Chapter 6: What about dinner?

The Marriage of Convenience
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Moon Byulyi returned to the CEO office slightly tipsy from drinking with her buddy Kang Seulgi and giving her an update about her life. It had been years since they last saw each other since the latter was not quite a part of the village.

Her cheeks were pink and her remarkably blue eyes glassy as she exited the elevator, smelling of alcohol. The black baseball cap contrasted brilliant with her smooth and long purple hair. Chorong who was behind her desk, wrinkled her nose as she picked up the strong stench and guided her to sit down on the comfortable couch in the waiting area quickly.

The purple-haired woman lay sprawled across the couch, placing an arm across her eyes to block the blinding overhead lights. She grabbed a throw blanket and covered the intoxicated Byulyi carefully.

“Byul-ah, I’ll make hot tea for you. Sit here for a while first.” She darted off quickly to brew that cup for her.

Byulyi groaned, lounging on the couch. She regretted challenging her childhood friend to drinking when she barely had any rest the night before. Her head felt heavy. She adjusted the brim of the cap to cover her eyes and soon drifted to a shallow sleep.

Chorong apologetically woke her up to drink the freshly-brew hot tea. She remembered her good friend did not like alcohol in general and tried to help Byulyi sober up.

“Thank you, PA Park,” muttered Byulyi groggily, sitting up. She accepted the cup carefully and sipped it slowly, the warmth of the tea soothing her slightly upset stomach and clearing the thick haze in her mind.

Chorong’s worry faded when she noticed that the purple-haired woman was fine after a cup of hot tea. “I’ll return to work now. Byul-ah, if you need anything, just call me.” She smiled faintly and petted her shoulder affectionately. She returned to her desk to continue organising all the files for her superior.

There was a call for Chorong and she picked up instantly, barely hiding her surprise. She glanced through the glass door at her best friend before looking at the slightly intoxicated Byulyi sipping her tea. “Byul-ah, Yong wants you to go in.”

The purple-haired woman blinked incessantly, taking some time to process, before nodding absently. “Thank you for the hot tea, PA Park.” She set the cup carefully on the coffee table.

“Aish, just Rong Unnie will be great. Must you always address me by my title?”

The flushed Byulyi’s left lip lifted in a lop-sided cheeky smile. “Rong Unnie huh? I understand.” She picked herself up from the couch with such careless grace that it was very hypnotic.

Chorong realised that a slightly tipsy Moon Byulyi might be even more overwhelming for her poor heart. She was so devilishly handsome, with just sufficient impishness to hook the hearts of unsuspecting women and omegas. She knew that Moon Byulyi was starting to have a personal fan club in Kim Inc, unknown to Yongsun.

How would the fan club react to this delectable sight of Moon Byulyi?

Byulyi walked into the office, barely stumbling through the glass door, closing after herself.

The blond CEO had stopped working, her blond brows contracted with worry. “Star, are you drunk?” There was disbelief in her voice. Did she not just have lunch with her childhood friend, Barrister Kang? The purple-haired woman drank so much that she could smell the scent of alcohol on her even at this distance. She wrinkled her nose instinctively, disliking the scent. She preferred Byulyi’s natural fragrance of wild honeysuckles rather than this strange cocktail with alcohol.

Byulyi stopped mid-way, glancing at Yongsun with glassy ocean-blue eyes. She nodded gingerly, pinching the air to gesture a small amount. She smiled impishly, her cheeks pink. “Just a little, Unnie. I forgot that I did not rest last night. I will feel better with some rest.” Her voice had dropped a pitch, a very deep and sensual tone that sent flashes of heat through Yongsun. The cherry-shaped lips languorously stretched to form a lop-sided, rakish smile that was fatally devastating on Yongsun’s heart. She did not notice her wife ogling, walking to the couch to get some rest.

She kicked off her combat boots absently, lying on her back. She pillowed her head with an arm and lowered the brim of her cap to shield her eyes from the overhead lights. The intoxicated alpha felt the gradual allure of sleep, nestling into the couch as she relaxed fully.

Several moments later, a sweet and irresistible peony scent filled her nostrils, a sign that her wife had joined her on the couch. She was so inebriated that she had only taken note of her wife when the blonde was in front of her.

Byulyi shifted slightly on the couch and made space for Yongsun to join her.  Her eyes widened in shock when she felt the older woman helping her to rest her head comfortably on her thighs.

It was so comfy that Byulyi could not help sinfully, nuzzling and rubbing against her toned stomach, breathing in the unique scent that belonged to her wife. She sighed, delighted, smiling to herself.

Her Star was so cuddly when she was slightly tipsy.

Yongsun gave in to the urge of removing the cap from her head and run her hand through her silky, purple hair. The smooth texture of her hair, coupled with the way Byulyi seemed to hum in appreciation, encouraged the curious CEO to continue threading her fingers carefully through her purple hair rhythmically. She could not think of the last time that she had someone’s hair—not even her ex-boyfriend—and it felt strangely wonderful.

The pleasure from carding her hand through Byulyi’s hair was enhanced when the younger woman lowered her guard slowly, slipping deeper and deeper into sleep, purring out of pure contentment. Soon, those sweet purrs became soft snores that filled the office.

Yongsun could not help feeling a sense of triumphant to have the wary Byulyi melt at her rhythmic ministrations. She looked at the sleeping alpha in her lap, realising that this would be the first time she could look at this beautiful and handsome alpha properly.

Byulyi had a serene expression on her face, which gave her a very youthful and innocent appearance. She looked like a fresh high school graduate who was ready for an adventure of a lifetime, to take on the world and find her place. It was such a dichotomy from her bad arse, stoic persona the formidable alpha had when she dealt with Eric and his bodyguards ruthlessly.

The CEO was simply obsessed with this enigma of a woman who had halted her openly from discovering more about the alpha. Her mind backpedalled to how she dragged Seulgi out of the office firmly when she was going to reveal more about her true identity.

She frowned, wondering why that secrecy bugged her so much. The CEO didn’t really care so much about her past four days ago. Somehow, with an increase in interactions, she became fascinated with her wife. She traced a finger across her smooth brow gently, brushing her purple bangs carefully to the side.

Oh, she had a wide and smooth forehead as her finger danced along her beauty mark that mirrored her own if they were facing each other. Her curly eyelashes dusted across her flushed cheeks alluringly. She ran her finger down her delicate and pointed nose, smiling to herself when it twitched cutely. “My Star,” giggled Yongsun softly to herself, enamoured. The finger continued its path across her parted cherry-shaped lips, savouring the smoothness.

She never had this fascination of touching the face of others, not even Eric, the handsome pretty boy and her boyfriend for several years. There was a seed of thrill as she etched the memory of her face, caressing her rosy cheeks with her hand inquisitively, admiring the velvetiness of her flawless skin.

The collar of her shirt was slightly open, revealing that delectable clavicle and hint of cleavage. She dragged her eyes upwards, feeling unusually warm.

There was nothing truly urgent at the moment, simply just authorising the new development plans, besides planning a few interviews for a new COO. Yongsun relaxed, carding her fingers through her hair, just focused on her wife until her legs became numb.

Regretfully, she supported Byulyi’s head and eased it off her lap as she slipped off the couch. She checked on her sleeping wife one last time, kneading her legs to get feeling back into them, her glance lingering on her wife. She walked to the bathroom and returned with a warm and moist towel and wiped her face as Byulyi sighed appreciatively, rolling towards the back of the couch to sleep.

That was sufficient rest for her, Yongsun decided. She returned to her desk, her stoic mask in place as she continued to work. The next hour was packed with meetings with different department to understand the labour shortage better. It was not as bad as she thought it might be, giving Kim Inc more wiggle room to hire more employees, the most urgent was hiring a brand-new COO.

She steepled her hand together, considering this critical issue. She asked Chorong to join in the discussion since she was part of the duo that got rid of the turncoats in the office. Her recommendation was surprising: Chu Sojung, the tall, beautiful omega who was the PA to the former COO.

Yongsun did not remember having a poor impression of the PA since the latter did her work well. She glanced at the profile of Chu Sojung and noticed that she was overqualified to be a PA just like Chorong. “She was an intern here and was spotted?”

Chorong nodded. “She is the most familiar with the work of COO so she can slip into the role instantly. When your mother was running the company, she took over the work of the former COO. I heard of tales of rampant ual harassment in the COO office. We probably can win them over if we ask Barrister Kang to press charges on their behalf too.”

“Are you telling me that at one point of time Ms Chu was calling the shots?” She quirked a well-sculptured brow at her in disbelief. “The senior members of the office are OK with her leadership?”

Chorong nodded. “Of course, the COO office is filled individuals hired specifically for their beauty.”

Yongsun scowled, feeling a headache coming up. “Is Ms Chu around? If she is, then we can check if Uncle Ahn is free to interview her with me.” She drummed her desk absently, contemplative.

“I’ll arrange, Yong.” The eyes of Chorong drifted to the snoozing alpha on the couch. “Does Byul need another cup of tea to freshen up? She looked like she was marinated with alcohol.”

Yongsun sniggered loudly, amused. “Nah, I’ll ask you to help me brew a cup when she’s awake. She needs the rest. She stayed up the entire night to care for my sprained ankle.” She returned her attention to her work.

“Oh,” smiled Chorong knowingly, putting her hands behind her back. She was glad that there had been change in their relationship. “OK. I’ll let you know the arrangements, CEO Kim.” She retreated to her own desk as she set up the appointments.

The purple-haired woman stirred finally when it was nearing evening. She cracked an eye open blearily, taking in the environment. It took her a while to realise that she was lying on the couch of Yongsun’s office. She sat up gingerly, her eyes drifting to rest on her wife.

She groaned, rolling her head to stretch her muscles, sitting upright. Her face bore marks of being squashed to the side, her eyes barely open. She made a face when felt like cotton.

Chorong entered the office with a jug of water and glass for her, putting them on the coffee table before her. “You looked like you slept well, Byul-ah.”

Byulyi nodded and smiled faintly at her, reaching for the jug to refill the glass with water. She held a finger up, asking her to wait while she polished a glass of water. The cool liquid eased her parched throat. “Thank you, Rong Unnie.” She winked at her.

“Ah, you remember huh,” smiled Chorong, keeping her hands behind her back. “Don’t forget you owe your wife a meal. Someone was supposed to buy lunch for her.”

Byulyi’s gaze cut to her wife, confused. “Mrs Cho prepared lunch for her.” She only used that as an excuse to leave the office quickly with bear.

Chorong shook a finger. “You promised my best friend lunch but you returned empty-handed. You ought to make up to your wife.” Before Byulyi could defend herself, Chorong interrupted. “I didn’t realise it was such a torture to bring your wife out for a dinner.” Her lips thinned.

Byulyi scrubbed her face with a hand, falling into the trap. “Rong-Unnie, please don’t try to sow discord between my wife and me. If Honey would like to have dinner with me, I will take her out.” Her gaze wandered to CEO Kim and noticed that the blonde was watching them curiously. “Would Unnie want to?” She sounded hopeful.

“Who says no to a free dinner?” Yongsun asked nonchalantly. “Honey, you’re picking the bill right?”

Byulyi was flabbergasted as she rubbed her nape. “I…I guess?” Yongsun had given her an allowance but she had never touched it. Hwasa also gave her some cash.

Yongsun nodded sharply, shutting down her computer right away. “Chorong, I’m leaving office now. Let me know if anything important crop up.”

Chorong chuckled brightly. “Just one.” She held up a finger. “Please take Byul-ah shopping for clothes. Your presence is required for the annual charity gala held by the Commence Council.”

Yongsun frowned. “Is that tomorrow night?” She checked her mobile quickly and realised it was. She had been so busy dealing with all the issues of Kim Inc that it had slipped off her mind. She glanced at Byulyi who was clearly not paying attention to their conversation, holding a wallet made from a nylon banner, obviously trying to tally up her pitiful assets.

The blonde giggled at the adorable sight of her wife, frustrated with her limited finances. She smothered her laughter with a hand, her eyes curved into twinkling crescents. Oh god, how could Moon Byulyi be so adorable. Her heart was melting at the sight.

Chorong followed the direction of Yongsun’s gaze and found the reason for her guffaw. She scowled instead, nudging the laughing Yongsun on the chest hard. “Kim Yongsun, how can you not give your wife any pocket money?”

Yongsun became wide-eyed at the accusation.

The purple-haired woman was smiling to herself, satisfied with her asserts. She stowed her wallet into her pocket. She was perplexed when she noticed Chorong glaring at a shocked Yongsun. “What’s wrong, Unnie?”

“Chorong thinks I don’t give you a suitable allowance,” answered Yongsun dryly, jerking a thumb at her.

Byulyi tilted her head to the side, confused. “Rong Unnie, what makes you feel that way? Unnie gives me an allowance.”

The assistant was bewildered. “Why are you checking if you have enough to treat Unnie to a meal? And what kind of wallet is that?”

The purple-haired alpha frowned. “Of course, I must check if I have sufficient cash to treat Unnie to a good meal. It is polite to treat with your own money. And what is wrong with my wallet?” She took it out and examined it closely. “I thought it was done very well.” She did not want to tell them that this was the tenth version.

The two omegas glanced at her, surprised.

“Honey, you made this?” Yongsun asked the question that was plaguing the two omegas. She kept her tone curious.

Byulyi nodded cautiously not seeing the reason why they were so dumbfounded. “Someone threw out a clean and good-quality nylon banner three months ago while I was exploring the streets. I recycled a part of it to hold cash and card.” She put on her combat boots, leaving the two omegas to process what she had told them. She climbed on her feet, glancing at the two shorter women inquisitively.

“Byul-ah, you need a decent wallet,” sighed Chorong, scratching the side of her face.

The purple-haired alpha frowned openly, unable to comprehend that necessity. “This works fine for me—”

“—But not for the wife of CEO Kim Yongsun,” completed Chorong sincerely. “Our society, well, loves to flaunt materialistic wealth.” She gave an absent shrug when Byulyi became deathly quiet.

“Unnie, let me check your ankle before we leave,” decided Byulyi, grabbing the elbow of Yongsun and steering her to the couch. When the befuddled Yongsun took a seat, she sank on a knee before her, easing her right foot out of the shoe carefully, kneading her calf gently to ease some of the ache before observing her injured ankle with a frown of concentration. She glanced upwards, through her eyelashes, at Yongsun. “Unnie, you should be off your feet. It’s going to be swollen again. Shall we just postpone the dinner to another evening?”

Yongsun’s face fell instantly but she nodded curtly, breaking the eye contact. She brushed her blond hair away from her face, forcing herself to keep a neutral expression.

When the purple-haired woman tried to knead her calf again, Yongsun drew her leg away and slipped her foot into the shoe roughly. “It’s alright, I’m not too hurt to wear a shoe.”

Byulyi backed away and stood up, nodding absently at her. “I guess we ought to be going then—”

“—If we’re going home for dinner, then we should wait,” answered the CEO, standing up again and returning to her desk to resume work. “It’s better to return home after dinner time.”

The purple-haired woman shrugged, tucking her hands into the pockets of her trousers. “Sure, Honey.” She grabbed her black cap and walked to the connecting bathroom to freshen up.

Chorong did not understand how the date fell through, leaving her best friend in the office as she returned to her station, wishing to stay out of this strange atmosphere.

Byulyi soon returned, looking immaculate. She returned to her favourite spot on the couch, engrossed with texting. Her brows were narrowed as her fingers flew over the screen quickly. “Unnie, may I meet Wheepup for drinks later?”

Yongsun lifted her face and their gaze met and clung. “Drinking again, Moon Byulyi?”

The alpha frowned. “Yes, Wheepup has the urge to drink tonight.” She shifted in her seat when she noticed that Yongsun was still gazing at her. She rubbed her nape. “OK, maybe not tonight,” relented the purple-haired alpha, not wishing to upset her wife. “Never mind, I’ll just postpone the session to tomorrow night.” Her attention returned to her mobile.

To her amazement, Yongsun appeared to be angrier, clenching and unclenching her jaws. A sharp tone of anger was mixed with sweet scent of peonies and Byulyi’s nostrils flared slightly. She lifted her face and tilted her head to the side, confused. “Unnie, are you upset with me?”

“Moon Byulyi, you are free to do whatever you wish to do. I don’t need you here. If you want to drink with your Wheepup tonight or tomorrow, you’re free to do so. After all, our marriage is simply one of convenience.”

Byulyi recoiled openly as if Yongsun slapped her. She inhaled deeply, raking her hand through her purple hair, seeing the plain truth in her words. Those words seemed to rip her heart out of her chest. She stood up mindlessly, her back ramrod-straight. “Of course, Unnie,” smiled the alpha faintly. She bowed awkwardly before excusing herself to depart from the office with her head held high. She bade Chorong farewell with a sweet smile before taking the private lift down to the lobby.

The PA considered Byulyi’s farewell suspicious and decided to speak to her friend. When she entered the office, she noticed that her usually calm and collected friend was typing on her keyboards so hard as if she was slamming her fingers on it. “Yong, did you send Byul out to buy dinner for you?”

Yongsun scoffed, rolling her eyes openly. “Who knows where she would go. No, I’m going home for dinner.” Her tone was unusually frosty.

Chorong frowned and took a seat at the desk, staring at her irate friend. “Yong, it’s not like you to let your anger fester—”

“—It’s not like me to let my anger fester if it was a real relationship,” correct Yongsun sharply. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath to calm down. She covered her face with a hand, feeling exhausted. “Gods, what am I doing? It is a marriage of convenience after all.”

Chorong quirked a brow in disbelief but she steepled her fingers together, looking at her upset friend. “Huh, what happened to the plan of having dinner together?”

Yongsun snorted, running her hand through her blond hair. “Moon Byulyi wanted to go out to have drinks with Wheein later. I told her it was a poor idea and that alpha wanted to reschedule it to tomorrow,” snapped Yongsun through gritted teeth, her brows narrowed. “She…She was not planning to attend the gala tomorrow.” She shook her head as disappointment filled her.

Chorong brushed her shoulder-length brown hair away from her face, formulating the words to help her close friend to understand her emotions. She knew that such formal events often required the married couple to attend together just to maintain the image of a loving marriage, otherwise, some of the attendees would have brought their extra-martial partners. She scratched the side of her nose absently. “Does Byulyi know that you wish for her to attend this event with you?”

The CEO rolled her eyes again. “Moon Byulyi has the freedom to do as she wishes. I shouldn’t want her to do something. It’s not part of our contract,” declared Yongsun vehemently, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

The long-time friend remained quiet, letting the blonde vent as long as she wished. When the CEO finally recognised that she had been on a long tirade, she held up her hands up in surrender and apologised to her patient friend.

Chorong waved it away absently. “Yong-ah, you don’t need to apologise.” She smiled faintly, studying the tense lines on Yongsun’s face. “You gave me a million reasons to persuade yourself that you should not care about Byulyi’s reluctance to attend the charity gala.”

Yongsun opened again to protest but she was silenced when her good f

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Swfsmoo #1
Chapter 35: Love the story... Thank you author ❤
195 streak #2
Chapter 35: Marvelous! tyvm for this!
Chapter 35: Wow… thank you authornim ❤️ I enjoyed every chapter. Now I wanna see 4 kids with silver hair and blue eyes 😂
_moongalaxy #4
Chapter 35: i know i'm late but....ahahahahahaha it's on you byul for being the only jobless person to care for the pups🤣
and congratulation for this ending of an amazing story author-nim🥳👏🏻💜
tiggerbounced #5
Chapter 35: this was honestly an amazing ride, really enjoyed it thanks so much for creating this universe!
sspy1006 #6
Chapter 35: Ooo...loved my sweet happy ending :) Thanks for an interesting read
Chapter 35: Aww! I can’t believe it’s over, I’m going to miss reading your updates :c I really fell in love with the story and each character, everyone had great personalities (but my fave will always be Byul) thank you for giving me a roller coaster of emotions in every chapter, I love your stories author nim! ❤️
Ichig02101 #8
Chapter 35: I love this story so much😍
Its a masterpiece authornim. Tq
One of my fav story
Gwkazu #9
Chapter 35: Aww love this so muchh😭😭🥹
_moongalaxy #10
Chapter 34: 🎢🎢🎢😂😭🤭😳🙈