The big market - continuation

Dreamcatcher Elika drabbles

"Yubin 언니! Yubin 언니!" Gahyeon's voice echoed throughout the house.

Yubin opened the door of her room to let an excited Gahyeon come in.

"What happened, Gahyeon? You seem really excited," Yubin said.

"Look! Do you see any changes in me?" Gahyeon happily said. She then turned to one side and then the other to show Yubin her whole body.

"Hmm... I don't see anything special though. That's not a new dress too. What is it?" Yubin asked.

"Aww... you don't see it? Here..." Gahyeon brought out her phone and opened something in it. "Here's a picture of me from a few days ago. Compare it with me now," Gahyeon said and gave the phone to Yubin.

Yubin looked at the phone and back at Gahyeon, trying to see any dissimilarities. After looking back and forth a few times, it finally dawned on her.

"Wait... your s are bigger??"

"Yes!!!" Gahyeon squealed.

"But how? You can't shapeshift, right? Wait a minute... are you wearing something under your clothes?" Yubin said skeptically.

"What? NO! They're real s!" Gahyeon shouted.

"How did you suddenly get real s? I don't understand!"

"Ooh, that's a long story. Not sure if I can tell you that, but..." Gahyeon thought for a moment, "in short, I can just say that Minji 언니 gave me these s."

"Minji 언니? But didn't she already gave some of her s to Bora 언니? How did you get s from her again?" Yubin asked.

"Oh, no, no- it's not like that. These are not Minji 언니's s; these are brand new ones!"

"Really? Well, she surely wouldn't have stolen some random girl's s... so I don't really know what this is all about," Yubin said.

"Well, you can always ask Minji 언니! She'll tell you if she wants; I'm not sure about it, so I'll just keep it a secret for now," Gahyeon said. "Now, I have something to ask you, 언니..."

"What is it?"

"You just now talked about shapeshifting, right? You guys can shapeshift and fly and do all those amazing things; can you ever teach me those? Please?"

Yubin thought deeply about it.

"You have an interest, that's really good. But I'm not sure... I've been able to do all these since forever; can someone who doesn't get born with these abilities learn it later? I don't actually kn..."


Yubin's body suddenly collapsed as it shattered into a million little pieces.

Gahyeon jumped up in terror. "WHAT THE-???"

As Yubin's pieces fell down to the floor, Gahyeon noticed Bora behind Yubin. A rather large, metallic ball emerged from the Yubin pile and went into Bora's hands- thanks to Bora's telekinesis.

"Oh my god! I can't believe this is happening! First time... first time I managed to deform Yubin! YAHOO!!!" Bora jumped up into the air and *pop* vanished without a trace.

Gahyeon quickly crouched down. "언니? 언니?? Are you okay? Can you hear me?"

"I'm fine..." Yubin's voice came from the pile.

"Do you need any... help? Although I can't really make you whole again..." Gahyeon said.

"No need, Gahyeon. I can probably handle this myself."

The pieces in the Yubin pile started to shake. Gahyeon backed away a little, and the pieces started to crawl towards different directions. Gahyeon watched in awe as one by one, the pieces started to attach themselves to each other. The larger pieces then attached themselves to each other as well. This continued as the form of a woman emerged from the pile. The head emerged first, followed by the torso and the legs. The pieces of the feet got reformed last, and Yubin was fully restored.

"That was awesome!" Gahyeon exclaimed.

"Hehe, thanks."

"So... is it actually possible for me to learn shapeshifting?" Gahyeon eagerly asked.

"I think..." Yubin paused, "I think I'll talk to Minji 언니 about this, if you don't mind. She's the expert; she'll know what can be done."

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1199 streak #1
Chapter 11: Oh so she didn't get in trouble lol
1199 streak #2
Chapter 10: She's gonna get in trouble for this isn't she lol
1199 streak #3
Chapter 9: Oh okay I wasn't expecting that last part
1199 streak #4
Chapter 8: She's a wolf hehe love our residential Wolfie
1199 streak #5
Chapter 7: Okay yeah that is weird lol, my brain is trying to figure out what's going on 🤣
1199 streak #6
Chapter 6: Umm what?
1199 streak #7
Chapter 4: I mean that's a fair question to ask 🤣 like tell me the massive bunny isn't taking my spot lol
1199 streak #8
Chapter 3: Oh to see the shock on her face lol
1199 streak #9
Chapter 2: Bora just being unhinged lol
1199 streak #10
Chapter 1: Now why does that seem like something that would actually happen minus Minji splitting into two lol