To the moon (Part 2)

Dreamcatcher Elika drabbles

Daughter: Mooooooom!!!

(Before she finishes, they land on the roof of the house)

Siyeon: Why are you shouting?

Daughter: Did you have to go at such speed? I wasn't ready for it!

Siyeon: Oh, I'm sorry, dear. (comforts her daughter) But I thought we needed to come home quickly, since it's late, and you have school...

Daughter: What do you mean? I don't have school!

Siyeon: What? What do you mean?

Daughter: Our vacation started from today. Oh... I didn't tell you!

Siyeon: Oops! Sorry! I guess you wanted to enjoy the flight from the moon to here, right?

Daughter: Not at the moment, but now I'm thinking I could have.

Siyeon: Mom's really sorry, okay? Oh, we can go back again now! You up for it?

Daughter: Not really feeling like going back to the moon now.

Siyeon: Oh, look- your mother's here.

(Bora comes to the room, searching for everyone)

Bora: Could they be here? (notices Siyeon) Ah! There you are! Where did you go? I've been looking all over for you!

Daughter: Mama! (runs to Bora)

Bora: Oh, sweetie- (picks up her daughter) where were you? Mama was worried!

Daughter: Mom took me to the moon!

Bora: The moon? (looks to Siyeon) For real?

(Siyeon nods)

Daughter: Have you ever been to the moon, Mama? There's nothing there!

Bora: I actually haven't! But why suddenly the moon? Did you want to go there?

Siyeon: She just suddenly wanted to howl at the moon, so I thought, maybe I'll take her to the moon itself!

Bora: Ah, yes- our little half-wolf baby Jin-ah would definitely want to howl at the moon for no reason!

(Siyeon gives a dirty look at Bora)

Daughter: Oh, come on, mama! I'm not a baby anymore! I'm 7!

Bora: So what? I don't care if you're 7 or 70, I'll always love you! (kisses her daughter on the cheek)

Daughter: Ohh, Mama- I love you too!

Siyeon: I can watch this sudden show of mother-daughter affection for days, but I don't think now's the right time, 언니. Jin-ah needs to go to sleep.

Bora: Oh, yes. Right. (puts down her daughter) Jin-ah, sweetie, it's time to go to bed, so you can be fresh for school tomorrow!

Daughter: Mama! I don't have school tomorrow!

Bora: Oh my god! What? You have vacation, and I didn't know? I'm a bad mother! (hits herself on the head) I don't even know what goes on at my daughter's school! (grabs her daughter) Come, tell me all about your days at school now!

(Bora and her daughter leave the roof)

Siyeon: Ehh...

(Siyeon stands silently for some moments and then starts shouting)

Siyeon: What the hell were we doing on the roof all this time?? (mumbles) Seriously, you don't know this simple thing about wolves when your wife herself is a wolf? We don't howl at the moon for no reason! (leaves)

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1199 streak #1
Chapter 11: Oh so she didn't get in trouble lol
1199 streak #2
Chapter 10: She's gonna get in trouble for this isn't she lol
1199 streak #3
Chapter 9: Oh okay I wasn't expecting that last part
1199 streak #4
Chapter 8: She's a wolf hehe love our residential Wolfie
1199 streak #5
Chapter 7: Okay yeah that is weird lol, my brain is trying to figure out what's going on 🤣
1199 streak #6
Chapter 6: Umm what?
1199 streak #7
Chapter 4: I mean that's a fair question to ask 🤣 like tell me the massive bunny isn't taking my spot lol
1199 streak #8
Chapter 3: Oh to see the shock on her face lol
1199 streak #9
Chapter 2: Bora just being unhinged lol
1199 streak #10
Chapter 1: Now why does that seem like something that would actually happen minus Minji splitting into two lol