
YOLO - You Only Live Once





During their break time, Sakura and her classmates gathered around to play 'Ice Breaker'. It's a set of cards with random questions written on it, mostly 'getting to know you' type of questions. Almost half of the class joined. It's fitting because the semester just started. Everyone will get a chance to draw a card then he or she will read the question aloud then answer it. They can opt to pass and not answer the question if they don't feel like sharing it to everyone or it's uncomfortable for them. It's not a strict question and answer, in fact there are some questions that doesn't require any explanation. From love, family, friends, beliefs, favorites, likes, dislikes, and everything under the sun, it's there.

'Name three things you fear the most.'

Sakura read aloud then she started enumerating. Everyone listened to her.

"First, losing my loved ones. Second, rejection. And last, amusement rides."

From a serious mood, some laughed on the last thing Sakura mentioned. Some agreed to her, others expressed their excitement rather than fear on getting on amusement rides. 

"Even bump car?", one of her classmates asked.

"No. Just the big rides. You know, the ones where everyone scream so loud and just by looking at it you'll have fear that you may fall", Sakura replied.

The game continued. Just a few minutes before their break time ends, Eunbi is the last to pick a card.

'One thing you want to try but afraid of what people might say.'

"Oh...", everyone reacted.

"Hmmm... I want to kiss a girl", Eunbi said.

Some were shocked, others clapped, Eunbi smiled brightly. The bell rang, break time is over. 






In time for their school trip, their teacher announced the itineraries. Sakura can't hide her disappointment the moment she heard 'Amusement Park'. Some of her classmates even looked at her. She even raised her hand and asked their teacher why they have to go to an amusement park on a school trip. But the itineraries are final, it's part of the package. It's actually the culmination of the trip where the students can just enjoy, have fun.

One day before their school trip, the class decided to draw lots on who are they going to be seatmates with in the bus. Some are hesitant at first because from the announcement of the school trip they already planned their seating arrangement. Later on, they came into an agreement, it's an opportunity to interact with their other classmates aside from the ones they are always with. One by one, they pick a paper with a number written on it. The person who picks the same number is going to be his or her seatmate. After everyone picked, some were glad they're seatmates with the ones they're close with while others are not so happy finding out their seatmates. Well, it's just in the bus, once they arrive on their itineraries they can be with their friends.



It's the day of the school trip. Everyone is excited. Sakura is excited too except about their last stop. She hopped in the bus and looked for her seat. When she got there, the seats were empty. She put down her things and sat comfortably. She asked her classmate seating in front of her if they can exchange seats. Another classmate overheard their conversation and called the attention of the whole class. Changing seats were not allowed. In the middle of that commotion, Eunbi arrived. Sakura just took her seat and put her headphones on and closed her eyes. A tap on her shoulder made her open her eyes again. She removed her headphones then smiled.

"Hi!", Eunbi greeted.

"Hi!", Sakura replied.

Eunbi and Sakura are not close to each other. They have different circle of friends in the classroom. Their interactions are limited to school work and rare big group hangouts but they really don't know each other that deep. 

"I heard you wanted to exchange seats", Eunbi said.

"Ah...yes...I tried but they didn't allow it", Sakura replied.

Eunbi looked around and even stood up, Sakura got confused on what she's doing.

"I'm looking for someone I can exchange seats with", Eunbi uttered.

Sakura gently pulled her to make her sit again.

"It's okay. There's no need to exchange seats. Sorry, I think I offended you", she said.

"It's fine, I understand", Eunbi replied as she tried to stand again. This time, Sakura stopped her.

"I said it's okay. Let's stay as seatmates", Sakura insisted.

"Okay", Eunbi responded.

After a while, they are complete and ready to go. Sakura put her headphones on and closed her eyes again. Eunbi glanced at her then she got busy with her phone. About an hour later, they arrive to their first destination. Everyone is getting ready to get off the bus when Eunbi noticed that Sakura is still sleeping. She tapped her seatmates' arm and told her they arrived already. Sakura slowly opened her eyes and saw Eunbi in front of her. She removed her headphones quickly and got ready to hop off the bus. Once they got off, they joined their friends as the tour begins. After going around for about an hour, they are instructed to return to their bus. When Sakura went back to their seat, Eunbi is already there. Eunbi quickly stood up so Sakura can take the window seat but the latter said she'll take the aisle seat. 

"It was fun, right?", Eunbi started the conversation.

"Yeah", Sakura answered.

"Are you sure, you're okay to sit there? You seemed to like the window seat."

"I'm good. Don't worry."


Sakura took her phone and started browsing. Eunbi put out some snacks and offered it to Sakura. 

"Thank you!", Sakura said.

"You're welcome", Eunbi replied.

Just like any other bus ride during school trips, everyone have their own way to have fun. Some are singing, others are playing games, there are some who just share stories to one another and there are those who cancel the noise by putting their earphones on and keeping the volume up. 

Without them knowing, they're at their second destination. Everyone started preparing to get off the bus. It hasn't been long since they arrive but almost everyone was in a rush so they can get back to the bus. Meanwhile, Sakura make the most of her time. She wanted to stay there if possible. After this, they are on the way to their last stop, the Amusement Park. Sakura literally dragged her feet just to get back to their bus. She's the only one they're waiting for. 

"What took you so long?", Eunbi asked.

"I actually wanted to just stay here", Sakura replied.

Eunbi blurted a short laugh. Sakura smirked.

"There are other things to do in the Amusement Park, it's not just rides, you know?", Eunbi said.

"I know... still...", Sakura responded.

"Why don't you give it a try? I mean, try to conquer your fear."

"I don't know. Why would I allow myself to suffer when I can avoid it?"

"Hmmm... You have a point. But we only live once, you know. Don't miss the fun, the chance to overcome things."

"You have a point too. Let's see... I might change my mind once we get there."


On their way to their last destination, Sakura and Eunbi started to have small talks. Being seatmates on this trip paved the way for them to get to know each other a bit more. The draw lots for their seating arrangement in the bus is not bad after all.


Just like that, they are at the Amusement Park. When they hopped off the bus, Eunbi teased Sakura on riding extreme rides. Sakura just forced a smile. They roamed around with their different circle of friends. 

After getting on different rides, Eunbi and her friends strolled around while eating ice cream. As they kept on walking, Eunbi saw Sakura sitting on a bench near the roller coaster. She excused herself from her friends and approached Sakura. 

"Are you okay? Why are you alone?", Eunbi asked.

"I did it", Sakura replied.

"You faced your fear?"

"I rode that thing", Sakura pointed at the biggest roller coaster in that amusement park.

Eunbi raised her hand that's holding the ice cream. "Yehey!", she cheered.

Sakura smiled.

"How was it?", Eunbi inquired.

"Nerve wracking...at first. My eyes were closed almost the whole time and I just scream from the top of my lungs", Sakura responded.

Eunbi smiled. 

"I'm glad you tried it. Try another one", she said.

Sakura declined.

"No, thanks. One is enough", she answered.

"Just the Ferris Wheel", Eunbi pointed.

Eunbi's friends called her out and invited her to join them. She said goodbye to Sakura. They are going to ride the Ferris Wheel. When they are at the entrance of the ride, Eunbi saw Sakura there with her friends. She smiled at her, Sakura smiled back. They all lined up to get on the ride. Eunbi approached Sakura.

"I thought one is enough", she commented.

"I thought you said we only live once", Sakura replied.

They smiled at each other.

"They said it's not that scary. It's just really high", Sakura said.

"It's relaxing", Eunbi uttered.

The people started to get in the Ferris wheel capsules. Eunbi and Sakura were busy talking to each other that their friends already got in. They are the ones left, they don't know those people behind them. The two ended up riding the capsule together.

"Are we suppose to sit opposite to each other or beside each other?", Sakura asked.

Eunbi blurted a short laugh.

"Just sit where you feel comfortable", Eunbi answered.

"I don't really feel comfortable now", Sakura said as she tried to look outside.

"Relax. Let's enjoy this ride", Eunbi said.

Once the capsules are all occupied, the wheel started to turn. Sakura closed her eyes as her natural response. Eunbi just looked at her. 

"You're missing out on a great view if you keep your eyes closed", Eunbi uttered.

"Are we that high already?", Sakura asked.

"I don't know."


"See it for yourself."

Sakura slowly opened her eyes. Eunbi encouraged her to look outside.

"Wow! This is beautiful", Sakura commented.

"It is", Eunbi responded.

"This is better. It's relaxing like you said."

Eunbi and Sakura were sitting beside each other. Eunbi was looking outside when Sakura suddenly kissed her cheek. Eunbi moved back a little, a bit startled.

"Why did you kiss me?", Eunbi asked.

"Sorry...I just wanted to say thank you...", Sakura responded.

There was silence afterwards.

"You said you wanted to kiss a girl", Sakura said.

Eunbi laughed. Sakura just stared at her.

"It's not that...", Eunbi wanted to explain but Sakura gave her a peck on the lips.

"This?", Sakura asked.

Eunbi shook her head. 

"We only live once, why not go all out?", Eunbi said as she moved closer to Sakura. She lifted Sakura's chin and parted her lips, she went for a kiss. This is what she meant when she said that she wanted to kiss a girl. 

When they break the kiss, the ride is almost over. They smiled at each other. Once they got off, they were teased by their classmates. Sakura and Eunbi tried to act as if nothing happened. One of their classmates showed them a video.


It's them.


















Happy Valentine's Day! 💞

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snsdsoshigg #1
Chapter 7: THIS IS CUTE!!!
island_sam #2
Chapter 4: oh, this is interesting. does the story of Chaewon and Sakura continue? anyway i like it very much.
Chapter 8: its good, but is it happy ending or sad ending? i really can't decide it lol. i think yena and yuri must be happier if they're together right?
1762 streak #4
Chapter 8: wow this was good!
nandatandini #5
Chapter 7: jinjoo :’
Mongmin #6
Chapter 8: mongmin with drama but a happy ending please!
Mongmin #7
mongmin mongmin mongmin mongmin mongmin NEXT
Mongmin #8
mongmin pleaseeeeee
285 streak #9
Chapter 7: I'm somehow curious what's the song content? Hehe but cheers to your good story authornim thanks! <3
Mongmin #10
hyejoo please?