back here.”

“I don’t usually tell anyone. Why should I tell you?”


Well Taemin was right. Why should he tell Minho? Taemin just realized, they were actually nothing between them.


Minho was busy with his own head. Another gentlemen suddenly approarched them and sat right beside Taemin.


“Oh you are here, Kai?” 


Kai hugged Taemin really tight, Minho gasped watching the sudden affection. Kai was a solo idol from another agency, which was literally Minho’s rival. Although they never released album at the same time, Minho considered him a strong rival. Kai was one of solo artist with the best dancing skills in the industry.


“Let me go.” Taemin protested.

“Why? I miss you.” Kai finally let Taemin go from his embrace.

“Kai, this is Minho. Minho, this is Kai.”


Kai didn’t seem really care. He just stared at Taemin, playing with his hair, and without saying anyting he untied Taemin’s high ponytail. Minho decided, he hated this guy.


“What do you think you are doing?” Taemin sounded mad. 

“You exposed your neck too much. It’s driving me crazy.” Kai Taemin’s hair.


All of this made Minho question everything. But honestly he couldn’t watch the closeness any longer. He clenched his fist under the table.


“Stop that. You make Minho uncomfartable.” Taemin scolded.

“Let him know, you are my boyfriend.” Kai glared at Minho.

“Ex.” Taemin corrected him.

“Fine, but I will never let him have you.” 


Minho could sense jealousy in Kai’s voice. “Does that mean Taemin told Kai about him?” Minho was happy for a second.


Taemin finally told Minho that he worked in the same agency as Kai. Taemin didn’t plan to work there but there was this particular incident that lead the company to hire him. 


Not too long ago paparazzi followed Kai to investigate his love life. It turned out Kai only met Taemin, which was actually his boyfriend at that tome. The article mentioned Taemin as Kai’s beautiful friend, but the company knew what’s going on between them. That’s why they hired him, no, forced him to be Kai’s manager after that.


They ended up being only friends after Taemin caught Kai having a one night stand with a girl group member from the same agency. Kai insisted it was a mistake, but Taemin didn’t want to hear any . 


“I cried everyday in his face.” Kai pointed his finger at Taemin. Taemin was busy with his dessert.

“He didn’t accept my apology.” Kai continued.


Minho kind of understood now. The reason why Taemin being so distance to him. Because of his past relationship which didn’t end well. 


Minho understood because he was once in that position too. Perhaps this player Minho was once a loyal boyfriend before a certain someone betrayed his love.


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Oh my goodness. Just reread the story and gosh……typos everywhere. 😅
Not gonna defend myself.
But again, thanks for reading.


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Chapter 9: This story is just so warm and sweet!
I love how you wrote Taemin's character. And I love Minho's character progression as well from a player to a patient considerate romantic lover :)
Please write more 2min :)
970 streak #2
Chapter 9: Well, Minho's persistence and good intention won Taemin's heart and trust.
Thank you so much for sharing.
970 streak #3
Chapter 1: Minho is so annoying! But quite resourceful.
I don't think this is the way Taemin's heart. k
Beau1996 1380 streak #4
Chapter 9: I think the ending made sense with their characters - thanks for finishing the story author-nim ✌️
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 8: Loved this chapter - Minho being so demonstrative and wanting to spend any minute he can with Taemin!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #6
Chapter 7: yes Yes YESSSSS!!!
Shinee2020 #7
Chapter 7: So cute! Hope Tae said yes. ;)
Beau1996 1380 streak #8
Chapter 5: Trying to move - will Minho make his move??
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 5: Craving the company of Taeminnie? Of course you would :P
Shinee2020 #10
Chapter 4: This is great, no the story isn't too long! And even though there is a lot of competition for Taemin's attention, the fact that Minho is respecting Taemin and not trying to only get into his pants and actually showing care and getting to know Taemin more is working in his favor. He had known him before Taemin was popular and he hasn't been having scandal or sleeping around like he used to, so that is the right way to get to Taemin. But poor Minho... Everybody wants a part of Taemin and there is not much he can do about it. Hopefully Taemin can get him out of his misery and tell him something to show he care too.