Chapter 27: The sound of silence

The Marriage of Convenience
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The office of the presidential suite was deathly silent.

A single man sat on the mahogany armchair, commanding the attention of everyone in the opulent, temporary office. His short, neatly-cropped silver hair was slicked backwards to accentuate his defined square jaws. Under that smooth, unbroken brow was a set of deep and dark blue eyes that were so wintry that put the fear of God in the stoutest and brawniest individual in the room. The bespoke, dignified black business suit could barely hide the sheer power of his body. He filled up those exclusively curated clothes until he strained against the seams; a great package of muscles seemed to whisper when his shoulder moved under his jacket.

His cherry-shaped lips thinned visibly and everyone seemed to breathe in collectively and hold their breaths. He took his time to scan the faces of everyone in the office, lingering for several heartbeats with that inscrutable and hard expression. When his penetrating gaze left the unfortunate target to move to the next, the battle-hardened man would relax slightly from relief.

“Are you telling me that even though it has been more than seventy-two hours, you have not found the location of the True Grandson?” The polite whisper of enquiry was like a thunderclap that reverberated powerfully, startling the battle-harden men and they buzzed with restrained violence.

Chairman Moon Heungyi, the newly-appointed chairman of the Tongil Group, established to support the mission of the influential Unification movement, was more than just a mid-twenties alpha who had taken over the reins of the Tongil Group to invigorate the chaebol, he was the custodian of the True Grandson, the ‘Adam’ role model to the young and impressionable Moon Minhyuk since Lord Moon was in the spiritual realm.

Rows after rows of men simply bowed their heads out of remorse, quaking on their feet. They understood the significance of the True Grandson and his essential and holy mission to save mankind in the physical realm in harmony with his father, the Lord Moon’s work. They would have prostrated before Chairman Moon for their failure but they knew that he did not want remorse, he only desired results.

Chairman Moon’s gaze was steely. “What about the excommunicated unbeliever Park? Surely you have at least tracked her down?” He tilted his head slightly in derision, ridiculing the failings of one of the world’s highly-trained paramilitary group, a group that he had slowly cultivated over the years in South Africa. How were they going to win in this warfare for the Kingdom of Heaven with such incompetence?

His thick silver brow snapped together in thought. His thoughts focused on his first meeting with a certain Solar Kim who had turned him down completely, a first in his life ever since he was recognised as a True child. He also suffered his first embarrassment of having his fingers snapped before an omega by the wife of Solar Kim, a certain bum that was bought from the facility, Moon Byulyi. He was inclined to believe that the Solar Kim and her wife were not simple businessmen who exploited the weakness of the Lee Chaebol, sending the leader and the heir to jail while taking possession of all their assets. It took a lot to bring down a chaebol with steady foundations like the Lee.

“What about Solar Kim?” He resisted the urge to drum his finger on the arm.

The leader of the paramilitary group stepped forward to answer his question. “Sir Moon, I have an update.”

Chairman Moon glanced at him, waiting for his report.

“The communications of Solar Kim are encrypted with such sophistication that we have not been able to decipher it.” There was awe in his brown eyes despite the trouble that the task had given them. “That also applies to the servers of Kim Inc. Our finest minds are still working on the decoding. Once that task is completed, we will be able to track Solar Kim down.”

The brows of Chairman Moon furrowed. That was surprising since the Unification movement employ the best minds of IT, including criminals who were on the FBI watchlist. “How long more?” Why would a hacker of such calibre be contented in simply working for such a firm?

The leader fumbled at once, knowing that the Chairman would not be pleased. “Our gross estimate is a month, Sir Moon.”

“A month,” echoed Chairman Moon silkily. “A month.” He slammed his palm on the arm of the armchair hard and everyone flinched. “What the hell is your team doing? Do you even comprehend the urgency of this task. This is the safety of the True Grandson, the only son of our Lord Heungjin. Our esteemed True Father would be worried sick about his young heir.”

Everyone bowed their heads at once in shame.

He took a deep breath and recomposed himself. His esteemed half-brother had never lost his composure and he should not do so. “You have 48 hours to locate the True Grandson. Use every connection you can. Offer your heads as penance for not protecting the only son of Lord Heungjin if you cannot find him by then.”

He surged to his feet, returning to his desk to continue with his work in building up influence in Korea so that he could spread the Good news more effectively. After all, this was the home of his father. He wanted to present the hearts of the Koreans to his father to secure his inheritance.

He reached for the decanter that was on the desk and poured himself a generous helping of whiskey. He observed the way the golden liquid swirled and still within the crystal glass, the pungent scent of alcohol filling his nostrils. Even after the death of his half-brother, he had to borrow the authority of him for some semblance of power. He swallowed the liquid gold, enjoying the burn down his throat to the pit of his stomach, trying to erase that thought.

He did not care about the welfare of Moon Minhyuk, after all he was the son of his half-brother. However, his father would. After losing Heungjin to the mobile accident, the True Father seemed to love the pup with the love that he had for Heungjin, remaining always so concerned about the toddler.

Heungyui poured a generous helping of whiskey again, took the glass and walked to the window that was overlooking the bustling city of Seoul. He caught his reflection on the window and growled, his handsome face contorted in anger.

The face of Moon Heungjin.

His jaws clenched and unclenched, his breathing growing harsh.

This dreaded face of Moon Heungjin. He had decided to cast away his identity as Moon Heungyi, the son from the first marriage to embrace the identity of Moon Heungjin, the beloved son of his father and the successor of the Unification Movement. He knew that he could never be comparable to him, a fact that was not voiced but known by the congregation. No matter how hard he tried, he would never be as talented and capable as his half-brother. It was as if God had blessed Moon Hyeungjin with ethereal perfection; he was absolutely magnetic, winning the hearts of the young and old within the congregation, his intelligence was very apparent and father often sough his counsel regarding the matters of the movement, he had the undying loyalty of many high-ranking elders of the congregation including the beautiful Julia Moon nee Park.

At one point of time, he had fallen in love with the beautiful ballerina but Father had cautioned him against it and married him to another elder’s daughter just to reward that elder’s loyalty. He had to bury his feelings for the ballerina but those feelings transformed into bitterness at how loyal Julia was to his dead half-brother.

“Would you just leave us alone!” He snapped, tossing the glass of whiskey at the vile reflection. The glass shattered loudly upon impact, spilling the whiskey everywhere.

He ran his hand through his hair as his chest heaved from the violence of his anger, feeling completely unhinged. It had been a decade since the passing of his half-brother from the mobile accident.

“You’re just cancer. Why wouldn’t you leave us alone?” Heungyi snapped before he pinched the bridge of his nose. The tumultuous emotions faded and he became stoic once again.

“I will win the heart of Solar Kim,” muttered Heungyi to himself, a solemn promise. “I will never allow another woman that I have taken fancy to slip away from my fingers.” The cherry-shaped lips curled in a faint smile as he pondered how to pursue after the ambitious, beautiful and intelligent omega. He tucked his hand into the pocket of his trousers, returning his attention to the cityscape of Seoul.


A few miles away, in the newly-established county, a silver-haired alpha had stepped out of the bathroom, wiping the moisture off her face with a face towel as Moon Byulyi grumbled under her breath. Showering the toddler had become a chore now that Moon Minhyuk was more comfortable with her presence.

Park Chorong caught a glance of the irritated and wet Byulyi and burst out laughing. At her lethal glare, the older woman covered with her hand as she tried to suppress her mirth. How could she? The handsome alpha looked as if she had returned from a storm, her clothes drenched and her hair wildly tousled from Minhyuk’s shower. A pool of water was also forming under her.

Those silver brows furrowed, obviously displeased.

The PA cleared , resuming her composure. She took a towel and wiped her face, drying the spots that she had missed. A part of her had to admit that an angry Kim-Moon Byulyi was very fatal for the heart in an objective way. The way her remarkable blue eyes danced spiritedly, along with those defined features was sufficient to draw all attention not her. She focused on the task of drying her face and her hair so that the younger woman was no longer dripping wet.

“Thank you, Byul,” offered Chorong, handing the towel meekly. The annoyed alpha rolled her eyes openly, drying her hands before tossing the towel back at Chorong. She scanned the spacious sitting room of the guest suite openly and did not see the mischievous pip.

“Where did he go?” Byulyi asked, her lips thinned. She was going to set some rules with him about showering in the future.

“Not here. Minhyuk went to look for Wheepup.” She sniggered when the eyes of Byulyi narrowed. Obviously, the precocious pup had fled to safety, knowing that Byulyi was going to chide him. “I’m sure that our Minhyuk did not mean to wet you during shower,” supplied Chorong, wondering if that was the best word to use when Byulyi looked so drenched. She was definitely not sharing that her nephew had intentionally wet Byulyi, getting his inspiration from a cartoon. There was this scene in which the children were having a playful fight in the shower, splashing water at one another.

Byulyi raised a lone brow. She obviously did not believe her.

The PA maintained a polite smile even though she knew that Byulyi was calling her out for her lies. She needed to use another tact to get out of this mess too. “What do you want me to say, Byul?” She put her hands on her hips, akimbo. “It’s nice to see my nephew playing like a normal pup for once. It’s better than worrying about his mother.”

Byulyi rubbed her face with a hand, then sighed. The delicate matter regarding the location of a Julia Moon nee Park. She had activated the Seon personally to track Julia down. However, their attempts of extracting her had failed so far due to the prudence of the captors. They had been shifting Julia so frequently and at random intervals that it affected the mission. She was careful in being not too involved with the extraction of Julia Moon, simply creating a programme for the Seon to decipher the encrypted communication of the True Family. If she was honest, she suspected that her biological father might be behind it.

Chorong’s face tensed slightly for just a moment before she resumed her smiling veneer. In the past, she would not even bother to reassure but she had to try to, not matter how clumsy it was. She extended her hand and rest it on her shoulder. “Rong-Unnie, I wouldn’t worry too much about your cousin.”

The sweet-looking omega raised her head to meet her gaze, surprised that Byulyi was trying to comfort her. She smiled, a true smile that reached her eyes. Byulyi had so many reasons not to bother about the welfare of Julia Moon since the latter was a nuisance, believing that the silver-haired woman was her dead husband and the Sire of her pup.

Chorong sighed, all façade melting away when she realised that the future leader could read her emotions. “Thank you, Byul.” She offered a smile. “I’m surprised that you’re doing so much for me. I know that my cousin had made her own bed but she is really just a victim exploited by that ridiculous cult,” growled the older woman, her brows furrowing. She sighed, running her fingers through her long hair. “I’m sorry. We’ve dragged Yong and you into our mess.”

The younger woman snorted. “Are you kidding me, Unnie? Moon Huengyi roped us into this mess.” That idiot was relentless, trying to breach the security of the server in Kim Inc to access their communications. “It has nothing to do with you. Besides, Yong would never stand aside and watch her good friend be bullied by a stronger power.” She squeezed her shoulder. “That’s not the point. I’m certain of Julia Moon’s welfare since she is the mother of the True Grandson. You really don’t have to worry about her—”

“—How would you know that? If it was that idiotic Moon Heungyi, her life could be in danger due to Minhyuk—”

“Julia Moon is an excellent pawn. Her loyalty to the family is cemented by the exchange of Heungjin’s life for hers and her son. The True Family would not allow such diehard and loyal member to have any mishaps,” rationalised Byulyi, holding her gaze solemnly. “All you need to do is to focus on caring for your nephew until your cousin can retrieve him.”

Chorong tilted her head slightly, studying Byulyi’s expression openly. The way she scrutinised the younger woman had her shifting uneasily on her feet. “What?”

“Byul, you seem to have an intimate knowledge of the workings of the Unification movement,” explained Chorong earnestly. “To be honest, you could pass off as one of the members of the True Family from your close resemblance with them.”

The silver-haired alpha looked appalled. “Seriously? How can I be related to that Moon family when Yongsun had to buy me from an alpha facility?” She reminded her of their first meeting in that depilated facility in Jeju Island.

The PA inclined her head but still looked confused. “Yea, I know, but you aren’t like any of the alphas from a facility. The alphas from the facility are usually subservient and meek, not as flamboyant as you—”

“—I’m not flamboyant,” countered Byulyi firmly, squeezing both of her shoulders threateningly. Her sapphire eyes narrowed at the older woman threateningly.

The adorable and belligerent way of terrorising her into agreement had the PA in stitches. She could not believe that Byulyi would actually be offended. She threw her head backwards and laughed, slapping her thigh with a hand. Somehow, Byulyi’s annoyed reaction was so funny that she was in stitches, supporting herself with a hand on her hips. That laughter grew and grew like a hot-air balloon: all the tumultuous emotions she had been experiencing since she had sough refuge in this metropolis. Tears started to well in her eyes as she continued to laugh, her face contorting awkwardly.

Byulyi did not expect Chorong to be so amused by her reaction—was she crying from laughing too much? She could only grip her shoulder and support the emotional omega who was now clutching her stomach. All of a sudden, the older woman stepped into her embrace and sobbed, clinging on her for dear life.

Byulyi looked at the PA and sighed, patting her back awkwardly. It must have been an emotional roller coaster for her since she sought refuge here. Her house was broken in, now in close surveillance and she could only remain here for her safety. The gaze of Byulyi gentled as she patted the sobbing woman gently, crooning wordlessly at her.

Chorong wrapped her arms around her neck and slotted her face into her neck, her body wrecked from sobs. It was the first time someone besides Wheepup and Yong had sought comfort in her since she was an indifferent person. She continued to pat her back rhythmically until her sobs started to peter off.

The sweet-looking omega withdrew herself from the embrace of Byulyi, wiping her tears away with the towel, avoiding any eye contact. “I’m sorry.” She gestured at her shirt and neck wildly.

Byulyi waved it off. “I’m supposed to grab a shower anyway.” She was relieved that she did not have to deal with a crying woman.

Chorong smiled, her gaze unusually gentle. She chuckled when she noticed her relief—the handsome alpha could be so socially awkward at times. “Thank you, Byul. You’re really sweet.”

A sudden spike of distressed pheromones in the sitting room had the two women leapt apart as if they were electrocuted. Byulyi glanced at the door and found a very beautiful blonde resting against the doorframe, unimpressed. Her golden hair framed her soft and feminine face, her expressive hazel eyes alit with irritation. The most striking feature of her face, which was was thinned.

Yong,” breathed Byulyi, relieved. Wait. Why was her wife so mad? The CEO was firing daggers with her eyes. Her mind quickly backpedalled to the conversation between her and Chorong and found no issues. She walked towards her wife automatically. “You’re here.”

“Am I not allowed to be here?” Kim Yongsun sassed back, folding her arms across her chest. She was wearing a silk robe over her nightie. Her gaze was still unfriendly when Byulyi stood before her, looking confused.

“Why would you need permission, Yong?” Byulyi returned meekly. “I was going to return to our suite for a shower. The little imp decided that it was a good idea to splash water at me while he was showering.”

Yongsun scanned her from the top of her head to her toe. “You’re dry now.” She touched her dress shirt to make a point.

Byulyi gave her puppy looks, hoping that her wife would have mercy on her.

Chorong laughed at the sight of a meek Byulyi. It was beautiful to see such a strong-willed and powerful woman caving in to her love. She had seen Moon Byulyi at her most fearsome state, threatening the former colleagues who were wreaking havoc in Kim Inc and now this soft and gentle side. “ I have borrowed your wife long enough, Yong.”

Yongsun snorted, grabbing Byulyi’s arm possessively. “It doesn’t seem like you had your fill of my Byul.” She was unamused that her best friend seem to take this matter lightly. “My Byul is very magnetic but she is mine.” She squeezed Byulyi’s arm. The younger woman was shocked by her sudden claim.

The PA smiled cheekily. “I know right? An attractive alpha that is so sweet to pups is on another level.” She fanned herself with her hand melodramatically.

Yongsun’s gaze darkened at once at the provocation.

The senses of Byulyi went ballistic at the impending danger. “OK.” She grabbed the hand of Yongsun and yanked her towards the exit. “It’s late. We should try to rest too.” She frowned when the CEO was unwilling to leave,

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Swfsmoo #1
Chapter 35: Love the story... Thank you author ❤
195 streak #2
Chapter 35: Marvelous! tyvm for this!
Chapter 35: Wow… thank you authornim ❤️ I enjoyed every chapter. Now I wanna see 4 kids with silver hair and blue eyes 😂
_moongalaxy #4
Chapter 35: i know i'm late but....ahahahahahaha it's on you byul for being the only jobless person to care for the pups🤣
and congratulation for this ending of an amazing story author-nim🥳👏🏻💜
tiggerbounced #5
Chapter 35: this was honestly an amazing ride, really enjoyed it thanks so much for creating this universe!
sspy1006 #6
Chapter 35: Ooo...loved my sweet happy ending :) Thanks for an interesting read
Chapter 35: Aww! I can’t believe it’s over, I’m going to miss reading your updates :c I really fell in love with the story and each character, everyone had great personalities (but my fave will always be Byul) thank you for giving me a roller coaster of emotions in every chapter, I love your stories author nim! ❤️
Ichig02101 #8
Chapter 35: I love this story so much😍
Its a masterpiece authornim. Tq
One of my fav story
Gwkazu #9
Chapter 35: Aww love this so muchh😭😭🥹
_moongalaxy #10
Chapter 34: 🎢🎢🎢😂😭🤭😳🙈