
HHWW - Holding Hands While Walking




"I don't understand why you have to hold hands while walking... I mean, you can walk side by side then walk at the same time. Why the need to hold each other's hand? Unless one is having a hard time to walk, that's when you hold that person's hand. You naturally help that person. But casually walking in the streets, even in the university grounds while holding hands makes me cringe for some reason."

"You'll understand when you find someone to hold hands with. It's natural to hold hands, a way of showing affection, of being there. For me, it's really sweet. I mean, look at them, they look so happy. So, stop the bitterness and see it in a different light. It's like assuring someone of your presence. And it's not for lovers only, it's for all your loved ones too and we can even do it..."

Chaewon stepped away the moment she heard what Hitomi said. They've been bestfriends for quite a long time now. They have embraced their personality differences and allowed a beautiful friendship to blossom. Chaewon, at first glance looks intimidating. She got that strong aura that makes you hesitate to approach her. But it's just on the outside. She's really a soft cookie. Hitomi realized that when she looked beyond what other's said about Chaewon. She has a pure heart. She always see things in a different perspective, always looking for the good in everybody. Finding someone who accepts you as you are, someone who has the courage to talk you out, that person who will support you no matter what but will hit you in the head when you do something foolish, a friend like that is hard to find. Chaewon and Hitomi are glad they found each other.

"Come on Chaewon, let's hold hands", Hitomi said as she approached Chaewon who stepped away.

"I don't want to", Chaewon replied.

"Let's do it so you'll understand what it feels to hold someone's hand while walking."

"I don't want to understand it, okay? Seeing it makes me cringe, what more if I actually do it? I might throw up."

"You're exaggerating. You put your arms on my shoulders, we even hug. It's just holding hands."

"That's different, we didn't do that while walking. I wrapped my arm on your shoulders to comfort you. I hugged you because I was so happy for you. See, it's not the same. We walk side by side together without the need to hold hands. Let's not complicate things."

"Whatever. Let's go! We're late for our class."


Rushing to their classroom, the two bumped to someone who seemed lost. A girl with long black hair and with a really white complexion was in front of them. It looked like Snow White came to life. 

"Do you know where's the auditorium?", the girl asked.

"Ah... Which one? I mean, there are..."

"The one used by music majors."

Hitomi told the girl where to go. She thanked them and they part ways.

"She's definitely not from here."

"That's obvious, she don't know where to go."

"She's not human..."


"How can a human be that pretty? She's a goddess."



"Nothing. I think your heart just beat faster."

"Let's go inside."




When their class is over, Chaewon and Hitomi walked together in the university grounds. From afar, Chaewon recognized the girl who asked direction from them. 

"It's Snow White", Chaewon uttered.

"You're fast. You recognized her right away", Hitomi replied.

"She's easy to recognize, she's drawing attention naturally."

"Ah... that's why you're drawn to her..."

"What are you saying?"

"Your eyes are fixed on her that you might trip..."

"Let's go. You're starting to spew nonsense."

"Wait! She looks lost again. Let's help her."

"Yah! Stop teasing me!"

Chaewon was about to argue when she saw Hitomi running towards Snow White. She went after her.

"What are you trying to do?", Chaewon asked as she tries to catch her breath.

"I'm just trying to help", Hitomi answered.

"Of course, you are."



The girl with a long black hair turned to them. She smiled. Hitomi smiled back while Chaewon froze.

"You need help?", Hitomi asked.

"Ah... not really. I was just waiting for my friend. She studies here", the girl replied.

"Ah... I'm Hitomi by the way and this is my friend Chaewon."

"Minju. Kim Minju."

"Your friend is a music major?"

"Yes. I haven't seen her in a while so I visited her."

"It's nice to meet you."

"You too. Thank you for helping me earlier."

"No problem."

Chaewon just stayed silent the whole time Minju and Hitomi are talking. As they go their separate ways, Hitomi gave Chaewon a confused look.

"What was that?", she asked.

"Huh?", Chaewon replied.

"You didn't say a word. You just stood there."

"I... my... heart... kept... beating...fast..."


"We just had a conversation with an angel, my heart didn't manage to take it."

"I was right. Too bad, you might not see her again."



During their lunch break, Chaewon is browsing on her phone instead of eating. Hitomi ignored it at first but she's concerned her bestfriend will skip lunch just because she's busy with her phone. 

"Hey! Will you stop browsing and start eating", Hitomi scolded.

"Wait", Chaewon replied.

Hitomi transferred beside Chaewon to peek into what she's been looking at.

"I knew it", Hitomi commented.

"What? I just checked her account", Chaewon responded.

"You're stalking her."

"No. I was just curious."

"Go on. Follow her. Maybe you'll get a chance to meet again."

Chaewon put her phone down then started eating. She followed Minju's account.


"She didn't follow me back", Chaewon said.

"Really? But she followed me back", Hitomi said.

"Wait, you followed her too?"

"Yeah. I wanted to make friends with her."

"Maybe she doesn't want to make friends with me... she didn't remember me... only you..."

Chaewon pouted as her excitement died down. After a while, she's back browsing on Instagram. 'It's okay if she don't follow me back, I'll follow her still', Chaewon told herself. Meanwhile, Hitomi was just glancing at her. A loud scream from Chaewon made her bestfriend worried. 

"Why? What happened?", Hitomi asked.

Chaewon showed her phone to Hitomi. Minju followed her back. Hitomi hit Chaewon's head and told her that screaming like that just because of a follow back is really stupid. But seeing her bestfriend that happy put a smile on her face. 

"Have you seen her photos?" Chaewon asked.

"Minju's?", Hitomi replied.

"Yup. Her selcas are out of this world. Really godly."

"You just like her..."

"Hey! I'm just appreciating her visual. I've never seen anyone like her."

"You're already whipped..."

"But you see, her food photos are... weird..."

"Well, the world is still fair. She's not that perfect after all."

"That's cute though. It's like seeing different sides of her."

"As expected, everything is good when it comes to the person you like."


With that, Chaewon and Minju became SNS friends. At least for now, thats their status since they live quite far from each other. Meeting up is not easy and they are both still studying. 

Minju expressed her amazement on Chaewon's voice upon seeing the videos of her singing uploaded on her account. She said that she hoped she can hear it live one day. She said that she never thought they'll get along since their first meeting did not seem that good. Minju asked Chaewon why she didn't say much that time. She kind of thought that she's not friendly. Chaewon just said that she got shy and a little intimidated because of Minju's presence. Minju is glad that her first impression of Chaewon didn't last. As she began to know her, she realized that she's someone who is really sweet. She never knew that she would be someone that will match her personality.

Although they've been seeing each other in their computer and cellphone screens, Minju kept expressing her desire to meet in person while Chaewon is still mustering up some courage to face 'Snow White' again. Admittedly, she is confident now because she can hide behind her keyboard, her cellphone. 

Chaewon realized that Minju is more than just a pretty face. She has a pure heart. Now she's more drawn to her. A pretty girl with good personality, who wouldn't fall in love? Chaewon found out the reason why Minju was at their university last time. The friend Minju met back then is diagnosed with a terminal disease. Since she haven't seen her for a long time, she took time to visit her. Hearing that made Chaewon sad but at the same time more drawn to Minju. 'She's an angel', she kept telling herself. 

After giving it much thought, she agreed to meet up with Minju in person. Well, it's not an ordinary meet up, she wanted to confess to her. She took the first step by inviting Minju at the foundation day of their university. She waited for her response and when Minju said yes to her invite, she got excited and nervous at the same time. She told her bestfriend about it.

"I think I found her...", Chaewon uttered.

"Who?", Hitomi asked.

"Someone I can hold hands with while walking..."

"Oh... I thought you hated it?"

"Well, maybe I want it now."

"You're going to confess to her?"

"Yes. I invited her in our foundation day."


"Yeah. And she said she'll go."

"Good luck! I'll probably end up teasing you when I see you hold hands while walking."

"We're actually getting ahead of ourselves. Let's first hope that she likes me too. What do you think?"

"Honestly, I think she does. The way she talks about you in our conversations says it all. Don't worry. You'll get to hold her hand."

Chaewon hugged Hitomi tightly.

"Thank you! You're the best", Chaewon said.

"You're hugging me tight but you're allergic to holding hands...", Hitomi whispered.


The university grounds is surrounded with different booths and filled with a lot of people. A stage was set up in the middle of the field where different programs and contests take place. Today, Chaewon wanted to grant Minju's wish, to hear her sing live. She joined a singing contest. As she stepped up the stage, she scanned the audience to spot Minju but failed to. She's too nervous. Before she began singing, she sent out a message.

"I don't know if you can hear me... but I hope you're already here. You said you wanted to hear me sing live so I joined this contest for you..."

The audience began cheering making Chaewon pause.

"I...like you..."

The cheer from the crowd grew louder.

"I really like you."

While Chaewon was speaking, Minju was standing beside Hitomi. She was speechless. She glanced at Hitomi as if asking what's going on but a smile is all she got. Still in disbelief, Minju listened to Chaewon's song. Hitomi stayed beside her. When the song ended, Minju looked at Hitomi before running towards the stage.

Once she stepped off the stage, Chaewon took her phone and called Minju. She hung up as she saw Minju running towards her. 

"Why are you running?"

Minju tried to catch her breath before speaking.

"I just wanted to say that hearing you sing live is quite an experience."


"And... I was there, I was beside Hitomi actually. I heard everything."

Chaewon smiled.

"Thank you for coming! I'm glad you're here."

"You won't ask for my answer?"

"I didn't ask a question though... I simply said what my heart wanted to say."

"Then, would you like to hear what my heart wanted to say?"

Before Chaewon could respond, Minju uttered, "I like you too". 



Chaewon called Hitomi as she has not seen her after the contest. She wanted to share what happened. Minju said that she left Hitomi to run towards her so they went to where they stayed to watch Chaewon's performance. Hitomi was not there and she is not answering her phone. Chaewon just sent her a message. 

Chaewon strolled around with her Snow White. She's been hesitating to hold Minju's hand not knowing that the latter actually noticed. Minju held Chaewon's hand then intertwined their fingers. She smiled after. Chaewon blushed.

"I saw you trying to hold it but you kept holding back..."

"Ah... I'm not into holding hands while walking..."

Minju immediately let go of Chaewon's hand. 

"Here me out first", Chaewon uttered as she reached for Minju's hand again.

"That was before... I find it cringy... Just because...", she continued.

"Now?", Minju asked.

"I found the one to hold hands with while walking", Chaewon answered.

Minju tightened her grip on Chaewon's hand as they continued walking. After a while, Chaewon's phone rang. Hitomi is calling. Chaewon did not let go of Minju's hand as she answered the call.

"So, you ate up all the words you said before", Hitomi said while laughing.

"Hey! Where are you? Why did you disappear all of a sudden?", Chaewon asked.

"Just going around."

"Where? Why didn't you join us?"

"It's fine. Enjoy your time with Snow White. I'll just be around we might bump into each other later on."

"Okay. By the way, I understood what you said about assuring someone of their presence by holding their hand. It's a magical feeling."

"I'm happy for you."




Hitomi let out a deep sigh after she hung up.

"That should be me", she told herself as she look at Chaewon and Minju from afar. 

"If I had the courage to tell you how I feel... maybe, you won't runaway when I ask you to hold hands while we walk around."

"Stupid. I like you, ChaewonI like you, more than just as my bestfriend."

"like you so much that held back when I saw how happy you are meeting Snow White. lost at first sightI knew you'll fall for her."

"I like you but it doesn't matter anymore... you found the one you'll hold hands with while walking. And here am with no one to hold my hand and with no one to even walk with..."









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snsdsoshigg #1
Chapter 7: THIS IS CUTE!!!
island_sam #2
Chapter 4: oh, this is interesting. does the story of Chaewon and Sakura continue? anyway i like it very much.
Chapter 8: its good, but is it happy ending or sad ending? i really can't decide it lol. i think yena and yuri must be happier if they're together right?
1762 streak #4
Chapter 8: wow this was good!
nandatandini #5
Chapter 7: jinjoo :’
Mongmin #6
Chapter 8: mongmin with drama but a happy ending please!
Mongmin #7
mongmin mongmin mongmin mongmin mongmin NEXT
Mongmin #8
mongmin pleaseeeeee
285 streak #9
Chapter 7: I'm somehow curious what's the song content? Hehe but cheers to your good story authornim thanks! <3
Mongmin #10
hyejoo please?