Chapter 6

Love and Other Foreign Words

Weeks after Paris finally Minho got to see Taemin again. Minho was there to feed him. The younger sure looked a bit skinnier.  Taemin ate a lot, like a lot. It was his 5th servings already, meat obviously.


Minho watched with mouth gaped in awe. Minho then decided that watching Taemin eating was one of his favourite thing. 


Sweats on Taemin’s forehead. His eye make up still not removed yet. 


“Do you want more?”

Taemin’s eyebrows knitted, thinking hard.

“I can eat more. But I will stop here.” Taemin gulped down his soju. 


Minho almost forgot. He took something from his backpack. 




Seeing Minho gift, Taemin’s eyes widened. Minho just searched ‘must read books and best seller books’ a few days ago and bought 5 books in total.


“Thank you so much, Minho hyung.”


Minho almost choked on…nothing, he was not drinking or anything, but he almost choked when Taemin all of sudden, for the first time calling him hyung. 


Taemin ignored the sight. He was busy scanning the books.


“I love it. I run out of book, really.”


Minho then congratulated Taemin for his new big step. He also told Taemin that Taemin might not have much time to read, because of his busy schedule.  But Taemin said he always has time for books. When Taemin already opened one of the book, Minho immediately stopped him.


“Just…don’t read now, Tae.”


“Can we talk first?”


Taemin then closed his book again.


“Fine. So what did you say earlier? You crave for me?”

The question caught Minho off guard. He coughed awkwardly.


“Well, hmmm that…I…”

Taemin laughed at the nervousness of this guy.

“So cheesy.”

He saw Minho’s ears getting red and he coughed a few times. Minho was embarassed to hear that. He was indeed cheesy.


“So tell me. Do you miss me?” Taemin laughed again. 

“Yah! Stop laughing.”

“You like me that much? Hyung, why are you so obvious?” Again laughing. Taemin used his back hand to cover his mouth. 

“I do, ok? I miss you. Even you are right in front of me, I still miss you.”


Minho’s sincerity made Taemin stop laughing. It was rude of him, when Minho was all serious with his words. Their eyes met. And Taemin’s lips turned into a genuine smile.


“That’s cute.” Taemin put his hand on Minho’s, gave it a little squeeze, “i miss you too”. He said.


Taemin was about to pull his hand back, when Minho grabbed it in a lightning speed. The younger flinched.


“Can I hold it? Your hand?” That was a strange request, Minho admitted.



Taemin was right. Someone might see them and spread rumors. Both knew the consequences.


They talked as per Minho request. Mostly about Taemin’s new life. Trying to be a good sunbae, Minho gave him a lot of advices.


“Oh, my title track is Advice.” Taemin said, explaining how he played piano in the MV and danced a little. “The director also expected me to take off my clothes.”

“You shouldn’t agree to that.” Minho immediately cut him off. He said to himself not to imagine things and stay focus with their ongoing conversation.

“Of course I said no.”


Taemin then told Minho how excited he was to perform with his idol, Jinki. He asked Minho to come to the concert. Minho promised to come because he got invitation from Jinki himself, as they were quite close.


Then Taemin answered this phone call from his former boss in his previous company.  Minho saw Taemin nodded and said ‘yes, I will do that’ a few times. Minho was curious, because their conversation seems serious.


“Hyung, come with me.”


“To Kai’s place.”


Taemin was told that Kai locked himself in his apartment and refused to do anything if Taemin wasn’t there with him. So Taemin didn’t have a choice but visit him to give him a slap on his face.


Taemin knocked on the familiar door. Taemin called Kai then. “I’m in front of your house. Open the door.”


The door was open and a pair of hands already wraped around Taemin in a second. Minho tensed. He didn’t like it. Kai hugged Taemin like that for a whole minute that felt like a year to Minho.


“Kim Jongin. Let me go.”

“I don’t want to.”


Taemin sighed. He hit Kai on his head but Kai didn’t care.

“Let me ing go. Are you deaf?”


Taemin struggled to escape from Kai’s embrace. There Minho grabed Kai’s hand and gave him a dark glare, “he said, let go!”


Both Taemin and Kai were surprised by the coldness and the dangerously low voice of Minho. Kai finally let Taemin escape. Minho was intimidating for a second. Kai guided Taemin to come in. Minho followed.


Minho noticed multiple photos of Taemin in the spacious living room. Well, Kai and Taemin used to live together there, remember? Minho didn’t want to think too much about it.


Taemin sat on the sofa. Kai Taemin’s hair gently. 

“You look so pretty tonight.”

Taemin pushed away Kai’s hand from his hair.


“I’m sorry for what happened.” Kai whispered.

“I forgive you already. So please move on. Go to work. Live your life.”

“I can’t do anything without you.” Kai ran his finger through a few strands of hair on Taemin’s face. Which Taemin awkwardly backed away a little.


“You will be doing everything just fine. And I have a whole new life now.”

“I don’t like your new job.”

“I like it.”

“It’s not easy to be a public figure. I have to protect you. Give me a chance. Give us a chance.” Taemin felt Minho’s eyes on him.

“I can’t.” Silence.


“Then don’t ignore my calls and my chats. Let’s meet, talk, and be friends.”


Taemin always has this soft side for Kai. They were in love, yes in the past. But this time the feeling already turned in to something else. He saw Kai as a precious best friend. 


Tarmin refused to stay the night. He also refused when Kai offer him a ride home. Minho didn’t talk much, he only waited and watched. But the jealousy was visibly there. 


Taemin grabbed his wrist, “let’s go hyung, it’s late”. Minho felt somewhat better, like Taemin tried to tell him that he wanted to go with Minho to the future instead, not staying in the past. Maybe it was just Minho’s conclusion. Still he was glad.


Minho walked Taemin to his apartment. 

“You loved him, did you?” Minho asked.

“Of course. I only date someone I love.”



Then there was this question Minho finally asked, why Taemin didn’t date anyone after his breakup from Kai. The answer was quite painful to hear.


“Well I just think that…sometimes ‘love’ is not enough. And this ‘love’ keeps making me imagine things like the future together, marriage. I don’t know hyung. When it’s broken, it just breaks me in to pieces. And I’m scared to start again. I can’t imagine how married couple just decide to get divorce. Like they loved each other at first, then the love suddenly disappeared?”


“Taeminah?” Minho stoped walking, Taemin followed.

“Oh, did I talk too much?”

“No, of course not. It’s just…all this time I never really think about it.”

“You date a lot, don’t you? Such a player.” Taemin gave Minho a deadly glare.


They continued to walk in silence. Minho was thinking hard. He admitted that he was not a good guy. But he chuckled to himself when he saw himself experiencing the major change.


“Something funny?” Taemin asked.

“This is indeed funny.”


“I just realized, since I met you in Jeju, I haven’t dated anyone. Not even flirting, or clubbing which usually leading to one night stand. I guess I’m too focus on you, chasing you, Taemianah.” Minho chuckled again. They were already in front of Taemin’s apartment. Taemin turned to Minho.

“That means you are in love with me, hyung. Deeply.”



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Oh my goodness. Just reread the story and gosh……typos everywhere. 😅
Not gonna defend myself.
But again, thanks for reading.


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Chapter 9: This story is just so warm and sweet!
I love how you wrote Taemin's character. And I love Minho's character progression as well from a player to a patient considerate romantic lover :)
Please write more 2min :)
970 streak #2
Chapter 9: Well, Minho's persistence and good intention won Taemin's heart and trust.
Thank you so much for sharing.
970 streak #3
Chapter 1: Minho is so annoying! But quite resourceful.
I don't think this is the way Taemin's heart. k
Beau1996 1380 streak #4
Chapter 9: I think the ending made sense with their characters - thanks for finishing the story author-nim ✌️
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 8: Loved this chapter - Minho being so demonstrative and wanting to spend any minute he can with Taemin!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #6
Chapter 7: yes Yes YESSSSS!!!
Shinee2020 #7
Chapter 7: So cute! Hope Tae said yes. ;)
Beau1996 1380 streak #8
Chapter 5: Trying to move - will Minho make his move??
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 5: Craving the company of Taeminnie? Of course you would :P
Shinee2020 #10
Chapter 4: This is great, no the story isn't too long! And even though there is a lot of competition for Taemin's attention, the fact that Minho is respecting Taemin and not trying to only get into his pants and actually showing care and getting to know Taemin more is working in his favor. He had known him before Taemin was popular and he hasn't been having scandal or sleeping around like he used to, so that is the right way to get to Taemin. But poor Minho... Everybody wants a part of Taemin and there is not much he can do about it. Hopefully Taemin can get him out of his misery and tell him something to show he care too.