Back to the movies

Dreamcatcher Elika drabbles

"Mom, is this really for kids?" Haeun said.

Minji, Haeun and Yoohyeon were at the entrance of the movie theater. They were going to watch a movie, which apparently was an animation film for little kids.

"Of course, dear. Why are you asking?" Minji asked.

"That monster in that picture scares me..." Haeun said, pointing at a poster of the film, which showed a cartoonish monster chasing a couple of kids.

Minji chuckled. "That's nothing, dear," she said, "you'll know when you see the film."

Minji and Yoohyeon sat with Haeun between them. They had brought popcorn and some drinks, which were already over.

"Mom, maybe I was wrong," Haeun slowly says to Minji.

"No worries, dear. Just enjoy the film," Minji replied.

Then, suddenly, the same monster from the poster appeared on screen. It looked cartoonish, but apparently it was enough for Haeun.


Minji suddenly realized that Haeun was not beside her.

"Yoohyeon, did she just...?"

Yoohyeon, who had no idea, went "Huh?" as she looked at Haeun's seat and found it empty.

"What the...? Where is she?" Yoohyeon asked, looking at Minji.

"She's... home, in her room, near a wall," Minji thought and said.

"I'll go get her," Yoohyeon said.

"No, no- you watch the movie, baby. I'll get Haeun." Minji said, looked around to see if anyone was watching her, ducked and vanished.

"Huh," Yoohyeon said as she went for some more popcorn, but the popcorn was already finished.

Minji teleported to their house and saw Haeun in her room, cowering in fear.

"Hey..." Minji went near her and said.

"Mom... why did it have to be so scary?" Haeun looked up and asked.

"Honey, it's not like that. I understand that you were scared; I didn't think it'll scare you that much. Mom's sorry, okay?" Minji softly said.

Haeun nodded.

"Maybe, if you don't want to go back, we can go to some other place...?" Minji said.

"Where should we go?" Haeun said, still fear evident in her voice.

"Wherever you want. Just promise me one thing," Minji said.


"You'll try not to teleport when other people are there, okay?"

"Sorry, Mom... I know that, but I was really, really scared..." Haeun said and started sobbing.

"Hey, hey... don't cry! I'm not going to scold you! I understand that you were scared. Just... be careful from now on. You can do that, right?" Minji said. Haeun nodded again.

"Okay then. Let's go. I need to go back to your Mom too..." Minji said and pulled Haeun up, before walking out the door with her.

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1199 streak #1
Chapter 11: Oh so she didn't get in trouble lol
1199 streak #2
Chapter 10: She's gonna get in trouble for this isn't she lol
1199 streak #3
Chapter 9: Oh okay I wasn't expecting that last part
1199 streak #4
Chapter 8: She's a wolf hehe love our residential Wolfie
1199 streak #5
Chapter 7: Okay yeah that is weird lol, my brain is trying to figure out what's going on 🤣
1199 streak #6
Chapter 6: Umm what?
1199 streak #7
Chapter 4: I mean that's a fair question to ask 🤣 like tell me the massive bunny isn't taking my spot lol
1199 streak #8
Chapter 3: Oh to see the shock on her face lol
1199 streak #9
Chapter 2: Bora just being unhinged lol
1199 streak #10
Chapter 1: Now why does that seem like something that would actually happen minus Minji splitting into two lol