
Dreamcatcher Elika drabbles

(Minji's daughter is sitting on her bed)

Daughter: Mom!

(Minji comes into her room)

Minji: You called me?

Daughter: Could I talk to you about something?

Minji: Of course! Tell me anything.

(Minji sits beside her daughter)

Daughter: How stupid are you?

Minji: (surprised) What?

Daughter: Are you, you and Mom, like... mentally retarded in any way?

Minji: (shell-shocked) Why suddenly ask this?

Daughter: It's just- I've been watching your old Dreamcatcher videos lately, and you and Mom seem to act really immature in those...

Minji: That was, well...

Daughter: Some of my classmates say that I'm dumb, but I don't remember doing anything stupid, ever. So I was wondering if people just assume that I'm stupid just because of my parents...

Minji: Stupidity isn't hereditary, is it?

Daughter: Some people also say that those who are pretty are dumb, and because I'm pretty I...

Minji: Okay, okay, stop- I get what you mean. You probably get your good looks from us (chuckles) but about the stupidity thing... I don't know what I can say. Back then, all of us did stupid things. Heck, the whole K-pop world was filled with people like us.

Daughter: What about now? I guess you're okay, but Mom still acts like a child. That really grosses me out sometimes.

Minji: Grosses you out?

Daughter: I just hope she doesn't suddenly break out singing or something in front of my friends, that'd be really embarrassing.

Minji: I guess... your mom likes being like that. What can we do? I mean, there are some good sides, right? Her singing voice is still as good as ever, and she plays video games with you. I can never match that side of her.

Daughter: She still calls you "언니". How do you deal with that?

Minji: She has always called me that, and you know about habits.

Daughter: So you're saying that mom is stupid and you are not?

Minji: I never said that. In fact, let me tell you a story of one time when I did something really stupid.

Daughter: A story?

Minji: Yes, YOUR story!

Daughter: (confused) My story? (thinks) Oh! Are you talking about the time when Mom was pregnant, and you had to fill in for her in Dreamcatcher stuff?

Minji: No! You already know that story, you've heard that a million times from your mother!

Daughter: Oh, then what is it?

Minji: Me and your mom were only recently married then, no one knew of our marriage.

Daughter: Oh yes, you didn't even tell your groupmates about your secret marriage.

Minji: Don't interrupt. One night, only a few days after we married, we went to see a movie. After the movie, when we got out of the theater, who knows why, your mother suggested that we should fly home.

Daughter: And you agreed?

Minji: (pauses) Yes...?

Daughter: (sarcastically) Sounds romantic. But why? Was there anything like this in that movie?

Minji: I don't think so, no. Anyway... she suggested that we fly, and I agreed. So we started flying, and...

Daughter: Wait, wait. So you just took off, like that? What if someone saw you flying?

Minji: We turned invisible, I think.

Daughter: You think?

Minji: It was late, anyway. There weren't that many people at that time.

Daughter: Heh, you expect me to believe that? People work all day long; the streets are flooded 24 hours a day.

Minji: My god, why are you like this? Just- NO ONE SAW US, OKAY?

Daughter: Okay, okay! Jeez. Continue please.

Minji: So anyway, we started flying. As I said, it was late at night, there was moonlight everywhere, and there was light breeze too. I was really enjoying the soaring. Then after some time, I looked at your mom, and she looked at me. Right then, I could tell that she was thinking the same thing I was thinking, even without reading her mind.

Daughter: Hold up. I thought you said you two were invisible?

Minji: Yes, so?

Daughter: Then how come you saw where Mom was?

Minji: (to herself) I'm starting to think your friends might be right about you. (in normal voice) Oh, come on. You can obviously see someone even if she's invisible.

Daughter: Then what's the point of being invisible?

Minji: I think you misunderstood. Come on, you turn invisible and I'll show you.

Daughter: (becomes invisible) Can you see me?

Minji: Not right now, but I can if I want to. Or, I can if you want me to see you.

Daughter: How does that work?

Minji: You'll figure it out yourself later. Now, go somewhere else and I'll tell where you are.

Daughter: (moves) Do it.

Minji: You've barely moved two inches. What's the point?

Daughter: (surprised) You can see me now?

Minji: Yes, what did I tell you?

Daughter: Prove it! (silently moves to Minji's back)

Minji: (turns back and bops her daughter's nose) There you go.

Daughter: Gah! (becomes visible again)

Minji: So, where was I? Oh, right. Your mom and I looked at each other and stopped for a moment. Then we slowly came near each other, held hands, took our clothes o- (suddenly stops) OH MY GOD! What am I telling you?! Gah! What have I done? (starts hitting her head)

Daughter: (startled) Wait, what happened? What's wrong?

Minji: (stops and looks at her daughter with sinister eyes) You! What did you hear?

Daughter: (cowering) Eh... eh... you did something with your clothes?

Minji: You better not tell anyone that!

Daughter: Why, what is it?

Minji: Just don't!

Daughter: Wait, I know what this is! You did something bad, and you don't want to tell me about it! Hah! Come on, Mom! I'm already a teenager, you don't need to hide these things!

Minji: You say you're old, huh? Then, do you understand what we did?

Daughter: No...?

Minji: Then just forget you ever heard it. Or I can erase your memory...

Daughter: (jumps up) NO! Please don't do that! I promise I won't tell anyone.

Minji: Good. Now- (starts blabbering) yes, we did something bad, but we were both into it... blah blah... you don't need to know... then when we reached our place, we realized that we were really late- and tired too, so we went to sleep, and the next morning, we discovered that your mom was pregnant. End of story.

Daughter: Wait, what? You did something bad in the sky, and Mom got pregnant?

Minji: Yes, that's... probably what happened.

Daughter: Probably?

Minji: I mean, I can't think of any other way she could've gotten pregnant right at that time... so we just assumed that whatever happened, happened in that journey back from the theater.

Daughter: So you're saying...

Minji: You're unique. You were conceived in mid-air.

Daughter: (blankly stares) Is that a good thing?

Minji: I... have no idea. I mean, your life turned out to be pretty good. You're the prettiest student in your school; your sing exceptionally well- I don't think any one of today's K-pop stars are even close to you when it comes to singing; you're like... TALL- you're already almost as tall as your mom and you're still growing; you...

Daughter: Are any of these related to what you two did that night?

Minji: I guess not... but hey, this just means that my stupidity that day didn't affect you at all. (laughs)

Daughter: You didn't do anything stupid like that when you had my sister, right?

Minji: What? Oh, no, no- nothing like that. We had everything sorted out when it came to your sister being born.

Daughter: (shyly) You suddenly became really pretty when you were pregnant.

Minji: What was that? (gasps) Oh my god! You think so? And you didn't say anything all this time?

Daughter: Come on, Mom! She's just 3! (pauses) But yes, I did really think that.

Minji: Aw! Come here! (hugs her daughter)

Daughter: (tries to break free) Okay Mom, that's enough.

Minji: Okay, okay- I need to go anyway, your mom will be home any time now.

(Minji leaves)

Daughter: (thinking and mumbling) She did something bad with Mom, and I came by... hmm... (realizes something) WAIT A MINUTE! I was born because Mom did something stupid with Mom!? Does that mean I'm an abomination?? (starts fuming) MOM!! (storms out of the room)

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1199 streak #1
Chapter 11: Oh so she didn't get in trouble lol
1199 streak #2
Chapter 10: She's gonna get in trouble for this isn't she lol
1199 streak #3
Chapter 9: Oh okay I wasn't expecting that last part
1199 streak #4
Chapter 8: She's a wolf hehe love our residential Wolfie
1199 streak #5
Chapter 7: Okay yeah that is weird lol, my brain is trying to figure out what's going on 🤣
1199 streak #6
Chapter 6: Umm what?
1199 streak #7
Chapter 4: I mean that's a fair question to ask 🤣 like tell me the massive bunny isn't taking my spot lol
1199 streak #8
Chapter 3: Oh to see the shock on her face lol
1199 streak #9
Chapter 2: Bora just being unhinged lol
1199 streak #10
Chapter 1: Now why does that seem like something that would actually happen minus Minji splitting into two lol