The horrifying experience

Dreamcatcher Elika drabbles

After a gruesome day of schedules, baby Gahyeon had to take a shower to wash all her fatigue away. As soon as the Dreamcatcher members arrived at the dorm late at night, Gahyeon went straight to her room.

First things first- Gahyeon locked the door. Since Dong was in China for participating in her show, Gahyeon had the room all to herself. She took off her clothes and proceeded to enter the bathroom.

"Today was fun, but a baby has her limits, right? I really need a shower right now..." she thought.

She closed the door to the bathroom and thought of the temperature she needed for the water. "A little warm should do it," she said and adjusted the water accordingly.

As she pondered, the water came sprinkling out of the shower head. But as soon as the water hit Gahyeon's head, her head was gone. Like that. Instantly.

Before Gahyeon could even process what happened, the rest of her body collapsed due to loss of balance- and splattered into goop upon impact with the floor. The still-flowing water did the rest, as her whole body went down the drain.

What Gahyeon didn't realize is that the water came out scalding due to a little mistake on her part. As the water was directed to her head, it melted right through Gahyeon's skull. The fact that her body was squishy as hell did her no favors. And just like that, the water kept pouring down, but Gahyeon wasn't standing in the bathroom anymore.

Minji had fallen asleep as soon as she reached her bed, so she didn't get any alerts about Gahyeon's condition. And everyone else just thought of letting Gahyeon do her own thing, so they didn't even think that something might have happened to the baby. Gahyeon's liquid body got scattered and flowed with the sewage waste, getting mixed with it more and more every passing second. Gahyeon's consciousness had returned after a while, but she was still fairly new to getting melted- so she couldn't gather her body parts back together even when she tried with all her might. After a while, she gave up and started hoping someone from the dorm would show up to help her.

"Minji 언니, where are you? Please help... I don't even know where I'm going to end up..."

A couple hours had passed.

Siyeon suddenly jumped up from her bed. Her lupine senses had started tingling.

"I hear something..."

She looked at Minji and Yubin. Both of them were sound asleep.

"Guess I shouldn't wake them up. I'll check this out myself," she thought.

She was faintly hearing a weird sound, and so she decided to follow it. Her search for the source eventually led her to Gahyeon's room.

Now that she was there, she could clearly recognize the sound- it was the sound of water hitting the bathroom floor. And because she was a wolf, she could hear the sound cleanly too.

She tried to open the door, but it was locked from the inside.

"Gahyeon? Hello?" she called. Nobody answered. She then knocked on the door. Still, nobody answered.

"Is there something wrong with Gahyeon? She went to sleep with the shower running? That shouldn't be..." she thought.

After knocking a few times more, she decided to check it out herself.

"Gahyeon's our dearie. She wouldn't mind if I do this, right?"

Thinking this, she slowly passed through the closed door and entered the room.

The lights were on, and Gahyeon was nowhere to be found.

Realization dawned upon Siyeon.

"Oh no..."

In an instant, she was back in her room.

"Minji 언니! Minji 언니! Wake up!"

Minji opened her eyes. "Uhh... Siyeon? What's the matter?"

"Gahyeon is..."

Siyeon didn't have to finish. Minji's eyes shot towards the door with a worried look. And then, she wasted no time in grabbing Siyeon's hand and teleporting them to the sewage pipes underground.

Gahyeon's whole body was a discombobulated mess. Her eyes weren't even in one piece. But she still somehow managed to see Minji appearing out of thin air. She had no actual mouth at this point, but she still tried to speak.

"M... Min-ji..."

That was enough. Minji's expression suddenly changed to a stern one. She waved her hands, and all of the sewage waste separated from Gahyeon's body liquid. Minji then made the Gahyeon liquid slowly hover up from the ground, and then started moving her hands in a twisting motion.

A small "storm" ensued. All the Gahyeon drops got caught into the storm, swirling at a very high speed in mid-air. The drops met with each other, reforming Gahyeon's skin part by part. Siyeon watched as Gahyeon's body appeared out of something that couldn't even be seen properly with eyes. Minji stopped her hand movements, and Gahyeon's full body finally emerged from the storm as the swirling air stopped. All of this took about three seconds.

Minji telekinetically made Gahyeon's body float to where she and Siyeon were, and then teleported all three to Gahyeon's room. Gahyeon was unconscious- and . Minji looked at her body once, and snapped her fingers to make some clothes appear on Gahyeon's body.

The shower was still running at this point, so Minji simply looked towards where the shower was and it stopped. Minji then looked at Siyeon, who had her hands on .

Minji looked back at Gahyeon. She looked like she had a really, really rough time. Minji went down and planted a kiss on Gahyeon's forehead. That changed Gahyeon's expression, which seemed more like she was peaceful now. Minji placed Gahyeon properly on her bed and pulled the bedsheet on her.

"I... I can't believe... what I just saw," Siyeon stuttered.

"What are you talking about?" Minji finally spoke.

There was a brief moment of pause, before Siyeon spoke up again.


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1189 streak #1
Chapter 11: Oh so she didn't get in trouble lol
1189 streak #2
Chapter 10: She's gonna get in trouble for this isn't she lol
1189 streak #3
Chapter 9: Oh okay I wasn't expecting that last part
1189 streak #4
Chapter 8: She's a wolf hehe love our residential Wolfie
1189 streak #5
Chapter 7: Okay yeah that is weird lol, my brain is trying to figure out what's going on 🤣
1189 streak #6
Chapter 6: Umm what?
1189 streak #7
Chapter 4: I mean that's a fair question to ask 🤣 like tell me the massive bunny isn't taking my spot lol
1189 streak #8
Chapter 3: Oh to see the shock on her face lol
1189 streak #9
Chapter 2: Bora just being unhinged lol
1189 streak #10
Chapter 1: Now why does that seem like something that would actually happen minus Minji splitting into two lol