Chapter 30 : Pride comes before a Fall

The Marriage of Convenience
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Brazen Moonbyul simply grabbed the hands of Kim Yongsun after the brief message from another couple and swung her around skilfully as they laughed carefreely from the sheer thrill. Of course, it was a social gaffe to be dancing wildly in a refined ballroom especially since they were dressed to the nines, but somehow, Byulyi could manage to spin Yongsun while a hand instinctively covered the exposed areas from the shifting of gown, protecting the modesty of the CEO.

Yongsun, feeling the hands of her wife crawling over her body like an octopus just to protect her decorum had her throwing her head backwards and shrieked in laughter, unbridled and free. She knew that her wife was protective but not to this extent! Besides, whose fault was it that she needed to have her modesty protected?

The silver-haired alpha had her spinning with such impunity that it was absolutely impossible for the fabric of her gown to remain in place. When Byulyi dropped her into a dip, a hand under her waist, another hand rested on the spilt of the dress along her thigh. Yongsun giggled as she stared deeply into the eyes of her handsome wife holding her effortlessly, her nose scrunched as she smiled impishly.

If she was honest to herself, this was the first time she truly enjoyed a stuffy formal dinner like this, especially in light that they were surrounded by hostiles. Of course, her charming knight was unrepentant and shared a chuckle with her exuberant wife.

All worries vanished from Yongsun’s mind due to her absolute trust in Byulyi. The younger woman would never let anyone hurt her loved ones and allies. Soon, Yongsun’s cheeks were pink from exertion and her breathing became rapid and harsh.

Yongsun did not need to utter a word and Byulyi thoughtfully led her towards the dimly- lighted balcony through a set of French doors, a hand resting on her hip possessively. She knew that although Byulyi looked deceptively relaxed, the younger woman was paying close attention to their surroundings.

The silver-haired alpha’s lips curled into a faint smile when a certain constant gaze on them finally shifted away from them, a reprieve. No doubt, that gaze would be back when he had found a new spot to observe them from afar.

The gentle night breeze caressed their hair as Byulyi simply led her to the balcony. While the married couple was on their way out, the younger woman nodded surreptitiously at Hwasa and Wheein who were also having too much fun. They were dancing up a storm like a pair of carefree college kids and the married couple had to hide their laughter.

Yongsun rested a hand on Byulyi’s hand that grip her waist sweetly, just a causal calming and grounding touch that communicated her trust and love. The CEO rested by the ornated railings, staring out at a lawn that was consumed by darkness. The tall hedges gave some privacy to guests who wanted to stroll around the grounds.

The music and the noises from the crowd was drowned out as the couple took the time to enjoy this moment of silence. Somehow, the light from the mansion added to Yongsun’s feminine charms, enthralling Byulyi. She loved the way her silky golden hair seemed to shine with the warm light. The dewy skin of Yongsun seemed to also glow, drawing Byulyi’s attention to her flawless collarbone.

Byulyi’s mating mark was hidden by the exquisite and elaborated diamond choker. The silver-haired alpha resisted the urge to run her hand through her silky and soft hair, instead she embraced her from behind.

The blond omega merely smiled, her eyes curving into twinkling crescents. She leaned into her embrace, uncaring that they were still in the public eye. After all, she was married to the handsome woman who was holding her closely. She did not believe that silly fashion of spouses not remaining too much in each other’s companies, especially for their unique dynamic. Most omegas of her station would take alphas as their spouses to produce progeny for their own clans and thus bring them as partners but left them to their own devices. And there was the matter of alphas seen little better than slaves. In the corner of the hall was a small table filled with simple cuisine just for these alpha partners. She had caught a quick view of that secluded corner when she was twirling around the dance floor with Byulyi. It occurred to her that the alphas of the pack did not follow this tradition since they were not raised in that way.

Yongsun laughed when Byulyi rubbed her cheek against her plump cheek affectionately, scenting her. “Are you doing this because your mating mark is hidden?” The CEO asked with a raised brow.

Byulyi snorted. “Even if your mating mark is hidden, Yong, anyone with a pair of working eyes and a brain would not approach you.” Her comment earned a snort of laughter from the amused Yongsun. “No, I’m scenting you simply because I want to.” She nuzzled against her cheek once again, earning a melodic purr from Yongsun. Her affections were a welcome after the dancing. The couple remained in that embrace for a while until their breathing evened.

A bodyguard dressed in a dark suit popped out from the shadows near the lone couple admiring the scenery.

“Impatient,” hissed Byulyi harshly, openly irked.

The older woman was startled by the savagery of Byulyi’s reply since she had always known her to be gentle and controlled alpha. She knew at once that the younger woman was playing up a whole different persona.

Huh. This was going to be interesting.

“Master has been waiting—”

“—I’m busy,” interrupted Byulyi, annoyed. She secured her arms around the waist of Yongsun tightly, pressing her nose into the crook of her neck and breathed her in.

Yongsun needed to supress her laughter when she could smell the rage of the bodyguard. How egoistic and annoying. Were they at their back and call? The CEO rested a hand on Byulyi’s, another reassurance. That casual contact had Byulyi nibbling her neck lightly without the pressure to evoke flashes of heat through the system of Yongsun.

The bodyguard’s face openly twisted in rage at the impudence of any disciple ignoring the orders of their honoured master. Before he could step forward, he froze at the sudden explosion of murder intent from the couple. Shivers went down his spine as he dropped on a single knee at the powerful and terrifying pressure that the silver-haired alpha released.

The silver-haired alpha sighed theatrically. “Care to indulge an old man’s whim, my love?” She took her hand and pressed her cherry-shaped lips against her knuckles affectionately. “If you ask me, I rather drag you to a bedroom upstairs and have my wicked way with you, Yong.” She grinned at her.

The CEO’s cheeks reddened at the audacity of her younger wife. What a rascal. However, her boldness was simply attractive. She resisted the urge to fan herself at the command in her voice. She pushed her taller wife away, glancing at her through her thick eyelashes coyly.

Byulyi’s sapphire eyes darkened at once but she held herself back at once. No, no, no, she wasn’t going to be seduced by her alluring mate. She kissed above the diamond choker and stepped backwards, creating a respectable distance. “I guess I should see what the old man wants. My love, do you want to join Uncle Ahn inside?”

“Moonbyul-nim,” began the bodyguard as he dropped the other knee on the ground and kowtowed fully. “Please have mercy on me. Master had invited Moonbyul-nim and the missus.”

Byulyi raised a silver brow at Yongsun. “What do you think?” She brushed the back of her hand against her plump cheek delicately. “I’ll listen to you.” She dropped another kiss on the back of Yongsun’s hand fondly.

Yongsun turned slightly so that she nestled affectionately against her alpha, earning a lazy and charming smile from her wife. That devastating smile froze when Yongsun pinch her waist secretly, using the new position to mask her annoyance at her theatrics. Did they even have a choice of not meeting the leader of Illuminati? It would only delay the inevitable. She would rather return home soon and cuddle with her wife.

Those remarkably blue eyes gleamed with mirth at her annoyance. “Is it really up to me, my sweet?” She grasped her soft chin before pecking the corner of her generous lips. “We shall go now so that we can head home soon.”

The silver-haired alpha kept Yongsun nestled in her side as she followed a much-relieved bodyguard through a small, winding path to a gazebo far away from the main mansion. In a glance, she had picked up all the men that were stationed as guards, armed to the teeth.

The dignified gentleman that was standing behind Chairman Moon like an obedient subordinate sat alone in the gazebo, enjoying a cup of tea. Away from prying eyes, Master did not bother hiding his commanding presence and released his kill intent fully suitable of a leader of his position.

He kept his grandfatherly and affable smile, one that did not reach his sharp grey eyes. He set the porcelain teacup down when he saw the married couple walking towards him. Next to him, the other bodyguards stiffened even more, their hands clenched into fists.

The Master ignored their sudden hostility and simply studied the body language of the married couple closely. He noted that the rumours and the intelligence was correct, somehow, his most fearsome alpha wolf had fallen in love with a certain Solar Kim, a simple CEO of a multimillion IT company.

“What took you so long?” Master asked nonchalantly. “It’s not as if I’m keeping you apart from your wife, little brat,” He groused openly.

Instantly, all the guards dropped on a knee and bowed their heads in shame. “Forgive us, Master.” They intoned in a single deep and resounding voice like well-trained soldiers.

Moonbyul was unimpressed by the show of might and loyalty as they approached the seated gentleman with lazy carelessness. The rest of the bodyguards were horrified at her utter contempt.

The gaze of the Master did not leave Yongsun but the older woman simply bore his scrutiny with her head held high. She loathed the calculating gleam in his grey eyes as if he was trying to estimate her worth and explore the possibilities of exploiting her. A part of her heart ached at the very thought of a teenage Byulyi growing under the thumb of such a callous man. He had rescued her from the mobile accident that would have caused her life then trained her brutally to be one of the candidate that could succeed him.

“You must be Solar Kim,” commented Old Park. “You’re a very beautiful and intriguing woman, worthy of the title of the most beautiful woman in this city,” chuckled the Master. “Men has fallen because they lust for you—”

“—Men has fallen because they cannot keep themselves in their pants,” growled Byulyi, her body becoming taut. She hated that ist claptrap, putting all the blame on the beauty of a woman. “It has nothing to do with my wife,” declared the younger woman loyally. “Is there a reason you have called us?” She asked, her voice dripping with spite.

Tension skyrocketed at once in the gazebo.

“Moon—” The closest bodyguard surged to his feet, hissing. His eyes widened at once as if he was hit by something invisible before he collapsed on the ground, face first, dead. Byulyi pressed the face of Yongsun into her neck so that she did not witness his demise.

Tension had reached a near breaking point. The other bodyguards moved, as if they wanted to take her down for her attack. However, they could merely twitched, suppressed by the full force of Moonbyul’s formidable kill intent. The wolves in them had bowed before the mighty Alpha, unable to raise their hands against her.

Moonbyul looked like a demented predator who loved the kill, a summation of years of brutal and spartan training. Master was secretly proud of this sharp blade that he had carefully created, nurtured and honed.

Master picked up the porcelain cup of tea and sipped absently, as if the slaying was commonplace. The older man could barely hide his delight at how powerful she had growth with the right motivation. She had sophisticated the usage of her alpha wolf in a way could terrorise others so effortlessly, the pinnacle predator. Coupled with his training of wielding the wolf within as natural as breathing, Moonbyul was very close to perfection.

Perhaps, having a person to protect was the sparked this unprecedented growth. He chuckled, amused. “Had enough fun, my bloodthirsty little disciple?” He glanced at her. “It was a slip of my tongue. This old man was trying to compliment your wife’s remarkable beauty.”

That immense, bone-chilling aura did not fade as the silver-haired alpha cocked her head to observe him silently. She had not ease from her combative stance, alert for any attack.

The master was secretly delighted. He turned to study the trigger of this change in his disciple, Solar Kim once again. He sipped his tea slowly and set the teacup down. “I understand why you rejected this old man’s daughter. Solar is really so much more beautiful.” He laughed. “My disciple, you would do well to guard her lest someone else takes her away.” Like a seasoned politician, he smoothed the tension with a light-hearted laugh.

Moonbyul remained tersely silent as she hid her disgust. Obviously, Master was trying his best to bring them entirely or even partially as little as it may be under his thumb. The sense of grandeur and need to control made Master the perfect leader of the esteemed Illuminati. Obviously, this manipulative older man was testing waters, trying to determine if Yongsun was in her confidence. She wanted to snort at his insidious nature which gave him his code name, Serpent.

Byulyi hated that Yongsun had to undergo an informal assessment by Master who was trying to determine if she and the marriage was of any value. His attention in Yongsun was bewildering since there were many members who were married simply to keep their cover. She watched him closely, the way the furrow between his brow seemed to relax slightly as Yongsun’s submission to her in private seemed to allay his concerns.

Chills went down her spine. Did master had Julia Moon so that she would have a spouse that would not draw her away from the mission of the Illuminati? How could that be so? Julia Moon was four years older than her.

“My prized disciple has taken a wife. As her master, I must, of course, see this wife in person,” smiled Old Park, extending his hand towards Yongsun grandfatherly like a doting elderly who has taken a liking for the new family member. He was inviting the quiet CEO to take his hand.

Old Park was so genial that he was the very picture of an affectionate and devoted elder. And if Yongsun had no idea that he was Byulyi’s manipulative and ruthless master, she would have believed his act.

Moonbyul yanked Yongsun to her side protectively, jutting her chin in defiance. “This is my wife,” declared the silver-haired alpha challengingly. Obviously, she did not buy that façade of the callous old man who treated his family like pawns. Besides, she would never let another man, no matter his age, touch her wife without her permission.

“Are you a little too protective, little brat? Be careful not to smother your wife with your possessiveness,” remarked Master, arching a white brow. He was amused at her over hostility. His wolf had always been a bit unbridled and mouthy but never openly hostile to him as if she was consumed by the wolf within her. A faint gleam of approval flickered so quickly in his grey eyes that it looked like a trick of the light.

Old Park sighed wearily, looking like an exhausted old man. “Solar, if this old man may address you that, look at what I have to deal with at this age?” He shook his head again, looking helpless.

“My wife’s Master isn’t that old,” chuckled Solar, maintaining the necessary courtesy towards an elder. Her smile became sweet when she turned to meet the gaze of Byulyi almost coyly, looking like a smitten wife. “My wife is just protective and you cannot really blame her.” She rested a hand on Byulyi’s chest possessively.

Somehow, the younger woman had orientated herself in a way to shield her from the sight of the dead bodyguard. It occurred to her that such a position meant that her back was left completely open to attacks, a weakness that she would usually avoid.

Before she could look past her shoulder, Byulyi had recaptured her attention by grasping her soft chin and turning her face towards her. The corner of her cherry-shaped lips lifted in a lazy and crooked smile, sending her heart fluttering. A blush rose from her chest to colour cheeks. If they were alone, Yongsun would have smack her shoulder at her greasiness.

“Moonbyul, it is your blessing to have a good wife,” added Master suddenly, drawing the attention of the couple back to him. “I know that my disciple came with only the clothes on her back. She has already offered you a suitable dowry but this is from me, her only elder.” He took out a slim and opulent red packet with words that shone in gold. “May your marriage be fulfilling and blessed with beautiful and healthy pups.” Old Park rose to his feet gracefully and approached the couple. He rested a hand paternally on Byulyi’s shoulder. “I look forward to carrying the pup of my beloved disciple.”

The silver-haired alpha gritted her teeth but smile faintly. She felt Yongsun caressing her secretly to placate her outrage. She received a pointed look from Master. She reduced the overawing and invisible pressure and the bodyguards could finally breathe.

They had trained along with Moonbyul but never knew that she was capable of a killing intent that felt like gravity, tenfold, weighing on them until they cave in completely. They stood on shaky feet, their confidence annihilated. They kept their faces down in burning shame for being so helpless. Like well-oiled machines, two men stepped forward to carry their dead comrade away swiftly, becoming one with the darkness.

They would use a specially concocted acid that would dissolve the body entirely to remove the evidence. Byulyi would usually do the same with the cufflink she had used to murder that audacious bodyguard. She released Yongsun from her protective embrace when the scene was cleared, wearing an inscrutable expression.

Old Park did not speak another word as he walked out of the gazebo. Another bodyguard hastily cleared the teacup that he had left behind.

“OLD MAN!” A familiar voice rang rudely as a silver-haired man marched towards the older man standing before the gazebo. “Why are you hiding…” Moon Heungyi trailed off when he caught sight of Byulyi and Yongsun in the gazebo. His sapphire eyes sparkled with delighted exhilaration as he grinned. “Solar, are you acquainted with Mr Park?” He stowed a hand into the pocket of his trousers with careless elegance.

Yongsun simply smiled mutedly.

Chairman Moon glanced at Old Park pointedly. The older man just chuckled lightly. “Why would I know CEO Kim, Chairman Moon? CEO Kim and her wife simply kept this old man accompanied when they saw me sitting here and drinking tea alone.”

The sight of the bodyguards surrounding the gazebo bolstered Heungyi’s confidence. He strode into the gazebo boldly, nodding in approval. “That’s very kind of you, Solar.” He smiled at her charmingly. “I know that we’ve gotten on the wrong footing.” The Indian dimples on his cheeks deepened as he grinned. “I would like to apologise to you over a meal for my rudeness.” He tilted his head slightly, smiling crookedly. “Please honour me with this opportunity.” He extended his hand gallantly.

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Swfsmoo #1
Chapter 35: Love the story... Thank you author ❤
189 streak #2
Chapter 35: Marvelous! tyvm for this!
Chapter 35: Wow… thank you authornim ❤️ I enjoyed every chapter. Now I wanna see 4 kids with silver hair and blue eyes 😂
_moongalaxy #4
Chapter 35: i know i'm late but....ahahahahahaha it's on you byul for being the only jobless person to care for the pups🤣
and congratulation for this ending of an amazing story author-nim🥳👏🏻💜
tiggerbounced #5
Chapter 35: this was honestly an amazing ride, really enjoyed it thanks so much for creating this universe!
sspy1006 #6
Chapter 35: Ooo...loved my sweet happy ending :) Thanks for an interesting read
Chapter 35: Aww! I can’t believe it’s over, I’m going to miss reading your updates :c I really fell in love with the story and each character, everyone had great personalities (but my fave will always be Byul) thank you for giving me a roller coaster of emotions in every chapter, I love your stories author nim! ❤️
Ichig02101 #8
Chapter 35: I love this story so much😍
Its a masterpiece authornim. Tq
One of my fav story
Gwkazu #9
Chapter 35: Aww love this so muchh😭😭🥹
_moongalaxy #10
Chapter 34: 🎢🎢🎢😂😭🤭😳🙈