Chapter 5: "We're destined for each other."

The Marriage of Convenience
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Kim Yonghee found herself rooted on the spot after she entered the spacious bedroom of her younger sister, Kim Yongsun. The sight of an enchanting purple-haired woman that seemed to be blessed by the Moon Goddess with exquisite beauty, whose every gesture seemed to be so elegant was on both of her knees, outside of the closed door of the connecting bathroom. She was still dressed in her worn-out T-shirt and pair of jeans that she owned, kneeling on the teak floor, looking like an adorable puppy who was punished unfairly. She did not hide her confusion or her sadness in those bright sapphire eyes that were so expressive and beautiful that it attracted the gaze of all automatically.

Despite the marriage, Yongsun’s bedroom had not change at all to reflect the change of status or the presence of another person sharing the bedroom. When another person moved to share a space, that space was often altered to reflect some of the idiosyncrasies such as a favourite bottle of perfume by the vanity table, an extra towel, routine skincare products.

Her gaze fell on the large bed that was the centrepiece of this bedroom and noticed that it had remained unchanged. The soft toys that made up the nest of Yongsun remained in the centre of the bed, taking up most of the space. There wasn’t an extra pillow on it.

It was here that Yongsun did not disguise the state of her marriage—which was all for a show—and somehow her heart ached for the carefree and sweet alpha trapped in this loveless union to protect her younger sister. Initially, she did not really consider the feelings of Moon Byulyi since she was an alpha purchased from the facility at a high price, set free from the horrors of living in that sort of dilapidated place that exploited and objectified them. Now, she felt uncomfortable that her sister had trapped this lively, eccentric and carefree alpha in this loveless marriage like a pet.

Byulyi did not seem to notice her entrance, mumbling to herself as she rubbed her chest several times as if she was hurt. Despite the closed door, the purple-haired woman seemed to be paying close attention to the happenings in the connecting bathroom.

“Byul-ah, why are you kneeling on the cold floor?” Yonghee asked as she helped the younger woman into her feet quickly. She glanced at the closed door of the bathroom. “Are you waiting for Yong?” She jerked a thumb towards the bathroom.

The purple-haired woman nodded sheepishly. “Yes, Big Unnie. I’m waiting to see if Unnie needs my help.”

The fashion designer examined her awkward countenance openly. “Did you upset Yong?” She did not think that Byulyi had a quirk of kneeling outside of the bathroom.

Byulyi blinked continuously, surprised that the older Kim sister caught on. She rubbed the back of her neck. “I…I was just trying to take care of Unnie.” Her hoarse voice was filled with exasperation. She lowered her gaze to her feet, frowning. She did not understand why Yongsun would hit her with all her might and throw her out of the bathroom when she was simply trying to help. “Unnie sprained her ankle so she has to keep off that bad ankle. I was just helping,” justified the purple-haired woman heatedly.

“Ah huh,” acknowledged Yonghee, charmed. After Apa had returned to the embrace of the Moon Goddess, the bubbly Yongsun seemed to lose contact with her emotions and became stoic and career-orientated. And it was this larger-than-life, carefree and eccentric alpha that brought out the spectrum of emotions. The fashion designer looked at Byulyi suspiciously, shaking a finger at her.  She remembered tales about how alphas could be too overprotective over their partners especially if the partner was an omega. “Byul, are you certain that you did not go overboard?”

Byulyi looked away, shifting her weight between her feet absently. It was a sufficient answer. Her blue eyes shone with alert suddenly as she walked towards the bathroom swiftly. She rapped the door with a knuckle, her brows contracted. “Unnie, I’m coming in—”

“Omo! I’m not done, Moon Byulyi!” Yongsun squealed, irritated.

“The toothbrush and toothpaste are too far away. Don’t you hop there on one foot,” cautioned Byulyi, frustrated. She was certain that Yongsun was doing exactly that. “Unnie,” complaint the purple-haired woman when she caught sight of Yongsun standing before the sink on one leg like a flamingo about to brush teeth. The older woman gave a deer-caught-in-the-headlight look when she saw Byulyi. She was already dressed in her usual peach-coloured nightgown that reached her ankles, her thick, golden hair tied in a messy bun, revealing her neck.

Her annoyed gaze fell on the wet floor since the CEO had a shower. Exasperation was carved in every line of her face. Her brows were contracted as she glared at Yongsun accusingly.

The CEO merely straightened herself absently, looking unapologetic. However, she did not dare to meet the eyes of Byulyi who had folded her arms across her chest.

“Unnie,” badgered Byulyi, vexed. “Would it kill you to ask for help?” She huffed, entering the bathroom to search for a mat.

The blonde ignored her and began to brush her teeth, trying to get out of this uncomfortable conversation.

Byulyi wiped the puddles off the tiled floor forcefully, nearly ripping the rag with her strength. “Anti-slip tiles will be a good idea—”

Yongsun spat the froth in , glaring at Byulyi through the mirror. “Ugly. No anti-slip tiles.” She frowned at the thought of her bathroom reworked with ugly anti-slip tiles and she flinched.

The grumpy purple-haired woman turned to glare at her and the CEO deflated openly. “Fine. Ask for help then, CEO Kim,” snorted Byulyi in an unfriendly tone. She marched to the spacious shower area and cleaned up after her, picking up her clothes and dumping them in the laundry basket with great familiarity.

Oh wow. Yongsun blushed, admiring this domestic nature of her carefree wife. She had issues focusing on brushing her teeth well. So absorbed with her appreciation, she did not notice the toothpaste dipping down the corner of her lips until it was too late. She cursed aloud and washed the stain off her face.

The fashion designer suppressed her desire to chuckle at the amusing back-and forth between the married couple and Yongsun’s frank admiration of her wife. That was very good.

The purple-haired woman did not hide her annoyance, stomping loudly as she walked past Yongsun and the latter glanced almost sheepishly.

Yonghee was surprised at the sincere remorse in her younger sister’s eyes for her headstrong ways. After all, Kim Yongsun was proudly stubborn. She cleared her voice, remembering the reason she was here. “Dr Kim is waiting in the living room,” prompted Yonghee. “Yong, do you want me to ask him to come in?” Since Yongsun was an omega, permission was needed before the doctor could enter the bedroom.

Yongsun rinsed for the final time and nodded. The blonde sighed and rubbed her face with a hand. “Byul?” There was hesitation in her soft voice, a sign of conceding.

Oh? Her sister was giving in to her wife? The fashion designer smiled to herself and walked off to inform the doctor so that Yongsun would be less self-conscious.

Byulyi ignored Yongsun’s heartfelt gaze and slipped her arm under her knees and lifted her up. The cheeks of Yongsun pinked, feeling the tension in Byulyi’s body. She avoided the gaze of the sulking Byulyi.

Two days ago, she would have ignored Byulyi completely if the latter was pouting. Now, she had mixed and confusing feelings about her petulance: her chest was full sunshine at how thoughtful the purple-haired alpha was, besides mortification from being treated like an invalid.

Despite her annoyance, Byulyi placed her injured wife on the bed with utmost gentleness, fluffing up the pillows and propping them so that she could rest on them until Dr Kim arrived. Yongsun stared at the diligent alpha, enthralled, a faint smile on her lips as Byulyi arranged the pillow in her nest. Strangely, Yongsun realised that she welcomed it.


The purple-haired woman lifted her head, glancing at the door, before retreating to the side of the bedroom, making her presence less tangible. Instantly, Dr Kim rapped on the door and entered the bedroom with Yonghee.

The family doctor was an affable middle-aged man. He was unsurprised when he saw the swollen ankle and sighed. “CEO Kim, I thought your clumsy days are over.” He sat on the stool next to the bed and began examination to ensure that it was a sprain.

Yongsun tensed as Dr Kim began the examination and she grimaced when he prodded her foot. The CEO could not help gripping her sheets as she stared at Dr Kim performing the examination, trying to brace herself for the pain. When Dr Kim prodded the swollen area, Yongsun yelped in pain and drew her foot sharply. Next to her, Byulyi had tensed visibly, her jaws clenched and unclenched.

“CEO Kim, you’re lucky. It’s just a terrible sprain. You know the drill to reduce inflammation. I will also prescribe some painkillers for you—"

“Doctor, could you administer Unnie morphine intravenously?” interrupted Byulyi, looking solemn. Her brows were narrowed at Yongsun’s open wince. She stood next to Yongsun and clasped her hand.

Dr Kim was flabbergasted by the sudden interruption. The middle-aged man glanced at her outrageous purple hair and inferred her identity.

“You’re CEO Kim’s wife?” Dr Kim asked finally. This woman had such a poor reputation in their social circle as a wastrel that he was surprised by her medical knowledge.

Byulyi did not answer the question and merely repeated her question once again, looking at the doctor.

Dr Kim glanced at Yongsun who seemed to be OK with her wife’s interference. “I don’t think that is necessary, Mrs Kim,” returned Dr Kim, shaking his head lightly.

“My wife has a low pain tolerance and the pain will affect her sleep,” elaborated Byulyi, folding her arms, primed for a fight. “A good rest tonight would do my wife wonders.”

“And you’re aware of the possible side effects?”

Byulyi nodded and recommended the administration of morphine at the lowest dose, hoping to reduce pain and knock her out at the same time. She understood the restraints of a single doctor. “I can prep the chamber if it is too much trouble and monitor my wife throughout the treatment.”

Dr Kim rubbed his chin, nodding absently. He agreed with her call and looked at the two Kim sisters. The two sisters shared an uncertain look before glancing at Byulyi.

“Etoricoxib by oral,” decided Byulyi, nodding to herself. “My wife doesn’t take constant meals. It would be better to prescribe a 2nd Generation NSAID.”

Dr Kim chuckled brightly, impressed. He rubbed his thighs absently, smiling at Byulyi. “Very well, Mrs Kim. You’ll get your way.” His eyes twinkled. “You have my gratitude for monitoring your wife. I’ll need some time to prepare.” Secretly, he felt that it was a pity that this intelligent woman was an alpha. “I’ll insert the cannula too.” He walked out of the bedroom to prepare for treatment.

“Byul-ah, I had no idea that you were knowledgeable about medicine,” remarked Yonghee impressed.

Byulyi smiled faintly. “I know a little.” She poured a cup of water and handed it to Yongsun. “Unnie, drink it up. Don’t want your veins to collapse later.” She used this opportunity to examine her right hand and identified several good veins for use.

Yongsun did not question her and finished the glass, handing it to her. Byulyi rinsed the glass in the bathroom before returning the glass to the tray. She set a stool next to Yongsun’s bed.

“It doesn’t seem like I’m needed, Yong,” smiled Yonghee, amused. “Byul-ah takes good care of you.”

Yongsun blushed violently, looking away as she pouted.

Byulyi had no answer for Big Unnie. She merely gave her an exasperated look, cautioning her to dial down a bit. Yonghee chuckled impishly to herself but gave her the ‘OK’ sign.

Dr Kim returned to administer the treatment. He nodded at Byulyi gratefully when the alpha helped to set up the IV drips skilfully. Dr Kim only needed to insert the cannula and hook her up with the drips.

Byulyi was more meticulous, checking the temperature of the bag of medicine to ensure that it was in room temperature. She excused herself to pick up cold packs from the kitchen, placing them in an ice box topped with ice. When she returned to the bedroom, Dr Kim had already left, leaving a set of instructions to Yonghee.

She did not make her presence known when she noticed that the two sisters were chatting amicably about their day. Byulyi grabbed her clothes and went to the bathroom for her ablutions before bed.

“Yong-ah, how were you so hurt?” Yonghee looked at her younger sister worriedly.

“There was a confrontation and my wife handled it,” answered Yongsun, trying to skim through this matter as she got comfortable, eying the drips. She did not understand why Byulyi had insisted on this treatment.

“A confrontation with who? Lackeys of the Lee Chaebol?” Yonghee arched a brow.

Yongsun nodded absently. “You could say that,” agreed the CEO. “It’s Eric.” She had no idea that he frequented Moonlight Lounge, not that it was any of her matter.

“Eric,” echoed the fashion designer, getting upset. “What does that douchebag want? I thought he chose to break up with you because he could not offend the Lee Chaebol? Does he think he has a chance now that idiot isn’t here?”

The CEO smiled amiably, noting that her elder sister was upset for her. Byul was right that she ought to spend more time with her sister. Yongsun patted her hand gently. “Unnie, you’re really good to me.”

Yonghee blinked continuously at her unusual response. “I’m your sister. Of course, silly girl.” She gave her a fond exasperated smile as she reached to tousle her hair playfully.

The younger woman shrieked in a dolphin-like laughter as she tried to avoid the fashion designer. The two sisters laughed so hard, taking a while to catch their breath.

The smile from Yongsun’s face dissipated. “Is Unnie truly OK?”

The eyes of the fashion designer stung at her concern. Since Apa had returned to the embrace of the Moon Goddess, it felt like she had lost all her family. Yonghee smiled faintly. “Silly Yong. I’m OK now. There are good and bad days. The work keeps me occupied. Sometimes, Byulie would keep me company too.” Her gaze became distant. “You have a good taste, Yong. Your wife is wonderful and she is also well-liked by the staff. I think she often helps them out if she can.”

The cheeks of Yongsun pinked a little as she carded her hand through her hair absently. “That’s good.” She felt strange that her older sister might know more about Byulyi since they spend more time together.

“Yong-ah, I’m glad that you took Byul-ah to work.” Yonghee smiled. “Mother has been terrorising Byulie, sometimes preventing her from having any meals.” With Byulyi’s presence, all the abuses and anger were directed to the purple-haired woman whom Mother believed was the reason that she could not be an in-law of a chaebol.

The blonde scowled. “What do you mean prevent her from having any meals?” A seed of irritation blossomed in the pit of her stomach. Her tone was unbelievably chilly.

Yonghee was wide-eyed. She did not realise that Yongsun had no idea of the abuses that ran rampant in the household after the death of Apa. She pursed her lips for a moment and sighed, running her head through her brown hair, trying to formulate the words to clarify the condition at home.

The anger of Yongsun fizzed away when she realised that she ought to know better. Her mother had a twisted personality, enabled by Apa since the latter preferred harmony at home. Growing up, she never had to take sides. She realised it was different now. “Unnie, I’m sorry that I haven’t been paying attention. I forgot how mother can be.” She squeezed her hand again “I speak to her—”

“—Don’t bother,” interrupted Yonghee, waving it off absently. “I’m sure she would kick a huge fuss and run away from home. That is a lot worse.” She made a face.

Yongsun’s face fell. “Thanks for watching out for Byulyi” She felt terrible knowing that Byulyi had been abused for half a year.

The fashion designer shook her head lightly. “There is no need for thanks. Byul-ah is a kind person. She has been trying to take care of me in her own way.” She glanced at the time and noted she had to turn in. “Goodnight, Yong. Don’t be too hard on your wife.” Her eyes were full of mirth. “She looked very repentant, kneeling outside the bathroom.”

Irritation flashed in Yongsun’s eyes when she recalled Byulyi’s punishment. Ah, she had forgotten about the reason she had to punish that alpha.

The door of the bathroom opened to reveal a freshly-showered Byulyi in her worn-out T-shirt and jeans. The scowl on Yongsun’s face had her hurrying to her side. “Are you in pain, Unnie?” She checked the rate of the drips and found it satisfactory which meant that it was her swollen ankle.

Byulyi did not notice the deepening of Yongsun’s scowl as she worked to elevate her bad ankle with pillows before applying cold compress. She sat at the stool, a cold pack in her hand. “Unnie, it’s gonna hurt.” She pressed the pack against the swollen ankle gently.

Yongsun inhaled sharply at the cold sensation and winced. She could tell that Byulyi was applying the cold pack gradually so that the pain did not increase. After several heartbeats, she relaxed on the pillow, her lips thinned.

“It’s not going to work next time,” quipped Yongsun coolly.

“What?” Byulyi met her gaze, confused. She was so focused on her treatment that she had no idea what Yongsun was talking about.

“The stunt you pulled,” maintained Yongsun evenly. “Getting angry first.” She folded her arms cross her chest, showing that she was not impressed. “It’s not going to work a second time.” She did not want to scold Byulyi in front of Yonghee who seemed to be very protective of her.

Byulyi reached for the arm with the cannula and straightened it gently as she sighed. Kim Yongsun had to be too intelligent sometimes. “Unnie, you were hurting yourself,” defended Byulyi, meeting her gaze fully. “My anger was justified—”

“So was my anger when you tried to undress me,” interrupted Yongsun emotionlessly, keeping her expression impassive. However, the muscle below her brow was twitching.

Byulyi grimaced immediately, averting her gaze sheepishly.

Well, that was her fault. She was thrown out of the bathroom because she had tried to undress Yongsun in her overzealousness. Her wife had punched her chest with all her mind and demanded that she get out of the toilet and repent.

“Moon Byulyi, you were just trying to avoid more punishments,” decided Yongsun, her eyes narrowed.

Byulyi balked but hastily gave her a puppy look. “Unnie, it still hurts,” whined Byulyi, rubbing her chest. “I checked just now. It’s now a large bruise.” She glanced at her shirt. “I should show you.” She yanked the collar of her shirt down, revealing a deep marble valley, slightly pink for the shower.

Yongsun screeched at the top of her voice, averting her gaze.“Moon Byulyi!” She punched her shoulder hard while the cheeky alpha burst out laughing while she rubbed her ear.

“You’ll be the very death of me, Moon Byulyi—”

Byulyi shook her head unapologetically, leaning closer to her. “—Never, I could never bear the loss of a beautiful woman—”

“Omo! How the hell are you so greasy!” Yongsun squealed, hiding her heated face with a hand.

Byulyi chose not to answer, her eyes glowing with mirth. She removed the cold compress and checked her sprain. She had to apply another one later. She headed to the bathroom to wash the cold pack before storing it in the ice box again.

“Moon Byulyi, did you not notice something different here?” Yongsun asked coyly, staring at her duvet. She had fun shopping for a new furniture and went overboard, purchasing items to make the daybed more comfortable.

Byulyi tilted her head, surprised and scanned her surroundings. She was so preoccupied with the safety of her wife that she had not noticed. Suddenly, she froze, her blue eyes widening dramatically. She turned to face Yongsun sharply, looking betrayed. Her voice was so soft that it was barely audible. “Unnie, are you…are you throwing me out?”

Yongsun did not expect to hear hurt in her voice, frowning. She met her gaze, confused. “Huh?”

The alpha inhaled sharply, raking her hand through her purple hair. A cold sensation sank to the pit of her stomach. She tried for a smile but it came out as an ugly grimace. “Unnie, you’ll just have to bear with me for a while. I’ll leave your bedroom after your treatment has completed.”

“Byul,” began Yongsun anxiously, sitting upright. “I’m not throwing you out!”

The hurt alpha frowned, perplexed. She approached the brand-new daybed that blend very well with the decoration of the bedroom. It was very luxurious since there was fresh and smooth bedsheets, a light duvet meant for alphas and a few new high-quality pillows. “Unnie, isn’t this for you?”

Yongsun rolled her eyes openly. “Moon Byulyi, you’re being silly. Why do I need two beds in the bedroom?”

The purple-haired woman scratched the side of her head, staring at the daybed, bewildered. “If you don’t need two beds in your bedroom, are you expecting a close friend?” She had heard of sleepovers and Omega huddles.

The blond CEO shook her head at her obliviousness. “Byul, this is for you.” She blushed fiercely, looking away. This stupid alpha needed everything to spell out to her.

The alpha was now officially mystified, jerking a thumb to herself as if she could not process her words. The couch was still functional as a bed so why did Unnie replace it? She glanced at Yongsun furtively. “Unnie, I don’t understand.” She dropped herself on the stool next to her bed, her shoulders slumping.

“Byul, I bought the daybed for you,” clarified Yongsun slowly as if she was speaking to a young child, her expression neutral. However, her cheeks were crimson. “The couch was very uncomfortable so I replaced it today.” She averted her gaze, feeling nervous. “You don’t like it?” There was anxiety in her voice.

The purple-haired alpha did not know how to feel, rubbing her nape uncomfortably. “Unnie, I’m an alpha,” explained Byulyi, hoping it was sufficient as a clarification. When all she received was a confused look, Byulyi knew that she had to elaborate. “I heard that alphas like me just get scraps to get by.”

Yongsun seethed, a sharp smell of distress in her sweet scent. She inhaled deeply, calming down and gesturing Byulyi to come closer. The purple-haired woman inched closer to her cautiously, her body taut. “Byul-ah, I’m sorry,” began Yongsun, troubled. “I haven’t been taking care of you.”

Byulyi was so taken aback by her apology that it took her several heartbeats to comfort the upset older woman. “Unnie, there is nothing to apologise. You have been very kind—”

“Stop,” interrupted Yongsun, swallowing visibly, her gaze worried. “Unnie has already told me

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Swfsmoo #1
Chapter 35: Love the story... Thank you author ❤
189 streak #2
Chapter 35: Marvelous! tyvm for this!
Chapter 35: Wow… thank you authornim ❤️ I enjoyed every chapter. Now I wanna see 4 kids with silver hair and blue eyes 😂
_moongalaxy #4
Chapter 35: i know i'm late but....ahahahahahaha it's on you byul for being the only jobless person to care for the pups🤣
and congratulation for this ending of an amazing story author-nim🥳👏🏻💜
tiggerbounced #5
Chapter 35: this was honestly an amazing ride, really enjoyed it thanks so much for creating this universe!
sspy1006 #6
Chapter 35: Ooo...loved my sweet happy ending :) Thanks for an interesting read
Chapter 35: Aww! I can’t believe it’s over, I’m going to miss reading your updates :c I really fell in love with the story and each character, everyone had great personalities (but my fave will always be Byul) thank you for giving me a roller coaster of emotions in every chapter, I love your stories author nim! ❤️
Ichig02101 #8
Chapter 35: I love this story so much😍
Its a masterpiece authornim. Tq
One of my fav story
Gwkazu #9
Chapter 35: Aww love this so muchh😭😭🥹
_moongalaxy #10
Chapter 34: 🎢🎢🎢😂😭🤭😳🙈