First love

Dreamcatcher Elika drabbles

As Yubin entered her room, she was welcomed with a sight not common in their dorm- their leader Minji sitting on a bed, looking at the face of someone who was sleeping with her head on Minji's lap. That person was no one but Yoohyeon, who had a smile on her face even while asleep.

"Yubin! Don't worry about this, I'll get up soon enough," Minji said to Yubin in a quiet voice, hoping to not wake Yoohyeon up.

"It's no problem, 언니," Yubin said as she went to the bed and sat down beside Minji, "and Yoohyeon looks funny like this anyway."

Minji chuckled. "I guess she does- with that smile on her face and all," she said.

Minji looked at Yoohyeon and started Yoohyeon's hair gently. Yubin couldn't help but notice something in Minji's eyes at that moment, a certain shine of sorts. She decided to test it out.

"She looks pretty, right?" she asked.

"You think so?" Minji asked in reply.

"She kind of looks pretty always, but something just fits when she's with you," Yubin said.

Minji started blushing hearing Yubin's words, but quickly regained composure. But it was a little too late, as Yubin clearly noticed the blush on Minji's face appearing briefly.

"You're in love with her, aren't you?"

Minji sighed. "I think I am indeed, Yubin," she let out, "I feel like looking at her pretty face all the time, listening to her sweet voice and that sheepish laugh she does; I feel like somehow, she has to be the one for me, you know?"

Yubin started laughing.

"My God, you're so bad at this... I never thought I'd see you, Kim Minji, being bad at something!" Yubin snorted.

"Hey, quiet!" Minji tried to shush Yubin. Yubin stopped as she suddenly remembered about the sleeping girl, who thankfully was still asleep.

"That's better," Minji said, "and come on, Yubin- don't be like that! She's my first love after all."

"First love?" Yubin said and looked at Yoohyeon. Suddenly, something came to her mind.

"So is that like your first love overall, or your first human love?"

"First human...?" Minji started to say, but froze immediately upon realizing what Yubin had just meant.

"언니..." Yubin said, "you don't need to get shocked. I know you're not human."

Minji stared at Yubin with big eyes. "How... how did you figure it out?"

Yubin smiled. "I've seen you do things, 언니. Things humans cannot do, not even other girls. You're already better than all of us at everything, that should be the first sign for everyone to realize what you actually are," Yubin said, and took a deep breath afterward. "By the way, what exactly are you? I know you're not human, but I don't know what it is that you are. Are you an angel from the sky? You sure are pretty like an angel..."

Minji giggled and said, "Come on, silly- I'm not that pretty! And I'm no angel; if I was one, I don't think I would've come to love humans as much as I do now. Don't ask why."

"Then what ARE you? You're not a wolf like Siyeon 언니- that much I am sure about," Yubin said, "And don't lie to yourself, 언니. I'm sure everyone here will agree that you're more beautiful than anything this world has ever seen."

"Yubin, don't worry about what I am. You'll get to know soon enough," Minji tried to assure Yubin, "Just don't tell the others, okay? Let them figure it out themselves." Yubin nodded silently.

"Oh, and I guess it's time to take Yoohyeon to her bed."

Minji kissed Yoohyeon's cheek and snapped her fingers, making Yoohyeon slowly disappear from her lap.

"Oh my God, she's so soft! I almost can't hold myself back when I'm with her," Minji said in an excited voice. Yubin laughed at seeing her leader like that.

"Anyway, what about you, Yubin? Do you have anyone you like?" Minji asked.

"Oh, me? At the moment, not really..." Yubin replied, "I'm trying to focus on the music more now. We need to up our game if they give us the re-debut the company is talking about, right?"

"Of course! It's good to hear that, Yubin. We all need to show the world what we can really do when it comes to making music." Minji said with a bright smile. "Now, you need to sleep, don't you? So I'll just check on Yoohyeon one more time before going to bed myself."

"Well, I now know that your kind at least needs to sleep at night. That'll help me deduce what you actually are," Yubin smirked and said. But before she could finish, she was hit on the face by a soft pillow.

"Hey!" Minji said while laughing, "At least don't tell anyone about your findings, remember?"

Yubin joined the laughter, as they both enjoyed the conversation.

Thankfully for them, their happiness would continue for many years after their re-emergence in the K-pop scene.

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1200 streak #1
Chapter 11: Oh so she didn't get in trouble lol
1200 streak #2
Chapter 10: She's gonna get in trouble for this isn't she lol
1200 streak #3
Chapter 9: Oh okay I wasn't expecting that last part
1200 streak #4
Chapter 8: She's a wolf hehe love our residential Wolfie
1200 streak #5
Chapter 7: Okay yeah that is weird lol, my brain is trying to figure out what's going on 🤣
1200 streak #6
Chapter 6: Umm what?
1200 streak #7
Chapter 4: I mean that's a fair question to ask 🤣 like tell me the massive bunny isn't taking my spot lol
1200 streak #8
Chapter 3: Oh to see the shock on her face lol
1200 streak #9
Chapter 2: Bora just being unhinged lol
1200 streak #10
Chapter 1: Now why does that seem like something that would actually happen minus Minji splitting into two lol