
HBD - Happy Birthday





They say that as you grow older, you get less excited about your birthday to the point you're forgetting it. As years go by, your birthday is just like any ordinary day. That's the case for Sakura. For her, she stopped looking forward to her birthday when she turned 17. Her birthdays after that don't excite her anymore. Even when she had a relationship, she never anticipated anything. For her, birthdays just make you older. You just got to be thankful that you live, you don't need anything grand to highlight it. 

Going about her everyday routine, Sakura went to work right after shower. She skipped breakfast as she's running late for her meeting. Heading straight to the bus station, she fixed her hair then waited for the bus to arrive. While waiting, she noticed an LED billboard near the station. What caught her attention was her image. It's a birthday advertisement, her birthday advertisement. She kept looking up to confirm if it's really for her. She quickly checked her phone to see the date. Yes, it's her birthday today. Sakura found herself in disbelief on what she's seeing. She doesn't pay much attention to her birthday anymore, so seeing something like this is unusual for her. The bus arrived. Sakura checked her phone again and saw birthday greetings from her family and close friends. She smiled but her mind was on the billboard she saw. 'Who did that?', is the question running on her head. 

When Sakura arrived at her workplace, one of her officemates told her that she saw the birthday ad near the bus station. After a while, another colleague approached her and said the same thing. During lunch break, it became their topic since they had a lunch out to celebrate Sakura's birthday. Her officemates kept asking who did it but Sakura can't give an answer because she doesn't really know. She even put the suspiscion towards her colleagues but she just got laughed at. They said they wouldn't spend that much money just for a birthday ad. Sakura was still clueless who did it.

Going home after work, Sakura decided to check if her birthday ad is still up. It is. She just stared at it until she felt her neck get numb. At this point, she tried to figure out who possibly did it. She looked for the one in charge for LED billboard ads in that area then inquired for her birthday ad. Unfortunately, the one who requested the ad wanted to be kept anonymous. Sakura even insisted that it's for her so maybe they can make an exception but it's to no avail. When she got home, she went straight to the fridge then grabbed a can of beer. She almost chugged the whole can as she realized, she just had the most mysterious birthday ever. She finished her beer before freshning up. With the billboard ad still on her head, she grabbed another can of beer then she sat on her couch. She received a message from her bestfriend, Nako.

"I saw it. Your birthday ad."

"Any idea who did it?"

"Of course it's her."


"Your ex."

"It's not funny."

"I'm not trying to be funny. Who else would do that for you? Tell me."


"Now, that's funny."

"Are you sure it's her?"

"Well... I can't think of anyone else so... I really think it's her."

"I kept dismissing the possibility that it's her the whole day but after hearing it from you... I guess, it's really her."

"She's reaching out to you obviously. What will you do?"

"I don't know."

"Whatever you decide on doing, I'll be here for you. Happy birthday, Senpai!"



The ad will be up for a week. It's the third day that Sakura came across it. If it's really her ex's doing, she doesn't know if she's ready to see her again. She let out a deep sigh. "Four more days", she told herself as she get on the bus. 


Eight months ago, Sakura decided to end her two-year relationship with her girlfriend, Hyewon. There's no third party, no issue with their families, all the people around them are supportive towards their relationship but Sakura initiated the break up. She wanted space. She wanted to end their relationship but Hyewon is against it. 

"Do you really believe that?", the question asked by Hyewon when Sakura said that she felt choked up in their relationship. Yes, she's super clingy, she knows that. But it's her way of showing affection and she knows when to stop. She meddle with her girlfriend's affairs but for her, it's only for the latter's own good. She never thought that Sakura felt that way. Hearing the words 'controlling', 'always right', 'you', 'me, myself', 'I give up', made Hyewon froze. It started to sink in, Sakura is breaking up with her. Tears started to flow from her eyes as she watch Sakura slowly walk away from her. 

Hyewon doesn't want to give the space that Sakura is asking for. For her, they can still work it out. Asking for space doesn't always equate to  a break up. She believed that, maybe Sakura needed time to think. She gave it to her. Three days. After that, she tried her best to get through her girlfriend. She called her, messaged her, went to her home and work place, she even asked their friends for help, she didn't get the result she wanted. Sakura has made up her mind already. It's over. Hyewon found it hard to accept. She doesn't know if she'll be able to accept it at all. When her efforts seemed futile and the people around her are convincing her to stop already, Hyewon thought of giving it one last shot. If it won't work, maybe, this is really the end for them. 

Hyewon is someone who would always go an extra mile for her girlfriend. It's her way of making her partner feel special. She closed a theme park, reserved the whole restaurant, paid artists to perform, made banners, cards, etc. She also tried to cook for her girlfriend even if she doesn't cook at all. Looking back at it now, she contemplated if she had gone overboard. But Sakura didn't made a fuss about it before, she appreciated it. 'What went wrong?', she asked herself. 

Considering it the last chance to save their relationship, Hyewon asked Sakura to meet with her and talk. The two met at the place where they first saw each other, a cat cafe'. 

"Thank you for agreeing to meet", Hyewon uttered.

"You said this is the last, so...", Sakura said.

"I'm sorry... I can't give you want you want."

"I'm sorry I can't give you what you want either."

"Give me a chance to make it right, to be better."

"I need this. I want this."

"You want me out of your life for good? You need that? You want that?"


Hyewon paused. She's starting to realize that her last chance is really the last. She put her head down trying to hide the tears falling.

"I'm sorry... Let's end this... Let's not see each other again..."

"I told you I don't want to..."

"I won't change my mind. It's over. We're done."

Hyewon wiped her tears then looked straight into Sakura's eyes.

"I never agreed to this. I don't want to break up with you. I can't. But I'm giving you what you want, space. I wish for your happiness. Just so you know, this hurts like hell."

Hyewon stood up. She let out a deep sigh. And before leaving, she uttered the words she wanted to say the most.

"I love you."



Sakura got what she wanted, the space she asked for. After their last meet up at the cat cafe', Hyewon didn't bother her anymore. No message, no call, nothing. It felt weird at first. She'll be lying if she didn't feel sad about it. She did. But in her heart she knew that's the right thing to do. If she hadn't speak up regarding how she feels that time, she'll end up feeling choked up until now. She went on with her life without Hyewon. It took a while but she found happiness again. She started anew. From time to time, she can't help but remember her past love. When that happens, all she does is hope that Hyewon found her happiness too, that the hurt she caused is healed by now. 




It's the last day of Sakura's birthday ad. For the last time, Sakura stared at it then she went to her favorite cafe', the cat cafe'. A week after her birthday is their anniversary, supposed to be third anniversary. She went to the cafe' hoping to see Hyewon. 'Maybe she remembered like she didn't forget my birthday', Sakura thought. She missed her. She missed her clingy girlfriend. 

The space she asked for made her realize a lot of things. She found happiness as she do things on her own. She understood herself even more as she handle stuff by herself. But there are times when she missed being with someone. Actually, she wanted to be the first to reach out but she don't seem to find the courage to do so. Everytime she think of coming back to Hyewon she remembered the last words her girlfriend uttered, '...this hurts like hell...'. She thought maybe, their chance already slipped away. That thought changed when she saw the birthday ad. It gave her hope. This time it's her turn to have a last chance. 

Patiently waiting and scanning the cafe', Sakura is starting to feel hopeless as the cafe' nears it's closing time. Not long after, she realized that she's the only one left in the cafe'. One hour before it closes. Sakura is staring at her phone looking at the pictures of her birthday ad. She is smiling like a fool that she didn't notice that someone actually came in.

It's Hyewon.

Hyewon sat at farthest table from Sakura. She just stared at her. When Sakura finally put her phone down and looked up, she saw Hyewon staring at her. She looked around then blinked her eyes to make sure she's not hallucinating. 

"It's me", Hyewon said.

"Ah... Hi!", Sakura replied.

"Why are you here?"

"Ahmmm... I remembered... our... anniversary..."

"Third. It's supposed to be our third..."

"You, why are you here?"

"I come here everyday."

Sakura paused. She tried so hard not to let her emotions get the best of her.

"I saw the birthday ad..."

"You liked it?"

"I'm really surprised by it."

"I thought... maybe... it will... get your attention..."

"It did. Thank you!"

"I miss you..."

Silence followed after as Sakura held back her tears.

"Why are you sitting there?"

"You needed space, remember?"

"I don't need it anymore."

"Are you sure? Because if I come closer, you will not have any space at all. I'll make sure of that."

Sakura nodded. Hyewon ran towards Sakura and hugged her tightly. They just let go of each other when a cafe' staff approached them telling them that they need to close. 

"I missed you", Hyewon uttered.

"I love you", Sakura replied.









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snsdsoshigg #1
Chapter 7: THIS IS CUTE!!!
island_sam #2
Chapter 4: oh, this is interesting. does the story of Chaewon and Sakura continue? anyway i like it very much.
Chapter 8: its good, but is it happy ending or sad ending? i really can't decide it lol. i think yena and yuri must be happier if they're together right?
1762 streak #4
Chapter 8: wow this was good!
nandatandini #5
Chapter 7: jinjoo :’
Mongmin #6
Chapter 8: mongmin with drama but a happy ending please!
Mongmin #7
mongmin mongmin mongmin mongmin mongmin NEXT
Mongmin #8
mongmin pleaseeeeee
285 streak #9
Chapter 7: I'm somehow curious what's the song content? Hehe but cheers to your good story authornim thanks! <3
Mongmin #10
hyejoo please?