
TOTGA - The One That Got Away





Yuri finished her recording and was about to go home. Not far from the studio, she saw a commotion, an ambulance and police cars. Out of curiosity, she came near the crowd. Hearing the people's conversation, it was an accident. Yuri was about to leave when something caught her eye, a skateboard. Upon seeing it, it brought back memories of someone she knew who loves riding a skateboard. Her heart started to beat faster and worry was all over her face. "It can't be her", she mumbled to herself. She decided to step closer, just behind the police line. When the medics started to place the victim on the stretcher, Yuri was shocked on what she saw. It was her, the person she knew who loves riding a skateboard. It took a few seconds before she came back to her senses. She took her phone then immediately made a call. She was about to go home but she went to the hospital instead.




4 years ago


Yuri was on her way home. She always passes by a park near her home. The park was crowded than usual that day. She walked around and found an empty bench. Yuri immediately took out her notebook and pen then plugged her earphones in. A few minutes later, someone approached her. Yuri put her things down and took her earphones off.


"Hi, can I leave my skateboard here for a while? I just need to go somewhere real quick", the stranger asked.

With hesitation, Yuri nodded then said, "Ok...ay".

"Thank you, I'll be right back."


The owner of the skateboard run off as Yuri watched her leaving. Not thinking about it too much, Yuri plugged her earphones in and went back to what she's doing. The skateboard was on her side. Time passed by without her realizing. It has been over an hour since a stranger left a skateboard to her. As it was getting dark, Yuri needed to go home but she can't leave because of the skateboard. She started to look around as the park began to get quiet. People are going home and Yuri wanted too but she was suddenly burdened by a damn skateboard.


"What should I do?"

"Should I just leave it here?"

"I'll just take it home with me…"

"Where did she go?"

"Why is she not coming back?"


Yuri kept talking to herself as she try to figure out what she'll do. As it kept getting darker, Yuri grabbed the skateboard and decided to leave.


"Wait!", someone yelled.


Yuri looked back and saw the stranger who left her skateboard. While trying to catch her breath, the stranger kept apologizing. Yuri handed the skateboard.


"Thank you so much. And I'm really sorry for the trouble"

"It's okay. I was about to take it with me"

"You skate too?"

"Ah, no!"


"I should get going."

"I didn't get your name"


"Thank you, Yuri. I'm Yena"

"Nice to meet you, Yena."






Yuri is a singer, an indie artist. Aside from that, she's into writing and composing as well. Doing what she wanted to do the most is fulfillment in itself. After a gig or recording, Yuri usually takes a walk. It has become her habit to take a stroll with music in her ears. She often stops by the park near her house. She loves to be outside when she writes. The park is one of her writing spots. She has witnessed various things from just sitting and observing in the park, a child getting lost, couples dating, couples quarelling, family picnic, big group gatherings and so much more. Just a few a days ago, she was approached by a stranger to look after a skateboard. As she reached the park, she wondered what she'll encounter today. While looking around, Yuri saw a familiar face. She smiled as the person came in her direction. It's Yena, riding her skateboard.


"Hi!" She greeted.

"Are you going to leave your skateboard with me again?" Yuri asked.


Yena laughed.


"No. I'm riding it this time."


"You always come here?"

"Yes. It has become a habit"

"I see. You write?" Yena noticed Yuri is holding a notebook and a pen.


"I'm disturbing you then."

"No, not really. It's okay."

"Are you sure? I should get going so you can continue what you're doing."

"You skate here often?"

"Actually, no. I'm new to this place. The day I left my skateboard with you was my first time around this area."

"What took you so long to get back?"

"I met with my mom and she doesn't quite approve of me skating so I had to leave my board behind. She was just visiting. Our meet-up took longer than usual."

"So, that was it. But isn't it dangerous to ride this?"

"You have to get to used to it. Of course, precaution is necessary."

"It still looks dangerous to me."


Yena chuckled.


"I already took so much of your time, I better go."

"It's nice talking to you"

"Let's meet here again next time"

"Okay, you'll probably just spot me here randomly."


Yena took off coolly riding her skateboard. Yuri watched her from behind. After losing her in the crowd, Yuri got back to what she's doing. A smile never left her face after.






Yuri was walking home when she noticed someone is alongside her. Hearing the sound of the skateboard wheels, she already knew who it was. They exchanged glances then smiled. Yena flipped her skateboard then grabbed it. Yuri was a both startled and amazed. They walked together.


"That was cool", Yuri commented.

"It's nothing. You should see some real skateboarding to see what's really cool", Yena replied.

"I just might get scared watching"

"Give it a try or I'll just show you some tricks"

"Maybe, next time"

"You're going to write again?"


"Are you a writer or something?"

"I write songs, I'm a singer actually"

"Wow! I hope I can hear you sing or listen to one of your songs"


The two arrived at the park then looked for a spot where they can stay. They sat under a big tree. Yuri put out her notebook and pen. She plugged her earphones in too. Yena just looked at her.


"Oh, sorry. It's a habit." Yuri uttered as she removed her earphones.

"It's okay. I won't invade your space. Do your thing, I'll do mine too." Yena replied as she stood up and rode her skateboard.


A few minutes later, Yena came back and handed something to Yuri. Jellies. The latter smiled brightly. She thanked Yena as the skater waved goodbye again. After over an hour, Yuri started packing up her things. She looked around trying to spot Yena but she can't see her.


"Did she leave already?"

"Should I wait for her?"

"Why would I?"


Yuri had these thoughts as she began walking away from the big tree where she stayed. As she kept walking, she heard a familiar sound, the skateboard wheels. She looked back and saw someone skating. It's not someone she knew. Yuri smirked. Not long after, she heard the sound again. This time, she didn't look back. She kept walking. The skater passed by her then stopped in front of her.


"You're leaving?", Yena asked.


Yuri wasn't able to answer right away.


"Ah…yes. I was about to go home. I thought you left already"

"I met some skaters then came back to the big tree but you're not there anymore. I got you this", Yena handed a flyer for a skateboarding event.

"What's this?"

"Can you come with me?"


Yuri read what's written before responding.


"I told you, I'm not into this."

"Just this once, have a look"


"If you really can't handle it, you can leave right away"


"You're coming?"


Yuri nodded. Yena spun with her skateboard making the latter laugh.






On the day of the skateboarding event, they agreed to meet at the park. Yena didn't bring her skateboard with her. When Yuri arrived, she immediately noticed. She wanted to ask but she chose not to. The two went to the event.


"Woah!" Yuri exclaimed as she saw a skater doing tricks on the platform setup.

"Let's watch closer", Yena said as she held Yuri's wrist when they went to their seats.

"Can you do that also?" Yuri asked pointing to skater on the platform.

"They are way better than me", Yena replied.

"So, is this what you do? You're a professional skateboarder?"


Yena chuckled.


"No. I'm not. It's just a hobby. I'm here as an expectator just like you."

"Ah… that's why you didn't bring your skateboard?"

"Yes. So you won't feel intimidated"


Yuri smiled.


"Aside from skateboarding, what do you do?"

"I'm a dancer, choreographer"


"Why that reaction?"

"I was just surprised. You're really talented."

"Says the one who sings, writes and composes songs…"


Yuri smiled shyly.


The two watched the event together. Yena never left her sight on the platform while Yuri covered her eyes from time to time. In conclusion, she found it exciting yet really dangerous. Yena was glad Yuri finished the event with her.


"Thank you for coming with me"

"Thanks for inviting me, I had fun"

"But still dangerous, right?"

"Right. You have to be careful too."


Yena smiled. She offered to have dinner which Yuri accepted. While waiting for their food to arrive, Yuri asked Yena why she chose to leave the skateboard to her that time. The latter said that there was no special reason. She just saw Yuri and thought maybe she can leave it to her. Yuri even emphasized on not trusting anyone and cited different scenarios.


"But you looked after my board, you waited…"

"I planned to take it home with me…"

"But you're going to return it, right?"

"Of course!"

"See? I'm a good judge of character"


The two laughed. They shared a meal together then decided to go home. Arriving at the bus stop, Yuri froze after hearing Yena's words.


"Let's date"






For the next three days, Yena and Yuri didn't meet. Although Yuri still dropped by the park and Yena skated, they didn't see each other, their paths just didn't cross. Yuri wasn't able to respond to what Yena said last time. She was caught off guard. She stayed silent until her bus arrived.

Yuri came to the park as usual. She hoped to cross paths with Yena this time. Her last meeting kept coming back to her. As she walked around, she intentionally wanted to spot Yena. Her ears were alert too just in case she hears a skateboard coming. She found the bench where she sat on the day Yena left her skateboard to her. She sat down and decided to just do what she usually does when she's in the park, write. Now in her own world, Yuri started to scribble words on her notebook. She was approached by a little girl holding a flower. She stopped writing then the girl handed the flower to her.


"Is this for me?", she asked.


The little girl nodded.


"Thank you!"


The girl run away after. Yuri smiled. She was moved by the little girl's cuteness. She went back to writing, still with a smile on her face. Not long after, someone sat beside her. She initially didn't mind as the bench is actually for two people. Her attention was caught when the person beside her handed a flower too. She glanced to see who it was. It's the person she's been wanting to see. She dropped her pen then closed her notebook before taking the flower.


"Thank you", she uttered.

"I'm sorry about last time. I think I startled you."


Yuri didn't respond right away.


"I was surprised… I'm sorry too, I just took off that time"

"I meant what I said"

"The little girl who gave me a flower…"

"I asked her mother for a favor", Yena replied while pointing to where the mother and daughter were seated.


Yuri laughed.


"I have a radio guesting tonight. Will you listen to it?"

"Sure. What time?"

"9:00 pm. Make sure to listen, okay?"

"I will."

"Give me your number. I'll text you to make sure you will tune in."


It's Yena's turn to laugh. They exchanged numbers as they go their separate ways.


"Make sure to listen, okay? - Yuri


Yena smiled upon reading Yuri's text. She tuned in as promised. It's not her first time to listen to Yuri's singing as she looked her up the day she found put that the latter is an indie singer. But she hoped to get the chance to her her live.

After one song, the DJ introduced his guest. A short interview followed after, about Yuri's journey to become a singer. The next song was sang live as well. A short commercial break followed. When the show came back, Yuri sang another song. The next interview portion talks about her habits before and after performing. The DJ asked about Yuri's future goals as well. The latter said she wanted to write more songs, even songs that other singers will sing. Lastly, she was asked about her singing and writing inspirations. Yuri mentioned that she recently wrote a song based from her experience.


"I was in a park writing some lyrics that come to mind when someone approached me to look after her skateboard then she hurriedly left."


The DJ chuckled. Yuri continued sharing her story. She was asked if she can sing a bit of the song, Yuri obliged.

As soon as the show ended, Yena called Yuri.


"Did you listen?"

"I want to hear the whole song."


Yuri laughed.


"Soon. You'll get to listen to it soon."


A short silence followed after.


"Hello, Yena. Still there?"

"Go out with me, Yuri. Let's date."


Yuri held her laughter.


"Are you dumb? Why did you think I asked you to tune in tonight? I gave you my answer already."

"Really? Does that mean…"

"Yes, you fool. I thought you would get it."

"A simple yes will do, why make it so complicated?"

"Okay, I'll just take it back."

"No, no. I was just kidding."

"You like the song?"

"Yes. I like who wrote it too."


Yuri chuckled.


"I like who I wrote it for too."

"It's official then, we're dating as of today."






"Good morning, my skater girl!"


Yena woke up to Yuri's message to her.


"Good morning!"

"Can I call you, baby?"


Yuri smiled from ear to ear upon reading Yena's reply.


"I'm your baby then"

"Good morning, baby!"


The singer and the dancer went to their respective studios. It's a new day, a new relationship is about to blossom. An unexpected encounter has turned into a romantic relationship. Yena invited her girlfriend to the dance studio where she works. She said that she'll show her real job. Yuri sat in in one of Yena's dance sessions. She took videos of her girlfriend and expressed her admiration to her.


"You dance so well. I was in awe the whole time"

"Hey! That's an exaggeration"

"No. I'm serious. You look so cool"


Yena laughed.


"You also said I'm cool when I ride my skateboard"

"I have such a cool girlfriend then"


Yena pinched Yuri's cheeks.


"I didn't know you'll be this cute. I like it"

"I'll take you to my work space next time"

"Sure. I'd love that"

"First, let me fulfill your wish"



Yuri handed Yena a ticket for her next gig. Yena hugged her girlfriend out of excitement. Yuri said goodbye as she had to go to the studio.






When Yuri stepped on the stage, her eyes met with a special person in the audience. Yena smiled as she waved to her girlfriend. When Yuri started to sing, the crowd was immediately drawn to her. Aside from Yuri who is happily performing, there's Yena who can't hide her happiness. She didn't take any videos or photos, she just watched and listened to her girlfriend's performance. Down to the last song, the audience kept egging for more. The singer granted their wish. Yuri took her guitar then made a short introduction for the song that she will be singing.


"This is an unreleased track, I just finished it recently. You guys are the first ones to hear it."


From the beginning to the end of the song, Yuri fixed her eyes on her girl. Yena can't stop smiling all throughout. The feeling of someone serenading you gotten to her. More than that, it's a song written for her, Yuri's skater girl.

After the gig, Yena waited outside. Yuri came running towards Yena. The latter spread her arms wide open to welcome her girl.


"You did great. Thanks for the serenade. I got you this"


Yena handed flowers to Yuri.


"Thank you!"



Yuri kissed Yena's cheek.






"Happy 100 days, baby!

See you later."


Yuri just sent a heart emoji as a reply. The couple celebrated their special day at the place where they met. Nothing fancy, just Yuri with her guitar and Yena with her skateboard. Under the stars, Yuri sang while her girlfriend jammed with her. Yena showed off her skateboarding skills but Yuri is both amazed and worried. As the night got deeper, the two began a serious conversation.


"Time really flies. I felt like we just met yesterday but we've been together for 100 days already", Yuri uttered.

"Time flies when you're in love I guess", Yena replied.

"I think you're right"

"Don't worry, we'll have more 100 days to celebrate"

"I'd love that"

"Me too"

"I'll write more songs for you"

"Write one that I can make a choreography with"

"You got it"


Yena smiled as she came closer to Yuri. She run her fingers to her girlfriend's hair.


"I'm glad that I left my skateboard with you that day."

"I'm glad I agreed to look after it"

"I love you"

"I love you too"


Yena kissed Yuri's lips.






It has been a bliss. They can't believe that it has been almost a year since they got together. Like all other relationships, it's not all happy moments. They had their fair share of misunderstandings and disagreements but at the end of the day, they kiss and make up.

If there's one thing that they always argue about, it's Yuri's concern towards Yena's hobby, skateboarding. Even before they got together, Yuri has been vocal in expressing that she finds it really dangerous. When they started dating, Yuri tried to be more understanding about it since her girlfriend really loves it. She always tagged along at skating events that Yena went to. Everytime they are at the park, Yena would bring her board with her. Yuri takes videos of her skater girl. Her concern spiked up after witnessing a skater getting injured in one of the events they went to. She began pointing out that if her girlfriend gets injured because it, her job will be at stake. She even suggested to look for another hobby that is less dangerous. But Yena assured her that it will not come to that point since it's just her hobby. She won't suffer such injuries because she can't even do those tricks that professionals do. She promised her girlfriend that she'll always be careful.

Yuri came to the park, she hasn't gone in a while. Just like what she used to, she plugged in her earphones then took her pen and notebook. Time passed by but she hasn't written anything. She removed her earphones and closed her notebook. As she looked around, she let out a deep sigh. Just then, she received a message from Yena.


"I miss you. Dinner?"


Yuri stared at her phone for a few minutes before replying.




As days went by, a thought kept boggling Yuri. She tried to shove it off and focus on what she's into right now. But no matter how she ignored it, this thought kept coming back. It didn't take long for Yena to notice that something is bothering her girlfriend. Yuri changed the subject everytime Yena begins pointing it out.

One day, while in the music studio, Yuri was in deep thought. She took her phone then browsed her photos. A curve was formed on her lips as she kept scanning pictures. After a while, the smile turned to sadness. She saw her pictures before she met Yena, her life as an indie singer. It occured to her that a part of her is missing that. And the thought that has been bothering her came to mind again.


"I think, I'm not ready to be in a relationship…"






Exactly a year after Yena left her skateboard to Yuri, the two went to the park as they reminisce how they met. Yena even asked if they can reenact what happened that day. With hesitation, Yuri gave in to what her girlfriend wanted. She sat on the bench then plugged her earphones and put out her pen and notebook. Yena run away where Yuri can't see her. The reenactment began. Yuri waited for Yena to approach her. When she did, she turned her attention to her.


"Hi, can I leave my skateboard here for a while? I just need to go somewhere real quick", Yena asked.


With hesitation, Yuri shook her head.




Yena was surprised on her girlfriend's response but she took it lightly.


"Hey! That's not what happened. It's not what you said. You said…"

"I'm saying no now…"



Yena dropped her skateboard as she stared at her girlfriend. Silence took over all of a sudden.


"I'm…sorry…", Yuri uttered in a cracked voice.

"Sorry…Yena…", she continued as her tears began to flow.

"What are you saying?" Yena asked slightly raising her voice.

"I think…I'm not ready for this…I felt like everything happened so fast and…"

"I love you!"


Yuri looked down as she can't stop the tears from falling. Yena calmed down and waited for Yuri to speak again.


"Let's…break…up…" Yuri uttered.


Yena didn't respond.


"I don't think I can fully commit in a relationship right now. I miss being with myself…I know it may sound as an excuse but these past few days I found myself contemplating if this would really work, our relationship. I'm sorry…had I known I'll be like this, I shouldn't have agreed to look after your skateboard…"

"Did my skateboarding play a part in your decision?"

"No, it's not like that. I know I've been vocal about my disapproval of your hobby but that's not the reason I'm asking for break up…It's not your fault my skater girl, this is about me…"

"What about me?"


Yuri looked into Yena's eyes before responding.


"I'm sorry."






After their break up, Yuri kept herself busy with her first love, music. From being an indie artist, she got an offer from a record label. Slowly, she began entering mainstream music industry. With more exposure and promotions, Yuri got to attend many music events. In one music festival she participated in, a familiar scene caught her attention. Beside the Hip Hop stage was a small skateboarding course. Aftet her set, she looked around and saw a group of skaters. It didn't take long for her to spot a very familiar face. A curve formed on her lips as she stared from afar. It's been two years since they last met. Yuri remembered the look on Yena's face vividly as she can only utter the words, "I'm sorry". Back then she said she wasn't ready for a relationship but now, she is.

Yuri was about to approach Yena but she was taken aback when a girl came running towards her skater girl. Even from a distance, she can tell that Yena is smiling while talking to the girl. What happened next made Yuri's smile disappear. Yena kissed the girl's lips. Just then Yuri realized, Yena is not her skater girl anymore.





Present Day


Yuri went to the hospital after seeing the accident that Yena got into. In her head she kept saying, "I told you it's dangerous". Once she arrived, she immediately looked for Yena. Rushing to the operating room, she stopped when she saw the same girl that she saw Yena kissed. She didn't stay as she can't even come near where Yena is. As she was leaving, her phone rang.



"Where are you? Did something happen? You sounded worried earlier"

"Ah, yeah…but everything's settled. I'm on my way to you."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes. I just saw someone I knew."

"Okay. See you. I love you"

"I love you too"


Yuri found a new love in Hyewon. This time, she's ready to commit in a relationship.




After a successful operation, Yena had to stay in the hospital for two weeks. While resting, Yena just kept watching movies and Youtube videos. A notification came while she's watching, "Yuri's Livestream started".

Yena quietly followed Yuri's music career. By doing so, she found herself gradually realizing what Yuri meant when she asked for the break up. It kind of helped her ease the pain of what they went through. She was happy for her. Yena began contemplating if she'll wait for Yuri to be ready or start finding her new happiness. She waited. But someone came along while she's waiting. Right then she made a choice, she took it as a sign. She found a new love in Chaewon.

Yena watched Yuri's livestream. Aside from singing her songs, Yuri entertained the questions from the comments.


"What story would you like your next song to be about?"

"Hmmm…something about missed timing."


Yuri kept reading the comments.


"Oh, you like someone at the moment but she doesn't like you and when she finally realized that she likes you too,but you're not interested anymore"

"Something to that effect"


As Yuri was seeing her viewers reaction, she said this, "About someone who got away from you but you're happy for where she is right now".


"The one that got away"

"We all have that one, right?"



Yena stopped watching the stream as she began to tear up.









What are the chances that you are each other's "the one that got away"?











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snsdsoshigg #1
Chapter 7: THIS IS CUTE!!!
island_sam #2
Chapter 4: oh, this is interesting. does the story of Chaewon and Sakura continue? anyway i like it very much.
Chapter 8: its good, but is it happy ending or sad ending? i really can't decide it lol. i think yena and yuri must be happier if they're together right?
1762 streak #4
Chapter 8: wow this was good!
nandatandini #5
Chapter 7: jinjoo :’
Mongmin #6
Chapter 8: mongmin with drama but a happy ending please!
Mongmin #7
mongmin mongmin mongmin mongmin mongmin NEXT
Mongmin #8
mongmin pleaseeeeee
285 streak #9
Chapter 7: I'm somehow curious what's the song content? Hehe but cheers to your good story authornim thanks! <3
Mongmin #10
hyejoo please?