Chapter 7 : Clumsy Yongsun

The Marriage of Convenience
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Moon Byulyi was sweating profusely in her well-worn white T-shirt and pair of thin jeans, withering under the menacing glare of her exceptionally irritated wife, sitting at her mahogany desk, emanating a powerful aura that unsettled the prospective COO candidate. She ached to shift on the sofa under that intense gaze but knew better and tried to keep a low profile. It was getting slightly uncomfortable since cold sweat beaded on her nape.

Kim Yongsun was out to hypnotise her with her long blonde hair tied in a high and elegant ponytail, her hair neatly parted in the middle, her fringe framing her soft face and emphasising on her delicate facial features. She had adorned her ears with diamond studs. It was the coral, mandarin collar with beautiful large peonies prints that accentuated her extraordinary elegance. The long sleeves ballooned slightly at the forearm but reached her wrists. Her toned abdomen muscles peeked sporadically, the skirt only reached mid-thigh, displaying her long and toned legs. When Yongsun had stepped out of the walk-in wardrobe, dressed for work, she had stolen her soul, leaving her gaping like a complete idiot. It was Yongsun who pushed her jaw upwards, closing as she strutted out of the bedroom with renewed pride and mirth. Byulyi was not shy that she was caught ogling her beautiful wife but she did not want to come too strong on her, least the CEO shy away from her.

Park Chorong, the personal assistant to Yongsun, gave the purple-haired woman a woeful look, knowing the true reason for her best friend’s barely disguised anger. Ms Chu Sojung was a very desirable and confident omega who proved that the Moon Goddess was not fair, blessing her with beauty, intelligence and charms. She had not hidden her attraction to Byulyi even though she was in the CEO’s office for an interview.

Uncle Ahn was looking through her resume along with her biopic, paying attention to the interview conducted by the CEO personally. He was blissfully unaware of the underlying tension that existed between the CEO and the candidate. He approved of Yongsun’s almost vicious way of interviewing the gorgeous omega since she used to work for the former COO and would probably know about his illegal activities.

The interview was a farce of a one-upmanship to determine which omega had the right to the handsome purple-haired alpha who did not want to be the prize in this contest. Byulyi had to admit that Yongsun was a very impressive woman, with a keen intellect and a sharp tongue when she needed to be, bothering her in a way that Byulyi was mortified. She slid across the sofa slowly, trying not to attract attention to herself.

Chu Sojung seemed to be carrying herself very well, refined through the hellish experience of working for an incompetent and lecherous superior who tried to make grabby hands whenever he could. She met the stare of CEO Kim with her head held high, her back ramrod-straight.

Her heart was pounding as Byulyi finally stood up and backed away from the office, planning to make her quick getaway. She had an excuse which was to run the errand of a coffee girl, purchasing beverages for the individuals in the CEO’s office. She expelled a breath that she did not know she was holding when she managed to sneak out of the office during a very heated conversation about the work of the COO.

“That was rough,” muttered Byulyi to herself, padding towards the personal elevator. She checked her pockets to ensure that she brought everything she needed for this errand. She flipped her purple hair idly as she entered the elevator and headed to the lobby. With the thawing of their relationship, Byulyi was starting to learn how to be with this headstrong and passionate omega who pretended that she was always in control until she had convinced herself that she must be in control. The exiled alpha cherished the times when the older woman peeled away that stoic veneer and allowed her in, yet it wasn’t easy to adjust.

Byulyi greeted the receptionists and security guards politely as she strolled to a tasteful cafe two blocks away to purchase the beverages. This café mainly served the office workers in this central business district.

After purchasing coffee from various places in the radius of ten blocks, Byulyi noticed that Yongsun had a preference for this particular café. The café looked empty from the outside since it was past breakfast hours. She pushed open the glass door and the bell chimed, announcing her arrival.

A tall and lean man greeted her with sparkling smiley eyes that put people at ease. He bowed slightly, smiling sweetly as Byulyi walked to the counter. A large coffee machine decorated the expresso bar, along with a display of freshly-baked cakes and pastries.

“Ah, Ms Moon, you’re here today. The usual for you?” greeted the charming owner who went by the name Sandeul. His sweet voice completed his image of a next-door-neighbour. “Would you like that as a takeaway?”

Byulyi’s nose crinkled as she smiled brightly. “Yes, and an extra flat white.” She inhaled deeply, taking in the delicious scent of freshly roasted coffee beans. “Did you roast a new batch of coffee beans today, Sandeul?”

The owner smiled pleasantly, without halting the magic of brewing cups of coffee perfectly. “You, my dear lady, have a nose of a hound.” He touched the tip of his nose for emphasis as he continued with preparing the beverages. “It’s nothing special, the very same batch. The customers love this strong, robust chocolate taste.”

Byulyi gave a careless shrug, resting her weight on one of her hips. “I’m not the coffee drinker. These are for my wife and her colleagues.”

Surprise was etched on the face of Sandeul as he took another look at the beautiful purple-haired customer. “Seriously? Despite the strong scent of caffeine in the air, he could tell that this beautiful purple-haired alpha was unclaimed. He glanced at her left hand, searching for a tell-tale sign of a wedding band but there was none.

The purple-haired woman nodded, smiling faintly. “Do you think I am allowed on the streets if an omega did not choose me?” she tilted her head slightly, looking inquisitive.

The café owner chuckled sweetly. “I thought Ms Moon was a vagrant wandering around the streets of different countries of the world. Well, that was the vibe you gave me. What a pity. There goes my imagination of what you might be.”

Byulyi pretended to examine her well-loved clothes dramatically. “It must be these worn-out clothes that gave you the impression—”

“—and your unique wallet,” added Sandeul, chuckling. “I recognised the banner that you used to make the wallet. Very chic.” He winked at her as he covered the second cup of coffee and prepared the third.

Byulyi grinned, her nose crinkling adorably. “Finally, someone who appreciates art!” She took out her wallet and placed it on the countertop. “It is designed to block RFID on one side.” She flipped the wallet to show the interiors of the wallet. “It includes a secret slot too.” The excitement faded from her sapphire eyes as she examined her handicraft closely. The seams were sewn together with sutures, the only strings she had. “Apparently, this wallet is not respectable. I should own one of those overpriced, useless wallets,” mocked Byulyi before stowing it away.

The café owner chuckled at the refreshing worldview Byulyi had. “If material goods isn’t essential to you, Ms Moon, what is important to you?” He paused for a moment, resting his hands on the counter.

“Being yourself,” decided the purple-haired woman after some consideration. She scratched the side of her nose. “The only person that you must live with is the one that you see reflected in the mirror.” Her gaze became distant as she contemplated how challenging it was to be comfortable with one’s skin—one needed to possess unparallel might and courage to assert one’s identity.

Sandeul did not expect to receive a proper answer from the purple-haired traveller. His lips thinned as he considered her answer. He repeated her words to himself as he nodded, impressed. The owner did not speak more on the subject as he added the finishing touches to the final cup of coffee. He handed the three cups in a carton tray, smiling sweetly at her. “That’s a tall order, Ms Moon.”

“It’s just three cups takeaway,” joked Byulyi, paying him and tipping him generously. Strangely, she felt very comfortable with him. “You could always drop the Ms Moon and address me by name. It’s not very difficult to pronounce: Byulyi.”

Sandeul laughed brightly at her sass. “Byulyi that is. You ought to bring your wife here if you can. I don’t quite believe that you’re taken.”

Byulyi rolled her eyes. “Why do you care if I’m taken?” She tucked a hand into the pocket of her jeans idly.

“Aish, I’m just the middleperson,” returned Sandeul good-naturedly. “Flaunt your wife the next time you’re here—”

“You mean my wife has to flaunt me?” Her nose crinkled as she smiled widely. “How is that advantageous for me?”

“Afternoon tea on the house for the married couple. I’ll design something special too,” winked Sandeul.

Byulyi made a show of thinking. “Not worth the trouble at all. I don’t know if my wife likes pastries. I’ll see you around.” She had a hand on the door, ready to step out.

“Coffee on the house for your missy!” Sandeul shot out.

“—Delivered to my wife’s office for a year?” Byulyi added, keeping a straight face.

Sandeul winced at the demand. “A week.”

“For a start of a wonderful friendship, a month. It’s my final deal. My wife is a workaholic. If the conditions are unattractive, there is no way she would crawl out of her office,” elaborated Byulyi.

“Are you sure that you’re married? Don’t you at least go on dates, Byulyi?” Sandeul questioned, looking worried.

Byulyi paused, studying him openly. “Seriously. Why are you so anxious to meet my wife?”

He winced, drying his hands on his black apron. “Several regulars have been very insistent on hanging around here for you. You haven’t hidden your secondary gender so they’re very determined to offer.”

“And I cannot reject them?” Byulyi inferred from the awkward tone.

Sandeul sighed and shook his head lightly. “No, I’m afraid not. I don’t want you to get into that unpleasant situation by accident.”

The purple-haired alpha gave a single-shoulder shrug. “It’ll be fine.” She did not want her relationship with Yongsun to be dictated by others. Her pride only allowed her to win the heart of her wife over.

“Anyway, I’ll ask my wife but no promises. I’ll see you around, Sandeul.” Byulyi headed out of the café, whistling a cheerful tune. The street was quite empty since it was after breakfast. She thought of how irritated her wife was and made her way to a street stall that sold her favourite tteokbokki. It seemed like she might soon be friends with the ajumma that sold street snacks.

Without delay, she proceeded upstairs to the CEO’s office on the top floor. She was surprised that the harsh interview of Chu Sojung for the position of COO was still ongoing. However, it seemed like Uncle Ahn was now grilling her at length while Yongsun watched on, her hands steepled.

Their eyes met through the glass door like magnets and Byulyi lifted her peace offerings hopefully. The tense lines on Yongsun’s face relaxed and she returned a faint smile.

Uncle Ahn seemed to be wrapping up the interview since Yongsun was nodding sternly, her expression neutral. When Sojung stood up gracefully, Byulyi saw it as a cue to enter the office.

Chorong escorted Sojung towards the door, passing the lavender-haired alpha. Sojung stopped suddenly, grabbing the alpha by the hand boldly. Byulyi could not shake her hand off due to the coffee she was holding, meeting the gaze of the daring Sojung openly.

Byulyi stared at the way Sojung clasped her forearm pointedly but the taller orange-haired omega did not pay heed, simply staring keenly into her eyes, broadcasting her sweet vanilla scent. “I’m Chu Sojung.” She entered her personal space and brushed Byulyi’s purple hair away from her neck, exposing her unmarked scent gland.

The purple-haired alpha froze. Did this random omega just scent her? Her eyes widened at the sheer audacity of this woman.

Instantly, a sharp scent of pure rage permeated the spacious office.

Chorong unloaded the tray of coffee from Byulyi quickly, seeing the way her sapphire eyes squinted. The purple-haired woman shrugged her grip away from her arm roughly. “What the hell?” She snarled, baring her teeth. “Please respect yourself—"

“—I’ll overlook this err for lunch. I’m offering for you, Moon Byulyi.” Sojung smiled triumphantly, leaning to purr into her ear seductively.

Byulyi rolled her eyes, unaffected. “Crazy.” She sidestepped the taller omega and grabbed the tray of coffee from the stunned Chorong. She strolled to the desk as per normal. Her cherry-shaped lips stretched into a crooked smile. “Unnie, I bought coffee from your favourite café,” announced the handsome alpha, stepping into Yongsun’s line of vision, trying to de-escalate the rising tension between the two omegas.

The CEO was on her feet, trying to glare a hole into Sojung. “Ms Chu, that is my wife,” stated the upset CEO through gritted teeth. “I would appreciate that you give her the due respect.”

Sojung stepped away so that she returned to Yongsun’s line of vision. She carried herself with such mesmerising confidence, it was impossible for others to look away. “CEO Kim, I’m aware of Ms Moon’s identity,” smiled Sojung, her eyes icy. “Isn’t Ms Moon only your smokescreen? After all, I see nothing on her that declares your ownership.”

The taller and beautiful omega turned to face Byulyi, her gaze besotted. “CEO Kim, I don’t see how our goals conflict with each other.” She wanted to approach Byulyi but Chorong stepped into her path, stopping her politely. “Ms Moon, I’m serious about offering. I want you to be my partner,” continued Sojung, as if there was no one else in the room but them.

That gentle look faded away as she turned to face the irate CEO Kim, still glaring at her. “CEO Kim, you only need Ms Moon as your wife in name. I’m very willing to allow her to keep her legal status while she becomes my lover.” Sojung’s attention shifted to Byulyi again. “Ms Moon, I fell in love with your courage when you barged into the office of my former superior. I just want to love you and treat you well.” Her gaze vacillated back to Yongsun. “CEO Kim, I would treat Ms Moon like the treasure she is. Don’t you want her to have a chance at happiness?”

Byulyi did not even bother looking at the COO candidate, assured that Yongsun would put that audacious daydreamer in place. She waited for a heartbeat and there was no lashing from Yongsun. Her gaze cut to Yongsun instantly and saw that CEO Kim was clenching on the sides of her desk, her knuckles white. She tilted her head slightly, confused at Yongsun’s indecision.

Silence lengthened in the office as the two powerful omegas were locked in a glaring contest. Uncle Ahn looked equally troubled, wondering if he ought to intervene.

With every passing second of silence, the ugly seed of bitterness was watered with the growing sense of disappointment. Byulyi dropped her gaze on the carpet and schooled into a neutral expression. “Ms Chu, you’re sorely mistaken. Honey just doesn’t know how to reject your bold and unexpected request.” She walked to stand next to Yongsun and placed the tray of coffee and the paper box of steaming rice cake on her desk. “CEO Kim married me for love,” added Byulyi, her cherry-shaped lips curled in a devastating crooked smile, clutching Yongsun’s hand, massaging it gently.

The tension faded from Yongsun’s shoulders as she looked at Byulyi, astonished.

“CEO Kim was just indulging me, waiting until I’m ready before I bear any of her marks,” explained Byulyi, her cheeks pinking slightly as she hit the shoulder of Yongsun coquettishly, looking at her through her fluttering eyelashes coyly.

Yongsun’s heart pounded loudly at Byulyi’s open flirting, gawking with open mouth, ruining her stoic image before her subordinate.

“I don’t know how you can remain so patient with me, Honey,” added Byulyi in a small voice but audible enough for everyone in the office to hear. She took a cup of coffee and placed it in front of the ogling CEO. “Your coffee from your favourite café, Honey.” She pushed up her jaws with her forefinger impishly.

“Uncle Ahn, a flat white for you. Your wonderful PA told me your preference.” She took a cup and set it in front of the CFO, smiling faintly.

“Yea, PA Kim is meticulous that way. I don’t know what to do without him,” answered Uncle Ahn, sipping the cup openly before flashing a thumb-up.

“Rong-Unnie, there is a cup waiting for you after you send Ms Chu off,” added Byulyi politely, clapping her hand almost theatrically. In a sentence, she had defused the tension and evicted the troublemaker.

Uncle Ahn nodded at her, grateful. He had always liked this purple-haired alpha, believing that she was a good match to his niece. When he glanced at Yongsun, he looked troubled.

“Much appreciated, Mrs Kim,” teased Chorong openly. She turned to face Sojung and giving her the look, gesturing to the door. She was anxious to steer this audacious woman out of the office.

She could barely believe that Chu Sojung would be so bold to propose such an arrangement so that the latter could be with Moon Byulyi. A part of her could understand Sojung’s desire since Byulyi was really a very exceptional individual, a rarity among alphas who were objectified as simply commodities. The proposed arrangement killed two birds with a stone: ensuring the loyalty of Chu Sojung and preventing Heir Lee from marrying Yongsun.

Sojung sighed aloud, shaking her head lightly. It was obvious that the handsome alpha was protecting the image of CEO Kim Yongsun. How could the CEO be so blessed to have such a wonderful partner? “I came too late,” sighed Sojung before following Chorong out of the office to the lobby.

Uncomfortable silence stretched in the office like a taut rubber band ready to snap. That coy smile on Byulyi’s face faded instantly, replaced by a neutral expression. Uncle Ahn, sighed inwardly at the silliness of his niece, and grabbed Byulyi’s hand paternally. “Uncle Ahn has something for you, Byul-ah.” He reached inside his pocket and took out a small gift box and pressed it into her hand. “Go ahead and open it.”

Byulyi stared at the box, flabbergasted. She had believed that Uncle Ahn was just simply being polite when he promised to give her a proper greeting gift.

“Uncle Ahn prepared this to also congratulate you on your matrimony.” He cleared his voice, seeing the irony of the situation. However, he pressed on and smiled brightly at the beautiful and confused alpha holding the giftbox in her palms helplessly. “Don’t turn Uncle Ahn down. Just open it,” urged Uncle Ahn excitedly.

Byulyi placed the small giftbox on the desk. With trembling fingers, she untied the ribbon carefully before opening the box gingerly. She blinked continuously when her gaze fell on the car key with the Audi’s logo.

“I chose a purple-coloured sports car for you, the very same model as Yong. Use it well,” smiled Uncle Ahn paternally, standing up to pet her on the shoulder.

“Uncle Ahn, th-this is too much,” squeaked Byulyi, looking flustered. Alphas could not have possessions, could they? She tried to push the box back to the older man but he stopped her gently, meeting her gaze.

“You must accept the blessings of the elder, Byul-ah. I’m doing this on behalf of my best friend, Woo Sung, your father-in-law.” He sighed openly, looking aged. “I’m sure Woo Sung would have loved you as his daughter.” He petted Byulyi’s hand, pressing the box in her palm. “I hope that you and Yong can be true partners, supporting each other through the good times and the bad, never giving up on each other. It doesn’t matter how your marriage started, what is more important is the present state of the union. I hope that you and Yong have the blessing of growing old together.”

He reached to take Yongsun’s hand and pressed it on Byulyi’s hand. He patted the joined hands together. “Woo Sung would be happy,” repeated Uncle Ahn, his eyes stinging. “Now, all I need to be worried about is Yonghee.”

Byulyi glanced at Uncle Ahn, her heart teeming with warmth. She had never experienced the warmth from an elder, not even from her master. Tears welled up in her eyes as she stared at the joined hands and the gift. A lump formed in . “Thank you, Uncle Ahn.” Her cherry-shaped lips trembled violently as if she was biting back her emotions.

“Silly girl,” smiled Uncle Ahn, patting her back cordially. “Thank you for the coffee, Byul-ah. Drop by at my office sometimes OK?” He glanced at his niece. “Yong-ah, you should bring Byul-ah for the charity gala dinner tonight. I look forward to seeing you there.” He winked at Byulyi before walking out of the office, leaving the married couple alone.

Yongsun did not remove her hand from Byulyi’s, watching the way tears welled in those remarkable blue eyes of the moved alpha before they crystalised and flow silently down her elegant cheeks. Her heart ached so horribly in a way that she did not know would hurt at the sight of her tears.

Her Star.

She gently guided Byulyi to put the precious present on her desk. Now that she knew that Byulyi would be so touched over a gift, she wanted to wrap everything she had and present them as gifts to her. Maybe that way Byulyi would start learning to accept that she deserved to be care for.

The young CEO thought of her cowardice and chided herself for it. She had only hesitated because she did not know if she made Byulyi happy and that she was denying her a chance at happiness for her selfishness.

Yongsun pulled the younger woman into her embrace, locking her hands behind her back to prevent the taller woman from drawing away. She released her calming scent, trying to soothe the tensed, crying alpha in her arms as she cooed sweet nothings into her ear. “Star, just let it out,” echoed Yongsun in a throaty voice, urging the younger woman to attend to that tangled ball of emotions clumped in her chest. She pulled away slightly to clear the warm, fresh tears away from her cheeks with the pads of the thumbs tenderly, their eyes locked intimately.

In that very moment, their souls joined in such overwhelming way that the two women could not even identify the foreign feeling that joined them so profoundly.

Byulyi choked in a sob, her face freezing as hot tears welled in her eyes. She looked up, refusing to let more tears to spill down her face and tarnish her carefree and unflappable image that she had curated. She was a free bird and she had never cried because it was a sign of weakness—a trait she could never had.

Yongsun’s plump cheeks were similar tear-stained—Byulyi’s tears, the signs of her bleeding heart—as she cooed at the younger woman with all the affection in her heart. She cupped her face with utmost gentleness and muttered. “Byul-ah, I’m so sorry.” She sounded so sorrowful, staring intently into those teary blue

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Swfsmoo #1
Chapter 35: Love the story... Thank you author ❤
195 streak #2
Chapter 35: Marvelous! tyvm for this!
Chapter 35: Wow… thank you authornim ❤️ I enjoyed every chapter. Now I wanna see 4 kids with silver hair and blue eyes 😂
_moongalaxy #4
Chapter 35: i know i'm late but....ahahahahahaha it's on you byul for being the only jobless person to care for the pups🤣
and congratulation for this ending of an amazing story author-nim🥳👏🏻💜
tiggerbounced #5
Chapter 35: this was honestly an amazing ride, really enjoyed it thanks so much for creating this universe!
sspy1006 #6
Chapter 35: Ooo...loved my sweet happy ending :) Thanks for an interesting read
Chapter 35: Aww! I can’t believe it’s over, I’m going to miss reading your updates :c I really fell in love with the story and each character, everyone had great personalities (but my fave will always be Byul) thank you for giving me a roller coaster of emotions in every chapter, I love your stories author nim! ❤️
Ichig02101 #8
Chapter 35: I love this story so much😍
Its a masterpiece authornim. Tq
One of my fav story
Gwkazu #9
Chapter 35: Aww love this so muchh😭😭🥹
_moongalaxy #10
Chapter 34: 🎢🎢🎢😂😭🤭😳🙈