Chapter 3: The troubles of the Kim family

The Marriage of Convenience
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Moon Byulyi was pillowing her head with her arm, sitting on the couch, as she met the gaze of a freshly-showered Kim Yongsun who was crossing her arms across her generous chest, glaring at the younger woman. The faint scent of sweet rose of Yongsun wafted into her nose, filling her lungs.

The older woman looked even more tempting, dressing a peach-coloured gown that reached her ankles and gave the illusion that she was wearing nothing. Her golden hair tumbled around her face messily and she ached to card her fingers through them.

“You weren’t born mute,” decided Yongsun unfriendly, her well-sculptured brows narrowed.

“No,” agreed Byulyi distractedly, picking lint from her worn-out jeans. “I told you when we were on the car then,” replied the purple-haired alpha almost nonchalantly, brushing her hand through her hair with careless elegance. She did not see why Yongsun would be so upset to learn that she could speak. “If you did not know I was not born mute… Wow, you actually married me.” She scratched the back of her neck, muttering to herself.

“OK. Why did you lose the ability to speak, Moon Byulyi?” Yongsun questioned, crossing her arms across her chest. “I have never heard of illness that need half a year to recover the use of the vocal cords.”

Byulyi shrugged in a so-so way. “I was poisoned and the poison was expelled on my second rut.” She pulled her legs in so that she was sitting cross-legged. “Some idiots must have realised that I was going to be exiled and tried to kill me.”

Yongsun quirked a brow, surprised by her indifference when it came to her death. Now, she was slightly worried. What kind of woman did she marry? “You were exiled? Why?”

The purple-haired alpha looked intrigued, rubbing her pointed chin. “Is this that infamous dating game I see on movies? What is it called again? Ah, twenty questions?” Byulyi brightened up as she snapped her fingers. Gold danced in the middle of her blue eyes.

“Aiggo! What dating game?” Yongsun snapped instantly, annoyed. She turned off the lights in the bedroom and lay on the bed. She pulled the quilt over herself roughly, preparing to sleep. “Just ignore that question.”

“Unnie, do you really want an answer? I’ll be completely honest with you,” stated Byulyi, her eyes a piercing blue that seemed to sparkle in the dark. Yongsun raised her head to meet her gaze once again and found no malice in her eyes. In fact, there seemed to be an innocence in her gaze that urged her to trust this mysterious purple-haired woman whom she bought from the facility.

It did not make any sense to the jaded CEO to receive a generous offer of honesty. Since Apa’s death, she had only experienced betrayal, deceptions and political intrigues. Her mind warred internally, the rational part of her brain cautioned her against taking a chance. However, Byulyi had never hurt her or taken advantage of her in this half a year. Perhaps, the purple-haired woman truly meant it?

“Unnie, you took me in at my lowest,” explained Byulyi calmly. “Even though I’m nothing but a stranger, you provided for me.” The alpha huffed. “I can’t think of another individual who would do that.” She was still reeling from shock.

“My purpose is not altruistic,” protested Yongsun, blushing. “I simply bought your freedom so that I could get out of the situation with Heir Lee. I provided for you to keep the image of a couple who married out of love,” added the CEO dryly.

“No matter,” added Byulyi, smiling faintly. “You took in a stranger. Simply for that reason, I’ll honour our marriage and you. That’s my promise to you, Unnie.” She gave an adorable crinkled-nose smile.

The CEO was speechless at Byulyi’s kindness. She sat up once again, turning on the lights of the bedroom as she leaned on the headboard. “OK.” She raked her hand through her hair. “Why were you exiled?”

“It is part of my education. I was banished from my the land of my orgin, tossed here with meagre belongings.” By meagre belongings, she referred to the clothes on her back and a passport to identify her.

The account sounded so horrific that Yongsun found it difficult to believe. It was such a spartan training to throw a person into an unfamiliar place with that little belongings to survive. What would happen to Moon Byulyi if she did not free her from the facility? “Where do you come from? You’re unlike any alphas I know.”

Byulyi tapped her finger on her lips absently, trying to recall if a name was given to the place she hailed from. “The place I came from doesn’t have a name.” She folded her toned arms across her chest as she began to explain. “What are names? Names are given to identify a place among other places. There is no need for a name when no outsider ever entered the land and its inhabitants only leave for specific purposes.” She bit her bottom lip. “It’s like a person living alone in a cave. They would not need a name to distinguish themselves.”

The CEO was very impressed with the philosophical explanation, which indicated that the alpha had received an excellent education.

“It’s simply a place where power is cultivated and treasured,” continued Byulyi, trying her best to describe it. Her purple brows narrowed. “My hometown is huge, surrounded by thick forest and vegetation. There is danger at every turn since it contains very poisonous creatures, quicksand, whatnots. There is ridge of mountains that cuts through the middle of my hometown which renders the place completely inaccessible by any form of transportation.”

Yongsun was fascinated by the insouciance of Byulyi when she recounted her hometown. It did not sound like she had truly belonged there. “If you do want to visit my hometown, I can start trying to narrow the area of search based on the unique creatures. I wouldn’t bet on it though since my hometown is inaccessible that scientists could not go that far. I noticed that there was a list of creatures that was declared extinct but they have been thriving in my hometown.”

“You’re like Tarzan?” Yongsun’s hazel eyes widened. Was there such a primitive place in the 21st century?

The purple-haired woman burst into hearty guffaws, laughing so hard that she had to hold her stomach. Tears began to well in her eyes at how hard she was laughing.

The CEO noted that the chiming laughter was pleasant melodic and refreshing—none of that polite pretence. She quirked a brow, annoyed and the alpha instantly stopped laughing, sitting upright on the couch.

Byulyi cleared her voice, looking sheepish. “I’m not a beast, Unnie. My hometown is very technologically advanced to thrive in an inhabitable area. Besides, this is not my first rodeo. I often win the privilege of leaving the place for missions.”

Missions? Like a hired gun? Her explanation only prompted more questions.

“How would you return to your hometown?” Yongsun frowned, bewildered.

“I wouldn’t worried about that. My master will fetch me eventually.” The exile was the final test to prove herself worthy as the successor of her master, a role that was ed upon her.

Yongsun’s face fell instantly. She did not know how to feel, knowing that Moon Byulyi might disappear suddenly because her master had fetched her home. She touched her chest, feeling unusually hollow.


Like others, Moon Byulyi would leave her too. Was that not the reason she decided on an alpha from the facility? After all, they could only depend on the buyer.

Byulyi tilted her head slightly, studying the forlorn expression on her usually stoic wife. Her heart ached in a way that surprised her since it was so foreign. She rose to her feet, padding towards the blonde resting on the bed. She sat on the edge of the bed and rested a hand on her shoulder, noticing absently that Yongsun tensed instantly at the contact before relaxing.

“I will not leave without biding you farewell, Unnie. You’re, after all, my wife. Unnie, you have my word.” Her sapphire eyes glowed with determination and the ache of Yongsun’s heart eased.

The older woman averted her gaze. “You do whatever you want, Moon Byulyi.” Her tone was gruff, her body taut.

Byulyi withdrew her hand from her shoulder awkwardly, scratching the back of her neck.

“Why are you still on my bed?” The CEO glared at Byulyi coldly. “I have not given you permission.”

The purple-haired alpha realised her faux pas and leapt away from the bed as if she was burnt. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry,” babbled Byulyi hastily as she bowed deeply. Touching the nest of an omega without express invitation was one of the greatest crimes one could commit against them. She was swearing in her head. Too concerned she was about the misery of Yongsun that she had forgotten such an important rule!

The blond omega smiled impishly, appreciating the way the confident alpha sweated on this matter. She assumed a neutral expression and cleared , gaining the attention of Byulyi. “I only permit you to make this mistake once, Moon Byulyi.”

Byulyi lifted her head instantly, flashing a lopsided smile. “Thank you, my kind wife!” She wiped the sweat that beaded on her forehead, expelling the breath that she was holding. She retreated to her couch for safety.

“Moon Byulyi, what are you going to do now that you have regained the ability to speak?”

The purple-haired woman was surprised by her concern since two days ago, her wife would not even bother enquiring about her plans, too consumed by all the problems plaguing the Kim Inc. She wanted to but decided on a proper answer. “An alpha could be arrested for being unaccompanied in public right?”

Ah, how could she forget the laws that subjugated the alphas? She had alpha employees to handle the maintenance of the large house but she had no alpha associates. “Yeh, there is that law. I don’t think you should worry too much about it since it had not been enforced in the city for a while. Besides, you managed to send lunch to me today. I think the law is just to keep aggressive alphas off the streets.”

Byulyi nodded absently.

“That reminds me,” quipped Yongsun, her brows furrowing once again. “Why did you not tell me that lunch was for me and you? I could have ordered more side dishes to share.” She squinted her eyes at her wife, feeling annoyed.

The purple-haired alpha dropped her head, looking sheepish. “Unnie and PA Park looked famished. I…I was still full from the breakfast today since I didn’t exercise as much. I took the car of Big Unnie.” Her cherry-shaped lips curled in a lop-sided smile. The smile faded away when she recalled Yongsun’s answer. She snorted, folding her arms. “What is wrong with being an alpha? We aren’t animals lacking in self-control. If you expect alphas to be little more than beasts, then they will always be little more than beasts. It’s just a self-fulfilling prophecy.”

“You don’t think so?” Yongsun was intrigued by her talk on this secondary gender. She was raised with the education that alphas were practically one with their wolf and act practically like them. When she went to Harvard, she was too busy excelling her classes to observe how secondary genders were treated. After all, it was impolite to ask about one’s secondary gender.

Byulyi quirked a brow of disbelief, maintaining her gaze at her wife for several heartbeats. Noticing that Yongsun was expecting an answer. “Have I displayed aggression?”

“No, but we hardly spend any time together,” countered Yongsun thoughtfully.

“Oh?” There was an impish gleam in those remarkably blue eyes. Her lips were curled in a lop-sided smirk. “Is my wife complaining? I could always spend more time with you, Unnie.”

“Omo! Moon Byulyi, you’re really irritating!” The blond CEO snapped, flipping her hair. She could feel another headache developing from the way Byulyi provoke violent emotion in her.

The smirk on Byulyi’s face faded away, replaced by worry. She rose to her feet elegantly, walked to the side table and fetched a glass of water. Since she had moved in half a year ago, she had always placed a flask of water and two glasses on the side table. “Drink some water, Unnie. You must have only drunk coffee today. You’ll feel better.” She handed the glass of water to Yongsun.

The blonde was hesitant in accepting the glass, surprised by Byulyi’s concern. She took it, her cheeks slightly pink, and finished it hastily in a swing. She stuffed the empty glass back to Byulyi as if it was a grenade about to explode.

Byulyi was bewildered by her behaviour but kept her silence. She shuffled back to the side table to return the empty glass, unaware that Yongsun’s gaze had lingered on her.

Byulyi was right. Her head felt less heavy after a glass of water. She got comfortable on her bed, pulling her knees to her chin.

The purple-haired woman was back on the couch again. “I’ll be whatever you need,” answering Byulyi finally.

“Huh?” Yongsun cocked her head, confused.

“My answer to your initial question, Unnie. You asked me what I would like to do,” explained Byulyi nonchalantly. “After all, you’re my wife.”

Yongsun winced from that greasiness. How did this woman spit out cheesy lines like that with a straight face? “Aiggo, what can you do?” Yongsun asked wryly. “Can you stop Heir Lee from sabotaging Kim Inc? He’s probably behind the fiasco of devaluing our stocks.”

“Unnie, I should be able to give you an answer if that idiot is behind the sabotage soon. As for the current crunch, I wouldn’t worry too much about it,” reassured Byulyi nonchalantly, getting comfortable. “We should turn in now. Big day and everything—”

“—Wait! What do you mean? Did you do something?” There was anxiety in her voice.

“Unnie, I did ask a friend for help, as for how this friend is going to help, I’m really not too certain,” replied Byulyi earnest, meeting her gaze. She lowered her gaze, staring at her feet. “Unnie, I know how important Kim Inc is to you.” She was mortified that she could not personally help her.

Yongsun felt her eyes smarting, a lump forming in . Her gaze lingered on Byulyi emotionally. How long had it been since someone offered help? Dust fell from the tall and sturdy walls around her broken heart as if they were shaken. She turned off the lights anxiously and slipped into duvet as if she was trying to escape from Byulyi.

Byulyi finally raised her head, her gaze remaining on the huddled figure under the cover in the darkness. Those sapphire eyes glowed with profound resolve before her cherry-shaped lips formed a vicious razor-sharp smile. She lay on her back once again, forcing herself to sleep.

The blonde struggled to fall into sleep when she usually could slip into a deep slumber within five minutes. For once, Yongsun was thinking about her mysterious wife sleeping on the couch opposite the bed. Mid-thought, exhaustion dragged Yongsun into slumber land too.

Yongsun only swam into consciousness when she felt the gentle warmth of the sunlight on her face. She blinked blearily and squinted when she noticed that sunshine had seeped through the gaps between the curtain on her face.

What time was it?

She searched around the bedside table for her mobile and grabbed it automatically to check the time. Her eyes widened like saucer when she had overslept. “Crap!” She threw herself out of her bed and scrambled for the bathroom for ablutions.

After a quick shower, she sat at the vanity table to do her make-up. If this was the last day as CEO of Kim Inc, she needed to look her best. As she slowly transformed from the worried and sleepy woman into a beautiful and confident entrepreneur, her heart became heavier. She had no idea if she could protect her father’s precious legacy. She had exhausted all means, using every connection she could think of to keep Kim Inc running.

“I’m sorry, Apa. I don’t know what else I can do to save your legacy,” muttered Yongsun as she touched the photograph of her dad. She raised her face again and practised wearing a smile on her face after she finished putting the final touches on her face.

When Yongsun was finally satisfied with her smile, she prepared to head downstairs. She had opted to wear a dazzling midnight blue off-shoulder dress, so deep blue that it appeared almost black. Her ash-gold hair was straightened so that they fall silky down her face, adding an air of sophistication. She accessorised her business attire with diamond studs and a necklace. She wore high heels and nodded at herself. She looked ready to seize the day.

Her hazel eyes were drawn to the empty couch opposite her bed. She sat down on the sofa carefully, avoiding the pillow. She frowned when she realised that it felt lumpy. How did Moon Byulyi sleep in this? Should she change the couch into a more comfortable daybed? She shook her head, bewildered. “I should be in office now.”

Yongsun headed out of her bedroom hastily, closing the door after her. Even though she was on the third floor, she could already hear the loud screeches of Mother berating Byulyi.

“You stupid mutt, why don’t you leave my daughter alone! We’re going to lose Kim Inc because of you!”

Yongsun felt her blood boil at the unwarranted accusation and hurried down the stairs into the dining room where the family had gathered for breakfast. She nodded at Kim Yonghee who had smiled faintly at her, chewing her toast slowly. As usual, she was dressed comfortably in loungewear since she could work at home. Out of the corner of her eyes, she noted that her elder sister had returned to glaring at Mother who was still criticising Byulyi in a shrill voice.

The blond CEO hesitated for a moment when she noticed that Byulyi was ignoring the screeching banshee fully, focusing on finishing her hearty breakfast of fully-cooked eggs, sausages and toast.

Byulyi was the next person to notice her and her face lighted up like sunrise as she flashed a crinkled-nose smile. Her ocean-blue eyes looked remarkably blue as they met her eyes. The handsome woman rose to her immediately, setting her servette aside. With an sophistication that left her breathless, she walked to Yongsun’s seat, ready to seat her.

Yongsun’s cheeks pinked slightly at Byulyi’s manners but she remembered herself—she was not a blushing bride but a wife in love with this handsome woman. “Good morning, honey.”

The purple-haired woman stepped into her personal space and leaned close to her, speaking directly into her ear. “Good morning, Unnie.” Her deeper voice sounded awfully pleasant. She realised belatedly that Byulyi was trying to speak to her over Mother’s loud and frenzied rant but it must appear as if the younger woman had kissed her cheek. Byulyi straightened herself, wearing a faint and knowing smile. She reached to tidy her silky and straight hair meticulously, tucking an errant lock of golden tress behind her ear.

The CEO’s heart fluttered like the wings of a butterfly as she stared at her, in trance.

Byulyi stepped backwards, picking up on her mild discomfort, and placed her hands on the back of the dining chair. She pulled it out smoothly and waited.

The blonde was so flustered by her chivalry that the tips of her ears burnt red. “No need, honey. I’m running late.”

Byulyi frowned. “What about at least a toast?”

It took the couple-in-name several heartbeats to realise that the dining room had become deathly silent.

Yonghee shot to her feet instantly, grabbing Byulyi’s hand excitedly. “Byul-ah, have you regained the ability to speak?”

The purple-haired woman smiled slightly. “Yes, Big Unnie.”

Yonghee cheered loudly, pumping her fist in the air. She grabbed the hands of the youngest woman and began dancing weirdly in circles around the dining room. They were swinging their connected hands wildly, moving around the dining room.

“Will you stop this nonsense at this instance!” Mother screamed, her face enflamed.

The elder Kim sister ignored her, suddenly recalling that she needed to inform the household staff. She dropped Byulyi’s hands immediately and hurried to the kitchen. “Mrs Cho, our Byul can speak!”

The purple-haired woman seemed to be bewildered by the reaction of Yonghee. She blinked continuously, trying to process it.

Oh? Was Moon Byulyi close to Unnie and the household staff?

Yongsun felt a pinch of annoyance at the thought.

“What’s the big deal? That means the mongrel can bark,” quipped Mother venomously, folding her arms across her chest.

Yongsun glanced at her mother, her plump lips thinned. “Mother, will you stop that?”

The eyes of Mother enlarged dramatically at her defence. Her obedient daughter had never taken that tone with her. She raised a hand and pointed a shaking finger at Byulyi, her face puce.

The purple-haired alpha shared that surprise. However, she lowered her head and made her presence smaller, hoping to de-escalate the confrontation.

“Yong, are you defending this waste of space? This stupid mongrel is going to cost you Kim Inc!” She thundered, as spit flew from .

Yongsun’s brows narrowed imperceptibly.

Mother became worried. “When are you going to tell me that Kim Inc is going belly-up? Changsub called me this morning to ask about you and Kim Inc. He has also generously offered to bail out the company for my sake.” She patted her chest proudly.

Mother grabbed Yongsun’s hand, looking at her pleadingly. “Yong-ah, this is not the time to be stubborn. When have mother harmed you?” She smiled at her. “All you need to do is to announce that you’re going to be Heir Lee’s fiancée. That isn’t too difficult right?”

Yonghee had returned to the dining room just in time to hear her mother’s words. The good mood evaporated at once. She rolled her eyes openly. “If you like Heir Lee so much, you could always marry him yourself.” She muttered under her breath. Her voice was so soft that only Byulyi caught it and the purple-haired woman did her best in keeping her head down to hide her smile.

“What did you just say?” demanded Mother, dropping Yongsun’s hand as she glared at her first-born. “I’m trying to save your father’s precious company here. What have you done?”

Yonghee maintained a neutral expression. “All you care about is being a part of a chaebol. If Yong liked Heir Lee, she would have married him half a year ago—”

“You good-for-nothing, stop trying to sow discord between your sister and I—”

Byulyi took the bag of food from Mrs Cho secretly and gave Yongsun a meaningful look. The CEO nodded subtly.

“Mother, that’s enough. We’ll talk about this matter at another time. I’m late,” interrupted Yongsun emotionlessly. She was reminded why she disliked having breakfast with the family since Mother would often pick on the other family members or household staff. She had no idea when her character had become so twisted.

Mother flew into a rage instantly, standing up suddenly, knocking the chair out of place. “Now you’re all grown up, you don’t even listen to your Umma,” huffed the middle-aged woman. “Do what you like! I don’t care anymore. Don’t come crying to me later!” She huffed and stomped upstairs.

The CEO wanted to rub her temple to ease her developing headache.

“Yong-ah, here is my card. Use all you need for the company,” offered Yonghee worriedly. “It’s not much but I hope that it would be of help.”

She shook her head, pushing the card back to her. “Keep it, Unnie. We might need to depend on you to sustain the household,” smiled Yongsun wryly.

“Nothing will happen to Kim Inc today,” interrupted Byulyi impatiently, cradling Yongsun’s packed breakfast. “I’ll drive, Unnie. Give me your key.”

The CEO handed her key to the chili-red sports car without hesitation, surprising the older Kim sister. She grumbled under her breath about her impatience and followed Byulyi to her car.

“Have a good day!” Yonghee yelled, smiling brightly. Finally! Their relationship seemed to be thawing. The household staff would also be delighted that the 2nd Young Mistress was starting to get along with her wife.

Byulyi opened the door to the passenger’s seat for Yongsun and closed after her gallantly. She strode to the driver’s seat and slipped in. “Unnie, you can have your breakfast in peace while I drive you to work.”

“Oh.” Yongsun’s heart was warmed. She was going to chide her for being so brusque until she realised that Byulyi was putting her welfare first.

Byulyi ignited the engine and started to drive towards Kim Inc. She had already memorised the route to Kim Inc.

Relaxed silence filled the car as Yongsun ate her breakfast slowly. She washed down her breakfast with a flask of iced coffee before she glanced at Byulyi.

The purple-haired woman was very focused on the road, her purple brows narrowed slightly. She had to admit that the alpha was very handsome. She recalled the scene at breakfast and she harrumphed. “Moon Byulyi, you seemed to be able to communicate very well without the ability to speak. You’re very close to Unnie and the staff.”

Byulyi glanced at her, surprised by the cynicism in her words. She rested a hand on her chest melodramatically. “Oh really, Honey? How could you even say that of your wife? It had been a struggle to communicate with others ef

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Swfsmoo #1
Chapter 35: Love the story... Thank you author ❤
189 streak #2
Chapter 35: Marvelous! tyvm for this!
Chapter 35: Wow… thank you authornim ❤️ I enjoyed every chapter. Now I wanna see 4 kids with silver hair and blue eyes 😂
_moongalaxy #4
Chapter 35: i know i'm late but....ahahahahahaha it's on you byul for being the only jobless person to care for the pups🤣
and congratulation for this ending of an amazing story author-nim🥳👏🏻💜
tiggerbounced #5
Chapter 35: this was honestly an amazing ride, really enjoyed it thanks so much for creating this universe!
sspy1006 #6
Chapter 35: Ooo...loved my sweet happy ending :) Thanks for an interesting read
Chapter 35: Aww! I can’t believe it’s over, I’m going to miss reading your updates :c I really fell in love with the story and each character, everyone had great personalities (but my fave will always be Byul) thank you for giving me a roller coaster of emotions in every chapter, I love your stories author nim! ❤️
Ichig02101 #8
Chapter 35: I love this story so much😍
Its a masterpiece authornim. Tq
One of my fav story
Gwkazu #9
Chapter 35: Aww love this so muchh😭😭🥹
_moongalaxy #10
Chapter 34: 🎢🎢🎢😂😭🤭😳🙈